The other half of my review of electorate results of interest, with numbers and swings cited for the sake of consistency on the basis of “ordinary” polling booth votes.
% Swing Projection Coalition 42.6 +3.1 42.7 Labor 35.3 -8.2 34.6 Greens 10.5 -1.7 10.9 Palmer United 3.7 Others 7.9 Two-party preferred Coalition 49.7 +5.4 50.1 Labor 50.3 -5.4 49.9
Bendigo. A 7.9% swing following the retirement of sitting member Steve Gibbons returned Bendigo to a marginal zone from which it had emerged with successive strong swings to Labor in 2007 and 2010.
Bruce. Alan Griffin’s eastern Melbourne seat is now marginal after a swing to the Liberals of 6.2% cut deep into his existing 7.7% margin.
Corangamite. Darren Cheeseman’s two-term hold on Corangamite was ended by a swing well in line with the statewide average, hitting him 8.0% on the primary vote and 4.4% on two-party preferred.
Gellibrand. It appears Nicola Roxon was well liked by her constituents, as the Labor primary vote in Gellibrand fell 12.6% upon her retirement, the second highest drop in the primary vote for Labor in Victoria. That translated into an ultimately harmless 7.6% swing on two-party preferred.
Indi. Support for Cathy McGowan has been slightly stronger in Wangaratta and Wodonga, which both broke about 54-46 her way, than in the rural centres, which were collectively at about 50-50.
Jagajaga. Jenny Macklin copped Labor’s second highest two-party swing in Melbourne, reducing her 11.1% margin by 8.3%.
La Trobe. Jason Wood returns to parliament after easily accounting for Labor member Laura Smyth’s 1.7% margin with a 5.8% swing, which was well in line with the Melbourne average.
Lalor. The loss of Julia Gillard was keenly felt in Lalor, an 18.6% drop in the primary vote being Labor’s worst in Victoria. Much of it spread across a crowded field of minor contenders, whose preferences limited the two-party swing to 10.0%.
Mallee. The Nationals comfortably retained a seat they might have feared losing to the Liberals with the retirement of veteran member John Forrest. Their candidate Andrew Broad had 39.5% of the ordinary vote to 27.0% for Liberal candidate Chris Crewther, and on present counting holds a lead of 9.9% after preferences. The only ordinary polling booths won by Crewther were the six in Mildura and the two in Stawell.
McEwen. The swing that is imperilling Rob Mitchell was notably fuelled by swings of around 12% in the Sunbury and Craigieburn booths, which were newly added to the electorate. Swings elsewhere were substantial, but generally well below the 9.2% margin.
McMillan. Russell Broadbent picked up an 8.0% swing, part of what looks an ongoing trend away from Labor in West Gippsland and the Latrobe Valley.
Melbourne. The Liberal preference switch bit deep into the Greens’ two-party preferred vote, with Adam Bandt’s overall preference share shriking from 77.2% in 2010 to 40.4%. Had that applied on the 2010 numbers, Bandt would have fallen 3.4% short. On that basis, the current 4.9% margin after preferences can be seen as an 8.3% swing, although Bandt’s margin has in fact been reduced by 1.0%. Bandt picked up 7.2% on the primary vote amid a crowded field, for which Labor made way by dropping 10.9%.
Western Australia
% Swing Projection Coalition 51.1 0.4 51.0 Labor 29.1 -2.5 28.7 Greens 9.6 -3.2 10.0 Palmer United 5.4 Others 4.8 Two-party preferred Coalition 57.1 +0.9 57.3 Labor 42.9 -0.9 42.7
Brand. Gary Gray held firm amid a status quo result for Labor in WA, his margin of 3.3% more than enough buffer for a 1.1% swing. Both Labor and Liberal were down fractionally on the primary vote, the big movers being the Greens, down more than half to 7.1%, and the Palmer United Party on 7.4%.
Canning. Canning was one of only two mainland seats to record a double-digit two-party swings against Labor, the other being Lalor. This is clearly a correction after Alannah MacTiernan outperformed the state result by 5% when she ran in 2010. This time the Labor vote was down 14.8%, with Liberal member Don Randall up 6.4%.
Durack. It was a disappointing election for the WA Nationals, who among other things were unable to snare the northern regional seat of Durack which had been vacated by retiring Liberal member Barry Haase. The party’s candidate Shane van Styn was outpolled by Liberal candidate Melissa Price 37.8% to 23.6% on the primary vote, and has on current indications fallen 4.2% short after receiving 57.4% of preferences. In this he was inhibited by Labor’s decision to put the Nationals last, which the experience of O’Connor suggests cut the overall Nationals preference share by about 10%. That being so, the Labor preference decision would have exactly accounted for the final margin.
Hasluck. Amid what was only a slight statewide swing off a high base, Liberal sophomore Ken Wyatt landed a handy 4.3% buffer to what had been a precarious 0.6% margin.
O’Connor. Tony Crook’s retirement combined with Labor’s preference decision ended the toehold the WA Nationals gained in the House of Representatives, the election of Crook having ended a drought going back to 1974. The primary votes were not greatly changed on 2010, when Crook was outpolled by Wilson Tuckey 38.4% to 28.8% on the primary vote before emerging 3.6% ahead after preferences. The biggest changes were that the Nationals were down 3.3% to 25.6% and the Palmer United Party scored 4.4%. The decisive factor was a drop in the Nationals’ share of preferences from 75.3% to 66.0%, landing Nationals candidate Chub Witham 1.0% short of Liberal candidate Rick Wilson.
South Australia
% Swing Projection Coalition 44.8 +4.8 45.1 Labor 36.2 -5.1 35.6 Greens 8.0 -3.8 8.2 Palmer United 3.8 Others 7.2 Two-party preferred Coalition 52.2 +5.7 52.6 Labor 47.8 -5.7 47.4
Boothby. The run of five successive swings against Andrew Southcott at elections going back to 1996 came to an emphatic end as Labor directed its resources elsewhere. Southcott was up 5.9% on the primary vote and 7.3% on two-party preferred.
Hindmarsh. The South Australian swing hit Labor hardest where they needed it least, an 8.2% swing handily accounting for Steve Georganas’s 6.1% margin in the most marginal of their six seats. Labor’s fortunes in Hindmarsh have changed since Georganas won it for them at the 2004 election, at which time Kingston, Makin and Wakefield were Liberal seats on respective margins of 0.1%, 0.9% and 0.7%. Those seats have stayed with Labor since falling to them in 2007, currently being held by respective margins of 9.7%, 5.4% and 3.1%.
Wakefield. After talk that Nick Champion might be troubled as a result of job cuts at Holden’s Elizabeth plant, he retained a 3.1% margin in the face of a 7.1% swing, which was slightly higher than the statewide result of 5.8%.
% Swing Projection Coalition 40.2 +6.9 40.5 Labor 35.1 -9.3 34.7 Greens 8.1 -8.5 8.3 Palmer United 6.2 Others 10.4 Two-party preferred Coalition 51.6 +9.4 51.2 Labor 48.4 -9.4 48.8
Bass and Braddon moved very closely in tandem, with two-party swings of 10.9% and 10.3% that were both driven by Labor primary vote collapses at around the double-digit mark, and increases in the Liberal vote of around 8%. Lyons fell with a bigger swing off a lower base, the margin of 12.3% accounted for by a 14.0% swing with primary votes shifts well into double digits for both parties. However, it was a different story in the south of the state, with Julie Collins holding on to a 4.9% margin in Franklin after a relatively benign 5.9% swing. In Denison, Andrew Wilkie’s vote was up from 21.3% to 38.3%, with Labor (down 10.8% to 24.5%) and the Greens (down 11.3% to 7.7%) making way. The Liberals held steady, but nonetheless remained slightly below Labor and sure to remain in third place after distribution of Greens preferences.
Australian Capital Territory
% Swing Projection Coalition 34.5 -0.1 34.7 Labor 43.4 -2.1 42.9 Greens 13.0 -5.8 13.4 Palmer United 2.8 Others 6.3 Two-party preferred Coalition 40.0 +1.9 40.2 Labor 60.0 -1.9 59.8
With only a subdued swing against Labor, the outstanding feature of the result appears to be a slump in the Greens vote, down 6.0% in Canberra and 5.8% in Fraser. However, this can largely be put down to greater competition for the minor party vote. The 2010 election saw only three candidates nominate in Canberra and four in Fraser (the Secular Party together with the usual three), but this time there were six and eight seats respectively. A clearer picture is presented by the Senate, where the Greens vote was down 4.1% to 18.8% despite the high-profile candidacy of Simon Sheikh, while Labor fell 6.0% to 34.8%. Both major parties were just clear of a quota.
It appears Sean has called me little mexi a dickhead.
Because i was not discussing the annihilation of the ALP.
Okay, lets take a big look.
-For two years, maybe three i was predicting a Liberal Party victory
-Two main reasons
(a)The economy was growing slowly and people were longing for a boom
(b)The ALP were dis-unified and prone to silly political games and poor message i.e we will deliver a surplus despite unfavorable trade conditions
So lets look at the result.
Lets start with Victoria
In recent elections the Liberals have underperformed and this was largely corrected last Saturday as i and several others here saw coming.
Lets take the Liberal heartland, seats like Kooyong and Higgins saw the best Liberal result in many years.
In Kooyong, the Liberals had their highest swing to them since 1984 (according to local paper) Josh now has a margin close on 11% and Kelly in Higgins now has a 10% margin, both these two MPs were highly visible and good local MPs whom ran strong local campaigns which mirrored what could be expected in a marginal seat, even Andrew Robb scored a solid double digit margin in Goldstein.
The Liberals also achieved solid swings in ALP seats like McEwen, Bendigo, Bruce, Issacs which saw those seats now with more normal looking margins.
While sitting Liberal MP’s like Smith in Casey, Tudge in Aston and Billson in Dunkley won solid wins.
So Victoria without the local factor of Gillard and an improved Liberal Party saw three/four Liberal gains.
So is that an annihilation, okay its a very good result for the Liberals but the Victorian division will be disappointed that it didn’t win seats like Bendigo, Bruce, Melbourne Ports, Chisholm, Issacs and Ballarat
One Liberal gain
So is that an annihilation, No, the Liberals will be very happy with the results in Boothsby and Sturt but considering during the Howard years the Liberals held, Adelaide, Makin, Kingston & Wakefield there will be some disappointment.
No change, yep what happened to the massive anti-mining tax swing, it hardly happened, earlier in the year the ALP were expecting to be wiped out.
Wilkie easily held Denison, the Liberals picked up Bass, Braddon and Lyons
So is that an annihilation, Yes this the only state where the claim can be made.
NSW may well be considered an annihilation but if the pre-election polling was accurate the Liberals will be somewhat disappointed and there appears to be some disquiet over the performance in Western Sydney.
In many ways the NSW result was typical of a change of Government with the seats we would expect to see change did, there are no major shocks.
Well actually the shocks are where the Liberals failed rather than where the ALP failed.
Lets take Dobell, considering the carry-on it should have seen a 10% swing.
Werriwa, McMahon, Fowler, Blaxland, Watson, Chifley all forecast as going or gone either didn’t move, went against the swing or only saw solid swings against but were well held.
Yes the Liberals have won a swag or Sydney seats but they are all seats which historically have changed when government changes (Lindsay & Reid)or demographically should be winnable for the Liberals (Banks)
Then there is Barton & Parramatta which are still too close to all but both should have been won by the Liberals as they fall into either the usually change seats when government changes or demographically were winnable for the Liberals.
The there is Greenway.
The Makin of the 2013 election, the Liberals should be embarrassed by this result.
The other anti-mining tax state and just like WA all the talk was of a wipe-out.
Well Capricornia was an open contest with no sitting MP factor and Petrie was Liberal during the Howard years
So is that an annihilation
NO, yes the Liberal Party scored an impressive win, it has a solid first term majority, it should be able to win a second term but there are a number of seats which voted for Howard which did not vote for Tone.
That list is longer than the number of seat which voted Liberal this time but did not vote for Howard.
This brings me to Indi.
Cathy McGowen ran on a policy platform which could be viewed as making her a moderate conservative, the majority of the Liberal/National Party base is moderate, this is why Tony Windsor was so successful in New England.
Sophie Mirrabella was a flag barer of the Right faction and was seen as not being an active local MP unlike the likes of Josh and Kelly
So my point is simple yes the Liberals scored a good win, could it have been better, yes there is plenty of room for a pro-swing.
But the message from Indi is clear.
Now Sean if you are still reading this.
I have repeatable outlined what was wrong with the ALP and how it governed.
Did the ALP lose touch with its base, too right it did, lets take the 10% Liberal swing in Craigieburn (McEwen).
For months i was saying that places like it were not experiencing a boom, the carbon tax was hurting jobs, and youth unemployment was excessively high.
Sure enough it swung hard and so did Indi.
I feel that Labor needs to drop the policy of putting the Greens second in every state and make deals with like minded parties in order to protect their second seat in the states. This is something the Greens and Coalition have done a much better job at. Also I would put some responsibility on Labor losing Hindmarsh on Steve Georganas’s always being a very poor campaigner and an average local member at best in my electorate. Any word from Bob?
I also feel that putting Kevin Rudd back in as leader helped Labor avoid the expected Landslide. On the choice of picking either Shorten or Albanese in as leader I cant help but thinking that since Abbott is from NSW would Albanese not be a better choice. I mean realistically there are not enough marginal seats in Victoria for Labor to win government. As long as NSW stays with the Coalition and WA and Queensland do not give Labor landslides the Coalition is unlikely to be booted from government.
WW Paul 1251 – Part One
I am saying that if you exclude SPRT just before RUI is excluded and AJP before Wikielaks then them Louise Pratt is elected. It is one of those strange fold-up segmentation outcomes. All candidates are excluded but it is all about the order of exclusion. Or if wikileaks pick up 600 more vote to overtake AJP and SPRT fall over the yes the ALP wins the last spot and the Greens fall over. A hood reason for the ALP to seek copies of the BTL data file and scrutinise the count.
William 1263 – Part one
I have come to the point of agreening with the need for a 4% representation threshold BUT it very much depends on how it is implemented. It needs to noted that the ALP and LNP secondary candidates have less people voting for them the come of the micro party candidates also.
In some cases the Below the line votes may bring a secondary candidate above a micro party and as such they will not survive the count in the same order as indicated by group ticket votes.
I am also supportive of increasing deposits to try and reduce the number of micro parties and excessive number of candidates running. (The Greens are never in the run for more then two yet they stand six candidates) adding to the size of the ballot paper by padding out candidates 0 I am yet to see a group try nominating more candidates then positions but it is possible).
I can see no reason why a group can not submit group tickets that change the order of within its own group
It will be reformed. Agreement will be reached in how to do it, Question is how. The minor parties will have no say in it.
Sean Tisme @1273 – Part one
An royal commission or investigation should be held into to micro parties and the role of the Holly Trinity engaged in a deal of cross preferences.
The same group of interconnected people are involved to exploit the system by using catchy group names “Motorists” “Republic” “Sport” etc. A cheap excerise if you have a group of people who can sign documents and the like as asked without questions. The same group of people can be members of multiple parties in the scam
A threshold under these circumstances is justified and the simplest method of address the situtation
Bring on a Double I say. (PS A double is not as easy for minor parties to win as most think)
The micro parties were set up to harvest votes. they all have catchy theme names, no campaign and no real support. They are exploit a weakness of the ATL voting system that magnifies and concentrates the vote, Yes i the past HTV cards achieved the same but not to the same extent and intensity.
It is also effected by the order of exclusions which changes the fold up. Votes skip continuing candidates and the segmentation changes the order of distribution. Wshihc is why I advocate a reiterative count not a segmented distribution. A count where on any exclusion the count is reset and all votes redistributed. This means all votes attributed to an excluded candidate(s) are distributed as if that candidate had not stood. It would not skip and jump candidates that are continuing in the count. A redistributed full value preference will form part of a candidates primary vote tally.
There is a single transaction transfer (No segmentation) for each candidate using a weighted Surplus transfer value
The Wright System
PS you can test for what if by excluding all candidates except the last seven standing. a recount all votes from scratch. You choice of the last six should be realistic based on close break points. But it is telling as to how the system works or should not work.
Segmentation and the non weighted surplus play a significant role in the outcome of the senate. It is not proportional. It need reform and not just in relation to micro parties
Wright or Meek. Both use a reiterative process Wright being linear and Meek non Linear
Wills and Melbourne Ports in Victoria had the lowest swings against them. What does that tell you about inner cit6y urban seats and suburban seats like Sunbury and Jiki Jika?
William maybe you can produce a State Swing Chart…
Well the Jaga Jaga result was a repeat of what occurred in the corresponding state seats at the 2010 Victorian State Election where the Liberals were ahead in Eltham and Bundoora yet with Green preferences the ALP held on.
Melbourne Ports moved a fair bit towards the Liberals but that has been mashed a bit by the Green preference flow.
Wills is a pretty stable safe seat.
Bilbo you may mean Wangaratta and not Warrnambool which is in Wannon I think
Good morning Dawn Patrollers.
So much for the “understandings” that Mesma and Morriscum insisted they had with Indonesia. Flakes!
This is totally unacceptable in our country.
A level headed farewell to Sophie.
Tim Colebatch with a pen picture of Bill Shorten.
And one from Stephanie Peatling on Albo.
Gay Alcorn warns us of the new culture wars and the role George Brandis SC DH A-G will play.
If this happens it will be lije a red rag to a bull with respect to CC supporters.
Alan Moir with Obama talking tough.
Section 2 . . .
Cathy Wilcox has a crack at whingeing large retailers.
David Pope infers that the Labor Party has some work to do.
There’s plenty to see here in this cartoon from David Rowe.
MUST SEE!!!!!! Ron Tandberg farewells our Sophie whilst having a crack at Abbott at the same time.
I’m sure that media scrutiny of Coalition policies will begin any day now.
‘Cos the Coalition are in government, so, you see, the media’s job is to tell us what the government is doing.
Which I’m sure they’ll get around to, any moment now.
WA Senate
Key parties in the chain of distribution
Sports Party
Animal Justice
Australian Democrats
If you exclude all three early and redistribute their votes based on current data using ATL Group tickets preference distributions the ALP and LDP hold the two last seats making it LNP 3 ALP 2 LDP 1 (using the Droop quota)
It is all about ten order of exclusion
Yes Warrnambool is in Wannon
You might have missed it or posted it yesterday but apparently the Liberals have decided not to proceed with the pay rise for age care workers.
The article was in the AFR
Truffles says “Let them eat cake”
[Malcolm Turnbull dismisses record NBN petition
Incoming Liberal communications minister dismisses record-breaking online campaign to save Labor’s network
An internet petition set up by a Liberal-voting student six days ago had more than 200,000 online signatures by 4pm on Thursday, making it the largest ever online petition in Australia]
And from the Land of the Free –
Harry Reid has (finally) had enough of the Tea Party.
And the lovely Michelle Bachmann’s woes deepen. Pity about that.
Some cartoons farewelling Anthony Weiner.
Gun laws in the US and its states are a farce.
Jon Stewart takes down FoxNews in 15 seconds.
Thanks – I did miss it. What a shocker.
les victor @otiose94 1m
Confirmed: #Twitter hit links sent via DM (and so do Facebook)
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2:06 PM – 12 Sep 13 · Details
i mentioned this the other day and of course the interlectual snobs laughed
les fortunate of us who are not interlectual snobs
will get it , read , think twice
grace pettigrew @broomstick33 9m
#NewsCorpse Steve Lewis aims to Trash Gillard’s reputation for good: Abbott to launch inquiry into AWU ‘slush fund’ …
so will the other enquiry keep going,
the hate from a person comes and comes and comes
it all about power not good governance
An enquiry into the “AWU affair” – hardly a priority, especially in a time of “Budget emergency”. If any Coalition members have information about wrongdoing they should hand it over to the police.
This shows what sort of Government that Tony Abbot will lead.
and balance is once again properly restored as one blue tied man hands over to another blue tied man
i read yesterday where a lot our seats lost by around 1000 votes
so not hard to get back.
you would think sean would be pulled up
no but i can have some one carry on about
horse meat, re me
the D<H word ,he uses that should never be said in the company of ladies but its aloud, sean should banned
why do people have to put up with this type of language
are these words common place around the hallowed halls of uni.
well not in the ordinary homes of most of us
so why not put me in chaff bag through me ( all woman) out to
abbott and his supporters are really changing the tone of the country I once loved with help from their friends
example have to set some where of what is correct and no correct
had a stranger stop as i was paying a bill,, she whispered the 'jack boots are coming"
love to be fly on the wall at the lodge
i can imagine the parties,,, most of which i would never been see at
so they want let our JG,, have peace.
Funny – Indonesia’s issues with the new Government’s plans to spy on them and buy back boats in an effort to deal with asylum seekers does not get a mention on the landing page of the Daily Telecrap site except down the bottom in a link to the story in the Australian.
NOW the Grattanosaurus says it!
paroti the word on twitter is the petition was set by a liberal
no labor person should ever sign
it i had one person tweet to a lib female
wtte so it come down to you only get things if vote for the right side
i laugh till i fell of my chair
it more like let the young liberals eat cake including the intellectual snobs ,,
they have to learn their lessons in life u get the gov, u vote for of course,
then i posted to the same person wtte will u be taking up a petition to save the jobs of people in nursing homes child care
NO of course not, get your priorities right young lady
ABC have reported that Labor’s Mike Kelly of Eden Monaro has conceded defeat.
grace pettigrew @broomstick33 3m
#auspol Farewell to the lovely @MikeKellyMP. Hello Peter Hendy, Reith adviser and early architect of WorkChoices, mate of Peter Phelps
Expand Reply
the work choices man is in to give good advice to abbott
public servants in that area lol
Does anyone know the standard for parliamentary sessions? None of the media that I have heard/read have mentioned it or made any comment on the time before Parliament resumes sitting.
Since it’s Abbott in charge, I am reminded of an English monarch who prorogued Parliament and refused to recall it in order to silence the Opposition.
sortius @sortius 1m
Shorter Abbott: we’re going to give the $1.5b for carers wage increase to our mates: … #auspol
View summary
o well the interlectual snob get the money,,
from the people who will look after their parents
as most interlectual snob never ever visit nursing homes
when mum and dad go there
and as a volunteer at a nursing home , let me tell u ‘
‘the row of room s empty rooms of sad faces as you walk the corridors no visitors no family visits never taken out for a drive never taken back home to visit family
seen at Christmas and easter
the nursing staff become their families that why i hate liberals
this nursing staff who will lose their wages ,
my god
to sean , rummel mod lib others
and person who will not be named
u will be eventually caught up in it, u cannot escape
there will be no governing just power
love to know how i can get rid of my word press
i keep saying i will move on , its hard to be silent but for ones sainty may be time
Morning all
As mentioned by guytaur, even the Indonesians laughed at the buy the boats policy. LL last night
[GEORGE ROBERTS: Well, yeah, that’s right. I mean, look, here in private, officials since the announcement in the election campaign have laughed when we’ve asked them what they think about it. They’ve refused to go on the record, but they have laughed off the policy and scoffed at it and said, “Well how would that work?” When you think about Indonesia, 17,000 islands, 6,000 of them inhabited, a fishing fleet of about 700,000 boats. People smuggling sources tell me that they pay about $25,000 for a junked boat that’s on the scrap heap, then they put an engine in it, patch it up again and send it on its way. So in order to buy back all the dodgy fishing boats, of course it would run into the billions of dollars you would expect. But the Government here has rejected the proposal anyway, saying that they reject it anyway, so it’s certainly not getting any traction or any cooperation from the Indonesian Government.]
Since it’s Abbott in charge, I am reminded of an English monarch who prorogued Parliament and refused to recall it in order to silence the Opposition. lizzie
i ask on twitter was their a time that parliament had to be recalled
i thought it was 30 days from an election
i am wondering if it will happen
may be the learned person here knows
i am very worried about this,, he will delay it till new year
too busy riding bikes
Why wasnt more made of this ridiculous policy during the campaign is beyond me.
Following the 2004 and 2010 elections, when the election was held in October and August respectively, Parliament sat for the first time about 5 or 6 weeks later. When the election is held in November or December, Parliament does not sit until mid February (e.g. following 20001 and 2007 elections.)
FMD. I wonder what my chiliean brother in law would say about this?
[CONTROVERSIAL NSW Liberal MP Peter Phelps has defended a brutal overseas military dictatorship in parliament, on the 40th anniversary of a coup that killed more than 3000 people.]
And of course, Peter Phelps is good friends with Peter Hendy who has now won the seat of Eden Monaro.
I feel sick
My Say
Who are these intellectual snobs you keep talking about ?
Morning all.
With the embattled Member for Indi taking herself out of front bench contention, JBishop is the only woman in Abbott’s foreshadowed Cabinet at this stage.
Even though he said during the campaign he wouldn’t, he will have to reshuffle.
restored by the Government in 1993.
The Constitution provides that, after a general election, the Parliament must be summoned to meet not later than thirty days after the day which has been appointed for the return of the writs; that is, the appointed deadline for the formal notification of election results to the Governor-General or State Governor who issued the writs or formal orders for an election to be held. (The one-day sitting in 1969 was held to conform with this requirement while postponing
I learned last night that Phelps has PhD in international relations as well.
And remember that he hails from the same faction that gave us Jaymes Diaz.
restored by the Government in 1993.
The Constitution provides that, after a general election, the Parliament must be summoned to meet not later than thirty days after the day which has been appointed for the return of the writs; that is, the appointed deadline for the formal notification of election results to the Governor-General or State Governor who issued the writs or formal orders for an .election to be held. (The one-day sitting in 1969 was held to conform with this requirement while postponing
Morning all. Sad to see Mike Kelly lose, he was a fine MP.
Regarding the Coalition axing of the aged care worker pay subsidy, I agree it was mean spirited but I am also annoyed at Labor. Rushing through a regulation not legislation, and just before the election, gave those workers no protection at all. It was a stunt. Now it can be repealed without even a debate in parliament. If Labor was serious it should have been legislated.
The HSU is vulnerable to attack precisely because they have done very little to protect Australia’s lowest paid workers for far too long. It is not something Labor should be proud of.
so first week in oct
so abbott has said the END of November
Surely coal-mining magnate Palmer wants to repeal the carbon price, or does his new senator disagree with him already?
Where did you read about the aged care worker subsidy?