“No decisions tonight”

The headline says “CNN projects Obama clinches nomination”, but during what in many ways has sounded like a concession speech, Clinton has declared: “I will be making no decisions tonight”.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,132 comments on ““No decisions tonight””

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  1. Ron, ESJ, GG: what’s wrong with you three? Are you living in a parallel universe? I hate to break it to you, Obama won the nomination, Hillary conceded!
    Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt for some LOL

  2. GG: There was blatant electoral fraud in Ohio in 2004!
    Let me guess, you’ll argue next Bush won fair and square in 2000?

  3. Latest market at Intrade:

    Obama 63……..up 3 since yesterday.
    McCain 34…….down 3 since yesterday.

    In the VP stakes, there have been nibbles the last 2 days for M.Warner,E.Bayh (talk about throwing money away) and Bill Richardson for the dems. And a nibble for Romney for the Repugs.

  4. ESJ: So what do ya think is going to happen? Obama gets stripped of the nomination? You live in fantasy land, my friend, or you’re just making mischief on here for the hell of it.

  5. Jen,
    awww shux, now I’m blushing.
    I suspect ESJ would be better off worrying less about how he finds me and more about how he struggles to find a grip on a cogent arguement.

  6. This from the Votemaster:
    A rare House poll has a very interesting result. In KY-03, Rep. John Yarmuth is way ahead of former congresswoman Anne Northup 57% to 40%. After three special elections (in IL-14, LA-06, and MS-01) in which Democrats won seats long held by Republicans, a lot of Republicans were wondering (fearing) what was going to happen in close districts. Although Kentucky as a whole is very Republican, KY-03 is evenly split and the first indication is that in evenly split districts, there could be Democratic landslides.


  7. Progressive, BHO perpetrated a fraud which has partially unravelled, there is still not enough evidence to press charges at this moment.

  8. Progressive,
    Right wing drug addict and redneck gasbag, Rush Limbaugh actually started a drive to have Repugs register for the dem primaries and vote for Hillary as she was always the right’s preferred candidate – you may be on to something.

  9. Optimist-
    any man that can find his own I is gorgeous in my book.
    Nothing like self-actualisation to turn a girl all light headed.
    As for supporting war mongerers- i just go all cold and distant.

  10. Jen,
    ah, but don’t forget i didn’t find my own I – it was you who led me back to it. Without you, I’d simply be a collection of nonsensical consonants with a couple of vowels thrown in.

  11. Progressive,

    It seems that you think calling people unpleasant names is a substitute for rational discussion. While you may disagree vehemently with what other bloggers post, that means you need to question, rather than abuse.

    Two can play your game, it is up to you.

  12. Jen yous are all too lazy to read the full Iraq Intell reports , so you rely on false journos to feed your bias on Iraq The decison at the time was correct on the info Intell available & reports from Bix chief UN-MOVIC weapons inspector & Mohamed El Baradei, the IAEA chief inspector. Peoples whose names yous probably don’t even know.

    and under Obama when ALL US troops be out of Iraq ??
    (surely the question is not too hard)

  13. Edward- to need to sink so low…(and I roll my own. but I’m not a man).

    Grinch –
    you still haven’t answered : do you support the Bush administration’s war in Iraq? YES or NO.

    Optimist- glad to have helped but I was only the guide. You followed your own path to find self- actualisation and enlightenment…Grasshopper.

  14. GG,
    in case you missed them the first several times…….

    if you were referring to 2004, then why did you not simply say that George W won the last presidential election? Instead, you said that (I’ll emphasis this to help you) “THE REPUBLICANS UNDER George W won the LAST election.”

    If, as you seem to be suggesting, GW’s win in 2004 is the reason that Obama is, in your words starting from behind, then surely you can admit that the political climate in the U.S is vastly different now than in 2004 and thus, you’re characterisation of Obama starting from behind is wrong.

    Either you were wrong in stating that Obama is starting from behind or you were wrong in stating that the Republicans under George W won the last election – take your pic.

    Why could you not simply answer my questions…
    do you stand by the words…and i quote yet again…”The Republicans under George W won the last election”?

    Do you stand by your assertion that Obama is starting from behind?

  15. Optimist,

    Scroll back to 1841.


    It is very clear that George W won the last Presidential election.

    It is very clear that he had the majority of the vote.

    These are facts, not assertions.


  16. GG

    1/ Iraq
    this FL group simply Iraq as a simple yes or no. What she should have asked is should the US have pulled out after no WMD’s were found. And my answer is yes

    2/ Optimist
    doesn’t seem to understand the Repugs won in 2004 and so your statement Obama is starting behind 9in e/v’s0 is 100% correct. the same aplied to Hillary , she was starting behind the Repugs. You have to win states BACK , something beyond his pedantic questions , the same guy supporting democracy after the MI & FL undemocratic rort

  17. Geez Growler- evasive or what!?
    Do you support Bush’s war in Iraq. YES OR NO?????
    After that the decisions get a whole lot clearer, my friend – forget the politics.

  18. Ron,

    Thanks for your ability to cut through and state it as it is.

    Unfortunately, our friends are more interested in questions than answers.

  19. Jen,

    How do you feel about Islamo fascists prepared to come in to your house and cut your throat in order to get at and rape and kill your children?

    No prevarication please.

  20. Lighten up Jen.

    Evening all. Back at 3am for Catrina’s latest tutorial :”The dos and donts of in grown toenail excavation”

  21. GG,
    I asked you to answer two very simple questions. You repeatedly refused to answer those questions. You have embarrased yourself intellectually by gratuitously ignoring the specific substance of my simple questions. I am not attempting to enter into a dispute over the outcome of the 2004 election and you know that.

    I don’t propose to insult your intelligence by suggesting that you do not understand my questions or that you do not understand the concept of context and the context in which my questions have been asked. If you choose to demonstrate such a lack of understanding with continued attempts at defelections, that is entirely up to you, you will be insulting your own intelligence and the concept of logic generally – that is your choice.

    I will ask you one more time and refresh your memory one more time…..

    if you were referring to 2004, then why did you not simply say that George W won the last presidential election? Instead, you said that (I’ll emphasis this to help you) “THE REPUBLICANS UNDER George W won the LAST election.”

    If, as you seem to be suggesting, GW’s win in 2004 is the reason that Obama is, in your words starting from behind, then surely you can admit that the political climate in the U.S is vastly different now than in 2004 and thus, you’re characterisation of Obama starting from behind is wrong.

    Either you were wrong in stating that Obama is starting from behind or you were wrong in stating that the Republicans under George W won the last election – take your pic.

    Why could you not simply answer my questions…
    do you stand by the words…and i quote yet again…”The Republicans under George W won the last election”?

    Do you stand by your assertion that Obama is starting from behind?

  22. Optimist , GG in #1885 agreed with my answer in #1882 , which proves either you can not read or you are persisting with questions in a vain attempt to camoflage how foolish you were in the first place in not understanding GG’s original answer, or both

  23. Waiting for the heat pack to warm up…

    Growler- I detest Islamo-fascists as much as I detest Western muslim-hating racists.
    Did you support the Iraq war. Yes or No??? (my recollection during our election last year was a resounding NO), but if I’m wrong or if you’ve conveniently changed your position please enlighten me.

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