The fortnightly Essential Research poll offers questions on foreign relations that include the finding that 51% believe Australia should become less close to China, down three points since December, with 24% believing relations should stay the same and only 12% believing they should get closer. By contrast, respondents were positive about relations with, in ascending order of enthusiasm, the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Further questions record a surge for the influence of the United States since May last year and the intervening presidential election result.
An occasionally recurring question on climate change also found 56% believing it to be caused by human activity against 27% for normal fluctuation, suggesting a slight shift to skepticism since a few years ago. Forty-five per cent rate that Australia is not doing enough on climate change compared with 30% for enough and 12% for too much. Assessments on this question appear to have become more lenient since the onset of COVID-19, prior to which “not doing enough” was at upwards of 60%. A series of related questions record enthusiasm for renewable energy and a zero emissions target. The poll was conducted online from Wednesday to Sunday with a sample of 1087.
We also had a Victorian state poll yesterday in the Herald-Sun from Redbridge Group, which is run by former Labor operatives Simon Welsh and Kosmos Samaras. The primary votes are solidly better for the Coalition than last week’s Resolve Strategic poll in The Age, showing them with a lead of 41% to 37%, but Labor is nonetheless credited with a lead of 52.4-47.6 on two-party preferred, reflecting a Greens vote of 12% compared with Resolve Strategic’s 9%. These come with regional breakdowns that can be viewed here.
The poll also has a preferred premier question had Daniel Andrews at 42.4%, Michael O’Brien on 23.1% and neither on 28.2%; Andrews leads James Merlino 67.5% to 32.5% in a head-to-head question on preferred Labor leader, and O’Brien trails his predecessor Matthew Guy by 63-37. The poll was conducted June 12 to 15 from a sample of 1484.
The worst spreading and deaths from the corona virus in and out of Australia was from NSW (Ruby princess fiasco), that is what living with the virus does.
If the other states/territories took the same approach as Federal and NSW lib/nats
Australia would be with the likes of majority of countries around the world in emergency
If bird of paradox from the previous thread is correct and the Redbridge Group poll of the state of Victoria was seriously skewed, the question has to be, why? Why are they introducing geographical biases as it seemed to bop?
Furthermore, have Redbridge Group signed up to the polling Code of Conduct?
If they haven’t they should just change their name. To Dodgy Bros polling.
C@tmomma says:
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 6:46 am
If they haven’t they should just change their name. To Dodgy Bros polling.
This bit made me smile,
O’Brien trailed his predecessor Matthew Guy by 63-37.
Not only is Matthew Guy, the mobster and lobster man , apparently according to newsltd hacks claim that a rovers dog could have beaten Andrews and Labor at the last state election
Matthew Guy lost the unloseable election
I see the Agrarian Socialists are flexing their muscles again:
That’s how bad Michael O’Brien is! 😆
Picture of a bully, right in Albo’s face. I’m not impressed by the two others laughing approval, either.
The Phillipines may have the answer to vaccination hesitancy 🙂
‘President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines has threatened to send anyone who refuses a coronavirus vaccine to jail, as the country grapples with one of the worst current outbreaks in Asia.
“There is a crisis being faced in this country. There is a national emergency,” Mr. Duterte said during a weekly television program late Monday, which included an expletive-laced rant against those who chose not to get a vaccine.
“If you do not want to get vaccinated, I will have you arrested,” Mr. Duterte added. “Don’t force my hand into it, and use a strong-arm method. Nobody wants that.”
He continued on to urge anyone who did not want to be vaccinated to “leave the Philippines,” and go elsewhere, like India or America.
Mr. Duterte, a strongman leader who has long used thuggery, threats and calls for violence as part of his political persona, said he was “exasperated” by citizens who chose not to heed the government on vaccination, before ordering all local officials to look for those refusing to be immunized.’
I don’t think this answers your question, but some background information on Samaras (Redbridge Group).
Labor’s campaign warrior Samaras lays down his arms
C@tmomma says:
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 7:01 am
That’s how bad Michael O’Brien is!
Yes 🙂
Good morning Dawn Patrollers
David Crowe and Mike Foley report that Labor and the Greens have delivered a shock defeat to the federal government with a Senate vote to strike down plans to invest taxpayer funds in new fossil fuel technologies, taking advantage of the surprise absence of One Nation leader Pauline Hanson to win the outcome.
“In Sigmund Freud’s (weird) world, the id is the unconscious part of our psyche that responds instinctively to basic urges, needs and desires. It is selfish, wilful and operates on the pleasure principle which demands every wishful impulse be satisfied immediately, regardless of the consequences. Remind you of anyone?”, asks Chris Uhlmann as he writes about Barnaby Joyce’s resurrection.
Phil Coorey reports that rural women inside and outside the Nationals have put Barnaby Joyce on notice, saying he must do more than pay lip service to the concerns of women if he is to restore his reputation and win back their support.
Shane Dowling is concerned that Australia’s old media continue to aid and abet Barnaby Joyce’s crimes of fraud and theft.
Geoff Chambers explains how Nationals MPs plotted Michael McCormack’s downfall three weeks ago.
Josh Butler writes that Labor frontbenchers have slammed resurrected Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce as “red-faced” and a “clown” on his first day officially back in the job, as the Nationals leader faced down critics inside and outside his party over past controversies.
The Adelade Advertiser says that Barnaby Joyce is “bad news” for South Australia and the River Murray, according to State and Federal MPs from across the political divide worried about his return as Deputy Prime Minister.
Graham Readfearn reports that a senior UNESCO official has rejected the Australian government’s claims it bowed to political pressure when deciding to recommend the Great Barrier Reef be placed on the world heritage “in danger” list. Over to you, Sussan!
Abandoning the Great Barrier Reef by failing to act on climate change could punch a massive dent in Australia’s tourism industry and result in mass job losses.
This budget shows the government’s ability to steer NSW through turbulent times. But once the cloud of COVID-19 lifts, any measures overlooked to address the cost of living pressures could become a significant weakness for the Coalition, writes Alexandra Smith.
The Australian’s Greg Brown reckons senior Nationals MPs are open to backing a 2050 net zero emissions target under the leadership of Barnaby Joyce under strict conditions, paving the way for a new climate change compromise between the Coalition parties.
But Phil Coorey tells us that Scott Morrison has warned Coalition MPs that any pursuit of individual agendas or pet projects in the wake of Barnaby Joyce’s comeback will cost the government the election, amid fresh internal divisions inside the Nationals over climate policy.
Net zero by 2050? Even if Scott Morrison gets the Nationals on board, hold the applause, writes Peter Christoff. He concludes the article with, “The looming general election will test whether rural voters are prepared to endure Joyce’s climate antics or will swing to savvy independents. And it remains to be seen whether urban voters will tolerate a prime minister whose transactional politics leaves Australia increasingly exposed at home and abroad.”
Dr David Haywood explains to us the big changes in disposable income share by income level that we experienced during the height of the pandemic here. But it will be reversed.
Paul Karp writes about a McKell Institute report which deduces that the average Australian worker would be earning $254 more a week if wages growth had continued at the rate achieved under the last Labor government. He points to a suite of government policies for suppressing wages.
Experts are saying that Australia is “flying blind” without more vaccine data.
Officials behind Australia’s COVID vaccine rollout have admitted the government has shunned a public advertising blitz because it remains worried about supply. It’s a disclosure labelled “extraordinary” by Anthony Albanese.
The vaccine rollout remains mired in confusion. Health Minister Greg Hunt is making contradictory claims about how many doses of the Pfizer vaccine the government could have bought in the middle last year. Callum Foote reports.
Greg Barns argues that there ought also to be heavy penalties and sanctions for the leadership of the police, law enforcement and security agencies when they facilitate or turn a blind eye to, the unlawful gathering of data such as Covid tracing app data.
The Age says that Victorians face three vulnerable months with limited supplies of vaccine as experts warn that outbreaks of more infectious variants of COVID-19 could pose a serious problem to the state’s largely unvaccinated population over the winter.
Anthony Galloway looks at the latest annual Lowy poll which will be released today. It will show that China and Xi are on the nose.
Far from being a vindication of the Government’s China policies, the G7 plus 4 meeting highlighted the abject failure of Australia’s reckless foreign policy towards China. Australia alone of the 11 nations present had no official contact with China and significant parts of its trade suspended, which others at the meeting are busily back filling, laments Geoff Raby.
Jack Waterford makes his point that housing politics are being dominated by the interests of the already-housed.
Queensland senator Amanda Stoker, promoted to the federal government frontbench this year to help drive change in the treatment of women, is backing the only man in a five-candidate field for a critical preselection race, reports Rob Harris.
Labor has slammed the Coalition for holding “completely archaic” views on childcare after a fierce debate erupted among government MPs about subsidies, with one suggesting working women were “outsourcing parenting”.
Peter Martin criticised Barnaby Joyce’s refusal to see that 2050 is not too far off. He makes the point that the latest intergenerational report will be looking out up to the year 2061.
David Crowe tells us that farmers will gain a chance to be “repaid” for helping to cut greenhouse gas emissions in a proposal from the Nationals that opens the way for a deal on climate change under new leader Barnaby Joyce. Surely this rortable proposition can be described as a carbon tax paid by the rest of the country.
Burning wood for biomass energy is on the rise as an alternative to coal. But it is even more dirty than coal and is leading to alarming levels of deforestation. Elizabeth Minter, Tom Ferrier and Jane McIntyre report.
NSW schools are struggling with a major teacher shortage as enrolment numbers for education degrees fall by a third and half of trainees fail to finish their degrees.
The corruption watchdog has called on the NSW government to ban secret meetings between lobbyists and public officials, one of many sweeping reforms recommended for the practice of lobbying in the state.
The crowning glory of the world’s coral reefs is being torn apart by global warming but Australia’s anger over UN listing process doesn’t address the damage, says Mike Foley.
Angela Macdonald-Smith writes that the Australian Energy Regulator has put both traditional electricity and gas suppliers and renewables generators on notice that they are risking heavy penalties for actions that risk undermining the stability of the fast-transitioning energy sector.
Charlotte Grieve tells us about the harsh lesson for those who turned super to cash during the COVID-19 crash.
The issue of who knew what about Crown’s alleged underpayment of up to $270 million in taxes has become the centrepiece of Victoria’s royal commission, says the AFR.
Targeting charities is a tried and true political tactic deployed by autocratic and authoritarian regimes to quash dissent and gag critics, complains Tim Costello.
Electric vehicle sales are still a tiny part of the Australian car market but the rules of the roads are changing and the states are gazumping Canberra’s policy vacuum, explains Jennifer Hewett.
Victoria’s IBAC has revealed “serious, systematic corruption” within the state’s prison system.
Vivienne Pearson has had the jab and now says that we should get paid to be vaccinated.
Russel Howcroft says that vaccine hesitancy horse has bolted, so now we need a powerful campaign.
Inflation panic has been rife in the US but the fears have been wildly disproportionate to the actual risks — and those risks now seem even smaller than they did a few weeks ago, says Paul Krugman.
Cartoon Corner
David Pope

Alan Moir
David Rowe
Matt Golding
John Shakespeare
Cathy Wilcox
Fiona Katauskas
Peter Broelman
Glen Lievre with a gif
Mark Knight
John Spooner
From the US
What a sick joke. The reality is from just a few paragraphs down in the same article …
In other words, the Nationals are just putting their hands out for more money, and have decided to prevent any other action so they can blackmail the nation to get it. But the reality is that in overall emissions terms, they are bit players compared to the big emitters, which are all fossil-fueled …
I hope Australia doesn’t fall for this National Party nonsense. But of course, we probably will 🙁
Russel dear chap, it is AstraZeneca hesitancy. Some brilliant work from Scotty and Ghunt has seen that become more infectious than the ‘Delta Variant’. A possible cure is Pfizer.
I would think any talk of compromise by the Nationals re net zero 2050 is nothing more than noise perhaps being driven by Littleproud going solo and pumped up by the liberal spin team.
Look at who Joyce has backing him. Pitt, Canavan etc. There will be no net zero 2050 with Joyce and his supporters in charge of the Nationals.
There wasn’t much polling leading up to the last Vic State election, but what there was suggested a ‘status quo’ result, with pundits warning that the four seats Labor needed to hold on to government were under threat.
Instead, there was a 6% swing to Labor at the election.
‘doyley says:
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 8:02 am
I would think any talk of compromise by the Nationals re net zero 2050 is nothing more than noise perhaps being driven by Littleproud going solo and pumped up by the liberal spin team.
Look at who Joyce has backing him. Pitt, Canavan etc. There will be no net zero 2050 with Joyce and his supporters in charge of the Nationals.’
The far right and the far left have been wallowing in climate wedge politics for two decades. The net result for Australia’s climate policy continues to be disastrous. The far right reckon that the she’ll be jakes for theReef. The far left reckon they are ‘horrified’ that the Reef is dying. It takes two to tango and it is all their own work.
Joyce and Bandt are busy setting up Adani Convoy Mk2 for the next climate wedge election.
Bloody pork barreling and pumping cash to maaaates on steroids. One of the bigly problems they discovered back in Kevin-07 days when they tried to justify this potential nice littler earner for the farmers was the extreme difficulty of accurately measuring the abatement. Or in cases even measuring it at all. That was back in Labor’s day so reality and science still counted. You can imagine the piles of bullshit based on nothing numbers they will accept to turn on the money fountain for the Nats and their donors.
I look forward to being rewarded for the thousands of trees we planted on our land. These trees were good for biodiversity. They cost us time, energy and funds. The land they now occupy – hhihgly productive valuable flood plain land is now not producing income. Instead it is costing us funds to control weeds and destructive ferals. Plus, we have increased the world’s Common Wombat population significantly.
One result is that unlike other Bludgers, all of whom have righteous opinions on what EVERYBODY ELSE should do about the carbon balance, we are in the black in terms of our personal net carbon balance.
The paperwork for any soil and forest carbon output moolah is horrendous.
I therefore look forward to a tip truck full of money arriving with ‘Barnaby’s Carbon Cash Dash’ backing up to our shed. We’ve earned it. If that is what it takes to get the Coalition to 50% by 2050, good.
I am not greedy or selfish. I am more than happy for all the Inner Urbs Yammering class who have transformed their own personal and neighbourhood carbon balance by planting thousands of trees being personally rewarded in the same way.
poroti @ #17 Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021 – 8:07 am
As many have pointed out, the Nats pretend to represent farmers, but in fact they only represent miners. This will only get worse now that Barnaby is back in charge.
boerwar @ #20 Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021 – 8:17 am
Vote National. You know you want to … 🙂
poroti says:
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 8:11 am
Covid 19 coronavirus: Wellington lockdown on cards; six locations of interest after infected Covid case visits Capital
………an Australian man infected with the Delta strain of Covid-19 spent two-and-a-half days in Wellington doing “tourist things” before returning home to Sydney and testing positive.
Why Gladys ,Morrison and his cronies should not be taking credit of what is Happening in Australia
Gladys , Morrison and his cronies with Newsltd/other lib/nats propaganda media units wanting people to live with the virus , the virus will continue to spread
The Delta variant aka Indian variant looks a nasty bugger………..
The states/territories who shut their borders for health over the economy are the gold standards
Signs of Geological Activity Discovered on Venus
Some good news … I heard about the first vote last night, but not the second …
I am sure it will be a short-lived victory, but still – it shows there is still hope.
Victoria has recorded no new local coronavirus cases as the state prepares to further ease restrictions.
No new local cases were recorded in Victoria overnight, and one case was diagnosed in hotel quarantine.
There were 28,267 test results received yesterday, and 17,279 doses of vaccine were administered at state-run sites.
Victoria has now recorded seven days with one or fewer new local cases, and no new exposure site has been listed since Wednesday last week.
boerwars at 8:17 am
Your example looks far too much like a non rort , able to provide verifiable quantifiable data so you may be disappointed. You need to increase your donations to the local Nats. 😆
Back in the day,I was slightly involved with a local soil scientist’s project, he was a biochar true believer and proselytiser. Made me one too ! Anyway , he set me right when it came to many a proposal from the Nats and their ilk when it came to what they were putting forward in the expectation of getting $s for sequestering carbon. It was rip off city. Will the Nats and their mates have changed ? Ho ho ho. The only difference probably being the oil,gas and minerals people own a much larger share of the National Party.
Has anyone noticed that all these Victorian polls, with Labor ahead in all of them, have been commissioned / carried out in the middle of a lockdown. You can bet there won’t be any polls in NSW if things get out of hand there, as is looking likely.
The far left and the far right are same same.
The real life interest of both is wealth redistribution upwards:
One lot wants soil carbon subsidized by everyone else.
The other lot want their EVs, their solar panels, and their inner urban yimbies subsidized by everyone else.
Both are totally impervious to seeing beyond their own immediate political benefit.
Both have a rapturous addiction to being holier-than-thou.
Both are indifferent to the larger consequences of their political actions.
Both wreck while claiming to construct.
Both rely on an infinity of ugly political stunting.
Each touts anything as THEIR political victory.
Each has a supreme contempt for the other.
Each condescends to everyone else.
Neither does nuance.
Neither does compromise.
Each is always 100% right, just ask them.
Both routinely delay, obstruct and deny rather than develop workable compromises.
Each depends on the other to generate a fake binary political kabuki to keep their respective plebs fired up.
The last thirty years of their combined ‘work’ has killed the Reef.
Both abuse party structures to provide cover for their nefarious activities.
You know who they are.
‘poroti says:
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 8:45 am
boerwars at 8:17 am
I look forward to being rewarded for the thousands of trees we planted on our land. ‘
The meek shall inherit the earth.
”… we are in the black in terms of our personal net carbon balance.” and also for your contribution to wombatkind.
Great work with the dawn Patrol once more, however a minor point of order – your first “US cartoon” is actually Dutch in origin 😉
‘poroti says:
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 8:22 am
The Delta variant aka Indian variant looks a nasty bugger………..’
It is just as well that India exported lots of vaccines in the early Covid period.
‘Steve777 says:
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 9:09 am
”… we are in the black in terms of our personal net carbon balance.” and also for your contribution to wombatkind.’
‘kin oath!
UK Cartoons:
Well India is the 800lb gorilla of global vaccine production. Which was fortunate for them considering the vast quantities of vaccine they ended up needing for themselves.
Labor and the Greens have delivered a shock defeat to the federal government with a Senate vote to strike down plans to invest taxpayer funds in new fossil fuel technologies, taking advantage of the surprise absence of One Nation leader Pauline Hanson to win the outcome.
The Senate vote on Tuesday night vetoed Energy Minister Angus Taylor’s changes to regulations to expand the remit of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to fund the development of carbon capture and storage and “blue” hydrogen which is produced with gas.
‘Alpha Zero says:
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 9:10 am
Great work with the dawn Patrol once more, however a minor point of order – your first “US cartoon” is actually Dutch in origin ‘
Europa/EU not exactly welcoming some peeps. Not sure who the latter are, but. Might be random asylum seekers.
It appears we are pretending nothing important is happening in Cricket right now (not right now right now but right now) and even ABC is pretending that, but World Test Championship cricket match dubbed as ‘The Ultimate Test’ is being played between India and NZ in England. 2 out of 5 days were washed out because of rain and bad weather. 5th day of Test match has finished on 22nd June. So they have invoked reserved day (i.e. 6th day) as the last day of play.
Much thanks BK.
And please note this:
All cases linked to the Port Melbourne cluster are now 14+ days old.
Thank you, BK.
From your selection, I rate the national mood at glum to dour.
Thank you, Alpha Zero.
I am not sure how the selection varies the presentation but the difference in ‘national’ styles varies markedly.
Well done Merlino the Covid Magician!
Best wishes to Our Glad and her bastard child, Wellington!
Best wishes to Pala with her Delta Grim.
Which reminds me. How to market Delta Goodrem?
It is winter.
There are no dedicated quarantine facilities in either Victoria or NSW, despite Victoria pushing for it since last year.
The feds have finally agreed with Victoria that the Mickleham option which currently houses animals in quarantine could be refitted more quickly than Avalon.
The vaccine rollout and procurement has been a clusterf@@k.
Meanwhile NSW as usual is expecting every other state to do the heavy lifting re border restrictions.
What is not to like. Sigh…..
As mentioned last night, the Sydney AFL team have left Sydney due to worsening covid situation.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 7:26 am
You might have noticed the “” political advertising blitz by Michael McCormack’s Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.
(Well, it was his department on Monday morning.)
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the advertising is a political con job.
There is no boost in real terms in the federal government transport infrastructure investment.
The much-announced “$110 billion infrastructure plan” is spread over 10 years, the latest iteration of a Coalition spin trick that’s been running for eight years while the state governments are doing most of the infrastructure spending anyway.
This is what I meant I posted why is Pascoe not writing about the perversity of Australian political system because a perverse taxation and transfer system is usually a byproduct of perverse political system.
Sigh. Is Morrison and co going to finally admit that HQ is not working for this delta variant. Of course not. More focussed on themselves. I’m looking at you Barnaby.
Joe O’Brien
Another case of spread of COVID in Hotel Quarantine
Novotel in Brisbane .. Delta variant.
Media conf up now on