Newspoll: 51-49 to Labor (open thread)

Newspoll finds the Coalition down three points on the primary vote and Peter Dutton up five on disapproval, although the two-party result remains tight.

The Australian reports the latest Newspoll finds Labor recovering a 51-49 lead on two-party preferred, after the last result three weeks ago recorded a draw. However, both sides are down on the primary vote, Labor by a point to 32% and the Coalition by three to 36%, with the Greens up two to 13%, One Nation steady on 7% and others up two to 12%. Anthony Albanese is down one on approval to 42% and up three on disapproval to 53%, while Peter Dutton is down one to 38% and up five to 54%. Albanese’s lead as preferred prime minister is 46-38, unchanged from last time. The poll also finds 42% support for Peter Dutton’s proposal of building nuclear power plants in seven locations announced last week, with 45% opposed. The poll was conducted Monday to Friday from a sample of 1260.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,196 comments on “Newspoll: 51-49 to Labor (open thread)”

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  1. Just what the country needs, a specialised religious voting bloc.

    Thought we already had that. The liberal party

    Certainly in WA

  2. “To all those whining that Dutts was a cop:
    Starmer was a Prosecutor, the bloke’s a 1st Class Arse.”

    Well done, they both suck

  3. I think you’ll find the people who think Dutton being a former cop is the most disqualifying thing about him probably aren’t exactly fans of Starmer either.

  4. On the topic of starmer

    His forensic proceduralism boils down to writing, “The cops did nothing wrong,” on any document within arm’s reach until he’s promoted to the Head of the Crown Prosecution Service – from giving glowing recommendations of the Northern Irish Police as they beat civilians with truncheons, after allowing unionists waving paramilitary insignias to march into Catholic neighbourhoods, to refusing to bring charges over the deaths of Jean Charles de Menezes, Ian Tomlinson and Jimmy Mubenga.

    Yep, sounds like a top bloke…

  5. The other well-known Queensland cop who went on to become Federal Leader of the Opposition was Bill Hayden.

    Neither ever became Prime Minister*.

    * Looking into my crystal ball one year into the future.

  6. Dr Fumbles Mcstupid says:
    Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 9:23 pm
    Dick Smith is has a good reason to be concerned about batteries

    He probably should have just stuck with peanut butter
    You understand the store had been sold about 3 times after Dick Smith sold it don’t you Fumbles.

  7. So, Lars, no mention of the fact of the massive costs and 20 to 30 years’ timeframe regarding nuclear?

    If nuclear was an immediate option yes, by all means, but no, it is not!

    Sleep on that!

  8. Been There says:
    Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 9:28 pm
    So, Lars, no mention of the fact of the massive costs and 20 to 30 years’ timeframe regarding nuclear?

    If nuclear was an immediate option yes, by all means, but no, it is not!

    Sleep on that!
    Not to mention the 3 eyed fish!

  9. C@tmomma says:
    Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 8:07 pm
    Entropy @ #1032 Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024 – 7:49 pm

    I admit, I don’t read LVT’s posts but, the one today whereby he tried to highlight your misspelling of rational/rationale,

    As an aside it does raise an interesting question. Was my error misspelling or poor grammar? So did i misspell the adjective or did i put a noun in the place of a adjective? Maybe there is no rational/rationale answer.

    C@T congrats on finding a place and best wishes to “MB” on your journey too.

  10. Labor policies:

    Nuclear submarines are unnecessary, will cost billions, and will not be available for 20 years, if ever.

    Nuclear reactors are unnecessary, will cost billions, and will not be available for 20 years, if ever.

    One of these is apparently a great deal, the other is a con job.

    Now for the the tricky bit … which one is which?

  11. @meher baba

    Really sorry to hear about your situation at the moment and I completely sympathise. I lost 2 grandparents in 2019 and it was horrible to go through in their final days when I had grown up close to them.

    My thoughts are with you and your family in this time.

  12. Badthinkersays:
    Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 9:14 pm
    Dick Smith is like a god to the older lightly informed

    He has been spruiking for the Sustainable Australia Party since 2017. How is their vote going on the back of his support?

  13. Nuclear submarines are unnecessary, will cost billions, and will not be available for 20 years, if ever.

    Nuclear reactors are unnecessary, will cost billions, and will not be available for 20 years, if ever.

    One of these is apparently a great deal, the other is a con job.

    Now for the tricky bit … which one is which?

    Both are con jobs, foisted upon us by the LNP.

  14. You too Kirsdarke. I notice you’ve been off the blog this past few days.
    Hopefully you’ll drop by from time to time.
    All the best to Meher & Nicholas too.
    19 years old for a pusscat Meher – long long life, so obviously very well loved and cared for.
    Big part of the family, and just doing the maths your cat has now lived under 7 PM’s.

  15. Confessions @6:35 pm

    I’m oscillating daily on whether Biden should go or stay.

    As put eloquently by the Clash:
    “If I go there will be trouble (Si me voy, va a haber peligro)
    And if I stay it will be double (Si me quedo, es doble)
    So you gotta let me know (Pero que tienes que decir)
    Should I stay or should I go”

    With added Spanish subtitles n:)

  16. Entropy @ #1111 Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024 – 9:38 pm

    C@tmomma says:
    Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 8:07 pm
    Entropy @ #1032 Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024 – 7:49 pm

    I admit, I don’t read LVT’s posts but, the one today whereby he tried to highlight your misspelling of rational/rationale,

    As an aside it does raise an interesting question. Was my error misspelling or poor grammar? So did i misspell the adjective or did i put a noun in the place of a adjective? Maybe there is no rational/rationale answer.

    C@T congrats on finding a place and best wishes to “MB” on your journey too.

    If you can look into LVT’s mind and find an answer, you’re a better man than me!

  17. “ Dick Smith has come out in favour of nuclear energy.”


    Maybe the electronic Dick could enlighten us all on exactly how nuclear energy is going to be rolled out in time to replace the retiring coal fired power stations. While he is at it maybe he could explain the economics of a transition from coal to nuclear for ‘baseload’ power.

    IMO, he’s just another old cooker who now indulges in magical thinking.

    His take that renewables aren’t up to the task of powering Australia is also pure ignorance.

    A pox on Dick – he’s an idiot.

    Repealing the ban? Now?

    The time for ‘thinking about it’ if we were serious was when Howard (not Hawke, keating, Gillard or Rudd) put the ban in place.

    Considering it objectively? Seriously. Howard got Ziggy to do that in 2006 – apparently – and then Howard promptly kicked the idea into the gutter and a congaline of his political progeny kept the idea there for the next 20 years.

    The objective truth isnt that hard to ascertain: it is now too late for nuclear power to play any role in the transition. It is too late for nuclear to turn up in time to provide baseload power for our remnant industrial centres. Even if we could magic away 30 years of inaction the costs would be ginormous. Dutton’s plan will cost anywhere between 300 and 600 billion for little more than 50 Gigawatts of nameplate generation. In short, too little, too late and at a galactically stupid cost.

    The electronic Dick can’t even see that ‘nuclear’ is a smokescreen for inaction on climate change – which he professes a deep concern for. The can’t see the end play in a two card trick. Nuclear won’t work, so by 2028 Canavan and his coal cronies will have there way – another dozen coal power plants will be commissioned ‘as an interim’ ‘transitional’ ‘plan’. Either Dick is blind, or he’s actually part of the con.

    Firmed renewables will provide all the power that is required. Scientists and engineers have proven this. Dick is a salesman. He is not a scientist. Let alone an electrical systems engineer. Even in his own field of expertise – sales and PR – he’s past it.

  18. @nadia88 at 9:51pm

    Thanks. I admit that I’ve been feeling somewhat better not diving into fights here like I have been earlier.

  19. Dr Fumbles Mcstupid @ #1105 Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024 – 9:23 pm

    Dick Smith is has a good reason to be concerned about batteries

    He probably should have just stuck with peanut butter

    Peanut Butter has been a massive growth industry over the last decade. Who woulda thunk it? It used to be that you could only buy Kraft or Eta, but now there’s Heinz 57 varieties of peanut butter, to mangle a metaphor and they sell incredibly well.

  20. Holding an election is this year is possible, it might happen but I judge it unlikely.

    Building seven nuclear reactors in Australia is also possible. So is pushing a peanut 100 km with your nose. In either case why would you bother?

  21. Found while browsing YouTube

    “Mack the Knife” or “The Ballad of Mack the Knife”, originally “Die Moritat von Mackie Messer”, is a song composed by Kurt Weill with lyrics by Bertolt Brecht for their music drama Die Dreigroschenoper, or, as it is known in English, The Threepenny Opera. It premiered in Berlin in 1928 at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm.

  22. 》It used to be that you could only buy Kraft or Eta,

    And then Kraft accidentally sold their penut butter trademark to Bega

  23. Dutts has got some high powered influencers supporting nuclear power
    First it was Dr Jerry Schwartz
    Now Dick Smith.
    I don’t think either have had any appropriate experience

  24. Kirsdarkesays:
    Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 9:54 pm
    @nadia88 at 9:51pm

    Thanks. I admit that I’ve been feeling somewhat better not diving into fights here like I have been earlier.
    Never noticed you diving into fights. You’re more of a straight talker.
    I drop on and off as you may have noticed. I’ll jump back on, on Friday morning for the U.K. blog/election. Then I might take a breather until the NT election.

  25. Right about peanut butter C@t.

    Friend of mine set up a factory in the Philippines ten years ago to produce peanut butter.

    Did my best to discourage him at the time, glad he didn’t listen to me, he can’t get it out of the place quick enough.

    Making a massive profit!

  26. Dick is a salesman.

    And not much of one of those anymore either. He allowed his eponymous company to be bought by American Hedge Fund cowboys who stripped it of all its assets and made off like bandits. Leaving all the workers in the shops high and dry and owed money. Though maybe he didn’t really care about the business he spent so long building up. Maybe he just wanted to take what he could get for it, bugger his employees, and then ride off into the sunset to indulge himself and his opinions, parlaying his good reputation and exchanging it for an ill wind that blows no good across the nation?

    Again though, I make the observation that, what is it with Australians that we mistake someone who has been successful in business with possessing wisdom and erudition?

  27. Dutts has got some high powered influencers supporting nuclear power

    We also shouldn’t forget the astroturfing operation in progress against renewables.

  28. Again though, I make the observation that, what is it with Australians that we mistake someone who has been successful in business with possessing wisdom and erudition?

    So true and seconded C@t!

  29. Douglas and Milkosays:
    Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 9:59 pm
    Found while browsing YouTube

    “Mack the Knife” or “The Ballad of Mack the Knife”, originally

    English Lyrics:

    Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
    And it shows them pearly white
    Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe
    And he keeps it, ah, out of sight
    You know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe
    Scarlet billows start to spread
    Fancy gloves, oh, wears old MacHeath, babe
    So there’s never, never a trace of red

    Now on the sidewalk, huh, huh, whoo sunny morning, un huh
    Lies a body just oozin’ life, eek
    And someone’s sneakin’ ’round the corner
    Could that someone be Mack the Knife?

    There’s a tugboat, huh, huh, down by the river don’tcha know
    Where a cement bag’s just a-drooppin’ on down
    Oh, that cement is just, it’s there for the weight, dear
    Five’ll get ya ten, old Macky’s back in town
    Now did ya hear ’bout Louie Miller? He disappeared, babe
    After drawin’ out all his hard-earned cash
    And now MacHeath spends just like a sailor
    Could it be our boy’s done somethin’ rash?

    Now Jenny Diver, ho, ho, yeah, Sukey Tawdry
    Ooh, Miss Lotte Lenya and old Lucy Brown
    Oh, the line forms on the right, babe
    Now that Macky’s back in town

    I said Jenny Diver, whoa, Sukey Tawdry
    Look out to Miss Lotte Lenya and old Lucy Brown
    Yes, that line forms on the right, babe
    Now that Macky’s back in town
    Look out, old Macky’s back

  30. Sorry Taylormade, gotta have the crunchy!

    I get the biggest jar and just spoon it out when I need a hit.

    Forget the toast or bread!

  31. Oakeshott Countrysays:
    Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 10:03 pm
    Dutts has got some high powered influencers supporting nuclear power
    First it was Dr Jerry Schwartz
    Now Dick Smith.
    I don’t think either have had any appropriate experience

    Dutton’s duds, not a highly respected scientist or business person amongst them. Lets face it Dick Smith is no Twiggy Forest or Mike Cannon-Brookes.

  32. Cat

    I just caught up with your good news on the house hunt saga. Congratulations!
    May it be a happy home for you both.

  33. Dio, rabies prophylaxis is readily available in Bali (a friend living there recently had to shepherd an Australian visitor through the local health system for this reason) and the course can be continued back here; as rhw says, it’s no fun but the alternative is irrevocably horrific. We don’t have rabies here, though bat lyssa virus is an issue and pre-exposure prophylaxis for this, using the rabies vaccine, is offered in the veterinary and animal rescue community locally. I’ve known a child present post-bite MONTHS after the holiday where exposed, mercifully symptom free and well, and it doesn’t bear thinking about what could have happened had the parents not mentioned it in passing while seeing a colleague for something else.

    Apologies to you and Wombat for weighing in so tersely but read your post on the hoof, didn’t know if rhw was around, and the internal alarm was ringing off the hook, so responded in haste. Travel advice means rabies advice, where relevant.

    Returning you to scheduled programming. Oh, and congrats, Cat!

  34. That’s great news that you have found a new home C@t. Congratulations!

    On “Mack the knife”, one of my favourite Robert Redford directed films “Quiz Show” features the song in its opening credits. It’s a memorable opening to a great movie!

  35. Andrew_Earlwoodsays:
    Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 7:45 am
    Per your three questions/scenarios…

    1. There aren’t any muslim/islam oriented specific parties that I know are registered. For a specific candidate to get up he/she will probably need to meet fairly stringent criteria and be endorsed by a local Imam. Generally religious leaders try to keep out of politics. I can’t see any significant amount of Muslim voters switching from the ALP, to a protest candidate. Most likely what you would see is a significant rise in the Informal vote.

    2. Correct what you imply. For the vote to count, they must fully preference (Federally), so I would say that the ALP would still be preferenced higher than the Libs. It is true that there were significant swings to the Libs in some of the outer northern state seats at the last Vic election, but difficult to say from what religious group those votes came from. Certainly they weren’t galvanised by the current ME crisis.

    3. This is the biggie, and most realistic outcome – that is, a high informal vote in said seats. This would benefit the Libs, but it would have to be a significant informal vote to drop the Labor primary down. Having said that, in Victoria in Melbourne’s nthn suburbs, the Libs often come in 3rd or 4th now on the Primaries, so a big informal vote would probably benefit the party who came in second at the 2022 Fed election.

    Anyway, these are my thoughts. I realise other posters have provided an answer earlier today. Was an interesting set of q’s you posed though.

    As an aside,
    I’m not that familiar with Sydney’s south-west, but in Melbourne I think the Greens may pick up Wills and may even snag Cooper (former Batman). Both have high Muslim populations especially north of Bell Street, Wills more so. I’m more familiar with Melbourne as I used to live there. In both those seats, the Greens polled well south of Bell Street, with Labor polling well north. The Libs no longer rate in either section of either seat.

    Evening all.

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