Morgan: 53.5-46.5 to Labor

Labor scores its biggest two-party poll lead of the term from Roy Morgan, which records a particularly big blowout in Victoria.

Roy Morgan published results on Wednesday of its latest federal voting intention polling, as it does from time to time, in this case combining surveys conducted over the past two weekends from 2709 respondents. This shows Labor with its biggest lead of the term, from this or any other pollster: 53.5-46.5, out from 52.5-47.5 in the poll it published in mid-July. The Coalition and Labor are tied at 37% on the primary vote, respectively being down two and steady, while the Greens are up a point to 12.5% and One Nation is steady on 3%. These numbers have ticked the BludgerTrack poll aggregate a further 0.4% to Labor, who are now credited with a lead 52.4-47.6.

State breakdowns of the two-party vote are provided, showing Labor leading 51-49 in New South Wales (for a swing in their favour of about 3% compared with the 2019 election), 59.5-40.5 in Victoria (a swing of about 6.5%, and three points stronger for Labor than the previous poll), 55.5-44.5 in South Australia (a swing of about 5%) and 54-46 in Tasmania (a 2% swing to the Liberals, although the sample size here is particularly flimsy), while the Coalition leads 52-48 in Queensland (a swing to Labor of about 6.5%) and 51.5-48.5 in Western Australia (a swing of about 4%, which is a fair bit more modest than other polling from WA recently).

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,778 comments on “Morgan: 53.5-46.5 to Labor”

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  1. Quasar,
    Ditto re Cud. And when he’s in a humorous mood, quite entertaining.

    So I guess this is as good a time as any to put up this article, which when I read it, made me think immediately of Cud. Enjoy 🙂

    It sounded like another fad – like the cereal cafe in east London, or the crisp bar in Soho. “This Colorado bistro is the world’s first butter bar,” ran the headline of an article announcing the opening of Bella La Crema, a US restaurant serving “flights” of handmade butters flavoured with spices or herbs. The comparison to beer and wine tasting boards jarred at first – but butter in its truest form is perhaps closer to wine than it is to crisps or cereal: there’s terroir in the pastures; technique in the churning; magic in the addition of bacteria cultures and (optional) flavours. And Bella La Crema, which has been delivering its beloved bourbon butter, rosemary and sage butter, house butter and chocolate butter around the US throughout their lockdowns, and has since started looking for its second site, might conceivably be the next step in a movement that has been quietly taking place in some farms, dairies and restaurants for years.

    Moo 🙂

  2. And while we are being slightly humorous, my son’s best friend, said the other day, ‘ It’s going to be a close race at the next NSW election. There’s going to be 5 people left alive by the time Gladys gets through with us. Two people will vote for Labor, no matter what, two people will vote for the Liberals no matter what, we just don’t know who the 5th person will vote for.’ 😀

  3. I have never trusted Roy Morgan after their polling had Labor winning the 2001 federal election. I always thought Roy Morgan was Labor biased, Galaxy LNP biased, and Newspoll was the most accurate. But after Newspoll got the last federal election wrong its also taken a bit of a hit to its credibility.

  4. What do you do about things like this!?!

    Misinformation surrounding the death of 27-year-old Sydney man Aude ‘Ady’ Alaskar is circulating in Arabic WhatsApp groups, while conspiracy-filled Instagram and Facebook pages are trying to convince their followers the young man did not die of Covid-19.

    … Since his death, misinformation seeking to minimise Covid-19’s role in his death has spread through various social media and messaging apps.

    A message being shared through WhatsApp groups claims his family have a history of heart conditions that contributed to his death.

    The message, written in Arabic, says he was “90% healthy” before collapsing around 4pm and dying of a heart attack.

    It is unclear whether the message actually comes from the man’s family or is fake, but its contents have been picked up by influencers and meme pages, promoting the idea that the man didn’t test positive and did not die of Covid-19.

    Maria Zee, an influencer with over 10,000 followers, posted a live video to her Instagram on Wednesday night, making baseless and bizarre claims, including that Alaskar had come back to life and medical staff “destroyed the paperwork”.

    Refusing to mention Covid-19 by name – referring to it only as “C O so and so” – she also claimed to have received a note from Alaskar that shares his “experience” and wrongly blames his death on pneumonia.

    … Much of the commentary on Alaskar’s death, and others, appears to be driven by a form of binary thinking: that if someone who died of Covid-19 also had another underlying condition, then the virus must not have been the ultimate cause of death.

    “Having a binary view of this is counter-productive,” Prof Peter Collignon said.

  5. C@t
    My neighbour is convinced that those who died in nursing homes were listed as dying from Covid, no matter the real cause. Apparently the homes got funding accordingly. Somebody who knew somebody who had a relative in a home told her, so it must be true. She is generally a sensible woman but seems to swallow conspiracy theories like lollies.

    I try my best to dissuade her but makes no difference. Her other favourite is that Labor always gets the country into financial trouble. Needless to say she is a dyed-in-the-wool National voter.

  6. Good morning Dawn Patrollers

    In a rather disgusting and arrogant display at a presser yesterday, Morrison refused to say if he saw a list of marginal seats to get car park funding. David Crowe and Shane Wright tell us about it.
    Katherine Murphy and Paul Karp also have a look at this performance by Morrison.
    Some of Scott Morrison’s colleagues were not sure about all his messages this week when the Prime Minister suggested the government had stumbled out of the political sunshine and found itself on a hard, muddy track, in the rain, writes David Crowe.
    In an interesting contribution, Wayne Swan expounds on how the pandemic has reshaped our politics.
    More than two-thirds of new COVID-19 cases in Sydney in 24 hours were in people aged under 40, increasing concerns about the long-term health impact of the Delta strain as it spilled into the regions, forcing more lockdowns.
    Police have arrested 15 people after hundreds of protesters rallied in Melbourne’s CBD against Victoria’s sixth coronavirus lockdown, which was announced hours earlier by the premier, Daniel Andrews.
    Phil Coorey writes that the premiers of NSW, Queensland and Victoria are clamouring for more Pfizer vaccine doses as almost 16 million people are disrupted by COVID-19.
    Australia’s vaccination plan is 6 months too late and a masterclass in jargon, proclaims Lesley Russell. She’s not wrong!
    “Scott Morrison is confident Australia will reach the 80 per cent vaccination rate needed to widely reopen the nation – just in time for the election. However, federal leaders are split on how and when to best encourage a small number of later-vaxxers to roll up their sleeves. Indeed, as little as 3 per cent of the nation’s adults could hold the nation back from reaching the goal, with concerns the vaccination drive may just fall short”, writes Josh Butler.
    And Michelle Grattan thinks we will need an inquiry to learn from rollout mistakes.
    If you’re over 16 the Prime Minister wants you to go and get vaccinated – despite the federal government’s own official advice that Australia won’t have the supplies to do so until September, and Labor’s argument people are struggling to get bookings, says Rachel Clun.
    JobKeeper then JobSeeker, JobMaker, JobTrainer and now JobSaver … Scott Morrison’s coronavirus programs are starting to look like the most aggressive brand extension since Apple tried to trademark the letter ‘i’ in 2010. Writes Andrew Charlton who cannot why understand the government did not roll out JobKeeper again. (A bit sensitive to the Gerry Harvey issue perhaps?)
    Newcastle and Hunter residents who had their Covid vaccine appointments cancelled so doses could be redirected to school students in Sydney are furious as they are left unvaccinated and in lockdown as the virus spreads to their region.
    As paramedics in south-west Sydney, we are pushed beyond exhaustion – and into a dystopian world, explains an anonymous paramedic. A harrowing read, actually.
    Jordan Baker tells Berejiklian that there are more important things to worry about than the HSC.
    The editorial in the SMH says that the NSW government has failed to anticipate the complex issues in imposing tougher lockdowns on south-west and western Sydney, and that the lockdowns are pulling at the threads of Sydney’s multicultural fabric.
    Daniel Andrews is preparing for the 2022 poll by clearing Labor’s policy decks of any controversial culture kindling, says Annika Smethurst.
    A federal tribunal has ordered Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s department to release secret documents about the workings of national cabinet after rejecting government claims the peak group is a committee of federal cabinet, writes David Crowe who examines the ruling in the case brought on by Rex Patrick.
    Nichelle Grattan has her say on the decision.
    The federal government has banned Australians who normally live in other countries from returning home without needing government permission in a move branded as “barbaric”. Latika Bourke reports on some of the reactions.
    Nick Bonyhady explains how, under Barnaby Joyce’s rescue plan, aviation ground workers in regional airports across the country will miss out on $750 weekly payments that thousands of their colleagues doing the same job for major airlines in big cities will receive.
    Zoe Samios and Lisa Visentin have a look at the trouble News Ltd has with Skay After Dark.
    And Amanda Meade tells us that Sky News Australia will face a Senate inquiry next week after the broadcaster was suspended for seven days for posting numerous videos which violated YouTube’s Covid medical misinformation policies.
    Anthony Galloway writes that Malcolm Turnbull, who introduced the laws in 2017, said he did not intend for the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme to be used as widely as it has been after he registered himself for speaking at a South Korean-backed forum that was broadcast to the public.
    Human-caused warming has led to an “almost complete loss of stability” in the system that drives Atlantic Ocean currents, a new study has found.
    The industry super sector has slammed the Morrison government’s decision to tweak the new superannuation performance test, which they say will benefit for-profit retail funds, explains the AFR’s Michael Read.
    About one in ten groundwater users are non-compliant, with one operator extracting the equivalent of 1200 Olympic swimming pools of water more than the licence allowed for, a pilot probe of NSW bores has found, reports Peter Hannam.
    Crown investors have two months before they place their final bets on whether Victorian gaming royal commissioner Ray Finkelstein will ask for the company’s Melbourne licence to be ripped up when he delivers his recommendations in October, writes Elizabeth Knight who examines how investors got Crown Resorts so badly wrong.
    John Lord looks back over the Abbott years. The last paragraph is a good ‘un.
    Australia is a ‘Christian nation’ no longer writes David Smith who explains why Australia’s religious right loses policy battles even when it wins elections.
    Stephen Bartholomeusz reports that the Biden administration has been forced to take “extraordinary measures” to conserve cash as it seeks to head off a US default on its debt – a development that would have global ramifications.
    Stuart Rees writes that a petition to be presented to Federal politicians on August 9 seeks the imposition of sanctions on Israel. It asks for condemnation of apartheid as a crime against humanity, demands an end to the cruel 15 year siege of Gaza and the 54 year military occupation of Palestinian lands.
    An immense trove of the most important royal historical material for decades has quietly been released in the United Kingdom. These are the diaries of Lord Louis Mountbatten and his wife Lady Edwina, from the 1920s until 1968, writes Professor Jenny Hocking.,15368
    Perhaps it’s time to nominate Brian Houston for “Arsehole of the Week” after him being charged yesterday for allegedly concealing child sexual abuse by his late father Frank Houston. Perhaps he’ll call Morrison as a character witness.

    Cartoon Corner

    David Pope

    David Rowe

    Andrew Dyson

    Matt Golding

    Cathy Wilcox

    Peter Broelman

    Glen Le Lievre
    Mark Knight

    Simon Letch


    From the US

  7. … Much of the commentary on Alaskar’s death, and others, appears to be driven by a form of binary thinking: that if someone who died of Covid-19 also had another underlying condition, then the virus must not have been the ultimate cause of death.

    Does it matter? The point is that the person died as a result of having contracted Covid, and entirely preventable death, even if he did have underlying health issues.

  8. ‘fess,
    It matters if you are an Instagram Influencer who has built their following on misleading gullible people.

  9. Police have arrested 15 people after hundreds of protesters rallied in Melbourne’s CBD against Victoria’s sixth coronavirus lockdown, which was announced hours earlier by the premier, Daniel Andrews.

    Thanks BK.

    All these idiots are doing is their level best to ensure that the lockdown goes for longer than planned.

    Jeez people, cast your eyes north and have a look at how Sydney’s faring 2 weeks after the same protests! Morons.

  10. How many times will Nick Coatsworth be dragged out today by libs/nats propaganda media units , and what will his dress attire be

    Will he be in a full surgeon’s outfit , while being outdoors ?

  11. This just seems to be restriction for its own sake. It is also extremely expensive as well as cruel.

    Michael J. Biercuk
    I don’t understand this policy at all. Restrictions should apply on entry only. If an AU citizen wants to return to live their life abroad, make clear they may not be able to re-enter easily. Don’t prevent them from returning to their homes.

  12. First question to Gladys this morning should be, “Was it a wise thing to do for Victoria to go into an immediate lockdown after only eight new cases?”

  13. “For persons in our community who think it is a good time to commit criminal activity: it is not. It is not an exempt purpose.”
    — Steve Gollschewski
    The Queensland Police deputy commissioner made it clear that committing crime during the lockdown when people should be home is, indeed, illegal.

  14. Grrrrr…
    NSW persons are transferring their dopey risk management practices to the ACT by arranging weddings, funerals, and attending gyms in the ACT.

  15. The day before Victoria recorded zero.

    I felt it in my bones that it was going to be shortlived.

    I was at least hoping for one day reprieve.
    But alas no.

    As Dan Andrews reminded everyone at the presser yesterday afternoon, until we have the majority vaccinated, lockdowns are the only tool to ensure that the virus does not become uncontrollable and spreads in a largely unvaccinated population.

    Based on current projections, this will not be until Christmas.
    Will GladysB finally admit this to the people of NSW, and stop gaslighting them. It is bloody cruel and a dereliction of duty.

  16. ‘lizzie says:
    Friday, August 6, 2021 at 8:06 am

    This just seems to be restriction for its own sake. It is also extremely expensive as well as cruel.

    Michael J. Biercuk
    I don’t understand this policy at all. Restrictions should apply on entry only. If an AU citizen wants to return to live their life abroad, make clear they may not be able to re-enter easily. Don’t prevent them from returning to their homes.’
    Yeah, nah. A lot of the current mob of o/s whingers have left Australia in the past 18 months.

  17. boerwar

    NSW persons are transferring their dopey risk management practices to the ACT by arranging weddings, funerals, and attending gyms in the ACT.

    Who said that Aussies are an obedient lot? Rule avoidance runs deep. 😆

  18. See also post at 8.23

    A tradie has been charged for faking a positive Covid result to get out of work. Yes, this is a real story.

    NSW Police say he allegedly sent a text to his boss on Monday morning, claiming he couldn’t come into work in Newcastle after testing positive, sending his employers into a scramble.

    His co-workers were stood down and had to self isolate, and several locations near his employment required deep cleaning.

    He allegedly sent a second text later on Monday saying he returned a negative result.

    He was arrested and charged yesterday, and will face court on Tuesday. Pretty pricey sickie, that one.


    I have no problem with sensible quarantine, isolation, restrictions, distancing in a pandemic

    I do have a problem when the guidelines/ rules are totally non sensical or inconsistent

    Free movement of ‘stars’, private jet in, helicopter through, mansion …?

    PollyTICs going overseas (G7 guest attendance, OECD job hunting, BNE Olympics etc in 2032), religious … high priority?

    Repat of Aussies seems to be a low priority?

    There doesn’t seem to be a consistent definition of critical or essential worker

    I guess with an eye on motions of no confidence in parliament, protests, civil disobedience, leadership spills, elections … revos, diplomacy by other means, certainly don’t get NSW State Gov continued focus on asphalt, concrete (though I guess lotsa trucks/ utes could be joining tractors in Macquarie St, as in ‘too close for missiles, switching to RPGs, guns … etc), gambling, stadiums, or schools, smacks of more ‘balancing’ of health and ‘but the economy is every bit as fragile’ …

    PollyTICs on TV all the time (no fit for purpose quarantine, too much of the wrong vax, app …), I try and ignore them and applaud the media and various professionals for their summaries

  20. Victoria has recorded six new locally acquired COVID-19 cases.

    Victoria has recorded six locally acquired cases of COVID-19, as the state enters the first day of a one-week lockdown.

    Two of the new cases were reported yesterday and are linked to the Al-Taqwa College teacher who tested positive on Wednesday.

    The six cases are all linked to previously reported cases but were not in quarantine during their infectious periods, health officials said.

    The cases were detected from among 29,631 test results processed on Thursday.

  21. Does this number take into account the two that were reported during the day yesterday.
    Little confused.

    VicGovDH’s Tweets
    The six new locally-acquired cases are all linked to previously reported cases and were not in quarantine during their infectious periods. [2/2]
    Show this thread
    Reported yesterday: 6 new local cases and 0 new cases acquired overseas.
    – 18,901 vaccine doses were administered
    – 29,631 test results were received
    More later:

    #COVID19Vic #COVID19VicData [1/2]

  22. ” And Michelle Grattan thinks we will need an inquiry to learn from rollout mistakes”

    This should be one of the first acts of an incoming Labor Government.

  23. Japan’s population declined to 126.65 million as of Jan. 1, dropping by the biggest number and margin since 2013, reflecting a fall in resident foreigners due to tighter border controls resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, government data showed Wednesday.

    The population came to 126,654,244, dropping by 483,789 or 0.38% from the previous year, the largest decline since 2013 when the figures started to include resident foreigners, according to the data released by the internal affairs ministry.

  24. Morning all. Thanks BK for the roundup. Scomo’s reaction to the car-pork questions yesterday was pretty egregious. Apart from running he suggested the projects were good. Rubbish. One of the many failings the audit picked up was that some of the car parks went way over budget due to lack of planning.

    As for the poll, interesting. I think the swings in Vic and Qld are not surprising. Its pretty galling to go into a lockdown, have no financial assistance, then see the same government give financial assistance to NSW when it is in lockdown. Does Morrison not see some small businesses are close to going under?

    I think by now the suggestion the Liberals are the party of small business is as big a lie as saying the Nationals care about farmers. One cares only about big business; the other only about mining companies.

  25. Michael Rowland
    Asked on @BreakfastNews about the prospects of the Greater Sydney lockdown ending as scheduled at the end of this month, epidemiologist @TonyBlakely_PI had one word:


    But he does reckon the situation with be much better by Christmas/New Year.

  26. In Melbourne:
    Simon Love@SimoLove · 3m
    A cleaner who worked on Levels 6/8 at night on Mon/Tue/Wed at Epworth Hospital Richmond has tested positive to #covid19 Epworth had told staff it’s “followed our pandemic procedures and contact tracing of potential exposures is well progressed” @10NewsFirstMelb #springst

  27. This will be the first Census recorded under lockdown rules. I wonder if it will improve the reliability, or make it worse? How many people will lie that they were at home on the night?

  28. The Queensland Police deputy commissioner made it clear that committing crime during the lockdown when people should be home is, indeed, illegal.

    Well, there goes my plans for the afternoon!

  29. Steve
    “ And Michelle Grattan thinks we will need an inquiry to learn from rollout mistakes”

    This should be one of the first acts of an incoming Labor Government.”

    I agree and would go further. We need an inquiry into both quarantine and vaccination to learn what the mistakes were and what motivated them. There are so many details we still don’t know, especially on vaccine orders.
    – Where did the vaccine money go?
    – What consultants were employed? Why?
    – How much was the CSL contract? Who has shares?
    – Why didn’t we go for an mRNA vaccine? Why not local manufacturing?
    – Who knocked back Pfizer in 2020? Was it over money?
    – Who decided not to built specialist quarantine? Was it over money or something else?
    – Who decided who got to fly in/out? What criteria were used? Any ministerial involvement?

    A huge number of unanswered questions.

  30. Lizzie

    These cases have not been linked to the outbreak that we got a zero result from other day.
    Hence why they were not in quarantine.
    It could eventually be linked to the previous outbreak in some way. Genomic testing will give us some answers.

  31. BK:
    First question to Gladys this morning should be, “Was it a wise thing to do for Victoria to go into an immediate lockdown after only eight new cases?”

    she’ll just say, “oh look, I’m not going to comment on what other states are doing”.
    And then 5 minutes later tell us about her world beating, super tough, hardest lockdown in the world ever.

  32. Lizie
    “ This will be the first Census recorded under lockdown rules. I wonder if it will improve the reliability, or make it worse? How many people will lie that they were at home on the night?”

    It is going to wreck a lot of long term data series. Even if recorded accurately, people’s behaviour will be different. For example, people’s normal commuting behaviour has changed. So for transport planners like me a whole lot of long term time series comparisons of commuting behaviour are going up in smoke. Same with lots of employment and activity stats.

    A competent government would budget to repeat some aspects on employment, activity and travel in a years time after covid vaccinations and hopefully lockdowns are ended. So maybe after a change in government.

  33. Victoria

    Morrison is finding that much of his pork barrelling with money has been revealed, so now he’s trying Pfizer-barrelling instead.

  34. Socrates

    What riles me is that the coalition have wasted so much money on rorts.

    Sports and carparks come to mind.
    Yet they couldn’t find the money to fund purpose built quarantine or secure vaccines.

    Instead we have this rolling shit show which is costing exponentially more in money terms and more importantly health terms.

    Morrison should resign in shame.
    And he can take Gladys with him.

  35. Socrates

    I understand. There’s nothing worse than changing the parameters. And then there’s the over-arching problem:
    “A competent government would … “

  36. Ballantynesays:
    Friday, August 6, 2021 at 7:04 am
    My neighbour is convinced that those who died in nursing homes were listed as dying from Covid, no matter the real cause. Apparently the homes got funding accordingly. Somebody who knew somebody who had a relative in a home told her, so it must be true. She is generally a sensible woman but seems to swallow conspiracy theories like lollies.

    I try my best to dissuade her but makes no difference. Her other favourite is that Labor always gets the country into financial trouble. Needless to say she is a dyed-in-the-wool National voter.

    Did she think that Joyce is best gift by God to Australia? 🙂

  37. Victoria

    Right. Morrison’s has been the biggest spending government in Aus history, by a wide margin. Witness the debt. So any excuses of “not enough money” in not doing things are nonsense. They were not priorities.

    How many people with small businesses or who worked in the arts or tertiary education sectors have lost their life savings with no financial support, while private schools, religions and Gerry Harvey raked in millions? Its obscene.

  38. In other lockdown news: I have successfully adjusted my espresso machine so that I get a stronger coffee in the mornings. And my poodle has bitten most of the teeth from my comb. Now some of my time will be occupied in checking dog-poo!

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