The News Corporation tabloids take a second bite of the Galaxy cherry in successive weekends, to mark the occasion of the looming Liberal leadership spill. It confirms last week’s shattering result for Tony Abbott in putting the Labor lead at 57-43. The inevitable questions on voting intention under Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop aren’t quite as dramatic as ReachTEL’s, with Labor maintaining leads of 51-49 under a Turnbull scenario and 53-47 under Bishop. On a straight question of whether Tony Abbott should resign, 55% say yes and 35% say no, in case anyone’s wondering what might distinguish this leadership change from what happened in 2010. Primary votes and such to follow. HT: GhostWhoVotes.
UPDATE: All primary votes were perfectly unchanged on last week, with the Coalition on 36%, Labor on 43%, the Greens on 11% and Palmer United on 3%. A further question found only 24% anticipating that Tony Abbott would lead the Liberals to the next election, compared with 63% who believe he will not.
Welp, that’s it. Abbott’s done: I’ll be surprised if he gets 30 votes in the (inevitable) spill.
Even so, #ImStickingWithTony
What a result – from the Pollster highly regarded by William.
Roll on, roll on…
Interesting that ReachTEL produced a similar spread, some improvement from Bishop, more from Mal, but they get a stronger result. I figure Bishop is the “anyone but Abbott” candidate, not that well known outside us tragics but not disliked.
Front page of the Daily ToiletPaper tomorrow screaming Peace Deal!
Turnbull is being offered Treasury (assume Hockey gets thrown under a bus)
@redneckninja: Side with Abbott, become Treasurer. Challenge Abbott, potentially become PM
57-43 to Labor and you can almost see the minds of Liberal MPs ticking over.
[Galaxy Poll: New prime minister won’t guarantee an election win
February 08, 2015 12:00AM
Samantha Maiden national political editor
The Sunday Telegraph
A LEADERSHIP coup by Malcolm Turnbull would put the government back in the game but still have them trailing Labor at an election.
An exclusive Galaxy poll shows Mr Turnbull as prime minister would probably save the Liberal party seats, but would not guarantee them an election win.
And in a another blow to Tony Abbott’s bid to retain his job, the poll found 55 per cent of voters thought the Prime Minister should stand down.
Just one in three voters —35 per cent — believe Mr Abbott should stay on.]
This Galaxy is either consistent with last week’s or the rounding off has sort of make it look even.
I hope abbott has raid the kirribilli house wine cellar tonight and is taking in the view over the harbour.
Might be his last Saturday night there.
If so, it will just be another tory arsehole there next Saturday and he already has a grand harbour abode.
Soon he may have two harbour mansions.
But Australia will still have crap NBN.
The carpenter hammers in another nail in the coffin.
Here we go
[The Sunday Telegraph can reveal that several cabinet ministers have urged the Prime Minister to replace him in the role.
They include Ms Bishop, who urged Mr Abbott to take action over Mr Hockey’s performance in private talks before Christmas.
Supporters of Mr Turnbull also confirmed yesterday that Mr Hockey will be replaced by rising Liberal star Scott Morrison if a spill motion is successful.
Senate leader Eric Abetz was yesterday accused of ringing conservative MPs to suggest that the Prime Minister would be prepared to dump Mr Hockey to save his leadership. When contacted yesterday, Senator Abetz refused to discuss the issue.]
abbott offering to sell his arse – yet again!
Not a sellers market really….
It’s unchanged from the previous Galaxy.
But still, given the week’s leadership tensions, won’t help.
Some more from Sam Maiden
[A shattered Mr Hockey yesterday pleaded with colleagues to save Mr Abbott’s leadership.
“He is a genuinely good human being. It is a very difficult period to govern anywhere in the world,” Mr Hockey said.
“It is hugely important for the sake of the nation that there be stability. That’s what I expect the Liberal Party room will provide.”
Some ministers suggest that Ms Bishop was not alone in calling for a new treasurer, with a succession of ministers urging the PM to take action.]
Victoria 680 on previous thread …..amazing quote from Chris Kenny.
Dripping with hubris, conceit and arrogance. For a couple of months Kenny and his ilk lived the dream of a right wing, tea party government with Abbott as the perfect dear leader. Abbott appeared in the press about once a fortnight and seemed to be getting away with it.
The moment when it started to unravel is now etched in this country’s political history. The Treasurer and his Finance Minister chomping on expensive cigars after handing down the most brutal budget in memory.
Funny how pride so often comes before a fall.
Go Tony, we’re with you.
Not just the 43% of us, but also the 57%! :p
So Hockey looks gone whatever happens. That’s a good move.
But replacing him with Morrison? I do not see good things.
Turnbull’s Sydney mansion is hideously ugly though. At least Kirribilli has some history. The view from Admiralty House is, however, much better! Maybe Malcolm can give Abbott the GG-ship (there must be some pretext for getting rid of the current one.) If not, then an earldom at least I think, after all the hard work he has done for the absent-minded, and possibly Pinchgut (Fort Denison) as his seat.
It couldnt happen to a nicer bunch!!
If Hockey goes, Abbott’s gone.
[They include Ms Bishop, who urged Mr Abbott to take action over Mr Hockey’s performance in private talks before Christmas.]
Oh hell yes. As mch as Tones has disgraced the office of PM by being the biggest bozo to ever occupy the chair, I honestly cant pick between him and Hockey for worst performer.
Hockey: he seems to think that just looking angry and repeating empty headed guff about debt will help sell a raft of absolutely stinking policies. Guess what sunshine – they havent, and they wont. Youve been useless.
Swan never had a surplus – you never even had a budget pass, you chump!
[Peter Brent @mumbletwits 2m2 minutes ago
Malcolm is not a big enough bullshitter to effectively prosecute Labor’s debt & deficits. Treasury would ruin him. What a wacky idea.]
Allan – its all turning to crap for them all.
Massive backflips to recover from this including backing away from the budget emergency.
If this lot go full term they may even have doubled the debt the way things are falling apart.
[“He is a genuinely good human being. It is a very difficult period to govern anywhere in the world,” Mr Hockey said.]
Unlike, say, the period during the GFC.
#ImStickingWithTony the number one twitter trend at the moment. Please support this noble cause by tweeting your support.
Tony goes bananas
I predict a Howard like desperate spending splurge and hang the deficit.
The sign of a desperate man.
I reckon he must think it’s all over now.
I imagine that Newspoll will be just as bad.
On yer bike Tone 🙂
[Front page of the Daily ToiletPaper tomorrow screaming Peace Deal!
Turnbull is being offered Treasury (assume Hockey gets thrown under a bus)
@redneckninja: Side with Abbott, become Treasurer. Challenge Abbott, potentially become PM ]
If one can believe a Murdoch rag, that means that even if Abbott survives, Hockey is finished…!
Will O’Farrell be interested in running in a North Sydney by-election? What about Campbell Newman?
So many out of work ex-Lib premiers… so few empty Federal seats…
[He is a genuinely good human being.]
If you have to say that about someone it usually means that:
a) they are not; and
b) they are reviled because of it.
[ Peter Brent @mumbletwits 2m2 minutes ago
Malcolm is not a big enough bullshitter to effectively prosecute Labor’s debt & deficits. Treasury would ruin him. What a wacky idea. ]
Fundamentally such a *deal* fails to address how abbott/ the tories get anyone to listen to them.
People just want them gone.
Turnbull is their last best chance which I hope they will ignore.
Even then turnbull will have to battle particularly with the policies of his own party – policies he has been in lock step with – as he has pointed out publicly over and over in order to prove ‘his credentials’ to the abbottiers.
I wondered earlier why Hockey would bother fronting a news conference to talk about the leadership. Now we know.
Gary Sparrow@28
Glen – there was at time you supported abbott.
Man love for Bilson even 🙂
OK….NOW you can say we have passed “Peak Abbott”
Although if Abbott is still PM on Wednesday, can he feasibly have yet another ministerial reshuffle to dump Hockey without it all looking flaky, chaotic and lacking in authority?
The Abbott Coalition was always a rag bag coalition – random parties (CLP, LNP, Libs, Nats, WA Nats) jammed together as some sort of anti-Labor front. And Abbott when he was installed as leader, could only manage the barest majorities among those parts of the this rag bag coalition who were eligible to vote.
Once Labor was out of power, its main raison d’être disappeared, so I guess it should not surprise that this “coalition of the crazies” has unravelled so quickly.
Will Turnbull be able to better unite this motley crew?
Don’t hold your breath!
Supported Abbott in so much as I disliked Rudd and Gillard.
I have never had any love for Tone, more dislike of the other mob.
Mod Lib, combined with the Newspoll coming soon and Tone is done for.
If Erica is being brought out to convince people to back Tone you know he’s done for.
The Laura Tingle column linked to earlier was illuminating.
She offered the view that the Tories have come to actually believe the crap they talk.
So when Joe says Tones really is a decent human being doing it tough he believes it.
I would have been wondering what he has been smoking today, Though a man with Joe’s money could afford a joint the size of that cigar
Where will they put Erica Betz in a new look Turnbull Ministry? #awkward
[ “He is a genuinely good human being” Mr Hockey said. ]
Thats inconsistent with lying about telling lies and then saying voters heard promises different from those made by abbott.
Hockey needs a job lined up outside politics.
Tweet from Paul Bongiorno im response to comments he made earlier tonight on sky that the Lib backbench were suggesting that Laurie Oakes will be dropping bombshell re the Abbott.
[Just a clarification I was reporting scuttlebutt going round the Lib backbench. An insight of the intensity.]
Reckon Abetz would still remain as Senate leader. Factions and all.
[ Hockey needs a job lined up outside politics. ]
Cigar Store Indian.
[Hockey: he seems to think that just looking angry and repeating empty headed guff about debt will help sell a raft of absolutely stinking policies. Guess what sunshine – they havent, and they wont. Youve been useless.]
The “six months working for the government” bullshit – not just once, but twice – really was embarrassingly woeful for a Treasurer.
[ Cigar Store Indian. ]
Don’t know if he would pass the ‘honest injun’ test?
Abbott is gawn.
Insiders will be a hoot tomorrow 🙂
Thats sure to ‘fix’ things ? 🙂
If Abetz remains, so will the woes of the government and its inability to pass its “reforms” through the Senate…
Have we sorted out the new Ministry yet?
Prime Minister Julie Bishop
Treasurer Malcolm Turnbull
Social Services Scott Morrison (stays put)
Foreign Minister Greg Hunt
Kevin Andrews dumped?
Gender rebalancing: Fierraventi-Wells, Kelly O’Dwyer, Marise Payne?
Joe Hockey’s post politics job? He owns a 200 acre farm near cairns, which he visits from time to time, as this photo shows.