Roy Morgan has released a mid-week phone survey of 574 respondents on attitudes to the party leaders, which has 55 per cent favouring Kevin Rudd against 30 per cent for Malcolm Turnbull. Kevin Rudd has a 55 per cent approval rating and 31 per cent disapproval; Malcolm Turnbull’s figures are 43 per cent and 24 per cent. The sample produced a two-party result of 57-43 in favour of Labor: no further detail on voting intention is provided.
UPDATE: Aristotle in comments points out that primary vote figures from the survey are available on Morgan’s poll trends page: Labor 46.5 per cent, Coalition 34.5 per cent, Greens 8 per cent, others 4.5 per cent.
A great losss… Tim Dunlop hanging up his blogging shoes…
Lucky you, WB: you’re just about “it” now!
So Rudd has a net approval rating of 25 and Turnbull of 19 yet the Morgan headline is.
Seems like little change except Turnbull is seen as more acceptable as an Opposition leader than Nelson which would surprise nobody.
The headline:
“Majority of electors prefer Mr Rudd as Prime Minister – however a concern must be:
More Australian electors “disapprove” of Rudd than Turnbull! ”
So the low disapproval rating has nothing to do with the fact that may voters (33%) haven’t made a decision about Turnbull, while only a few (14%) are still uncertain about Rudd. Difference of 19% in undecided outstrips the 9% disapproval by a country mile.
I wonder how long they spent scratching their heads to worry up that ‘positive’ bit of spin.
[I wonder how long they spent scratching their heads to worry up that ‘positive’ bit of spin]
It’s just the usual Morgan BS to try and garner ‘attention’ for his polls
Out of interest William, what were the PPM figures for Howard/Beazley in 1996/1997?
Those examples of OOs writings are truly disgraceful. They are getting more blatant than Fox News. Now we have Fox OO but with less credibility.
I wonder who hands down the riding instructions for murdoch papers? If it is rupe or he just makes sure to employ the right sycophants to get the desired outcomes.
Yes Turnbull would be very affraid of Gillard. Even that old hand Howard was freaked out in parliament by Gillard, he couldn’t look at her. She seems to be able to stare you down and keep her chain of thought and speech nice and fluent – disconcerting.
The worry would be if Turnbull HADN’T got a small spike. I thought 83% apporval of Rudd among Labor voters was pretty impressive.Never saw a figure like that for Howard among Liberal voters.
Incidentally, Morgan was the same demographic genius who told me on the phone last October that the election would be “50/50”. It seems like the old rules of thumb in determining voter allegience no nonger apply.
No 6
TP, all the confected outrage over Shanahan is just silly. I bet if Shanahan was blatantly pro-Rudd, you’d have a different opinion.
No 7
BB, the margin in many ALP-held seats gained at the last election are retained by very slim margins. It wouldn’t take much for them to be lost.
so according to Morgan Labor is up 1&1/2 pts since Turnbull took over? surely not good news for The Merchant.
[BB, the margin in many ALP-held seats gained at the last election are retained by very slim margins. It wouldn’t take much for them to be lost.]
GP, just as many Liberal seats are held by very slim margins. It wouldn’t take much for them to be lost.
Primary votes
ALP 46.5 L/NP 38.5 GR 8
9 – and a very small shift to Labor would see their majority blossom out. The Libs have quite a few seats that are low lying fruit so to speak. Of course the old argument used by some for Barnett’s chances next election in WA (ie a further swing to him) could very well apply to Rudd, afterall it did happen to many state Labor governments didn’t it.
If an election was held today the Libs would loose more seats…how good is that!!!
If a journalist or a paper was blatantly Labor I would agree with and acknowledge anybody who complained about it. In fact it would be just good if no bias was shown by anybody in the media – but failing that a we require a wide diversity of media ownership as a way to balance a variety of partisan views, but we dont have it. And when it becomes as extreme as it is now then it is beyond the pale.
Would anyone care to lay odds on a DD in 2009? Two weeks of Otto Abetz wasting everyone’s time in the Senate the chances must have increased considerably.
The people coming back to the Libs for Talcum were only ever going to be the progressive leaning economic right. But his first stunt was to criticise Rudd for going to the US to talk about the finanncial meltdown etc, which was never going to play out well with that group of voters.
I think Talcum short-circuited his own bounce!
Wonder what Fielding would think of a DD.
Will Fran Bailey and Peter Lindsay(to name two) recontest their seats in 2010?
And surely Labor’s vote in WA will improve next time, allowing Rudd to recover seats like Swan and Cowan?
On the downside, I wouldn’t be too hopeful of Labor holding Robertson, Flynn and Solomon next time.
No 15
Of course, the irony of your argument TP is that Rupert Murdoch publicly commended Rudd’s ability to PM before the 2007 election. It isn’t a question of ownership.
Fielding last week looked like a man who was way out his depth and knew it. I think he would welcome an early exit from politics.
The two biggest blights on the Australian media are Shamaham and Milne!
I don’t see why either Flynn or Solomon should be at particular risk. I agree Robertson will hard to defend.
The Australian is a Liberal newspaper. You know this, and yet you go on buying it, and you go on (and on and on) complaining about it. If you don’t like Liberal newspapers, DON’T BUY THEM.
Flynn just seems to me an unlikely Labor seat, but you could be right, it depends on how good the Labor MP is working for his constituents!
Labor seems to have a crop of good new MPs in QLD, particularly those in Dawson, Forde and Blair.
Not to lay odds directly BUT I think that if it is being seriously considered behind the scenes, that they will wait until the fallout from the NZ, CA and the USA elections and see how things shake out, especially in Washington, before they jump in the deep end. If the Democrats get into the White House that will encourage Rudd to get a move on. Don’t know what the Kiwis will do but if Helen Clark can hold on, that will only add to the positives for doing it. In the meanwhile, say the next 9 months or so, they will have ample time to try to attempt to pass other pieces of legislation and see what the Senate does with them. I think IF they call a DD election, it won’t be until late in autumn or early winter after the variables I’ve mentioned settle down a bit.
No 23
And good riddance to Ms “Don’t you know who I am”.
GP: I doubt she’ll get preselection next time!
At least they do know who she is. I doubt anyone knew who Jim Lloyd was.
Damian only just got over the line in Solomon. I haven’t seen him personally out and about up here but he should be taking the opportunity when he is back here to do lots of door knocking and increase his profile. There is growing anti-Labor sentiment here though that might not translate to the Federal level. Also there is a bit of a moving population here. He could just as easily lose at the next election as win it.
No 29
The question is whether Mr Lloyd desired notoriety gained through abusing his role as a MP.
Realistically it will probably come down to the economy. If we don’t go into recession (while the rest of the world almost certainly does) and interest rates keep coming down then Rudd will increase his margin for sure. If we do, then it will be interesting and the extent of his achievements at the end of the term will be important (ETS, removing WC, education & health spending etc).
I wasn’t being entirely serious. I expect she will be deselected. It’s Labor’s most marginal seat and whether a new candidate can hold it will depend on the overall situation.
GP do you have evidence that Ms Neale abused her role as an MP? The C-DPP and NSW-DPP could not find any. 😉
Dario @ 32 I agree with your ‘realism’. It is all about the economy. I favour Mr. Rudd to get a second term but I am less sure about that than I was at the beginning of this year. Let’s hope he is up to the job; the wellbeing of many may depend on it.
Labor would certainly have little to lose in the Senate from a double dissolution election. The trick is to get a trigger that is sufficient to gaining public support. The MLS bill certainly could be such a trigger. However, I suspect the Medicare Thresholds (No. 2) bill will be passed.
The IR bills will be the real crunch.
How come all the “default avatars” look like fascist symbols?
Point of correction:
[The Australian is a Liberal newspaper. You know this, and yet you go on buying it…]
Haven’t bought it, or even read a free copy for years.
And then years before that.
No 34
Wrong ruawake. Insufficient evidence does not mean no evidence. There was certainly a lot of statutory declarations flying about.
Bill, I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to Evan.
Swannie is announcing a new initiative by the Govt to inject more money into the mortgage market and boost competition in the mortgage lending market, especially for the non bank lenders.
[The IR bills will be the real crunch]
and where the Opposition will get a lot of negative press I think
No 39
[even read a free copy for years.]
So why do you give us these continued long-winded sermons about how terrible the Australian is, complete with full-length quotes?
Sorry, BB, but can we just be clear that you your statement was full of crap.
[Swannie is announcing a new initiative by the Govt to inject more money into the mortgage market and boost competition in the mortgage lending market, especially for the non bank lenders]
What’s the bet Turnbull tries to claim it
[that you your statement]
Should read: That you know your statement…
2x $2B for the non bank and mid-tier bank lenders.
No 45
He rightfully should claim it, given that Swan chastised Turnbull just a few days ago for even suggesting it.
You made the claim about abusing the role as an MP. If you wish to pass judgement with insufficient evidence fair enough. 🙂
Sky news Lib stooge Spears is allready saying it was all Allbuls idea and how embarrassing it is for labor and he’s wetting himself trying to get hold of Allbull to hear what he has to say.