Newspoll: 50-50

The Australian reports this fortnight’s Newspoll has it at 50-50, compared with 52-48 in the Coalition’s favour in the year’s first Newspoll a fortnight ago. Julia Gillard has opened a 53-31 lead over Tony Abbott as preferred prime minister, up from 48-35 last time and basically back where it was at the end of last year. More to follow.

UPDATE: GhostWhoVotes comes good on the primary vote figures: Labor up four points to 36 per cent (and didn’t they need that), the Coalition down three to 41 per cent and the Greens down one to 13 per cent. Personal ratings are even better for the government: Julia Gillard’s approval is up five points to 50 per cent and her disapproval down three to 39 per cent, while Tony Abbott is down four to 38 per cent and up five to 49 per cent. Abbott’s figures are consistent with last week’s Essential Research and inconsistent with Nielsen’s 54-46 to the Coalition last week. Nielsen was also inconsistent with Galaxy’s poll on the weekend, which conformed with the overall trend in showing the situation much as it was on election day.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

3,585 comments on “Newspoll: 50-50”

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  1. Exactly Frank.

    Glad to see that you finally agree that she is behaving just like Howard!

    I think she has made a clear decision to take on the fight and actually I think thats great. Find a position and argue your case, thats what I have said. Howard fought for very unpopular things, the ALP has previously run at sprint pace whenever the heat is on. I’m very glad Gillard has decided to engage and convince. No, seriously, I am more impressed with her these days, but she needs to face up to her backflip and silly electioneering.


    Did you criticise Howard re introducing GST?
    If you don’t criticise Gillard- doesn’t that make you a hypocrite?

  2. [3404

    Mod Lib

    Posted Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 9:50 pm | Permalink

    Exactly Frank.

    Glad to see that you finally agree that she is behaving just like Howard!

    I think she has made a clear decision to take on the fight and actually I think thats great. Find a position and argue your case, thats what I have said. Howard fought for very unpopular things, the ALP has previously run at sprint pace whenever the heat is on. I’m very glad Gillard has decided to engage and convince. No, seriously, I am more impressed with her these days, but she needs to face up to her backflip and silly electioneering.


    Did you criticise Howard re introducing GST?
    If you don’t criticise Gillard- doesn’t that make you a hypocrite?



  3. BK,

    Would it be too much to ask for you give Bolt some of the same treatment? ]

    And Possum might lend you the famous calculator. It was necessary for a certain insertion previously! 😉

  4. [I listened not in awe but in fascinated disgust. He seemed to have saved up all the “evil” against the PM that he could muster and spat it out in a long stream. Most of it wasn’t even on message.]

    I’d rank Abbott’s rant somewhere between Basil Fawlty flogging his car and You Know Whom’s rant on the Downfall video people love to subtitle, with overtones of Colonel Gaddafi. The pic @ captures a hint of the tirade and Chainsaw’s hilarity (given his attitude to Tone, it’s probably more laughing “at” than “with”.

    From an analytical viewpoint, however, it was quite disturbing, probably because the above comparison aren’t far from the bone.

    Not long before, Julia’s Flood Levy had been carried. Then Tony would have seen her presser with Combet, Greens, Indies, and known that, irrespective of what he, the Libs & Nats, and Murdoch Media said and did, Julia would triumph in the Reps. It no longer mattered whether he could, with Fielding’s help, block the Carbon Price legislation in the Senate, she had only to wait until the 28th Sitting Day after today (4 July) until ALP + Greens ensured done deal.

    Abbott knows it. The Liberals & their National partners know it, and are becoming fractious. His MSM groupies & running dogs know it. Those to whom he is beholden – Murdoch, Mining Bosses, those who don’t want the NBN, Health Reforms, Carbon Price, Mining Tax etc – know it.

    Today, Abbott’s dreams of winning over enough Indies to back a No Confidence motion dissolved And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. The fury and frustration he emanated warrants another Macbeth quotation, But now I am cabined, cribbed, confined, bound in To saucy doubts and fears.

  5. I said this earlier re the carbon tax announcement by Julia last year.

    Who cares.

    Circumstances change. Policy changes.

    Thats all labor has to say.

    Pragmatism rules.

  6. markjs @ 3018

    [Watching ABC News24 with the recurring quote from Rabbott appearing across the bottom of the screen….“Carbon Tax will inspire a people’s revolt, says Tony Abbott”

    Then went to the Drum to find Crabb has taken up space with her latest puerile attempt to ridicule the work being done by the cross-party committee on climate change.

    I’m sick of the clear attempt by the ABC to frustrate and/or trivialise the good work being done by this Govt. in several important policy areas……I want more facts and adult debate on these issues….not the trite rubbish being dished up by our National Broadcaster…..disgraceful!!]

    This is standard operating procedure for the ABC TV and especially ABC24 – take the most emotive and/or outrageous claims made by an Opposition spokesdrone, and without sub-editing, cut and paste this idiocy into the information bar crawling across the bottom of the screen, whilst simultaneously having a smartarsed ‘Drum’ correspondent like Crabb talk down the Government initiative in question with smarmy attempts at humour and wit that fail abysmally.

    There you have it … Bob’s your Uncle, and you have the ‘news’ story you are allegedly being paid to actually analyse and objectively report on, without having to lift a finger to do any real work.

    It’s a great gig, if you can get one like it, but sadly the rest of the nation actually has to work for a living.

  7. victoria,
    [was it you who said something about Windsor looking unwell today?]
    He looked uncomfortable / like a man under pressure at the announcement, understandable given what he said.

  8. [Unfortunately for you, we live in the real world and saw her say it repeatedly with our own eyes.]

    What, did she have Anna Bligh’s sign language translator?

  9. Frank if you are still there, any idea who the Union is representing ABC staff? I wish to converse with the Secretary on phone tomorrow about the goings on at the ABC and why the Union is allowing this crap to continue without responding.

  10. vic, peg,

    I think Windsor has look progressively worse since about November. Every time I have seen him he looks more laboured and his colour is wrong and gets redder all the time. I have absolutely no medical experience but if I was family I would be getting him to a doctor.

  11. Pegasus

    Windsor has stated on many occasions including on Richo’s new show the other night that he is very keen on sorting out the issue of climate change.

    Why was Windsor uncomfortable today? I am missing the point somewhere.

  12. [David

    Posted Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 9:57 pm | Permalink

    Frank if you are still there, any idea who the Union is representing ABC staff? I wish to converse with the Secretary on phone tomorrow about the goings on at the ABC and why the Union is allowing this crap to continue without responding.

    MEAA – that same august nion which also represents the opeartors of B1&B2.

  13. Yes Ozpol … his desperation has risen progressively as we move toward July 1.

    He knows he has a limited time to achieve his revolution.

    That is probably why he actually used that word today.

    Like a madman, the level of hysteria will undoubtedly escalate. Every lost vote will be like a mortal wound. Every time he is rubbished during QT his ego will recoil.

    The great Unhinging has begun.

    Take out your recorders folks — the footage will be exquisite and memorable!

  14. [3421

    Frank Calabrese

    Posted Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 9:59 pm | Permalink


    Posted Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 9:57 pm | Permalink

    Frank if you are still there, any idea who the Union is representing ABC staff? I wish to converse with the Secretary on phone tomorrow about the goings on at the ABC and why the Union is allowing this crap to continue without responding.

    MEAA – that same august nion which also represents the opeartors of B1&B2.

    and the CSPU for th camera operators etc. – MEAA are the “Journalists”.

  15. [Frank if you are still there, any idea who the Union is representing ABC staff? ]

    That would be the MEAA … Media Arts Entertainment Alliance. Covers Journos.

  16. [jenauthor

    Posted Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 10:01 pm | Permalink

    Frank if you are still there, any idea who the Union is representing ABC staff?

    That would be the MEAA … Media Arts Entertainment Alliance. Covers Journos.

    and the on air personalites on ABC Kids.

  17. Media release by the Australian Council for Social Service:
    [The Australian Council of Social Service welcomes today’s agreement between the Government and the Australian Greens on a pathway towards a price on carbon pollution, adding that it is a positive step forward and a major contribution to the debate.

    “Low-income households will be affected by climate change first and worst. They have little capacity to cope, adapt or move. Similarly, they will be affected by even relatively small increases in prices for basics, essentials like energy and fuel.

    “ACOSS calls on Government, the Greens and the Independents to fully cover any increases brought about by pricing carbon. Governments must also invest in energy efficiency for low-income households; it’s about mitigation, adaptation, and cost savings.

    “Any scheme must be effective in reducing carbon pollution, and do so cost-efficiently. It must actually bring about change towards a cleaner economy. The design of a scheme must not further disadvantage low income households. We look forward to working with Government to develop details of a scheme,” Dr Goldie said.]

  18. [Why was Windsor uncomfortable today? I am missing the point somewhere.]

    He was at pains to dispel the implication that the release of this morning was a final outcome. He was not supporting a ‘particular’ level of pricing or what was included — I think he wanted the press to understand that they cannot assume anything.

    It seemed, with the glee of the Greens, that this was some sort of ‘coalition of the willing’ and I don’t think he wanted people to think they were a block.

    Given that he voted against the levy a few minutes later, he probably was feeling that stress too.

  19. Pegasasus

    th point is you made a fasle statement that i corected you on

    Posted Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 9:25 pm | Permalink

    “And, I am pleased she now agrees with the Greens Party proposal made 12 months ago that an carbon tax was needed in the interim before a transition to an ETS ”

    and said GO AND READ BOTH ETS 2009 BILLS , that provision was in both of them

    Confessions you snipe at for no reason imputing her words wrongly , yet here we got an unabigius false stement by you

  20. He knows he has a limited time to achieve his revolution.

    [That is probably why he actually used that word today.
    Jenauthor here is the sountrack of the Liberal Revolution.

    [Like a madman, the level of hysteria will undoubtedly escalate. Every lost vote will be like a mortal wound. Every time he is rubbished during QT his ego will recoil.

    The great Unhinging has begun.

    Take out your recorders folks — the footage will be exquisite and memorable!]

  21. About the oops wandering about:
    [Mr Albanese—Mr Speaker, standing order 62 is very clear:

    A Member in the Chamber must:
    (a) take his or her seat promptly;
    … … …
    (c) not remain in the aisles …

    Opposition members interjecting—

    Mr Albanese—We know that those opposite have turned their back on the future—

    The SPEAKER—Order! The Leader of the House will resume his seat. On the point of order, that is why the member for Cowan is very lucky. It is what I was reminding the member for Hughes of. I assume, naively perhaps, this was individuals’ actions and not orchestrated, but if it was orchestrated it will be remembered and there will be action taken on the next occasion.]

  22. victoria,
    [Why was Windsor uncomfortable today? I am missing the point somewhere.]
    Unlike Oakeshott who said wtte that he would vote for it, Windsor, did not. I admire him for being honest.

    That is all I meant 🙂

  23. jenauthor#3432

    If Windsor was merely feeling a bit uncomfortable. Fair enough. He just looked quite seedy, and I was a bit concerned. Especially as SK said a similiar comment at the time. I thought perhaps, his health is not the best. But what you say makes sense. He may have felt some pressure.

  24. Pegasus:

    Please don’t feel you need to attribute innuendo or ambiguity to my comments. I mean what I say, and I say this based on the public record.

  25. [Doyley
    Posted Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 9:48 pm | Permalink

    I didn’t hear about the treasury report and Hockey.

    Was it to do with exit fees ?]
    Have you heard or seen a response from Sloppy?

  26. [Pegasus
    Posted Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 9:49 pm | Permalink
    Mod Lib,
    Irrationality can not be defeated with facts and logic ]

    …but gosh I like to watch a good squirm when people are so wedded to a party their views change in perfect unison with party backflips!


  27. [No, seriously, I am more impressed with her these days, but she needs to face up to her backflip and silly electioneering.]
    She has. She says she is dealing with the parliament the people voted for. Surely this makes sense.

  28. jenauthor,
    [It seemed, with the glee of the Greens, that this was some sort of ‘coalition of the willing’ and I don’t think he wanted people to think they were a block.]
    Can you read minds? 😉

  29. [I was reading the hands.]

    You’ve reminded me of my favourite BB send up of OO journos. The Nikki Savva critique of the ‘distracting hands’ of the hearing impaired translator at Bligh pressers during floods/Yasi.

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