Galaxy: 56-44 to Coalition

GhostWhoVotes reports that Galaxy have conducted their first poll of federal voting intention for some time, and it’s bang on the mark of other recent polling: the Coalition leads 56-44 on two-party preferred, from primary votes of 31 per cent for Labor, 48 per cent for the Coalition and 13 per cent for the Greens. Thirty-seven per cent support the carbon tax (which is apparently “up two”, although I couldn’t tell you off the top of my head what they’re comparing it with), with 55 per cent opposed (steady). UPDATE: GhostWhoVotes in comments does my homework for me by pointing out that the point of comparison is this poll from May.

The sample, remarkably, is 2000, producing a low margin of error of 2.2 per cent. Pollsters rarely go this high, as the statistical return on the investment diminishes quite rapidly: a 1000 sample poll gets you a margin of error of about 3.1 per cent; another 500 cuts it by 0.6 per cent; but another 500 only cuts it a further 0.3 per cent. Newspoll approaches 2000 for its immediate pre-election polls, but it does this in order to boost its sample sizes in the smaller states so it can produce credible state-by-state breakdowns. Maybe Galaxy has done something similar here and we can expect more detail to be forthcoming – or alternatively, perhaps the method used is some sort of low-cost alternative to phone polling, such as the automated dialling employed by JWS Research.

UPDATE: Told you so: GhostWhoVotes reports that the figures for Queensland are 59-41 two-party, with primary votes of 32 per cent for Labor, 54 per cent for the Coalition and 8 per cent for the Greens.

UPDATE 2: Further from Ghost central:

In the Sydney Metro area the primaries are ALP 29 L/NP 54 GRN 9. The two party preferred comes to ALP 40 L/NP 60, which is apparently a swing of 13% since the last election …

People that believe that man-made carbon emissions are the cause of global warming has remained steady at 36, while belief in the cycle of nature being responsible rose 6 points to 32 percent.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,164 comments on “Galaxy: 56-44 to Coalition”

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  1. [Gusface, I was poking fun at Finns’ hostility to Japan, rather than engaging in it myself.]

    Bilbo, you got a sense of humour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. [gusface

    Posted Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 10:24 pm | Permalink

    All is happy in the land of Milk and Tone.



    How often do you ahem, milk Tone?

    Espexially as he resigned from the Libs because of Tone.

    Methinks he has a secret mancrush on his budgies 🙂

  3. BTW Bilbo, i like Japan very much.

    In fact, we were booked to go to Tohoku – Sendai, Mitsushima etc. Well, someone organised the Earthquake and Tsunami and stopped me going there.

  4. @Finns, I was saving up to goto Japan later this year/early next year, because friends went there in Nov last year, they had an awesome time.

    Since the Tsunami/Earthquake, we are now looking at China at end of 2012, one of the friends went to Japan has been to China a few times.

  5. [16


    Posted Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 10:32 pm | Permalink

    In Queensland the primaries are ALP 32 L/NP 54 GRN 8, giving a 2PP of ALP 41 L/NP 59.
    Hmm, I wonder if therre are similar stories for other states ?

  6. [rummel

    Posted Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 10:34 pm | Permalink

    So even with Abbott out of the picture for just under a week, Gillard still cant peg back a few points.

    It was commisioned by a group with a vested interest.

  7. [Since the Tsunami/Earthquake, we are now looking at China at end of 2012, one of the friends went to Japan has been to China a few times]

    Off to Shanghai and Beijing in a few months – can’t wait 🙂

  8. [It was commisioned by a group with a vested interest.]

    True but Frank Galaxy do make reliable polls and this ones a biggun 🙂

    When Galaxy says your this far behind you usually are…

  9. [So even with Abbott out of the picture for just under a week, Gillard still cant peg back a few points.]

    The coalition vote appears to increase when Tone is out of the media. At least that’s been the experience in the past.

  10. [The coalition vote appears to increase when Tone is out of the media. At least that’s been the experience in the past.]

    Then Fess i say Tone have another week off 😆

  11. [When I like a country, I too repeatedly bark “SHAME!” at it as it pulls thousands of bodies from the rubble of its ruined towns and cities.]

    Finns clearly missed his calling as a grief counsellor.

  12. “It was commisioned by a group with a vested interest.”

    We that also discounts the IPCC, every green NGO, the greens under Bob Brown from ever commenting on CC

  13. With primaries ALP 31, LNP 48, G 13, should the TPP be closer to 45:55, given Newspoll was 44:56 with primaries ALP 29, LNP 47, G 13?

  14. Higher than the Twin Tower then.

    [Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal unveiled plans Tuesday to build the world’s tallest tower in the Red Sea port city of Jeddah, signing a 4.6 billion riyal ($1.15 billion) contract with Bin Laden Group.

    The proposed tower, which will rise more than 1,000 metres and take just over five years to complete, is the centrepiece of the planned Kingdom City development being built outside Jeddah by Prince Alwaleed’s Kingdom Holding.]

    Read more:

  15. 56:44 two years out from an election

    Not good, but certainly able to be turned around.

    Anyone who thinks the election will be more than 52:48 either way is backing a long shot.

  16. Finns

    The Bin Laden Group are the largest building contractors in Saudi. They disowned Osama a long time ago. He was a lazy sod when he worked for them anyway.

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