Newspoll breaks out of its 53-47 straitjacket to record a 54-46 lead for Labor, from primary vote of Coalition 35% (down one), Labor 38% (up two), Greens 9% (down two) and One Nation 9% (up one). Leadership ratings also record substantial change for the first time a while, with Malcolm Turnbull down three on approval to 35% and up five on disapproval to 55%, and Bill Shorten down two to 34% and up three to 54%. Malcolm Turnbull leads 43-33 as preferred prime minister, down from 46-31 last time. The poll was conducted from a sample of 1675 from Thursday to Sunday. The Australian’s paywalled report here.
Newspoll: 54-46 to Labor
Malcolm Turnbull records an eight-point deterioration in his net approval rating, as Labor’s lead on voting intention widens still further.
Agree Ides. Aside from the non-disclosure debacle, Shorten has been reasonably good overall but you’re right: he is not a natural born communicator.
I happen to know that Shorten was born in Kenya.
Sohar @ #800 Monday, August 21st, 2017 – 10:20 pm
Perhaps Albo best start preparing to be installed as the new leader
Shut up Tony.
Shorten’s father was an orangutan from Borneo.
“Shut up Tony.”
Second that. Jones trying to be the star.
Isn’t it great to have Rex Douglas back again!
Shorten is doing an excellent job of demonstrating that policy is a complex business.
Of course this confuses the rabid right.
Shorten’s father was an orangutan from Borneo.
So he’s related to Trump then?
I wouldn’t know. Life is too short.
“We won’t give corporate tax cuts”
It is a killer argument, cuts through brick walls.
AND Jones!
Yes BK, Shorten has demonstrated tonight just how bare the coalition policy cupboard is. The govt gives us none of this kind of detail about anything!
Shorten is not polished. He really had a chance to excel tonight and hasnt met it. I say this as someone that would prefer Labor over the Coalition.
I’d like to see the critics of Shorten tonight deal with the variety of questions shot at him.
Ides of March are you a Green voter?
You say it as a Green.
lizzie @ #815 Monday, August 21st, 2017 – 10:27 pm
but he’s running for PM though
I’d wager I’d be clearer in some areas.
There has been a distinct absence of uhms. ahs, ers and other fillers from Shorten tonight.
He’s trying to avoid the kind of empty shallow rhetoric that many here criticise political leaders for . Seems you can’t win either way with some people.
Shorten has been workmanlike. Which would make a welcome change from the dilletantism of Mr Harbourside Mansion.
Obviously Ides and Rex Shld be standing for Parliament.
I like Shorten’s style. He is talking with people instead of at them. I think we are so used to three-word slogans, blustering over the top harangues, and motor-mouth delivery that we have lost the ability to appreciate someone who is just having a discussion.
Shorten is talking to people, not triumphing over opponents. He comes over as someone who is taking his time to explain things.
Hanson’s stunt wasn’t just a “dumb distraction”, Bill. It was far worse.
I cant stand. I have dual nationality (and can read the S44 section)
Bill’s been ok but he seems a little concerned with getting his talking points across, at the expense of succinctly answering the question.
Not really liking his response to the question of the NBN.
Simple answer – fibre to the premises wherever possible.
I don’t think Shorten is doing too badly.
Shorten’s answer on the NBN was very disappointing. And perhaps politically ill advised.
There is no way Labor is going to avoid having to write down the FTTN parts of the network and the replacement of FTTN with FTTP. If they don’t it will become an increasingly hot political issue for Labor. I expect him to say “yes, we have a plan to replace it and we’ll figure that out”.
I’m happy to call Hanson a racist. Bill isn’t inclined.
BK, disagree. Too many ummms.
Great response from Bill re Pauline’s antics, brushing off idiotic interjections by Tony Jones.
Yes I didn’t like his answer on the NBN either.
The NBN is a non-issue for Bill Shorten.
Because I would like Bill Shorten to give better answers you must think I’m a Greens voter?
Sohar @ #800 Monday, August 21st, 2017 – 10:20 pm
Why on Earth would you want the birthers to win?
Greens and Liberals suffer from Shorten envy.
Poor things. All the have is DIN and what’she his name.
Why haven’t we had a referendum on recognising indigenous Australians in the Constitution? I thought that was coalition policy at both the 2013 and 2016 elections.
Ides of March @ #799 Monday, August 21st, 2017 – 10:19 pm
I want to see him motivate and inspire. Mainly he’s just explaining. Which is fine, but not terribly effective at changing any minds. It puts him in a similar basket as Hillary Clinton. Though without the handicap of also being a woman.
The NBA has been buggered up by the Liberals and the Nationals and the Greens.
Shorten is definitely a “trees” man ………… no presentation on a vision for the “forest”.
Just curious ides. I just find a lot of rusted on Greens to be obsessed with Shorten. I actually find it a bit weird.
Wage theft!
From au pairs…
Four years and your attacks on Shorten still aren’t cutting through. Sad.
I think this site sometimes need to realise the difference between criticism and constructive criticism.
Do we want an Australian head of state?
1990 Republic referendum? He’s about 10 years premature. 😆
Tony showing his antagonism by holding an arm across his chest
Two step approach to our head of state. That would mitigate the disaster of the last referendum.
Re the NBN, Bill said he couldn’t unscramble the egg and I think he’s right. He can’t go back to 2013, he’ll have to start with the mess the Coalition leave Labor after 5 years of L/NP vandalism. That’s the shit sandwich we face.
P.S. I didn’t know the L/NP has also buggered up the National Basketball Association (NBA).