Polls: Essential Research and Roy Morgan (open thread)

Some of Anthony Albanese’s worst personal numbers to date from Essential Research, though both it and Roy Morgan continue to record a close race on two-party preferred.

The fortnightly Essential Research poll continues to find little separating the two major parties on the pollster’s 2PP+ measure, with the Coalition up a point on last time to 47% and Labor down two to 46%, with the remainder undecided. Labor is down a point on the primary vote to 30% while the Coalition is up one to 33%, with the Greens down one to 12%, One Nation down one to 7%, others up one to 10%, the United Australia Party steady on 1% and undecided up one to 7%.

The monthly personal ratings record a three-point drop in Anthony Albanese’s approval rating to 40% with disapproval up to 49%, his worst net result and disapproval result from this pollster so far. Peter Dutton is unchanged at 41% approval and 42% disapproval. There are also questions on the leaders’ attributes which find the biggest distinction between the two being a 74-26 split against the notion that Albanese is aggressive, compared with 50-50 for Dutton. No doubt relatedly, there is a 52-48 break in favour of Dutton as decisive – probably the most positive result for either out of eight qualities canvassed – which comes at 58-42 against for Albanese.

There are also bad signs for the government on a semi-regular national mood question, which finds a five-point increase on last month to 54% for those rating Australia as on the wrong track, with right track down four to 30%. However, a series of questions on the Coalition’s nuclear energy policy produces broadly negative results: 48% rate Dutton’s plan as “serious” compared with 52% for an alternative of “just an attempt to extend the life of gas and limit investment in large-scale renewables”, and 38% rate nuclear energy as the most expensive out of nuclear, renewables and fossil fuels, up two since April, with renewables down five to 45%. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1141.

The weekly Roy Morgan poll finds Labor’s two-party lead unchanged at 51-49, from primary votes of Labor 31.5% (steady), Coalition 36.5% (down half), Greens 13% (steady) and One Nation 4.5% (down one-and-a-half). The accompanying release notes that a preference determination based on flows at the 2022 election rather than respondent allocation produces a lead to Labor of 52.5-47.5. The poll was conducted Monday to Friday from a sample of 1708.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,349 comments on “Polls: Essential Research and Roy Morgan (open thread)”

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  1. AFR: Investment chiefs from the country’s biggest superannuation funds will not bankroll Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s nuclear power plan, despite strong appetite for other energy transition assets and a shortage of domestic investment opportunities.

    Aware Super CIO Damian Graham said the production timelines on nuclear were too long to help meet the fund’s own net-zero targets. His counterpart at UniSuper, John Pearce, said nuclear investments would not make money for members fast enough, while Cbus ruled it out completely.

  2. Douglas and Milkosays:
    Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 7:51 pm
    “I read a piece by Bernard Keane in Crikey a few months ago, where he metaphorically put his head in his hands and said that he no longer thought the rise of the internet was a good thing.”

    Internet is as powerful and desructive/ constructive as harnessing of the atom power.
    Both can be used for good, bad, construction and destruction.
    The next cab of the ranks is AI. If humans are not careful with its use, it will destroy humanity if Climate change doesn’t do it before.
    Remember Murphy’s law?

    Murphy’s law[a] is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” In some formulations, it is extended to “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time.”

  3. Lars Von Triersays:
    Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 7:23 pm
    [Change is a coming D&M.]

    Flail, flail, flail myself, Lars says to no one in particular.

    [There is honour in principled dissent after all] (6.51pm)

  4. Poor goll – you really are missing nath. He was the only one on here who really understood you wasn’t he?

  5. Taylormadesays:
    Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 7:20 pm
    Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 6:59 pm
    According to the United States Golf Association Joe Biden in 2015 had an official handicap of 6.3 which is pretty good.
    I saw footage of Biden’s swing the other day. He would be off 36 now.
    Trump’s is still OK, but does come over the top. Which means you have to manipulate the clubface on the way down.

    Rod Laver isn’t as good at tennis as he use to be too. Your actual point is?
    As my one was, i believe at his best (along time ago) Biden was better at golf than Trump was at his best.

  6. Confessions @ #2265 Sunday, July 7th, 2024 – 7:07 pm


    Yeah, it’s at the point where the compassionate thing is to thank him for his 50+ years of service to his country, and wish him well into his retirement.

    Maybe give him a gold watch? 🙂

    I heard the funniest thing today from Michael Smerconish. He blamed the campaign against smoking as the cause of most of our political problems today. He said smoking used to kill people off in their 70s roughly, but now with a lot less people smoking, especially in the political class, politicians are living into their 80s and thinking they can govern forever.

  7. Herald Sun 07/07
    Daniel Andrews has engaged one of Australia’s most expensive silks in a bid to keep secret his phone records from the day of a near-fatal 2013 car crash with a teenage cyclist.

    Philip Crutchfield KC – who charges up to $25,000 a day – will lead Mr Andrews’ ­attempts to fight a Supreme Court subpoena.

    The hearing before Associate Justice Melissa Daly will be held on Monday morning.
    Willing to pay $25k a day to keep them secret.
    What’s that tell you. It tells me he is fucked if they are made public.

  8. Trumps golf is laughable these days. Old, can’t swing around his gut etc.
    There’s a vid around where he shanked one from about 50 metres to the green and nearly took out a SS agent.
    Of course he thought it was a great shot. Took a mulligan from 10 feet.

  9. Taylormade @ #2316 Sunday, July 7th, 2024 – 9:28 pm

    Herald Sun 07/07
    Daniel Andrews has engaged one of Australia’s most expensive silks in a bid to keep secret his phone records from the day of a near-fatal 2013 car crash with a teenage cyclist.

    Philip Crutchfield KC – who charges up to $25,000 a day – will lead Mr Andrews’ ­attempts to fight a Supreme Court subpoena.

    The hearing before Associate Justice Melissa Daly will be held on Monday morning.
    Willing to pay $25k a day to keep them secret.
    What’s that tell you. It tells me he is fucked if they are made public.

    It tells me that you’re hanging your hat on a conspiracy theory.

  10. Taylormade
    I will give you a tip. Andrews is not in power anymore. Its over. Finished. Kaputski. The story is not going to help the Liberals to win any votes. The Herald Sun cant get over him not being leader either.

  11. Taylormade says:
    Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 9:28 pm

    Herald Sun 07/07
    Daniel Andrews has engaged one of Australia’s most expensive silks in a bid to keep secret his phone records from the day of a near-fatal 2013 car crash with a teenage cyclist.

    Philip Crutchfield KC – who charges up to $25,000 a day – will lead Mr Andrews’ ­attempts to fight a Supreme Court subpoena.

    The hearing before Associate Justice Melissa Daly will be held on Monday morning.
    Willing to pay $25k a day to keep them secret.
    What’s that tell you. It tells me he is fucked if they are made public.

    The Herald-Shun have snookered him, will probably have to resign as Premier and maybe from parliament………oh wait

  12. You have to let Trump win at golf. He just cheats anyway if you dont. He is like a child that throws a tantrum otherwise.

    During an appearance on “Deadline White House” with Nicolle Wallace, Reilly recounted his experience golfing with the former president.

    The sportswriter claimed that Trump is a loser and does cheat at the game.

    “I’ve always said golf is like bicycle shorts. It reveals a lot about a guy,” he began. “And what it reveals about this guy is that he cannot lose. He has to win, and he will do anything to cheat.”

    “And I know because I played golf with him, and he took seven mulligans. He took a ‘give me chip-in.’ I’ve never even heard of a ‘give me chip-in,'” he added, per People Magazine.

  13. Newspoll quarterly poll summary of data (not a new poll) article is up. Tomorrow we will be able to see the actual table in the paper, probably best to wait for that.

    Newspoll: Coalition ahead of Labor in NSW and Queensland
    An exclusive state-by-state Newspoll demographic analysis shows the federal Coalition pulling ahead of Labor for the first time in NSW, while increasing its lead in Queensland.
    July 7, 2024 – 9:30PM

    The federal Coalition has pulled ahead of Labor for the first time in the key election battleground state of NSW and has increased its lead in Queensland as a virtual three-way contest emerges ­between the major parties and the Greens for younger voters.

    While Labor still leads in Victoria and South Australia, the contest has tightened. But the ­Coalition has lost significant ground in Western Australia, which was the key to Labor’s 2022 election victory.

    An exclusive state-by-state Newspoll demographic analysis shows the political contest tightening over the past three months, with Labor leading the Coalition on a reduced two-party-preferred vote of 51-49.

  14. Oakeshott Countrysays:
    Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 7:48 pm
    The Vatican had to send an enforcer, the Prefect of Propaganda Fide, to tell Mannix to pull his head in on pain of “resigning”.
    Surprisingly, he actually complied.

    Interesting conversation i suspect. Particularly if asked what he had achieved by doing it.

    Prefect: “So tell me what have you achieved by your dabbling in politics?”
    Mannix: “I have managed to secure Robert Menzies as PM for many terms”
    Prefect: “The Protestant Anglophile Robert Menzies?”
    Mannix: “That be him”
    Prefect: “What were you thinking Danny boy?”
    Mannix: “Now that you put it in that light, not much i guess”
    Prefect: “I can see why we have never had an Irish Pope”

  15. What a shame someone needs to pay legal representation to defend unsubstantiated claims.

    Well, I never!

    Hopefully those costs get fully reimbursed when the case has been found to be very feeble.

    Maybe that will make someone’s stiffy go away.

  16. Lars,

    Of course just about everyone is missing the key difference between western Sydney seats in 2025 and Teals in Liberal held seats in 2022.

    In the main, the Teal’s positioned themselves in the middle of the two major parties, despite wanting stronger action in some areas than Labor was proposing – the media helped them reinforce the view that they held similar positions to Labor, but were a candidate that could win – this drove the tactical voting from Labor voters. The Teals were also able to pour shit on candidates and supporters from both major parties as not being legitimately “of the community”. Some Labor and many Green voters were willing to forgo a primary vote for their preferred party in order to get the centrist Teal into second on PV. The Teals then got >75% of preferences.

    Any Muslim candidate will be much different – they will be asking some conservative Liberal voters to vote tactically for a candidate far more to the “left” than Labor. If they do get into second on PV, they will then require a high percentage of Liberal preferences. Will the Liberal HTV preference a candidate who is anti Israel above the ALP candidate?? How does Dutton retain credibility if it does?

  17. The Muslim Vote mob are not going to change any seats colours anytime soon, even in Wills where the Muslim portion of population is said to be 10.1 %. What the idiot Bandt doesn’t realise in going all out pro Palestine is that electorate population number is not 10.1 % of voters in Wills for example. It includes children under 18, Muslim people not eligible to vote and Muslims who don’t vote by choice. Moreover , most Muslim voters are very unlikely to second preference Greens because they support things like gay marriage which is abhorrent to Muslim people in the main. Putting a religious affiliation in any Party name if they go that path will only put fuel on the fire for fans of Islam hatred and discrimination which we don’t need in Australia. Hanson and others would exploit it other electorates, especially in Qld. A storm in a tea cup is The Muslim vote in my opininion. I thought differently a few weeks ago, now it’s just media click bait that dosent trouble me re seats in Western Sydney and Melbourne they are targeting.

  18. Been Theresays:
    Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 9:45 pm
    What a shame someone needs to pay legal representation to defend unsubstantiated claims.

    Well, I never!

    Hopefully those costs get fully reimbursed when the case has been found to be very feeble.

    Maybe that will make someone’s stiffy go away.

    Andrews is a goner. As 11 year old phone records exist nowhere. Hence he’ll never be able to provide them. Hence he will always be guilty.

    Though what idiotic judge would demand someone supply phone records from 11 years ago?
    It was probably a 2G or 3G network operating there in 2013. Probably no 4G there then.

  19. In WA the others column biggest in country.

    Greens increase in WA is suspect nothing over here they have been running on recently.

    Are a chunk of labor voters going to vacate labor and vote for Muslim vote candidates on the Palestine issue?

  20. Leroy @ #2323 Sunday, July 7th, 2024 – 9:42 pm

    Newspoll quarterly poll summary of data (not a new poll) article is up. Tomorrow we will be able to see the actual table in the paper, probably best to wait for that.

    Newspoll: Coalition ahead of Labor in NSW and Queensland
    An exclusive state-by-state Newspoll demographic analysis shows the federal Coalition pulling ahead of Labor for the first time in NSW, while increasing its lead in Queensland.

    The federal Coalition has pulled ahead of Labor for the first time in the key election battleground state of NSW and has increased its lead in Queensland as a virtual three-way contest emerges ­between the major parties and the Greens for younger voters.

    While Labor still leads in Victoria and South Australia, the contest has tightened. But the ­Coalition has lost significant ground in Western Australia, which was the key to Labor’s 2022 election victory.

    An exclusive state-by-state Newspoll demographic analysis shows the political contest tightening over the past three months, with Labor leading the Coalition on a reduced two-party-preferred vote of 51-49.
    July 7, 2024 – 9:30PM

    I see the expectations management to set the table for a Coalition win at the next election has begun.

    But wait, when you get to the bottom of the screed by Benson you see that Labor are still leading the Coalition, 51-49. 😐

  21. Taylormade says:
    Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 9:28 pm

    Herald Sun 07/07
    Daniel Andrews has engaged one of Australia’s most expensive silks in a bid to keep secret his phone records from the day of a near-fatal 2013 car crash with a teenage cyclist.

    Someone should tell the Herald/Sun Andrew has retired.

  22. Who is asking for Daniel Andrews’ phone records? It’s only being reported in the various State editions of the Daily Rupert. Apparently no one else considers it newsworthy. Just another skirmish in a never-ending Newscrap Holy War.

  23. In one thousand years, devotees of the Cult of Rupert the Great will gather on the anniversary of Andrews’ 2014 election victory to solemnly intone curses against the Great Satan Daniel Andrews and throw stones at his image…

  24. Seriously, but the nerve of some of you is amazing.

    You complain about bullying, while being some of the biggest bullies iv ever seen on a forum system.

    You complain people should stay in their lane, while blocking people so you can engage when ever you feel like it, with no right of reply.

    You accuse people of being bots, or paid actors, or foreign agents, whilw repeating the most trite Labor one liners.

    You complain about any criticism of Labor policy, while repeating trite little mantras about the Greens or any other party you don’t like.

    You engage in slurs, you engage in dogwhistling, you engage in gaslighting, you engage is deplorable behaviour, and then you have the idea that you are some goody little two shoes… and that’s not even getting started how some of you have mocked the real world mental health issues certain posters felt they could share with us.

    If it wasn’t for the people (who I note are across the political spectrum) that actually engage in discussions (with some good insults) this would be a cold dead echo chamber were you and your ilk simply praise Labor as its vote continues to decrease, while blaming everyone but yourselves.

  25. C@tmomma says:
    Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 10:34 pm
    The only one missing nath is Lars Von Trier.

    while i’m no longer on often …. i miss nath


  26. Oh Lordbain.

    Rebuttal and the things that go with it are not all you have described.

    Do you think that whatever you post should not go unchallenged?

    You have a very Green/ anti Labor approach.

    Expecting compliments and roses is not going to happen, sorry.

    I usually scroll through your posts but the last one caught my eye for the length of it.

    Call my response bullying if you want.

    Massive whinge!

  27. Lordbain – I don’t post “all day long” but I’ll always stick up for a poster as it’s important to get all sorts of perspectives. I am the last who would live in a bubble.
    I appreciate your posts and commentary, as I’m sure most on this site do. Stuff I don’t want to deal with, well I’ve got a “scroll wheel” on my mouse. Posters should utilise the old scroll wheel a bit more often.
    I usually just drop by for a poll – which is what this site is set up for.
    Don’t go the way of Rainman, who was also a good poster. Cheers Mr, like your work!

  28. High Street
    Any Muslim candidate will be much different – they will be asking some conservative Liberal voters to vote tactically for a candidate far more to the “left” than Labor. If they do get into second on PV, they will then require a high percentage of Liberal preferences. Will the Liberal HTV preference a candidate who is anti Israel above the ALP candidate?? How does Dutton retain credibility if it does?
    Will they be left of labor when many Muslims are socially conservative and don’t share much in common with the progressive left.

  29. nadia88says:
    Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 11:23 pm
    Lordbain – I don’t post “all day long” but I’ll always stick up for a poster as it’s important to get all sorts of perspectives. I am the last who would live in a bubble.
    I appreciate your posts and commentary, as I’m sure most on this site do. Stuff I don’t want to deal with, well I’ve got a “scroll wheel” on my mouse. Posters should utilise the old scroll wheel a bit more often.
    I usually just drop by for a poll – which is what this site is set up for.
    Don’t go the way of Rainman, who was also a good poster. Cheers Mr, like your work!

    Rainman still posts, he just does it as “Misanthrope”.

  30. Malcolm Turnbull hit out at the thought of Opposition Leader Peter Dutton becoming prime minister on Sunday night’s edition of The Project.

    The former prime minister was strongly opinionated on the topic, saying the idea of the Liberal Party leader scoring the top position of power made him shudder.

    “I think that’s something we should contemplate with dread,” Mr Turnbull said.

    His words were met with a shocked response from the hosts and audience, along with some smatterings of laughter.

    When asked why, Mr Turnbull said, while grinning: “Well he’s a thug.”

    “Peter’s got one tune that he plays and it’s been all his political life and that is division and animosity, generally targeted at immigrants,” said Mr Turnbull.

    “I couldn’t think of anyone less suited to be prime minister of a multicultural society like Australia.

    “There’s no point pulling my punches, it’s an important question and I’ve given you an honest answer.”

    That statement by Turnbull about “one tune” is why there is no point Muslims voting for Dutton.

  31. Been There says:
    Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 11:20 pm
    Massive whinge!
    Been There, he’s been copping it in “old style PB horror” manner since Thurs. Remember Rainman. Treated like a piece of dirt before he dropped off the site.
    I know you’re probably jacked with me because of the Tiges v Storm match/smarty comment last night, but posters have a right to say what they want (bar abuse) and posters have a right to use the scroll wheel in response. Most use the scroll wheel on me, especially if I bang out a 2PP.
    Most of us just gasp at the abuse he, and Rainman, and Irene earlier this year, copped. I know Lordbain doesn’t need “nobody little me” to stick up for him, but I’ve stuck up for others and don’t really care what gets flung back. I have a scroll wheel to deal with the sites’ nastie pasties and I’m confident the sites goodies will stick up for me if i cop it unfairly.
    That’s my piece, good night all.

  32. That statement by Turnbull about “one tune” is why there is no point Muslims voting for Dutton.


    I don’t think anyone is or was seriously predicting that large numbers of Muslims will move from Labor and vote 1 LNP, especially so under Dutton. People are not going to vote for a party they perceive as far worse for them.

    Labor so far has not handled this well and unnecessarily alienated many Muslim voters which will cost them some primary votes. Not ideal, especially when your trying to maintain a primary vote with a 3 in front of it. But losing these voters isn’t going to directly benefit the LNP.

  33. Labor, the LNP, the Greens,the media and the Senator from WA have not handled this very well and have alienated many Muslim voters which will cost the Muslims in Australia, in many ways.

    It is very difficult to identify any “positives” for anyone from this “much to do about nothing”.

    Certainly the Palestinians have not benefitted in any way from the “ruckus” in Australia.

  34. Malcolm Turnbull would know how the lib/nats propaganda media units work, hence why he is out attacking Dutton to counter attack the propaganda from the lib/nats and propaganda media units

  35. It’s boggling at times!

    I haven’t heard a lot regarding Payman from the ALP.

    All the squawking is coming from elsewhere with plenty of conspiracy theories, what if, who said this, that but nothing of any factual note.

  36. WOW! Oakeshott Country might be right! 😯

    Joe Biden’s doctor met with a leading Parkinson’s disease specialist at the White House earlier this year, it has emerged, amid ongoing questions about the US President’s health.

    Dr Kevin O’Connor, Biden’s physician, met with Dr Kevin Cannard, a top neurologist, on January 17 and Cannard has visited the White House a further seven times in the last year.

    Cannard, a “movement disorders specialist”, works at the Walter Reed Medical Centre, a military hospital in Maryland where Biden receives his checkups.


  37. BK @ 9.31am
    My wife and I record Insiders to watch later.
    The ‘Fast Forward’ button relieves a lot of the stress from listening to the childish cant of the Greens.
    It is difficult to state this, but Phil Corey was actually the only person on Insiders who was mostly talking sense.
    I am too with you, and others, who are over Palestine and the Middle East.
    Short of bombing the Knesset, what action can the Australian Government take, other than diplomatic, to influence the Israeli Government.
    Australia is assisting the civilians of Gaza through humanitarian aid as part of our International obligations.
    Recognition of a Palestine State, which doesn’t exist with any form of civil governance isn’t going to lead to any improvement to the plight of the unfortunate civilians of Gaza.
    We should be supporting practical, not impossible, efforts to support the civilian population of Gaza.

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