I note that the front page of the Roy Morgan website has some detail on the federal voting intention numbers in which its weekly update video typically provides on the two-party preferred, though I’m not sure if this is new or unusual. The latest result has Labor leading 57-43, in from 59-41 last week; the primary votes are Labor 37.5%, Coalition 33.5%, Greens 11.5% and others 17.5%; and the field work dates were January 23 to 29. However, no detail on sample size or survey method is provided.
Other than that, an Ipsos poll of 300 Indigenous Australians released by pro-Indigenous voice group Uluru Dialogue last week found 80% support for the proposal, including 57% who were very sure and 21% who were fairly sure, with only 10% opposed.
Looks like Lidia Thorpe is on the wrong side of Indigenous history.
Was there an outcome from that Greens retreat we heard about the other day?
The U.S. economy added 517,000 jobs in January, more than doubling Wall Street expectations and turning up its nose at prognosticators of an imminent recession.
The unemployment rate dropped to 3.4 percent, the lowest level since 1969. Analysts were expecting it to move in the opposite direction, ticking up to 3.6 percent.
The monthly jobs gain of 517,000 tops the average monthly gain of 401,000 for 2022, a year that already had strong job growth as the economy continued its recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.
Anyone else notice the “small” detail that came out in the Robodebt RC this week: the system was designed so that assessment officers were not permitted to review material already in the possession of the Department.
Just turn that over in your mind for a minute.
Vulnerable, poor, marginalised people were being hounded to prove income, often from years before, to find payslips or certificates or statements…. when the Department was not permitted to even validate whether they already knew it.
Kafka would be vomiting into a bucket.
Abolute. F*cking. Scum.
Will be in BKs update..
FW: URGENT: Tudge leaked personal data to cow welfare critics
Rick Morton
“ Australia could end up with a 30-year-old nuclear-powered submarine – as old as the navy’s Collins class boats – as an interim measure, as AUKUS leaders prepare to meet next month to unveil the preferred pathway for Australia’s future submarine fleet.”
“ While the government will extend the life of the six Collins-class submarines by another decade to bridge the gap until the new submarines arrive, defence industry sources said there was growing talk that Canberra may end up “leasing” at least one of the ageing Los Angeles-class submarines.”
“ The Los Angeles class, a favourite of The Hunt for Red October author Tom Clancy, would serve as a Perth-based training boat for submariners and local technicians while building up the local industry to support their operations.
This would involve refuelling the nuclear reactor, which would extend the service life of the submarine for another 10 years. The US Navy, under pressure to boost the size of its nuclear submarine fleet, flagged several years ago that it would refuel Los Angeles-class submarines to keep them at sea longer. It is yet to start the program.”
Paywalled https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/australia-could-buy-30-year-nuclear-subs-to-replace-collins-class-20230203-p5chns
“Other than that, an Ipsos poll of 300 Indigenous Australians released by pro-Indigenous voice group Uluru Dialogue last week found 80% support for the proposal, including 57% who were very sure and 21% who were fairly sure, with only 10% opposed.”
So, Bandt and the Greens must decide: side with Thorpe’s 10% or with the 80% Aboriginal supporters of the Voice…
Hey, Bandt, how good are your maths?
Roy Morgan:
“The latest result has Labor leading 57-43, in from 59-41 last week; the primary votes are Labor 37.5%, Coalition 33.5%, Greens 11.5% and others 17.5%”….
That’s a “shrinkage” of the ALP 2PP that I can happily live with…. 🙂
… and just in case you missed it in the previous “Open Comments”:
Some quotes from and comments on Chalmers’ “The Monthly” article: “Capitalism after the crises”. My own notes inside the quoted texts are indicated as such.
1) p. 22 “Our mission is to redefine and reform our economy and institutions in ways that make our people and communities more resilient, and our society and democracy stronger as well.”
In other words, the ALP plans to replace the failed Neoliberal paradigm with a far more promising Social Democratic paradigm.
2) The paradigm shift is dictated by the reality that requires it, it’s not an ideological imposition. p. 23: “Being a good policymaker begins with having the right information and mental models for how the world works – that always precedes any particular decisions or actions. It’s these mental models that John Maynard Keynes was thinking of when he wrote: ‘Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist’. And since 2008, the mental models for most economic decision-making have been changed.”
3) Going hard against Neoliberalism. P. 23: “So, for a decade before the pandemic, when most advanced economies had a terrible record, governments and independent authorities, backed by conservative prejudices and vested interests, still mostly stuck to a negative form of supply-side economics. They pursued loosely defined goals for competitiveness through a race to the bottom on wages and public investment.”
4) More bashing of Neoliberalism. P. 23: “The ‘Washington Consensus’… (over time) became a caricature for ever more simplistic and uniform policies prescriptions for ‘more market, not less’. This school of thought assumes that markets would typically self-correct before disaster struck.”
5) But is Chalmers against the basics of capitalism and markets as such? Nope, he is just against capitalism and markets that don’t work for the benefit of the People. P. 23: “It’s clear now that the problem wasn’t so much markets as poorly designed ones. Carefully constructed markets are a positive and powerful tool… markets built in partnership through the efforts of business, labour and government are still the best mechanism we have to efficiently and effectively direct resources. But these considered and efficient markets were not what the old [Neoliberal, my note] model delivered.”
6) Smashing the ATM failed government. P. 23: “From the neoliberal frontline of the catastrophic 2014 austerity budget [I call this the “Budget from Hell”, my note], three successive Coalition prime ministers participated in muddy, chaotic, ideological retreats – insignias torn from uniforms, electoral howitzers spewing public money until the last votes were counted last May.”
7) Ah, that comment by Frydenberg. P. 23: “When Labor spoke about a wellbeing budget, the then federal treasurer guffawed in Question Time about yoga mats and incense. Not only did he miss the preponderance of yoga studios in his own electorate… he misunderstood people’s appetite for a more conscious sense of wellbeing. He missed perhaps the key lesson of the pandemic…”. Indeed, the pandemic gave an opportunity to millions to temporarily exit the Neoliberal rats race… and they saw that there is more to life beyond the Neoliberal fantasy.
8) As a consequence of the Neoliberalism and incompetence of the ATM government, “we became more vulnerable to international shocks” (p. 24).
9) P.27: The ALP offers a “Value-based Capitalism”… Hence, no Neoliberalism which disregards human values, nor Marxism, which is antithetic to Capitalism. It’s Social Democracy, that’s what the ALP is offering and, so far, the People of Australia seem to like it!
I invite everybody to read the entire article. It’s time very well spent!
… and this:
Speaking about Chalmers’ “The Monthly” assay on Value-based Capitalism (and against Neoliberalism), there is a very good article by Katharine Murphy published in The Guardian:
This is how Murph opens her article:
“One of the more comical subplots of the political week has been the fury belching from the opinion pages of the Australian and the Australian Financial Review in response to Jim Chalmers suggesting in conciliatory terms that capitalism should (brace yourselves readers) be tethered by values.
You might have missed this because the tantrum was contained largely within those enclaves. If you missed the provocation that triggered the response, the treasurer penned a 6,000-word essay for the Monthly during his summer break. The Chalmers thesis was capital could be harnessed both for private profit and public good. He also posited (wait for it readers) that better informed markets make better decisions.”
…. the rest of the article continues with her devastating assessment of the current Coalition and the good signs coming from the ALP government.
I expect the article to be open to comments at some stage today…. stay tuned!
From today’s Age
Clearly Thorpe is a loose cannon and either needs to strike out on her own as a true independent or tow the party line.
I cannot ser the latter happening.
Given the number of indigenous nations / lands / countries within the continent of Australia, the good senator will have her work cut out for her.
“Confessions says:
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 7:05 am
Was there an outcome from that Greens retreat we heard about the other day?”
I guess that they are now preparing a post-retreat meeting where a final resolution will be discussed.
“C@tmomma says:
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 7:01 am
Looks like Lidia Thorpe is on the wrong side of Indigenous history.”
The tragedy for the Greens is that she firmly believes that it’s her who is making history…
Good luck, Adam….
From today’s Age
Clearly Thorpe is a loose cannon and either needs to strike out on her own as a true independent or tow the party line.
I cannot see the latter happening.
Given the number of indigenous nations / lands / countries within the continent of Australia, the good senator will have her work cut out for her.
Alpo @ #12 Saturday, February 4th, 2023 – 7:56 am
As long as it’s not a final solution…Shades of Wannsee?
“Holdenhillbilly says:
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 7:06 am
The U.S. economy added 517,000 jobs in January, more than doubling Wall Street expectations and turning up its nose at prognosticators of an imminent recession.
The unemployment rate dropped to 3.4 percent, the lowest level since 1969. Analysts were expecting it to move in the opposite direction, ticking up to 3.6 percent.
The monthly jobs gain of 517,000 tops the average monthly gain of 401,000 for 2022, a year that already had strong job growth as the economy continued its recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.”
Yep, and to the usual Neoliberals desperately trying to use the wrong policies to solve current problems, I can urge them to calm down: It’s the pandemic, stupid!
Morning all. Cat
“ Looks like Lidia Thorpe is on the wrong side of Indigenous history.”
I still can’t work out if Lidia Thorpe is on the right or wrong side of her own party?
Perhaps Adam Bandt will comment when he is sure of her himself.
1. The Greens support the Statement from the Heart.
2. The referendum is not worth the money.
3. The Greens will not support the No campaign.
4. SH-Y announces that she would vote ‘Yes’, so I will count that as yet another Greens position.
5. The Greens will only support the referendum IF the government implements all the recommendations of the RCIDIC and the Stolen Generations RC and that was accompanied by a firm ‘maybe’ or was that an ‘even if’…?
6. The Greens will not support the referendum unless negotiations for the Treaty and the Makarrata have been ‘progressed’. ‘Progressed’ is not defined.
7. Waters announces that the Greens do NOT have a ‘formal’ position but that the formal position that does not exist nevertheless includes that there must be ‘progress’ on the Voice, Makarrata and the Treaty if the Greens are to support the referendum.
8. Bandt announces that he wants a Treaty ‘now’. (One assume that this will be negotiated on behalf of Australia’s one million Indigenous peoples by the Greens’ BlakGreens.)
9. The Greens will NOT support the Voice Referendum unless the Government passes legislation implementing UNDRIP.
10. South Australian Greens introduce, and vote for, legislation supporting the Voice Referendum. The Original Greens and the BlakGreens and the Price/Mundines Not Greens are at each others’ throats.
11. The Greens support Invasion Day Rallies against the Voice.
12. The ACT Greens vote for a motion fully supporting the Voice Referendum.
13. The Voice is a ‘joke’.
14. The NSW Greens do not have a ‘formal’ position on the Voice but encourage people to listen to Indigenous people.
15. Won’t support the Voice unless it is made explicit that First Nations have not ceded sovereignty.
16. First Nations Spokesperson gets explicit assurance. This changes nothing, apparently.
17. Greens Dorinda Cox supports the Voice referendum.
18. Greens confusion as Spokesperson on First Nations reportedly demands that she be the sole Party gatekeeper for contacts with First Nations people.
19. Greens to announce a resolution of 1-18 some time next week. Bandt to Google it.
Imagine having to negotiate policy with this shower?
Have just begun reading Kate Raworth’s “Doughnut Economics” and I’m wondering what Dr Chalmers would think about ditching GDP as a measure of economic progress?
Raworth refers to GDP as a Cuckoo Policy that has kicked out all other means of measuring economic activity at the expense of ignoring the costs (in very broad terms) of continued economic growth.
Meanwhile it is becoming pretty clear that the No campaign on the Voice will be a “disinformation campaign”.
ABC Factcheck said Barnaby was “ill-informed”. The danger is he is ill-informing others. I doubt this is accidental.
“Socrates says:
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 8:04 am”
Interestingly, the Greens didn’t mind to be called “anti-communists” when they got rid of Lee Rhiannon…. but now they fear like hell to be called “racists” if they get rid of Thorpe.
“Dog’s Brunch says:
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 8:05 am
Have just begun reading Kate Raworth’s “Doughnut Economics” and I’m wondering what Dr Chalmers would think about ditching GDP as a measure of economic progress?”
My impression is that Chalmers and the ALP will retain GDP (for comparative purposes) BUT, in addition, will add other measures to better reflect how the economy is affecting the People’s wellbeing.
Insiders returns – Sunday, 5 Feb
Megan Davis – Co-chair Of The Uluru Dialogue And Member Of The Referendum Working Group
David Speers joins Dan Bourchier, Jennifer Hewett and David Crowe to discuss the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, the response to the troubles in Alice Springs, the health system, the economy and cost-of-living pressures.
”That’s a “shrinkage” of the ALP 2PP that I can happily live with…. :)”
It’s within the margin of error, assuming a sample size ~2,000, so likely statistical noise rather than “shrinkage”.
“phoenixRED says:
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 8:12 am
Insiders returns – Sunday, 5 Feb
Megan Davis – Co-chair Of The Uluru Dialogue And Member Of The Referendum Working Group
David Speers joins Dan Bourchier, Jennifer Hewett and David Crowe to discuss the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, the response to the troubles in Alice Springs, the health system, the economy and cost-of-living pressures.”
I don’t need to watch it. This is the conclusion that I would expect: “The Voice won’t solve any problem. We should focus on improving the health and the economy of Aboriginal communities”… (subliminal message: vote “no”).
Oh dear….
P.S. Note how the above pro-No narrative assumes that the new Voice, that we have never had before, could be a major “distraction from” or even “impediment to” solving problems that have never been solved before!!!… See the nonsense?
Alpo says
My impression is that Chalmers and the ALP will retain GDP (for comparative purposes) BUT, in addition, will add other measures to better reflect how the economy is affecting the People’s wellbeing.
Agreed, let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water I guess.
Chalmers’ language is trending in a better direction I hope.
A heavy wet mask,
like breathing underwater,
covers the dull sky.
Morning all
BKs dawn patrol is on previous thread and it is a bumper edition!
I scanned the news sites in vain yesterday, searching for the outcome of the Greens’ two-day retreat to thrash out the party position on the Voice. It was also noted but not confirmed that Senator Thorpe did not attend. Until there is unity among the party and clarity from Bandt, the Greens are irrelevant to the debate surrounding the Voice. That is the only thing worth saying on the matter. I hope they don’t stay there.
As noted during the annual January 26 debate, Bandt had an excuse to keep silent then. It no longer applies.
Katharine Murphy on the editorial reaction to Jim Chalmers’ essay:
“Even though these ideas are entirely orthodox in 2023, hysteria descended for at least 72 hours from a chorus that appeared to have renounced reading and monitoring external events shortly after finishing Atlas Shrugged at university in 1985.”
Hi Vic
Any movement at the station? All quiet on the western front here.
We are not officially due for another three weeks! Lol…
phoenixRED says:
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 8:12 am
Insiders returns – Sunday, 5 Feb
Megan Davis – Co-chair Of The Uluru Dialogue And Member Of The Referendum Working Group
David Speers joins Dan Bourchier, Jennifer Hewett and David Crowe to discuss the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, the response to the troubles in Alice Springs, the health system, the economy and cost-of-living pressures.
Most PBers outside Canberra will not know Dan Bourchier unless they are very avid watchers of the Drum. Dan read the news and had a morning radio slot as well. He has been assigned by the ABC to be their prime Voice reporter. An excellent choice. It will be interesting to see the interplay between him and the other two – and to see where Crowe lands and maybe even Hewett!
William got me!
Good morning Dawn Patrollers. Get your teeth onto THIS lot!
The Robodebt Royal Commission is hearing damning evidence of public sector dysfunction. Now it must probe the question of culture, writes Laura Tingle in a long examination.
As more terrible details emerge in the robodebt royal commission, a case is being built of misfeasance in public office, writes Rick Morton in quite some detail.
The minister responsible for robodebt ordered an independent investigation into the controversial scheme but the damning results were never shared with his department, allowing the unlawful program to continue for several years, reports Alex Mitchell.
PwC was commissioned to do a report on Robodebt in 2017 but but can’t recall if it was finalised, or not, or why. What’s the scam? PwC is the scam. This was the Big4 consultant the government used to attack poor people and now cover it up. Highlights from the testimony of partner Shane West at the Royal Commission yesterday. Michael West piles on the consultant here.
The light scrutiny of ‘dark money’ shows that our political donation laws are broken, declares Peter Hartcher. A good read.
Shane Wright explains how Jim Chalmers is taking on capitalism as we know it in a bid to save stretched households.
John Hewson says that Treasurer Jim Chalmers has written an excellent, thought-provoking essay in the latest edition of The Monthly. It attempts to set his budgetary process, which he began last October and will advance in May, against the background of recent crises and in the context of the broader economic, social and environmental circumstances of our time. He points out that Chalmers is being attacked in various sections of the media and by the usual suspects of vested interests.
More on the subject from Wright with Jim Chalmers saying the 2020s could define the nation’s future, with its economic fortunes to be determined by the choices it makes in three key areas.
The Treasurer handed in his latest essay and bought a doozy of a conversation, writes Michelle Grattan.
Pontificating Paul Kelly begins this effort with, “The historical purpose of the Labor Party has been to civilise capitalism. While Labor exists that will never change. It means Labor’s purpose rests on the proposition that capitalism is defective, flawed and needs to be civilised.”
Katherine Murphy says that the fury over Chalmers’ essay is a reminder to Labor that change won’t get an easy ride. She writes that one of the more comical subplots of the political week has been the fury belching from the opinion pages of the Australian and the Australian Financial Review in response to Jim Chalmers suggesting in conciliatory terms that capitalism should (brace yourselves readers) be tethered by values.
Jim Chalmers delivered an astute clarification of aspects of his concepts of Values-Based Capitalism and Co-Investment for the rebuilding of the Australian economy at a time of volatility in financial markets (7.30 Report 31 January 2023). In juxtaposition, The Australian and several mainstream media agencies preferred vilification of Jim Chalmers above fair but critical reporting, writes Denis Bright.
John Kehoe explains why Chalmers is backing social investing and tells us that many experts are keen on the Treasurer’s wish to push companies, governments and investors together but others say there are better ways to improve wellbeing.
The party that calls itself Liberal and describes itself as conservative is neither liberal nor conservative, opines Dave Donovan.
The Albanese government’s second year in power is shaping up as a wild ride. The prime minister is intent on using every opportunity to establish a legacy as a Labor reformer “changing the nation for the better”, writes Paul Bongiorno who looks at the forces lining up to derail him.
Albanese says health reform has top priority, but doctors are unimpressed, say Natassia Chrysanthos and Kate Aubusson.
GPs will receive boosted rebates and there will be payments for working after hours, as part of a $750 million package in the May budget designed to rescue Medicare and take pressure off the crumbling public hospital system. Phil Coorey and Tom McIlroy tell us that, after a meeting of the national cabinet on Friday, and the release of a taskforce report into how to strengthen Medicare, the federal government also did not rule out allowing allied health professionals such as pharmacists to perform some tasks of doctors, such as prescribing medicines.
In this Medicare review, Josh Butler tells us what changes can we expect to see – and what’s still missing.
The future of primary healthcare is integrated, team-based practice – and Medicare must be ready for it, urges Stephen Duckett who says, “Practices need to be funded to include a range of health professionals and provide outreach. And they have to be supported by IT systems that work”.
Medicare reform is off to a promising start. Now comes the hard part, says the Grattan Institute.
Australia is entering a period of falling inflation after annual price rises peaked late last year, but that will not stop the Reserve Bank’s official interest rate hitting 3.6 per cent, the nation’s leading economists have said.
Victorians could buy their electricity direct from the state government as it considers ways to expand the new-look State Electricity Commission beyond what was promised during the election campaign, explain Royce Millar and Josh Gordon.
Penny Wong has visited no less than 24 Indo-Pacific nations in that time, including an ice-breaking trip to Beijing, and has won the praise of some of her harshest critics for the way she’s delivered a message that Australia was under new management and bringing a diplomatic approach that, as she said this week, “puts listening above lecturing”. Rob Harris is referring to her speech to King’s College in London where her nuanced but nonetheless pointed remarks about British colonialism within Asia and the Pacific had left an impression she’d flown in specifically to harangue the old colonial master.
“Net zero, to use the first great climate change metaphor, hasn’t got a snowflake’s chance in hell. It’s a fraudulent concept. It’s not real. It requires an heroic leap of faith, magical thinking. It cannot exist in the physical universe”, declares Greg Sheridan.
The federal opposition says the addition of a new sentence in the proposal to enshrine an Indigenous Voice in the Constitution highlights a broader failure of process and consultation in the government’s referendum strategy, writes Lisa Visentin.
Gerard Henderson goes off again on the ABC as he writes about the Voice referendum.
New details of the ‘No’ case against the Voice reveal scrutiny of native title as one of three prongs in the alternative campaign, writes Karen Middleton who takes us inside the Voice’s ‘No’ campaign.
In a show of unity, the prime minister and state and territory premiers have officially backed an Indigenous voice to parliament after Friday’s national cabinet meeting in Canberra. State and territory heads signed on to a “statement of intent”, formally supporting an Indigenous voice to parliament.
According to Paul Sakkal and Lisa Visentin, Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe has demanded that none of her fellow Greens MPs, including another Indigenous senator, meet with Indigenous community members about the Voice to parliament, insisting only she was allowed to do so.
The government’s review of the flawed carbon credits scheme is nuanced, political and confusing, writes Mike Seccombe who tells us what the carbon credits review didn’t say.
Australia could end up with a 30-year-old nuclear-powered submarine – as old as the navy’s Collins class boats – as an interim measure, as AUKUS leaders prepare to meet next month to unveil the preferred pathway for Australia’s future submarine fleet, writes Andrew Tillett.
Lucy Cormack and Tom Rabe report that the Perrottet government has handed the corruption watchdog a copy of a scathing investigation which found an intervention by the office of the then-deputy premier John Barilaro diverted funding for a $100 million bushfire recovery program away from Labor-held electorates. They really had no option after Minns’ ultimation, did they?
The NSW Coalition government has had to deal with waves of scandal in the past few years, including one that forced the resignation of a premier, but it is hard to think of anything more cynical than the pork-barrelling of recovery funds intended for victims of the 2019 Black Summer bushfires, declares the SMH editorial that says this ICAC investigation can show if grants pork-barrelling is corruption.
Here’s Amanda Meade’s usually interesting weekly media round-up.
Coles and Woolworths have been ordered to dump more than 5200 tonnes of soft-plastic waste into landfill from their failed national recycling scheme. The NSW environment watchdog issued “clean-up orders” to the supermarket giants for 15 warehouses and storage depots around the state where soft plastics have been stockpiled by REDcycle, the Melbourne-based business responsible for running the national recycling scheme.
Frank Bongiorno tells us how Labor’s arts revival is taking centre stage. He says that we will have a better idea what it all amounts to in May, when the government delivers the most critical budget for the cultural sector this century.
Matt Wade provides us with the four charts that show pokies are the most destructive form of gambling.
The only thing worse than junk mail is paying for your MP to send it, cries Malcolm Knox who laments that a trip to the letterbox is now simply a rubbish-clearing operation, to transfer paper to the recycling bin a few paces away.
George Pell, lauded at his funeral this week, was the subject of 10 abuse claims at the royal commission, writes Des Cahill who concludes his contribution with, “The victims of clerical sexual abuse and their families will continue to tie their protest ribbons to the gates of St Mary’s. The church will continue to remove them. The hurt will continue, just as the adulation and whitewashing of George Pell’s life will continue.”
Peter Ryan writes about the subject of the senate committee into concussions and repeated head trauma in contact sports. He gives us examples of the effects of these injuries.
As Western Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, the state faces the vast task of post-flood rebuilding in a way that prepares for more extreme rainfall events, writes Jesse Noakes.
Former prime minister Scott Morrison’s decision to stop a controversial gas field from being explored off the NSW coastline is set to be overturned, after the federal government and two gas companies agreed to end a looming court battle, reports Anne Hyland.
The former prime minister’s use of secret ministerial powers in the Asset Energy gas exploration veto cannot be defended, Commonwealth court filings reveal, writes Karen Middleton.
Michael Pascoe tells us why the fearmongering about a China-US war is over the top.
Clancy Yeates tells us that Insurance Australia Group has said premiums are set to keep rising steeply for at least another year as it passes on higher costs from natural disasters and inflation to customers, and as it seeks to hit financial targets.
Queen Elizabeth has died yet an FOI request into plans for her death, made 4 years ago, lives on. The institutions responsible for citizens getting timely access to information that would otherwise allow them to participate in policy debates and hold the government to account are broken. It’s like getting spoilt fruit instead of fresh, reports Rex Patrick.
“Arsehole of the Week” nomination goes to this Sunshine Coast woman arrested on DUI charge with a staggering 0.419 alcohol reading.
Cartoon Corner
David Pope

David Rowe
Andrew Dyson
Matt Golding
John Shakespeare
Mark David
Alan Moir
Jon Kudelka
Jim Pavlidis
Richard Giliberto
Simon Letch
Matt Davidson
Glen Le Lievre
Mark Knight
From the US
Grant_ExLibris says:
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 7:54 am
From today’s Age
Clearly Thorpe is a loose cannon and either needs to strike out on her own as a true independent or tow the party line.
She is trying very hard to tow the party line (Dog knows to where!). The problem is her toeing the party line which, to be fair, is all over the place. 🙂
UK via @YouGov , 31 Jan – 01 Feb
LAB: 48% (+3)
CON: 24% (-2)
LDEM: 9% (-1)
GRN: 6% (-1)
REF: 6% (-)
The ridiculous part of the whole Thorpe/Greens/Voice turmoil is that it was so unnecessary. SA Greens, to their credit and SHY’s credit, went through a credible process consulting First Nation leaders before backing the Voice. Whereas Thorpe sounded off against it seemingly without reason.
I’m sure political strategists might have seen the Voice as an opportunity for wedge politics against the Liberals, needing to recover Teal seats. Yet the Teals have backed the Voice, the Libs have remained far right, and it is the Greens who are split.
Its hard to see what Thorpe gains from her stance except notoriety. If the Voice fails the cause of a Treaty will be set back decades.
So why does Thorpe do it? To be brutal, her history suggests she is not very bright. Is it ego? (“Listen to me!”) Not wanting to admit she was wrong? Being manipulated by others?
The voice referendum is very much an individual decision to be made at the ballot box. I am surprised that many on here seem to think that a Greens position will be decisive or to be frank all that important?
Are we heading in the direction where endorsements are seen as automatically carrying a particular outcome? Which in the US shows is simply not the case.
Its obvious there are differing and quite legitimate views with the First Nations communities. It is inevitable that some of that will leak into the debate so there is not one single homogeneous position.
I think it is perfectly reasonable for Thorpe and Bandt to adopt differing positions on the voice because I am comfortable that they both come from the legitimate starting position of improving first nations lives and recognition. How we get to that goal is always going to lead to some differences which no more reflect the community.
US unemployment down to 3.5% the lowest since the 60s. US dollar up and A$ down below 70c again.
wranslide says:
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 9:07 am
The voice referendum is very much an individual decision to be made at the ballot box. I am surprised that many on here seem to think that a Greens position will be decisive or to be frank all that important?
I think it will make very little difference to the outcome. I think it is and will continue to screw the Greens up big time.
As for the rest, there are indigenous people who are genuinely frustrated by lifetimes of prejudicial vile treatment and fear that the Voice will be an end to further progress on changing the culture of Australia. I think Thorpe is just a firebrand lost in her own ego, but who has used her position as a Senator to make the biggest noise.
I’ve posted before about Senator Thorpe’s hardline views on Aboriginal Sovereignty. An excellent 152-page book* on the subject was linked by Dr D last month. I doubt many have read the book and I doubt many will (it’s a tough read), but it provides a credible explanation for her behaviour, and why she won’t compromise. So, the problem that Senator Thorpe is causing the YES case unfortunately looks like continuing until enough people realise from her actions that she is not for changing and move on without her. I had hopes for the 2-day retreat. I’ll extend that hope another 24 hours.
* https://caid.ca/AboSov1987.pdf
I have a friend who knows Thorpe’s family quite well. She describes Thorpe’s mother and grandmother as very intelligent. She’d agree with your assessment of Lidia….
A referendum needs all the oomph behind it can get to pass.
If there’s a perception that political parties are divided on it and FN people are divided, it makes it even harder to get it up.
Already, some people who would otherwise vote “Yes” without hesitation (and be arguing with the rest of us here that we’re not committed enough) have decided to back Thorpe’s position instead (because, like it or not, partisanship isn’t reserved for major parties).
They might come back and vote ‘Yes’ if the Greens now come out in support, but that would involve some mental gymnastics.
At least some of these votes have already been lost because of Thorpe.
“wranslide says:
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 9:07 am
The voice referendum is very much an individual decision to be made at the ballot box. I am surprised that many on here seem to think that a Greens position will be decisive or to be frank all that important?”
Huh?… Many individuals may decide on party lines, following their strong beliefs or political tactics. I remind you that the Greens command about 13% of the primary vote. If they manage to get consensus on the Voice among their voters, the question is: Which consensus? A consensus around “No” will simply mean the win for the “No” option… That’s VERY “important’!
Of course, a consensus around the “Yes” option, will mean a win for the “Yes” option, which is equally important.
Alternatively, Bandt may rush to his rabbit hole and stay there, shivering, as he whispers: “Let’s be democratic and give free choice to Greens supporters”. In that case, I expect most Greens to vote “Yes” and so “Yes” will win.
With respect to Wong’s message to the UK, the more resilient a relationship the blunter you can be about your consideration of that relationship, in fact you owe it to the relationship. Hiding relationship issues is never healthy. The people upset about the foreign minister’s message are cringeworthy.
Thanks. In a way I’m sorry to hear that confirmed about Thorpe. She is going to finish up damaging her own cause.
As a general rule, when you say something Barnaby Joyce is happy to quote, you have probably made a terrible error.
“Socrates says:
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 9:01 am
It’s hard to see what Thorpe gains from her stance except notoriety. If the Voice fails the cause of a Treaty will be set back decades.
So why does Thorpe do it? To be brutal, her history suggests she is not very bright.”
I agree, she is just not very bright. She acts like a romantic teenager, but she is not a teenager anymore. She just doesn’t have the capacity for smart political strategies and tactics and yes, there is also an ego-effect, also typical of teenagers.
Bandt will have the opportunity to show that, instead, he is a grown up… Good luck to him.
Thanks for the roundup BK. A good read!
It suddenly occurred to me that one good thing about the egregious failure of the PWC speaker in the RC witness box is that they do have deep pockets… lawyers must be circling the Robodebt carcass by now.
On submarines:
“ Australia could end up with a 30-year-old nuclear-powered submarine – as old as the navy’s Collins class boats – as an interim measure, as AUKUS leaders prepare to meet next month to unveil the preferred pathway for Australia’s future submarine fleet, writes Andrew Tillett.”
Please no! It will be hard enough for us to do this already, without starting with old SSNs that require heaps of maintenance just to keep safely running. Do the Oz writers understand that these SSNs contain weapons grade uranium? You can’t just leave them tied up at Osborne.
And conversely:
“The Biden administration is being urged to fast-track research into submarines that do not use weapons-grade uranium, as four Democratic politicians warn the Aukus deal with Australia makes the task “even more pressing”.
Well irony metre off the scale because obviously the way to do this would have been to bring France into AUKUS as soon as Labor took office and build the French SSN. I fear it is too late for that now.
I saw a thread on a defense forum that suggested Australia could most easily build a modified UK Astute SSN with the US S9G reactor replacing the UK PWR2 which has gone out of production. That would be a good option if we are not going with the French, far cheaper than Virginias and able to be started sooner than SSNR or SSNX.
Off to do the chores.