Some news items from the past week of local tactical significance, plus, for your convenience, a revised version of yesterday’s electorate seats table incorporating corrections and a few things I’d missed, and the latest reading of BludgerTrack inclusive of Friday’s Ipsos and ReachTEL polls (see below).
• In a corrective to recent published marginal seat polling and the resulting impression that Labor is not getting the swings where it needs them, Laurie Oakes reports Labor polling shows them picking up 6% swings in the Hunter region seat of Paterson, giving them a lead of 57-43; the Central Coast seat of Robertson, for a lead of 53-47; and the Perth seat of Hasluck, putting them at 50-50 (compared with a 53-47 to the Liberals in the ReachTEL poll). In the Perth fringe seat of Pearce, which Christian Porter holds for the Liberals on a margin of 9.5%, the swing is said to be 9%.
• Bill Shorten yesterday promised the federal government would contribute $400 million to a north-south rail link in western Sydney accommodating the proposed site of the Badgerys Creek airport, which would be particularly advantageous in the seats of Macarthur, Werriwa and Lindsay.
• Malcolm Turnbull travelled to Townsville on Monday to promise $1 billion of Clean Energy Finance Corporation funding would be devoted to supporting the Great Barrier Reef, through concessional loans to agricultural projects and sewage treatment plant upgrades. Target seats include Leichhardt, Herbert, Dawson, Capricornia and Flynn.
• The Nationals are taking Cowper seriously enough to have had Barnaby Joyce visit the electorate on Tuesday to promise $1.25 million on an upgrade of the Port Macquarie airport.
• The Liberal candidate for the winnable Melbourne fringe seat of McEwen, Chris Jermyn, was in the news for the third time during the campaign on Thursday, when The Age reported the Christmas Hills address at which he was enrolled was an “empty block of land”. The Australian reported yesterday he was actually enrolled at a house in Wallan, but it appears he was enrolled at the Christmas Hills address when he voted at the 2013 election.
edi_mahin @ #1098 Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 10:42 pm
Doesn’t God like puns?
Must we endure religious proselytising on a politics and psephological blog?
Cat, you asked the first question.
Player One, LOL
RH Wombat@1001
Stoning seems in fashion for those who follow the bible. Here are the circumstances, with references , when the bible says people should be stoned:
I think Edi_Mahin is taking the mickey and not to be taken seriously.
Nah. Oakshott Country’s is the plumber. I’m an Infectious Disease physician. I can do a decent plague or Job lot of boils, though I doubt whether tests of faith from a devout atheist like me would satisfy Edi’s cosmology.
lindsay ross @ #756 Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 7:54 pm
You are assuming that the Liberal launch isn’t something Labor would want to get as much exposure as possible.
It could well turn out that way.
Douglas and Milko,
Anyone who commits child sacrifice to a god (Molec) probably should be stoned but apart from that, not really needed these days.
Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 10:34 pm
Yes, Lee’s school doesn’t sound like any school I’ve ever seen or heard of, and the schools in this area are amongst the state’s most disadvantaged.
Typical selfish neoliberal trash talk.
For your info, i’m doin ok. trust me. its not me I worry about. neoliberal policies actually help people like me. Its the battlers I worry about. you can call me a liar or fabricator, whatever. Our so called public education system is a joke.
BTW. higgins is home to a few massive social housing towers, the type you see in outer london. hideous. which schools do you think these kids go to? leafy lower middle class suburbs? no. They go to struggling, crumbling inner city schools who need to deal with much more than basic education, next door to the wealthiest schools in the country rubbing their neoliberal results and larger public funding in their little faces. Trust me when I say its a disgrace. Do you know what the headmaster told my wife and I when the first issue arose? In not so many words, she said what are you doing here, you’ve got money, get your kid outa here.
You tories know nothing. labor are scum. liberals are scum. Always excuses excuses.
WarrenPeace, I am in good humour and not all of my posts have been completely serious, but beneath that I certainly do have very strong religious beliefs which do include all sex outside of marriage being wrong.
Well no, you were the one that tried to suggest that Shorten was somehow deficient in his personal life. Comments of that nature are going to get challenged.
JimmyDoyle, divorce is a failing in ones personal life. If he is going to put up his wife as part of the political debate then it becomes fair game to mention it.
Your entitled to your beliefs.
Edi_Mahin – Shorten’s personal life is irrelevant to his qualifications to be Prime Minister.
Given the Greens education policy is essentially “implement Gonski” ie. exactly the same as Labor’s, I’d love to know what exactly Lee thinks is so bad about Labor’s policy.
Not that the incoherent gibbering contributed thus far give me any hope of a clear and articulate argument, mind.
I was working in Chile during 2008, and was amused to see all the talk about “Jose el Gasfiteria”.
I think Peter Hartcher is in panic mode.
JimmyDoyle, divorce is a failing in ones personal life.
Judge not lest ye be judged.
diogenes @ #834 Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 8:45 pm
It is possible to simultaneously believe in the ideals and be prepared to recognise reality and temper those ideals to what the electorate will accept. Then at least some of the ideals can be attained.
Greens live in a binary world of all or nothing and inevitably get nothing.
It is possible to simultaneously believe in the ideals and be prepared to recognise reality and temper those ideals to what the electorate will accept.
1. Why is this even being discussed?
2. Okay, so then don’t have sex with anyone other than your partner, and don’t worry about what anyone else chooses to do. You’re welcome to hold and to practice your views on morality. The rest of us don’t have to agree or play along.
a b @ #882 Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 9:15 pm
Yeah, right.
Then why was it that Gillard was the one so hated by the electorate (as opposed to PB)?
jimmydoyle @ #985 Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 10:01 pm
edi_mahin @ #1113 Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 10:59 pm
you are seriously weird
flabbergasting intro from Leigh tonight… total panic has set into the LNP spear throwers .
Completely given up on any sense of impartiality