The Australian reports the latest Newspoll has Labor maintaining its 55-45 two-party lead from the post-budget poll three weeks ago, from primary votes of Labor 38% (steady), Coalition 34% (steady), Greens 12% (up one), One Nation 6% (down one). The reports says Anthony Albanese is down two on approval to 55% while Peter Dutton is steady on 36%, with disapproval ratings not yet provided (UPDATE: down one to 37% for Albanese, down one to 50% for Dutton). Albanese’s lead as preferred prime minister shifts from 56-29 to 55-28.
The poll provides further evidence for a deterioration in support for the Indigenous voice, with 46% in favour and 43% opposed, in response to a question based on that to be put at the referendum. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1549.
After following the recent housing debate with great interest and watching his appearance on Insiders this morning, it’s not hard to see why “the good burghers of Griffith” picked MCM as their MP.
Every time Max speaks another pixie at the bottom of the garden dies. Not only is he a better communicator than any of the other MPs, he is speaking to real issues faced by those who aren’t among the fortunate few.
This whole thing, from the amazing results achieved by the Greens at the election through to this housing debate, is turning out to be Labor’s worst nightmare come true. They are being exposed as right wingers who are happy to gamble on Wall Street with people’s lives.
Updates from a poorly thought out stadium soon to be near you.
Still can’t believe Albo got on board with this.
You should see who’s running the Yes campaign in our area. A Do Gooder retired white female social worker. And I’ll just let you draw your own conclusions from that. Mine is, it’s too bloody Kumbayah.
Hope fully first one on the new thread!
Cheers all and go Albo!
After following the recent housing debate with great interest and watching his appearance on Insiders this morning, it’s not hard to see why “the good burghers of Griffith” picked MCM as their MP.
Every time Max speaks another pixie at the bottom of the garden dies. Not only is he a better communicator than any of the other MPs, he is speaking to real issues faced by those who aren’t among the fortunate few.
This whole thing, from the amazing results achieved by the Greens at the election through to this housing debate, is turning out to be Labor’s worst nightmare come true. They are being exposed as right wingers who are happy to gamble on Wall Street with people’s lives.
Seems like the small town small mindedness of the Tasmanians has killed any hope of a bright future for the state.
Lol ‘The Nature Boy’. Max C-M sounded like he had had one too many Guarana smoothies for breakfast this morning. He came across as a wild-eyed boy from Brisbane, all waving hands wildly and recited talking points. If that’s the great hope of The Greens, then heaven help us! Give me Barbara Pocock any day over him.
The Nature Boy
Hope you hang around for the debate.
Apart from MCM’s talking points today, how did he do anything to elucidate how to relieve the housing crisis?
Kept the question simple, hoping for a simple answer.
As I said in the previous thread, the Yes Campaign appears rudderless to me, relying on some feel good factor and assuming young people in particular will get them over the line. Their overall advertising and social media strategy stinks, and the minute Noel Pearson appears in the media, that further handicaps the yes side.
Just relying on friendly neighbourhood chats with undecided voters ain’t gonna cut it, nor is the daily platitudes from Linda Burney.
No worries, Evan who doesn’t want to mention my name.
Cheers anyway, and the Voice will romp in despite your misgivings!
Hope all is good with you.
Max C-M sounded like he had had one too many Guarana smoothies for breakfast this morning. He came across as a wild-eyed boy from Brisbane, all waving hands wildly
What’s wrong with Brisvegas?
And there ain’t no such thing as “one too many Guarana smoothies” as far as The Naitch is concerned…
Extent to which Yes vote is collapsing and No vote firming is worrying.
No need to panic Simon, on the ground vibes are good.
Don’t worry about the Murdoch polls.
Albanese Government will suggest changing the wording of the referendum question as a result of tonight’s poll, that is my prediction.
Albanese Government will not suggest changing the wording of the referendum question as a result of tonight’s poll, that is my prediction.
Cat- That is my sense too. People need to know what the benefits are going to be and not just the good feeling that will come from a positive result (and there are many).
I am not sure if talking about the vote in the welcome to country and holding up the start of State of Origin is a great idea either. Stuff like that can rub on the nerves of people on the edge.
Apart from MCM’s talking points today, how did he do anything to elucidate how to relieve the housing crisis?
Apart from detailing the Greens policy? What else did you expect him to do, exactly? That’s his job and he is doing it very well from what I can see.
78% of the polled sample intend to vote for conservative parties (Coalition, One Nation, ALP).
Referendum will fail and Albanese Government will be crippled into lame-duck status is my prediction. And a new wave of xenophobia and white nativism.
I’m hoping im wrong but, If the no campaign can link the idea that Albo’s Voice vote is important to him and the government, but cost of living isn’t, then you can send him a message about how you’re feeling via a no vote.
I suspect Albos surplus oriented budget, and lacking gusto as slaying some cost of living dragons may open this sort of attack against the voice as a proxy for pain people are feeling around the country with interest rates, the housing situation etc.
This is especially risky because of the need for double majority. I really hope to see some vigorous Yes campaigning from the government soon.
The Nature Boysays:
Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 10:44 pm
Apart from MCM’s talking points today, how did he do anything to elucidate how to relieve the housing crisis?
Apart from detailing the Greens policy? What else did you expect him to do, exactly? That’s his job and he is doing it very well from what I can see.
What you can see and what others can see differs.
NIMBY prevails amongst the Greens, and he is proving it nicely!
Are you in that camp too, or just an casual observer?
Been There says:
Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 10:38 pm
No need to panic Simon, on the ground vibes are good.
Don’t worry about the Murdoch polls.
I have to agree with Been There.
Will see if things change closer to the pointy end.
Thanks 98.6
My work involves a lot of customer contact, and then my social activities, say no more!
Basically, there’s not a lot of negative feedback.
I’m confident!
Quite a cross section of feedback and differences of opinion on Max CM from C@t, Been There and The Nature Boy with his performance on Insiders.
I switched it off when he came on so I’m now compelled to see who of those 3 got it right.
“Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has said that Russia’s war, now in its 16th month, has killed at least 500 Ukrainian children.
Zelenskiy provided the number hours after rescue workers found the body of a two-year-old who died in one of the latest Russian strikes, AP reported.”
Anyway, I’ve whacked in a weeks’ worth of comments in, sorry all.
That’s it for now, off to Netflix and boozing.
Day off tomorrow so midday wakeup.
Much happiness to you all!
Whilst I don’t like MCM,
He did well this morning because he was on TV talking about an issue people are experiencing in their reals lives, whilst the PM was out of the country doing foreign policy stuff and his ministers were …….
Though he did trip up on his nimby roots.
In truth, the ALP policy is crap. They could be A LOT more ambitious whilst still picking different policies than the greens. Hell, just raise the targets and add more money. Hell I know of a place, where they could build 10,000 inner city social houses, currently they are going to put a stadium there.
“ The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine has released a video, in which they have hinted at a counter-offensive, noting that there would be no announcement about its start…
… [the video] shows military personnel holding a finger to their lips and the caption, “Plans are fond of silence. There will be no ‘it’s starting’ announcement.””
Enough – I doubt they will telegraph the start date of the offensive. The ground is still fairly wet over there too as they just had some very large thunder storms.
I note that a quite small numbers of troops are causing a massive headache for the Russians near Belgorod. It is like the Russian have very few troops to spare at all for defence of the home country. If Ukraine wanted to they could launch a massive raid into another area across the border but the international politics of that gets messy.
Am I to early to predict a rate rise by the RBA on Tuesday of 25 basis points ?
I got 10 out of 11 right so far in the last year but it doesn’t affect me either way.
Having said that, I would like to see inflation down to zero and I would think everyone on earth would like it that way as well and not this 3% that Lowe keeps harping about.
78% of the polled sample intend to vote for conservative parties (Coalition, One Nation, ALP).
Another boring Marxist. Coming out of the woodwork, they are.
Because Anthony Albanese is not Fidel Castro, he must therefore be a “conservative”.
Enough Already, I don’t read all your posts but I get more info from you on the war in Ukraine than I do from all other media combined.
While I don’t doubt your facts and figures on the deaths on both sides I do find them rather incredible especially with the loses on the Russian side.
I’m embarrassed to say the longer the war goes on, the less I’m inclined to follow the horror of it.
I’ll try to read more of your posts to keep me up to date.
On predictions, didn’t MelbourneMammoth predict the Aston by election to the Liberals because of the Howard battlers?
How many towns are there throughout Australia ?
Lets say a thousand to make it easy.
If every town built one block of six housing units in a six month period that would give Australia 12 thousand homes over a year.
Of course some towns could build more and I haven’t started on our cities yet.
Forget the high rise and expensive fit outs that just holds things up and adds to the cost.
As for where to build them, I drive past hundreds of vacant plots of land in various suburbs within a ten to fifteen minute drive of where I live in Brisbane.
A lot of them are privately owned but most of them are owned by one of the 3 tiers of government.
Shogun is a massive swigger of the right wing Kool Aid. Communists this, Marxists that,he’s a Trot, blah, blah, blah. Right out of the DLP smear play book. Is Bob Santatmaria your uncle or something?
Full-scale war to fight IR reforms
Employers, farmers and small business owners have declared war on Anthony Albanese’s IR reforms, launching a multimillion-dollar campaign and setting-up the biggest fight since the mining tax.
So they can afford multimillions to fight IR reforms but not to pay staff extra money. Wankers.
steve davis says:
Monday, June 5, 2023 at 12:15 am
Full-scale war to fight IR reforms
Employers, farmers and small business owners have declared war on Anthony Albanese’s IR reforms, launching a multimillion-dollar campaign and setting-up the biggest fight since the mining tax.
So they can afford multimillions to fight IR reforms but not to pay staff extra money. Wankers.
98.6 says :
Let them spend their multi millions and lets see what happens.
At present the QLD Resourses Council is spending $40 million in TV and radio and newspaper ads trying to convince the Palaszczuk Labor government to cease its increased coal royalties which so far this financial year will return an EXTRA $5 billion to the owners of that coal ie the citizens of QLD.
With coal prices at an all time high the coal miners are making billions of $s EXTRA as well.
I can’t see Palaszczuk giving in when that $5 billion EXTRA will pay for half of the 2032 Olympic Games, not counting what comes in next year.
Albanese and Labor’s solid consistent polling is unsurprising.
Albanese and his Labor government have displayed honesty, integrity and transparency.
The Morrison LNP government was dismissed for lack of honesty, integrity and transparency.
Adhering to election commitments is fundamental to Albanese’s success.
I’ve serious doubts as to the prospects of the Voice referendum and the polling suggests some concern.
Scare and a racial component are very powerful.
Albanese and the supporters of the Voice proposal will prosecute their case and Dutton’s mob will very aggressively oppose it.
The outcome of the referendum will not be a threat to Albanese in the way it is for Dutton.
As the leader of a “grubby’ remains of the Morrison disaster, Dutton may not survive beyond a successful referendum.
Maintaining the voters belief in honesty, integrity and transparency is the pivotal focus for Albanese, his government and Labor’s supporters.
“scaring the horses” is a “mug’s game” while remaining calm will deliver a result.
Interest rates continue to rise, inflation is stubborn and the housing and construction crisis is as bad as it has ever been. The Coalition are doing their best to tear down The Voice and the Greens are catastrophising over every issue with ludicrous demands then capitulating.
But the polling continues at 55-45 and Dutton is a dead man walking. If this is still a honeymoon then it has lasted longer than some marriages. Steady as she goes, measured intelligent government by a party and leader that reads the room on almost all assessed criteria.
Does not matter what the corrupt lib/nats and their propaganda media units are propagandising the public is not listening,
The lib/nats propaganda media are that low in propaganda , they are now relying on the voice referendum to fail, which is still 6 months away .
The political partys which will likely suffer from the backlash in the result, Lib/nats and their propaganda media units
Driving past a vacant plot of land and it being suitable for building are two different things.
We have two massive plots of land in our town in ideal positions for building.
Both are contaminated. Both would cost millions to rehabilitate.
In one case, the culprit kept rolling over the lease so as not to deal with the issue. In the other, the company doesn’t exist any more.
These kinds of areas are quite suitable for things such as stadiums, because concreting them over is probably the cheapest option.
I think people have become hip to the multi million dollar advertising blitz jive and they just discount it and move right along. I mean there’s a whole industry in the comedy sphere and on TikTok built on lampooning the ads. And then there’s the good old Millennials and Gen Z. They’re not letting the Boomers and Gen X advertise nothin’ to their brains! 🙂
Hmm, maybe, in this instance, it’s because they’re the ones who are the low wage bunnies that Big Ag, Big Small Business(*cough* Franchising) and Big Mining and Ancillary Service Industries (‘small businesses, my fat aunty!), are wanting to exploit with low wages AGAIN!?!
zoomster @ #8 Monday, June 5th, 2023 – 6:34 am
As is the case in … checks notes … Tasmania. 😐
My gut feeling is enough people will quietly vote YES for the Voice.
Lynchpin @ #11 Monday, June 5th, 2023 – 6:59 am
Yeah, I agree. That 55 in the polls maybe? 🙂
I’m not as confident as others about the referendum succeeding given the high bar set for referendums. However, I’ve thought all along that the polling would narrow as we got closer to the date.
“A pro-Ukraine group of Russian partisans has said it captured several soldiers during a cross-border raid into southern Russia and will hand them over to Ukrainian authorities.
The Russian Volunteer Corps made the claim in a video statement released on Telegram on Sunday after a raid into the Russian region of Belgorod.
The Corps, along with fighters from the Freedom of Russia Legion, has claimed responsibility for a spate of attacks inside Russian territory, including last week when Moscow said two civilians were killed during fighting.”
But Russia was given a fair chance to get its soldiers back first:
“The Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC) have said that Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of Russia’s Belgorod Oblast, did not show up for the meeting offered to him to pick up the Russian prisoners; they will be transferred to Ukraine’s Prisoner of War exchange fund.”
Confessions @ #13 Monday, June 5th, 2023 – 7:16 am
Have you noticed schools around your area with electronic noticeboard signs advocating for Yes? They’ve gone up in my area.
No, I haven’t seen any of that.
I have noticed ministers such as Linda Burney and Matt Thistlethwaite and MPs like Spender are hosting community forums. The thing with these types of events is that they appeal to those already supporting the Voice.
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