Newspoll: 51-49 to Coalition

Further improvement in Scott Morrison’s personal ratings, but otherwise little change in the latest Newspoll.

Courtesy of The Australian, Newspoll has the Coalition leading 51-49 on two-party preferred, unchanged on three weeks ago, from primary votes of Coalition 43% (steady), Labor 36% (up one), Greens 11% (steady) and One Nation 2% (down one, and their weakest result since at least the 2019 election). Scott Morrison is up two on approval to 66% and down two on disapproval to 30%, while Anthony Albanese is up one to 44% and up two to 41%, with Morrison’s lead as preferred prime minister out from 58-29 to 60-28. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1511.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

915 comments on “Newspoll: 51-49 to Coalition”

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  1. Chris Bowen
    $70 million spent, 6 months wasted and bugger all contacts found.

    After months of arrogantly telling us the COVIDsafw app was working just fine, and rejecting all suggestions for improvements, now the Morrison Government is starting again.

  2. C@t

    The scary thing is that those who carry the most guns, show the most aggression, and cannot be persuaded by logic, are on Trump’s side.

  3. As the pandemic provided an opportunity to change the narrative on Scomo, when does the ALP HQ start to go attack dog on the LNP?

    As soon as the bushfires start up again or is it time to hammer home a wedge on Corruption and entitlement?

  4. lizzie
    Monday, November 30th, 2020 – 7:38 am
    Comment #52

    Chris Bowen
    $70 million spent, 6 months wasted and bugger all contacts found.

    After months of arrogantly telling us the COVIDsafw app was working just fine, and rejecting all suggestions for improvements, now the Morrison Government is starting again

    The DTA mentioned in the article is the “Digital Transformation Agency”

    The Hon Stuart Robert appears to be the leader of Gummint Services and this sorry load of old …………………(insert seasoning to suit taste) is another arrow in the “guess who shot himself in the foot” saga.

    Sad housekeeping story a la KayJay. I have a series of long handles spoons handy to my electric kettle, coffee and sugar and given that the stars are correctly aligned I know by how many spoons are in the drying rack how many cups of coffee I have had.

    Naturally, given the above piece of folly, I have wondered what would occur should a member of the Honourables visit. Would a continuous check of spoon numbers be advisable ❓

  5. Often the ALP needs a really cut through leader to get into government. Whitlam,Hawke, Rudd. Once they get in, the right biased media will hack at them like there’s no tomorrow,and the political capital runs out pretty quick . The last successful leader Rudd made climate action and ridding us of Howard’s odious work choices seem like an urgent necessity. When Gillard got in we had the continuation of the corrosive media carping but also a feeling of a government with nothing to achieve like schoolkid bonuses etc. It seemed like the Libs were just waiting until the election to yawn into government whilst embattled Julia and co.struggled to get anything going. Labor needs to create a sense of urgency about the future and provide an acute anxious feeling that things are going wrong under Scomoe and that with the ALP in charge, government will provide real fair solutions rather than the laissez fair of private concerns. I don’t know if Albo can pull this off. Maybe time to pull off the kid gloves. I’m not sure if a change to Tania P will do the trick either even with her friendship with Alan Jones taken into account.

  6. lizzie @ #55 Monday, November 30th, 2020 – 7:59 am


    The scary thing is that those who carry the most guns, show the most aggression, and cannot be persuaded by logic, are on Trump’s side.

    Yes but my thoughts about that are that the people with the guns haven’t used them already. Why is that so? Maybe it’s because they know that, even if they want to defend Trump with deadly force, the upshot is that it’s not guaranteed that doing so will prevent Trump eventually going to jail as the loser of the election and now private citizen that he will be, but that they too will go to jail if they seriously hurt or kill someone. And that’s something that stops all but the most crazed, like that 17yo boy in Wisconsin, from pulling the trigger.

  7. This seems to be the current MSM narrative on Newspoll – highlight approval ratings rather than 2PP.

    This is the Canberra Times headline. Same on commercial radio news.

    Support for Scott Morrison has risen to its highest level in four months, the latest Newspoll published by The Australian shows.

  8. The DTA mentioned in the article is the “Digital Transformation Agency”

    It is where good ideas are taken to be transformed into faecal matter. They are very good at their job.

  9. ABC reported skullduggery at Crown. Crickets. The commercial media take it up. Wow! This must be serious. (Perhaps the gov should stop fretting about ABC influence on voters.)

    It was the kind of news that should have spelt big trouble for James Packer’s Crown casino empire.

    In September 2014, Four Corners revealed Crown’s joint venture in Macau, Melco Crown, was bringing in high rollers from mainland China using junket operators with links to organised crime — triad gangs notorious for laundering drug money and the proceeds of sex trafficking, as well as for violent debt collection.

    The junket operators included Suncity, long identified by law enforcement agencies around the world as having Triad ties.

    Four Corners revealed it was “not just running some of Melco Crown’s VIP rooms in Macau — it’s bringing Chinese high rollers to James Packer’s Crown Casinos in Australia”.

    The fallout from these bombshell revelations? At the time, nothing.

  10. grace pettigrew
    #abcnews stop pretending that the Morrison Govt is intending to “merge” the Family Court with the Federal Court .. this legislation is about the ABOLITION of the Family Court .. Pauline Hanson and her weirdo women-hating lone fathers have won .. women and children will suffer

  11. Stuart Robert. An anti science biblical literalist happy clapper , who better to put in charge of leading edge digital technology ? What a great advert he is for the quality of education at QUT where he managed to be given a Masters degree in……….. 😆 Information Technology.

  12. C@tmomma says:
    Monday, November 30, 2020 at 7:48 am
    Relaunching the Covid ‘Safe’ App will give #ScottyfromMarketing a whole new opportunity to tout it!

    The Murdoch article posted by lizzie says Hunt will announce yet another advertising campaign about Covid-19 safety precautions. Presumably their app revamp will feature in the campaign.

    Of course Morrison and Hunt can keep doing this ad infinitum as there will be the threat of Covid-19 for a long time into the future.

  13. The Australian. 30/11.
    As soon as Sales revealed on Tuesday that Andrews was coming back to 7.30, the attacks by Dan’s Twitter comrades commenced. For months, #IStandWithDan trolls — known as some of Twitter’s most relentless — have loudly attacked anyone holding Andrews to account about the state’s well-chronicled hotel quarantine problems.
    Am not on twitter, but can just imagine the response.
    What about the Ruby Princess?
    What about the Federal govts responsibility for Aged Care?

  14. Victoria records one new coronavirus-related death

    Victoria has recorded yet another day of no new coronavirus cases, but one person has died after previously being cleared of COVID.

    Victoria has recorded its 31st consecutive day of no new coronavirus cases as other states prepare to open their borders to Victorians this week.

    Zero cases were reported from 5030 tests in the past 24 hours, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed on Monday morning.

    But one person has died, with DHHS reporting the fatality was a “previously cleared COVID-19 case” and died from complications “relating to their original diagnosis”.

  15. Yesterday amongst all the reports of record temps etc. by the media, I was stunned to see a woman lying out sunbathing in the 40 deg-plus heat.

  16. For the first time in Victoria’s history, the state government has handed back water to traditional owners, giving them rights to a river system they have managed sustainably for thousands of years.

    The two billion litres of water returned to the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) this month means traditional owners can now determine how and where water is used for cultural, environmental or economic purposes.

    The decision recognises that water rights are crucial for Indigenous people to restore customs, protect their culture, become economically independent and heal Country.

    The hand-back to Gunaikurnai people is the crucial first step in a bigger, statewide process of recognising Indigenous people’s deep connection to water. It also serves as an example to the rest of Australia, where Indigenous rights to water are grossly inadequate.

  17. He didn’t need to go to Japan so he doesn’t need to be in isolation. This is all part of the propaganda and sickeningly mawkish.

    Bygone Diva @BygoneDiva
    #60Mins PM Interview opens & closes with a musician playing a goddamn violin? Followed by twilight pictures of PM pensively looking out of a window or contemplatively staring at his phone. This followed Dan Andrews portrayal as evil demon. Garbage! #MurdochsPetitionPanic #auspol

  18. Wisconsin recount not only confirms Biden’s win of the state, but increased his vote margin! And in the ultimate humiliation for MAGAers and Trump, Donald must foot the bill for the recount under Wisconsin laws. 😆

    The recount of presidential ballots in Wisconsin’s two largest counties finished Sunday, reconfirming that President-elect Joe Biden defeated President Trump in the key swing state by more than 20,000 votes.

    After Milwaukee County completed its tally Friday and Dane County concluded its count Sunday, there was little change in the final breakdown of the more than 800,000 ballots that had been cast in the two jurisdictions. As a result of the recount, Biden’s lead over Trump in Wisconsin grew by 87 votes.

    Under Wisconsin law, Trump was required to foot the bill for the partial recount — meaning his campaign paid $3 million only to see Biden’s lead expand.

  19. If the failed Covidsafe app had happened on Julia Gillard’s watch:

    – In the Daily Rupert: “Labor wastes $70 million on failed app”

    – In the National Rupert at the head of a 16,000 word “investigation”: “Covidsafe Ineffective” based upon leaks from Coalition sympathisers in the Public Service.

    – And again in the Daily Rupert: “Labor app failure kills hundreds!”

  20. Morrison “working hard” during iso?

    The ones who are working hard are his team of spinners. Scomo just does what he’s told.

  21. Senator Murray Watt
    Bushfires in Qld, NSW, SA but Scott Morrison:

    hasn’t spent a cent from $4B disaster recovery/resilience fund,
    rejected national aerial firefighting fleet,
    hasn’t introduced bill to declare a national emergency.

    Puff piece about his loneliness in isolation (with only a PR person and a chef for company) is far more important. Gotta keep those popularity polls moving.

  22. More firsts for Team Biden.

    Jennifer Psaki, a veteran Democratic spokeswoman, will be Joe Biden’s White House press secretary, one of seven women who will fill the upper ranks of his administration’s communications staff. It is the first time that all of the top aides tasked with speaking on behalf of an administration and shaping its message will be female.

    Biden’s press team will be led by Kate Bedingfield, a longtime Biden aide who served as his campaign communications director and will hold the same title in his White House.

    Biden will also break several barriers on key economic policy positions including the nomination of Neera Tanden as director of the influential Office of Management and Budget. Tanden, the chief executive of the left-leaning Center for American Progress, would be the first woman of color to oversee OMB.

  23. Macquarie’s word of the year is “Doomscrolling” – the act of consuming an endless procession of negative online news, to the detriment of the scroller’s mental wellness.

  24. This chap skipped self quarantine and visited half a dozen busy places across the Adelaide after getting a false negative test….
    The media are starting to sniff rats with the demonisation of these people doing the ‘wrong’ things. It now appears this man thought he was doing the right thing – as predicted by many a couple of days ago when this news broke. No mention yet that the indiscretion took place on the first day of the lockdown early mark. But they are getting there. They are even questioning the continual use of the Emergency Act in decision making and leading pressers (eg the Police Commissioner) for Covid.

    The wheels of the MSM move slowly when it comes to using independent thought. The issues have been discussed around barbeques, in fringe media publications and on PB for a week.

  25. Donald must foot the bill for the recount under Wisconsin laws.

    Something tells me Donald never foots the bill. Probably because of heel spurs or some other ailment like greedy self-obsessed bastard syndrome.

  26. Not a bad result for Labor, one point up on its primary vote and competitive on the 2PP metric, though this can of course be misleading if the state breakdown for Queensland replicates the last Morgan, where Labor was nine points behind. Morrison’s still walking on water, like all leaders who are “perceived” to have handled C.19 reasonably well. Once the vaccine becomes available, attention will inevitably turn to other matters – hopefully, the sheer incompetence and financial mismanagement of the Morrison Government.

  27. Incoming GOP congresswoman to take aim at AOC with conservative ‘squad’

    I think what you’re going to see is a group of individuals who are going to serve as a counterbalance to the values of the socialist squad,” Malliotakis told CNN’s Dana Bash. “We don’t believe we should be dismantling the economy. We don’t believe we should be destroying free market principles. We don’t believe in Green New Deal. We don’t believe in packing the courts.

    Fair enough (apart from the fact they have been packing the court for decades). But none of those are values. Whilst the vast majority of Americans share the same values, the Republicans have worked hard at cultivating the idea that policy ideas ARE values and branded their voters with it. It makes a political policy position a cultural one – which might be great in securing a life long voter, but creates dangerous division and clouds everyone’s judgment.

    The GOP have been doing this so long… they are now drinking their own poison.

  28. Something for the fossil fuel fans……….
    Burning Fossil Fuels Helped Drive Earth’s Most Massive Extinction

    Massive volcanic eruptions ignited oil and coal deposits in Siberia in the events that led to the Permian-Triassic “Great Dying” event………96 percent of all life in the oceans and, perhaps, roughly 70 percent of all land life vanished forever………………..“The amount of carbon released to the atmosphere per year from the Siberian traps, it was still 14 times lower than the rate we have at the moment,” Dr. Jurikova said. “So, the amount of carbon we’re burning per year at the moment is much higher than during the largest extinction. I mean, that’s incredible, right?”

  29. Firefox @ #89 Monday, November 30th, 2020 – 9:31 am

    “As the pandemic provided an opportunity to change the narrative on Scomo, when does the ALP HQ start to go attack dog on the LNP?

    As soon as the bushfires start up again or is it time to hammer home a wedge on Corruption and entitlement?”


    As soon?
    There are already lots of bushfires burning, the media just isn’t focused on them right now.

    I remember about a year ago Karvelas had on some Newscorp peeps discussing the weeks news and they scoffed (they actually laughed) at the huge fires raging in Brazil as some sort of Green propaganda designed to scare everyone. The reason they laughed? Because Brazil had larger fires the year before – so it was just the norm and not newsworthy.

  30. poroti @ #87 Monday, November 30th, 2020 – 9:25 am

    Simon Katich
    Rather than a “false negative” it was just that it was too early to show up in the test . I do like Rupe’s original paper’s description of his trip to the shops 🙂

    …..a three-hour shopping frenzy

    He wasnt the only one out and about that day. The messaging coming from the head honchos was all over the place, peeps took to the streets to celebrate the ending of what they were told was an unnecessary lockdown.

    On the test… if it was too early to show up on the test, why are they saying he was very contagious? Do you have a link to the info on that first test?

  31. Mavis @ #88 Monday, November 30th, 2020 – 10:01 am

    Once the vaccine becomes available, attention will inevitably turn to other matters – hopefully, the sheer incompetence and financial mismanagement of the Morrison Government.

    Unlikely. Smirko has found a successful formula, and will keep using it. Basically, he just keeps making announcements, promising things (no need to actually deliver them), post selfies and polishing his “daggy dad” image – it’s not much, but it’s enough to engage with a disillusioned and shell-shocked electorate. And if you think things will change once the crises stop … well, what makes you think the crises will ever stop? There is much worse heading our way than what we have yet been through.

    Albo meanwhile doesn’t do anything … except (possibly) wonder why no-one ever pays any attention to him – not even his own party 🙁

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