Taxing times (open thread)

A new poll finds respondents nearly twice as likely to support than oppose repealing stage three tax cuts.

The Australia Institute has a poll out which offers the interesting finding that 41% favour the repeal of the stage three tax cuts, with only 22% on board and the remainder unsure. Forty-six per cent understood the cuts to most favour high income earners, compared with 18% for middle income earners and 8% for low income earners. Asked whether “adapting economic policy to suit the changing circumstances even if that means breaking an election promise” rated higher than “keeping an election promise regardless of how economic circumstances have changed”, 61% favoured the former and 27% the latter. The poll was conducted September 6 to 9 from a sample of 1409.

The Guardian reports on the fortnightly poll from Essential Research, which continues to hold off from voting intention and does not include leadership ratings on this occasion, and is mostly devoted to questions on incidental political relevance regarding the Optus security breach. Fifty-one per cent would support stronger curbs on information collected by private companies and 47% expressed concern about governments collecting their personal information. The full report should be along later today.

UPDATE: Full Essential Research report here.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,956 comments on “Taxing times (open thread)”

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  1. B.S. Fairman @ #1751 Sunday, October 9th, 2022 – 5:53 pm

    Cat – He is a complete and utter fool, but if it opens some otherwise ignorant peoples eyes to the situation it is a positive.

    Yes, agree, based upon the principle that even a clock is right twice a day. I hope he continues to fight the good fight and doesn’t just make it a passing fancy.

  2. This is an interesting Tweet from Mykhailo Podolyak, one of Volodomir Zelenskyy’s top advisers:

    Михайло Подоляк

    Now seriously. FSB/PMC try to eliminate leadership of Defense Ministry/GHQ. Before personnel change, FSB is in knockdown — missed Putin’s bridge explosion. Defense Ministry can now blame FSB for the future South loss. Isn’t it obvious who made an explosion? Truck arrived from RF.

  3. C@tmomma at 6:03 pm
    The problem with the guys speculation is that the FSB were not in charge of security for the bridge. They are now though.

  4. Ven (and imacca) from this morning:

    “ Let me try to put it in simple terms.
    So Australian Nuclear Subs deal is between DEVIL AND DEEP BLUE SEA because we can’t order French Subs otherwise Australia becomes laughing stock if order and it will cost fortune and the Nuclear Subs forever if we order the Subs from UK and US.

    That is the reason I posted earlier that AUKUS deal is a fraud on Australian people.”

    Yes it was. Because Scomo and Dutton dismissed the French SSNs by promising under AUKUS either (1) US SSNs that are far more expensive and the US can’t supply or (2) UK SSNs that are no longer available or (3) UK SSNs that are not yet designed and have huge costs and risks. In all cases 2040 is the earliest too late to replace Collins without risk of either subs sinking or not being able to safely go to sea.

    I think going back to French SSNs could be a political win because:
    – a larger number of smaller, less expensive SSNs will serve the navy well and is closer to the Sea1000 concept and what analysts like Hugh White recommend;
    – ASC gets some construction work starting at least five years sooner
    – no HEU (bomb grade) reactor fuel in Australia solves a lot of problems when it comes to getting acceptance of an east coast sub base
    – USA still gets SSN maintenance facilities in Aussie bases
    – if France agrees to build the first 2-3 in France soon there is no risk of a gap
    – we could then scrap the Collins LOTE project and save $6 billion.
    – it would continue rebuilding Australia’s reputation as an honest, middle power among regional neighbors.
    – blame for all the lies falls on Morrison and Dutton, which is where it belongs.

    Why should Labor under Albo wear a massive cost blowout from AUKUS to keep Morrison’s lies secret?

  5. “Dutton even suggested the six-year-old children might turn into suicide bombers one day.”

    doG’s…what if they become QLD coppers and then Peter Duttons one day?? 🙁

  6. Socrates at 6:25 pm
    Between Truffles’ NBN and SfM’s subs there must be an Everest of burning $s in their pyre of political self interest. But thanks to the miracle of the MSM the ‘outage meter’ for the average voter would barely flicker for such Coalition mismanagement. But by golly it red lines if told that some ‘dole bludger’ got $50 more than they should. Rupes says ‘Mission Accomplished’

  7. Upnorth says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 11:40 am

    ItzaDream says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 8:56 am

    People with sleep disorders who haven’t tried Melatonin should.
    ItzaDream says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 8:59 am

    And stop looking at bright lights, like computer screens, all night, and wonder why they can’t go to sleep. You’re meant to move down the back of the cave as the fire fades out to a soft glow.
    Itza – tried Melatonin without any luck. Practice sleep hygeine every night. Mobile off (No PB) no TV etc two hours before sleep (can’t even have the cat in the room). Books, Prayers (sorry Mr Yabba) and meditation. I’m sorry I have tried.

    But last nights dreams were fun. One crabbing with my old man (got soem nice big Muddies). One my wife and I had to hide behind a two way mirror as joke because the Mayor of Townsville was looking for us (I owe her an email) and one about my kids. There were others I can’t remeber. Woke 5 times (even after sedation) but that’s not bad for me.

    As I said last night, like mental illness, insomnia is easily cured by those who don’t suffer it.

    Geez, Upnorth, it appears we also have insomnia in common!

    One thing about Melatonin – years ago I started taking 2mg a night. For the last 2-3 years, I’ve been taking 12mg – yes, twelve!

    Also, while I have no trouble getting to sleep, my problem is waking (hours) too early, so I take “Sustained Release” Melatonin (the other kind is “Instant Release.”)

    I also peg a dark bed sheet over my curtain to further reduce morning light in my room – being a night owl doesn’t help insomnia.

    One thing my doctor insists on is taking my Melatonin as close as possible to the same time very night (midnight, for me.)

    I also have a “White Noise Machine” that plays ocean sounds all night as, it turns out, silence doesn’t work for me. Fortunately, Ms Snappy could sleep through an air raid!

    Most of the time, these things work for me. Sometimes I get a night of insufficient sleep. Sometimes it goes on for some weeks, then I start sleeping better without having a clue why.

  8. Snappy Tom,
    Why don’t you just buy some light excluding curtains? I know Spotlight sell them or you can buy some online. We had a pig ignorant neighbour who has an LED spotlight on the stairs which shone right down into my son’s bedroom and made it seem like midday at midnight. So we bought some curtains to block out the light (shift workers use them a lot) and now he doesn’t have to worry about being kept awake like he’s an inmate in Cell Block Number 9! 😀

  9. C@tmomma @ #1822 Sunday, October 9th, 2022 – 4:24 pm

    Oh dear, I just had the most horrible thought. People are saying that those in that middle bracket of income, for simplicity’s sake, between $100000 and $200000/year ….

    Truly astonishing. How out of touch do you have to be to think $100000 – $200000 is a “middle bracket of income” 🙁

  10. poroti @ #1760 Sunday, October 9th, 2022 – 6:45 pm

    FMG, Angus Taylor is following the lead of the ‘Cycling Smeagol’ . He’s on a cycling trip to listen to the peasants.,is,-visiting%20regional%20towns

    I read that the Mad Monk is advising the Coalition. All it proves to me is that the Coalition can’t come up with an original idea to bless themselves with.

    The problem the Coalition have is with the younger generations and I don’t think this lame exercise is going to cut it with them. Maybe if he went and competed in an E Sports competition he might get more of an idea of what the people who will decide his fate at the next election think.

  11. Sir Henry Parkessays:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 5:47 pm
    Another thing discussed on Insiders this morning was the likely (I hope) rescue of the dozens of Australian women and their young children from the hell of the Syrian refugee camp where they have been stranded for the past seven years.
    Peter Dutton demonstrated his usual levels of compassion by telling David Speers that, of course, he was most sympathetic to these poor women and children, particularly the latter, who could hardly be blamed for the behaviour of their parents.
    But no, he would not countenance their rescue and repatriation to Australia, because they would pose an unacceptable security risk. Dutton even suggested the six-year-old children might turn into suicide bombers one day.
    So what’s the alternative? Let these women and children grow old and rot in a refugee camp hell, away from their families and the Australian way of life their citizenship surely entitles them to?
    Would this not in fact be more likely to turn them into brutal terrorists in the years ahead, particularly if they felt, in fact knew, that Australia had abandoned them?
    Dutton and other Liberal frontbenchers, such as Karen Andrews, don’t seem to care. Like many on the right, they seem to believe that a lack of compassion and even a show of cruelty are signs of strength.
    The independent MP for Fowler, Dai Le, also chimed in with a comment that many of her constituents would not welcome people considered Islamic extremists. Good one Dai, it’s great to see that your destroying Kristina Keneally’s political career paved the way for such an enlightened and empathetic politician.
    I only hope the government doesn’t get spooked by such talk into backing down on rescuing the families.

    Dai Lee seems to forget Vietnamese refugees came in boats from cruel refugee camps.

  12. Snappy Tom, et al, especially nath

    I wasn’t going to buy in this “insomnia” thing, but I have had this so-called affliction since infancy.

    I get at most four hours sleep a night, and have done since I was born. It doesn’t bother me; I just accept that that’s the way I am. I don’t take anything for it.

    The only problem, really, is that it gets lonely sometimes; but I like reading, etc.

    Now that I’m retired, I sometimes find myself waking from an approx. 15-min nanny nap during the day. And that’s enough to refresh me. But it annoys me too. Because I know that that 15 mins will inevitably reduce my four hours a night by 15 mins.

    Still, not a big deal.

  13. poroti,

    Angus Taylor is the happiest man in parliament now that he doesn’t hold ministerial responsibility.

    He wakes every morning and thanks the lord that someone else has to fix the mess.

  14. Well, I have the opposite problem to insomnia. I’m prone to micro sleeps, especially on long drives. So I don’t. I also pass out in my chair sometimes just watching TV or on the computer. But I’m not going to take anything for it, just deal with it. Though I will have an iced coffee if I have no choice but to drive a long way and back again early in the morning, like to the airport. Also I’ve noticed that bright sunlight coming into the window of the car makes me feel tired for some reason? 🙂

  15. Last time we saw a Holden at Bathurst today.

    Sad we don’t have a car manufacturing industry – thanks to the Libs – given the availability of our natural resources.

  16. “imacca says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 6:28 pm
    “Dutton even suggested the six-year-old children might turn into suicide bombers one day.”

    doG’s…what if they become QLD coppers and then Peter Duttons one day?? ”

    This was my comment in The Guardian today about that:

    “”Bringing children home presents a security risk: Dutton”…

    I think that poor Dutton has been watching too many Chucky horror movies lately….

    Peter, watch The Waltons instead!!!… You need less horror and more family values, mate!”

  17. Snappy Tom says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 6:40 pm

    I also have a “White Noise Machine” that plays ocean sounds all night as, it turns out, silence doesn’t work for me. Fortunately, Ms Snappy could sleep through an air raid!

    Most of the time, these things work for me. Sometimes I get a night of insufficient sleep. Sometimes it goes on for some weeks, then I start sleeping better without having a clue why.

    I got me a blindfold thingy with Bluetooth that I charge each morning. Nice and dark and white noise the whole night. Great also for long haul flights.

    I tried Melatonin for a long time. Like you some days great. Some weeks bad. But you guys on PB keep me sane (we’ll sort of).

    Sleep well ST

  18. Rex Douglassays:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 6:55 pm


    Angus Taylor is the happiest man in parliament now that he doesn’t hold ministerial responsibility.

    He wakes every morning and thanks the lord that someone else has to fix the mess.

    I doubt it.

    What does he do now when the family farm illegally kills off protected grasses?

  19. Upnorth says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 7:08 pm

    Snappy Tom says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 6:40 pm

    I also have a “White Noise Machine” that plays ocean sounds all night as, it turns out, silence doesn’t work for me. Fortunately, Ms Snappy could sleep through an air raid!

    Most of the time, these things work for me. Sometimes I get a night of insufficient sleep. Sometimes it goes on for some weeks, then I start sleeping better without having a clue why.

    I got me a blindfold thingy with Bluetooth that I charge each morning. Nice and dark and white noise the whole night. Great also for long haul flights.

    I tried Melatonin for a long time. Like you some days great. Some weeks bad. But you guys on PB keep me sane (we’ll sort of).

    Sleep well ST

    Maybe listen to “Great Speeches of Michael McCormack”?

  20. Ven
    Dai Lee seems to forget Vietnamese refugees came in boats from cruel refugee camps.
    Going to Syria to support ISIS is different to being a Vietnamese refugee and its not uncommon for migrants to be less supportive of refugees.

  21. Late Riser says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 7:13 pm

    I didn’t know William Shatner had this in him.

    In 1990, Carl Sagan persuaded mission controllers to have Voyager 1 take a photo of Earth – from about 10 billion km…

    …It became known as the ‘Pale Blue Dot’ image. Planet Earth is a pixel of blue in the vast blackness of space. Humbling, profound – and hopefully inspiring towards care for our rare home.

    Not always hopeful…

  22. C@tmomma says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 6:48 pm

    Snappy Tom,
    Why don’t you just buy some light excluding curtains? I know Spotlight sell them or you can buy some online. We had a pig ignorant neighbour who has an LED spotlight on the stairs which shone right down into my son’s bedroom and made it seem like midday at midnight. So we bought some curtains to block out the light (shift workers use them a lot) and now he doesn’t have to worry about being kept awake like he’s an inmate in Cell Block Number 9!

    Never knew there was a category called ‘light excluding curtains’!

    Pollbludger broadens the mind!

    I shall investigate…

  23. Ven says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 6:54 pm

    Sir Henry Parkessays:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 5:47 pm
    Another thing discussed on Insiders this morning was the likely (I hope) rescue of the dozens of Australian women and their young children from the hell of the Syrian refugee camp where they have been stranded for the past seven years.
    Peter Dutton demonstrated his usual levels of compassion by telling David Speers that, of course, he was most sympathetic to these poor women and children, particularly the latter, who could hardly be blamed for the behaviour of their parents.
    But no, he would not countenance their rescue and repatriation to Australia, because they would pose an unacceptable security risk. Dutton even suggested the six-year-old children might turn into suicide bombers one day.
    So what’s the alternative? Let these women and children grow old and rot in a refugee camp hell, away from their families and the Australian way of life their citizenship surely entitles them to?
    Would this not in fact be more likely to turn them into brutal terrorists in the years ahead, particularly if they felt, in fact knew, that Australia had abandoned them?
    Dutton and other Liberal frontbenchers, such as Karen Andrews, don’t seem to care. Like many on the right, they seem to believe that a lack of compassion and even a show of cruelty are signs of strength.
    The independent MP for Fowler, Dai Le, also chimed in with a comment that many of her constituents would not welcome people considered Islamic extremists. Good one Dai, it’s great to see that your destroying Kristina Keneally’s political career paved the way for such an enlightened and empathetic politician.
    I only hope the government doesn’t get spooked by such talk into backing down on rescuing the families.

    Dai Lee seems to forget Vietnamese refugees came in boats from cruel refugee camps.

    No surprise from Dai Le. Not an Independent, just a Liberal. Tragically, there is a possibility her assistant assassin, Rattus Carbonicus, may succeed in a bid for State Parliament…

  24. Poroti
    “ Between Truffles’ NBN and SfM’s subs there must be an Everest of burning $s in their pyre of political self interest. But thanks to the miracle of the MSM the ‘outage meter’ for the average voter would barely flicker for such Coalition mismanagement. But by golly it red lines if told that some ‘dole bludger’ got $50 more than they should. Rupes says ‘Mission Accomplished’”

    Sadly true. If I was in Labor’s ministerial shoes at this point, as a minimum, I would be asking both UK/BAE and France/Naval for competitive quotes to supply and/or build SSNs to the RAN. It is ridiculous that the longest, most expensive defense contract we will ever issue is done by a handshake deal with Scomo. There should be tenders. Rudd made this point back in March. He’s right.

    Unless my calcs are way off (based on official reporting of SSNs in each country), in any competitive tender France will win on price by billions. If they then get the SSN contract, as a minimum, Scomos’ AUKUS-pokus will have cost us $800 million in compo for a contract we should have converted, not broken. If we go with the UK or US options, the extra cost will be at least $15 to $20 billion more.

    It costs a lot of money to almost re-elect an unpopular PM.

  25. Mexicanbeemersays:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 7:25 pm

    Dai Lee seems to forget Vietnamese refugees came in boats from cruel refugee camps.
    Going to Syria to support ISIS is different to being a Vietnamese refugee and its not uncommon for migrants to be less supportive of refugees.

    How many of these women had a choice?

  26. Socrates says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 6:25 pm

    Ven (and imacca) from this morning:

    “ Let me try to put it in simple terms.
    So Australian Nuclear Subs deal is between DEVIL AND DEEP BLUE SEA because we can’t order French Subs otherwise Australia becomes laughing stock if order and it will cost fortune and the Nuclear Subs forever if we order the Subs from UK and US.

    That is the reason I posted earlier that AUKUS deal is a fraud on Australian people.”

    Yes it was. Because Scomo and Dutton dismissed the French SSNs by promising under AUKUS either (1) US SSNs that are far more expensive and the US can’t supply or (2) UK SSNs that are no longer available or (3) UK SSNs that are not yet designed and have huge costs and risks. In all cases 2040 is the earliest too late to replace Collins without risk of either subs sinking or not being able to safely go to sea.

    I think going back to French SSNs could be a political win because:
    – a larger number of smaller, less expensive SSNs will serve the navy well and is closer to the Sea1000 concept and what analysts like Hugh White recommend;
    – ASC gets some construction work starting at least five years sooner
    – no HEU (bomb grade) reactor fuel in Australia solves a lot of problems when it comes to getting acceptance of an east coast sub base
    – USA still gets SSN maintenance facilities in Aussie bases
    – if France agrees to build the first 2-3 in France soon there is no risk of a gap
    – we could then scrap the Collins LOTE project and save $6 billion.
    – it would continue rebuilding Australia’s reputation as an honest, middle power among regional neighbors.
    – blame for all the lies falls on Morrison and Dutton, which is where it belongs.

    Why should Labor under Albo wear a massive cost blowout from AUKUS to keep Morrison’s lies secret?

    I’m reminded of the activists’ saying “Don’t agonise, organise!”

    I would be happy to participate in a campaign to lobby Marles – although I bring neither personal connection or weight of influence to the table!

    Socrates, let me know if you’d like to collaborate.

  27. Barney
    How many of these women had a choice?
    These women were not underaged girls taken to Syria by a parent. I’ve had this conversation with Turkish and Lebanese mates and most of if not all of these women knew where they were going.

  28. Snappy Tom

    I am writing a submission on SSNs and am happy to send it to you and discuss how to organise.

    Happy for William to forward you my email address or mobile number.

  29. A R
    When you say they went there to “support ISIS” do you mean they trained to be ISIS fighters and played an active role in terrorist attacks and violence, or are you playing guilty by association?
    More likely they were just being supportive of their husbands and the idea of living a more traditional lifestyle in the Middle East.

  30. Mexicanbeemersays:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 7:40 pm

    How many of these women had a choice?
    These women were not underaged girls taken to Syria by a parent. I’ve had this conversation with Turkish and Lebanese mates and most of if not all of these women knew where they were going.

    Yes, they may have known their destination, but that doesn’t mean they had a choice.

    A core tenant of more fundamental religious marriages is that the women does what the husband tells them to.

  31. Barney
    Yes, they may have known their destination, but that doesn’t mean they had a choice.

    A core tenant of more fundamental religious marriages is that the women does what the husband tells them to.
    That’s more understandable than claiming they didn’t know what they were doing and didn’t know where they were going.

  32. Socrates says:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 7:46 pm

    Snappy Tom

    I am writing a submission on SSNs and am happy to send it to you and discuss how to organise.

    Happy for William to forward you my email address or mobile number.

    Mr Bowe, I’m happy for you to forward my email to Socrates.

  33. Dai Le has obviously forgotten that there was rampant speculation at the time that Viet Cong were sneaking in to Australia on the boats full of refugees from Vietnam. Malcom Fraser didn’t care. He didn’t succumb to the media onslaught or the opportunistic bleating of politicians. That’s called leadership. What Dai Le is doing is villification for the purpose of rank political opportunism.

    It absolutely trashes the symbolism of the traditional dress made out of an Aussie flag that she wore for her Maiden Speech, that’s for sure.

  34. Mexicanbeemersays:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 7:55 pm

    Yes, they may have known their destination, but that doesn’t mean they had a choice.

    A core tenant of more fundamental religious marriages is that the women does what the husband tells them to.
    That’s more understandable than claiming they didn’t know what they were doing and didn’t know where they were going.

    Where did I make any such claims?

  35. Mexicanbeemersays:
    Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 8:07 pm

    Where did I make any such claims?
    Some of the women did when they were interviewed.

    And why wouldn’t you believe them?

    It’s not implausible.

  36. Barney
    And why wouldn’t you believe them?

    It’s not implausible.
    The stories sound BS and if Australian born women are so cowed into not knowing what they are doing and where they are then feminists need to turn their attention to these communities.

  37. Mike Carlton
    The moment you see the word “woke” you know you’ve encountered a 3rd rate mind devoid of original thought and content to parrot the fashionable cliches of the American far Right.

    Spot on.

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