Essential Research and Redbridge Group Victorian poll

One pollster records nervous attitudes towards China, another a modest lead for the Labor government in Victoria.

The fortnightly Essential Research poll offers questions on foreign relations that include the finding that 51% believe Australia should become less close to China, down three points since December, with 24% believing relations should stay the same and only 12% believing they should get closer. By contrast, respondents were positive about relations with, in ascending order of enthusiasm, the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Further questions record a surge for the influence of the United States since May last year and the intervening presidential election result.

An occasionally recurring question on climate change also found 56% believing it to be caused by human activity against 27% for normal fluctuation, suggesting a slight shift to skepticism since a few years ago. Forty-five per cent rate that Australia is not doing enough on climate change compared with 30% for enough and 12% for too much. Assessments on this question appear to have become more lenient since the onset of COVID-19, prior to which “not doing enough” was at upwards of 60%. A series of related questions record enthusiasm for renewable energy and a zero emissions target. The poll was conducted online from Wednesday to Sunday with a sample of 1087.

We also had a Victorian state poll yesterday in the Herald-Sun from Redbridge Group, which is run by former Labor operatives Simon Welsh and Kosmos Samaras. The primary votes are solidly better for the Coalition than last week’s Resolve Strategic poll in The Age, showing them with a lead of 41% to 37%, but Labor is nonetheless credited with a lead of 52.4-47.6 on two-party preferred, reflecting a Greens vote of 12% compared with Resolve Strategic’s 9%. These come with regional breakdowns that can be viewed here.

The poll also has a preferred premier question had Daniel Andrews at 42.4%, Michael O’Brien on 23.1% and neither on 28.2%; Andrews leads James Merlino 67.5% to 32.5% in a head-to-head question on preferred Labor leader, and O’Brien trails his predecessor Matthew Guy by 63-37. The poll was conducted June 12 to 15 from a sample of 1484.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,486 comments on “Essential Research and Redbridge Group Victorian poll”

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  1. Taylormade @ #901 Thursday, June 24th, 2021 – 7:25 pm

    Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 5:51 pm
    Comment on today’s Guardian Blog. Very well written.
    Did they explain why the Vic govt requested ADF support and then withdrew it a couple of days later ?
    Or why United was chosen to do the bulk of the security work but was not an approved service provider ?

    You always pettifog about the most trivial of details.

  2. Lizzie:

    Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 6:51 pm


    Scotty’s blindness regarding attitudes to women is deep in his character. Appointing Barnaby (and his silly ministers for women) reveal how deep.’]

    The way it’s going, Porter and Christensen may also get a gig on the taskforce. Morrison’s really throwing dust in our eyes of women with Joyce’s appointment.
    As a male, I wouldn’t want to be seen near him, so I can imagine how a female would feel. He’s the Sir Les Patterson of Australian politics – an embarrassment.

  3. As far as I’m concerned anyone who can knock off a NASA monopoly in space and turn them into his own paying customers has got to have something going for him.

    Anyone who can provide, virtually overnight, a highly profitable turnkey solution to South Australia’s renewable energy crisis can’t be too hopeless a business person.

    Anyone who can get a 20 tonne spacecraft to land precisely and safely where “X” marks the spot, so that the spacecraft can be reused time after time, thus drastically reducing the price of space travel (and concomitantly expanding its horizons) is on the right track.

    Anyone who can, pretty-well single-handedly, produce out of virtually nothing a huge market for electric cars, making them first prestigious, and inevitably next ubiquitous, is pretty much leading the charge on the new non-fossil fuel based economy.

    Who cares if It’s because he hires good people? Where was he supposed to get his staff from? The Salvation Army shelter?

    I use PayPal all the time. It’s fast, hassle free and unwaveringly prompt and efficient, in that it never gets in the way of my completing a transaction with a third party.

    I don’t care that Musk merged his own company with PayPal. Or that the original Tesla guys got bought out, allowing Musk to take the company to places they were unable to. Musk has turned those companies and SpaceX into enterprises worth over a trillion dollars, employing thousands, and most importantly delivering good products that customers want to use, all of which bring huge benefits to the planet.

    I also don’t care that everything he attempts isn’t a brilliant success. At least he has a go. The idea that successful business people infallibly invest only in brilliantly successful business ventures is so naïve as to be laughable.

  4. poroti

    In per-capita terms, Seychelles is still doing pretty badly..

    1,048 infections per 100 thousand people per week.
    Versus 116 (and rising) in the UK, 24 (and falling) in the US and 27 (and falling) in India.

    I went through the list of most-vaccinated countries on here a week ago. The countries that are doing worst seem to have made the mistake of being earlier adopters of Chinese or Russian vaccines. Or are heavy users of Astra Zeneca.

  5. “Worked wonders last time..”


    I agree. The Greens received a +3.12% swing in Queensland in the Senate at the 2019 Election, thanks in part to our resolute opposition to environmental vandalism like Adani.

  6. Thanks for all the responses. Illustrates how the ‘experts’ vary in opinions and conclusions. Now add in the pollies like Scotty and Gladys. Doesn’t give much certainty to the average person does it!.

  7. Taylormade says:
    Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 7:25 pm

    Did they explain why the Vic govt requested ADF support and then withdrew it a couple of days later ?
    Or why United was chosen to do the bulk of the security work but was not an approved service provider ?


    Lol Taylormade

  8. BB

    As was pointed out earlier. Elon Musk has two core strengths. He’s good at bullshitting to investors and he’s good at hiring good engineers.

    I was a fan of SpaceX in its early days, back when it was transparent, literally down to the nuts and bolts level. Now its become yet another “corporate”, with no transparency or accountability. And SpaceX would be insolvent but for fat contracts from NASA. It recently won a couple of billion for a lunar lander which is plain ridiculous. (If you really want me to explain why “lunar starship” is an idiotic idea, I’ll give you chapter and verse.

    Btw, SpaceX wasn’t first in landing a rocket on its tail. That was done by the US military ages ago. Yes, SpaceX does have some very good engineers.

    As for Tesla. Again, kudos to the real heroes – the engineers. Not Musk. If he hadn’t existed, there would be some other rich spoilt brat at the helm. In any case, Musk didn’t create Tesla. He simply elbowed his way in and evicted the real founders. As always, Elon got where he was not through hard work and intellect, but bullying and malfeasance at a corporate level.

    I was also under the impression that Elon started Paypal. No, Elon didn’t create Paypal. He created a company that was struggling and also competing with the company that did create Paypal. They merged and Elon engineered a coup. Later claiming he started Paypal. No, he didn’t. He has a long history of claiming other people’s ideas and initiatives as his own.

    As for his notable failures. That’s fine. The problem with Musk is he’s too much of an arrogant shithead to admit they are failures.

  9. Taylormade says:
    Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 7:25 pm

    Why isn’t the ADF not called in to save the queen of Australia – NSW?

  10. poroti

    The point is that infections won’t be symptom free in that large fraction of the community that for whatever reason isn’t vaccinated. Hence, the thing that really matters is herd immunity. That’s what will protect everyone – including my stupid sister.

  11. I could be mean and say that if 99% of the population were vaccinated and the other 1% chose whatever comes to them, that’s fine. But that’s not what is going to happen. We’re going to be living with 20-30 percent of the population not vaccinated, for whatever reason (some of them can’t be vaccinated for medical reasons).

    So long as we have a large fraction of the population vulnerable to the disease (and probably always will) we cannot just treat it as a flu and let it run rampant. We need herd immunity.

  12. BB,

    Musk convinced the SA govt to sign a very large contract for PS security services that financially secured their investment.

    See CC’s comment on bullshitting.

  13. BB,

    Musk convinced the SA govt to sign a very large contract for PS security services that financially secured their investment.

    See CC’s comment on bullshitting.

  14. So the Victorian man who returned from Sydney, has infected his co worker too.

    Joe O’Brien
    BREAKING .. Victoria COVID
    A co-worker of the infected Melbourne man who travelled from Sydney on Sunday has tested positive, taking the number of Victorian cases linked with the Sydney outbreak to two.

  15. I’m confused as to why this man wasnt contacted by NSW health. Considering he was supposedly at the super spreader party event.

  16. Jeez indeed.

    Michael Rowland
    Quote Tweet
    9News Melbourne
    · 1h
    #BREAKNG: 9News can confirm a second infection at a #Sandringham dry cleaners with 100 customers now at risk. @MimiRoseBecker #9News

  17. Cud chewer

    If he were contacted early enough. He may have avoided going to work infected his co worker and any customers that have attended the store.


  18. John Barilaro MP
    Late this afternoon I was contacted by NSW Health to notify me that I am considered a close contact of a postive case of COVID-19 and I am required to get tested and isolate.

    John Barilaro MP
    Replying to
    I have since been tested and returned a negative test result and will be tested again on days 7 and 12, and will isolate until midnight 6 July.

    I will continue to perform my duties as Deputy Premier while isolating and adhering to all health advice

  19. boerwar:

    Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 7:02 pm


    Mr Roberts-Smith agreed that he had “conflated” more than one battle when giving his account of the incident which won him his MG, but had not meant to.
    Bloody hell.’]

    If he couldn’t get that right, it strongly suggests that anything he says should be treated with quite a degree of skepticism. In short, it goes to his credibility which is so important when a judge is required to determine a case on diametrically opposing evidence.

  20. BRS seems to digging himself deeper in trouble.

    I don’t suppose the brass in charge over in Afghanistan will ever be properly held accountable for the culture.

  21. GladysB doing the Diamond Princess sequel…

    ⚠️ New exposure site for Victorians: ⚠️

    Jetstar Flight JQ523 – SYD to MEL

    20/06/2021 5:30pm – 7:05pm

    Tier 1


  22. Victoria says:
    Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 7:59 pm

    GladysB was bragging about how NSW have the best contact tracing. Yeah frickin right.
    The Victorian Propaganda Minister has now pivoted into a Minister for Foreign Affairs.

  23. Cud Chewer
    The plague carrier from the Gladys Outbreak who did a whirlwind tour of Wellington could be an interesting test. It has been reported that he had received his first injection of covid vaccine. So far none of the reports have mentioned how long ago he had the injection. Anyway , it might provide a test of how infectious such a person is. He certainly visited enough bloody places.

  24. Victoria says:

    #BREAKNG: 9News can confirm a second infection at a #Sandringham dry cleaners with 100 customers now at risk. @MimiRoseBecker #9News

    Leaving aside the culpability of NSW in allowing the virus to spread, this incident is yet another example of the idiocy of Morrison being ‘relaxed and comfortable’ over the botched vaccine roll out.

  25. citizen @ #1385 Thursday, June 24th, 2021 – 8:10 pm

    Victoria says:

    #BREAKNG: 9News can confirm a second infection at a #Sandringham dry cleaners with 100 customers now at risk. @MimiRoseBecker #9News

    Leaving aside the culpability of NSW in allowing the virus to spread, this incident is yet another example of the idiocy of Morrison being ‘relaxed and comfortable’ over the botched vaccine roll out.

    What we’ve learned since he became Prime Minister is that while he’s in charge, he’s not responsible for ANYTHING. He confirms that regularly.

  26. The major parties ganged up tonight to shut down the tactic I used to get a Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide through Parliament.They voted to excuse themselves from having to record where they sit on issues they're uncomfortable with. You both should be embarrassed.— Jacqui Lambie (@JacquiLambie) June 24, 2021

    She’s right about that.

  27. Hmmm…watching ABC and a pic of daS Beetenrooter comes up. I go eeek! thats horrid ‘, and my oftensprung, (18th yesterday 🙂 ) says……”öh, is that him…the guy in the Freddy Kruger hat?”

    And she can now vote. 🙂

  28. Rex Douglas says:
    Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 8:16 pm
    The major parties ganged up tonight to shut down the tactic I used to get a Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide through Parliament.They voted to excuse themselves from having to record where they sit on issues they’re uncomfortable with. You both should be embarrassed.— Jacqui Lambie (@JacquiLambie) June 24, 2021
    She’s right about that.


    The same Jacqui Lambie who did a dirty deal with Morrison and his cronies to stop Medevac

    And lied about saying she would expose it this year ,if Morrison didn’t by the end of last year

  29. Miami-area condo collapse causes massive emergency response:
    The sea-view side of a beachfront condo tower collapsed in the Miami-area town of Surfside early Thursday, drawing a massing response from emergency services.

    Miami Dade Fire Rescue was conducting search and rescue operations, and said in a tweet that more than 80 units were “on scene with assistance from municipal fire departments.”

    Authorities had no word yet on casualties or details of how many people lived in the building.
    “We’re on the scene so it’s still very active,” said Sgt. Marian Cruz of the Surfside Police Department. “What I can tell you is the building is twelve floors. The entire back side of the building has collapsed.”

    Police blocked nearby roads, and scores of fire and rescue vehicles, ambulances and police cars swarmed the area.

  30. Firefox2 @ #913 Thursday, June 24th, 2021 – 7:32 pm

    “Worked wonders last time..”


    I agree. The Greens received a +3.12% swing in Queensland in the Senate at the 2019 Election, thanks in part to our resolute opposition to environmental vandalism like Adani.

    And it’s been downhill ever since. 😐

    And, big deal, Queensland. How about a national figure? Or a figure from a few other states? Afraid you might have to paint an unflattering picture?

  31. Forget about a federal election this year while these Morrison outbreaks keep occurring.

    The publics tolerance of the isolation and lockdown requirements is running very thin now I think.

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