Morgan: Rudd 55, Turnbull 30

Roy Morgan has released a mid-week phone survey of 574 respondents on attitudes to the party leaders, which has 55 per cent favouring Kevin Rudd against 30 per cent for Malcolm Turnbull. Kevin Rudd has a 55 per cent approval rating and 31 per cent disapproval; Malcolm Turnbull’s figures are 43 per cent and 24 per cent. The sample produced a two-party result of 57-43 in favour of Labor: no further detail on voting intention is provided.

UPDATE: Aristotle in comments points out that primary vote figures from the survey are available on Morgan’s poll trends page: Labor 46.5 per cent, Coalition 34.5 per cent, Greens 8 per cent, others 4.5 per cent.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

451 comments on “Morgan: Rudd 55, Turnbull 30”

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  1. [BB, you are impossible. Say whatever you like about Shanahan, but Albrechtsen’s columns are usually very good even if you disagree with her.]

    Well, I’ve said whatever I like about Shananhan, and I’ll do the same for Albrechtsen, if you don’t mind, GP.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you could take your eyes off Janet’s nether regions you would realise shes a disgrace to the notion of political “balance” and should be sacked forthwith from the ABC Board.

    A wannabe Sharon Stone with spectacles and a bad attitude: our Janet in a nutshell.

    (Apologies to Sharon)

    I (amazingly) agree with you re. Phillip Adams. Well past his prime and should be put out to one those pastures he owns (although I did like how he looked after the stray kelpie… a human being, if somewhat past his prime… a dog lover can’t be all bad).

  2. No 151

    BB, she can’t exercise unilateral influence over the board anyway. Either way she is a great woman and a great journalist!

  3. [Janet hasn’t sacked Phil, so I think the perceived bias factor is in fact a meaningless platitude.]

    Sorry GP, your assertions are meaningless platitudes.

    There has been discernible pattern of pro conservative parties bias and anti Labor party bias in the ABC since the appointment of Albrechtsen and Windschuttle by Howard.

  4. Cuppa @ 144. Much the same number as has been done to the public health system in terms of starvation of funds, however, I really object to the C&P rubbish.

  5. Perhaps thats true *its time*… but the ABC was in the past a bit of a “left” kind of place. So I guess it’s fair enough it swung the other way for a bit.

    Swings and roundabouts

  6. HSO, suffice to say that he’s a person who wouldn’t have been made EP of Lateline if Albrechtsen and Windschuttle had anything to do with it. I should stress though that I wouldn’t accuse him of partisanship.

  7. No 153

    Your so-called “discernible pattern” of pro-conservative bias is just a delusion. If anything, the ABC has become very balanced. It is fair to both sides.

  8. Spam Box @ 157. The perceived bias one way or the other of the ABC has been done to death, really, and though I’m guilty of having another whinge here, it’s probably as useful as the ham at the Bar Mitsvah.

  9. No 162

    The fact that we all whinge from time to time about the bias of the ABC, suggests that they’ve probably got the balance right.

    Personally, I love the ABC. It is my favourite channel.

  10. Lets face it, all of us on this site who are left leaning, slightly or otherwise, GP wouldn’t be capable of discerning bias by the media anyway.

  11. Nope just media watch. I’d like to see it replaced by a longer 1 hour show that has detailed oversights of alleged poor journalism.

  12. I haven’t watched Media Watch for ages. Used to really like Stuart Littlemore as host. However, since GP has denounced it, it must have something going for it. I will make a point of watching it again ASAP.

  13. MediaWatch always had a tabloid flavour about it – necessitated because of the time limitation. Haven’t watched it for ages. It is a subject that deserves more time for any sort of decent analysis. Poor reflction on ABC that they weren’t prepared to give it the time needed.
    Showing my age I know but it always seemed like one of those 5 minute “fillers” the ABC used to run to make up the extra time in the half-hour slot because they didn’t carry advertising.

  14. If anyone wanted any further evidence of what I’ve been kvetching about with the ABC, just go and have a look at the headline news online. My concern about this is that with the endless negativity and lack of proper analysis, we’re stuffed. I don’t just mean those who would prefer a more left leaning gov’t., but all of us.

  15. No 187

    I only just watched the Q&A episode from last night on the ABC Website. I think he did very well. He has some work to do in ensuring he offers concise answers, especially on policy – but I think that has more to do with the fact that the Liberal Party hasn’t released any refreshed policies as of yet, apart from the fuel excise and pension increase things.

  16. Yes. GP @ 186 & 187. Certainly, there are worse in the Hun and Terror. You, well I, expect it. I expect neutral headlines and reporting from the ABC, such as if you are actually reporting something that some one else has already reported, you say so. It isn’t all that much to ask.

  17. No 191

    HSO, you’re overanalysing. I don’t see anything overtly biased about the headline. Swan denied stealing the policy from Turnbull. Big deal.

  18. This is what the Libs refuse to understand. They spent 9 months phaffing around with a leader that was neer going to cut it.

    Indirectly, they alllowed all the new Ministers a free ride to get their feet under the desk and get on top of their portfolios.

    Now they’ve changed all their personnel and Labor is ready and charged.

    This is going to be a massacre.

  19. Gillard is rapidly becoming a parliamentary killer shark, and you know it. She’s been studying those Thatcher tapes to good effect. The modulation, the disdainful smile, the elegant sarcasm, it’s all there.

  20. Swan denies stealing mortgage move from Turnbull

    “Cheech T” denies stealing a lid from Swan’s locker… news at 10… hash @ 1.30 [-)

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