Newspoll and Essential Research coronavirus polling

Among many other findings relating to COVID-19, the strongest evidence yet that Victorians are unswayed by news media narratives concerning their state government.

The Australian today reports Newspoll findings on COVID-19 and leadership approval from Victoria and Queensland, which were targeted with expanded samples (608 and 603 respectively) in the poll whose main results were published yesterday:

• Daniel Andrews is up five points on approval from late July to 62% and down two on approval to 35%, whereas Scott Morrison is down six on approval to 62% and up seven on disapproval to 33%. Andrews is reckoned to be doing very well in handling COVID-19 by 31% (up four), fairly well by 31% (down three), fairly badly by 13% (down five) and very badly by 22% (up four), while Morrison is on 26% for very well (down five), 45% for fairly well (down one), 15% for fairly badly (up three) and 10% for very badly (up one).

• Annastacia Palaszczuk’s ratings are only modestly changed, with approval down one to 63% and disapproval up four to 33% as compared with the poll in late July, while Scott Morrison is down five to 67% and up four to 28% as compared with the poll in late June. Both leaders’ COVID-19 ratings are a little weaker than they were in late July: Palaszczuk records 32% for very well (down five), 36% for fairly well (down eight), 16% for fairly badly (up eight) and 13% for very badly (up seven), while Morrison has 34% for very well (down six), 43% for fairly well (up three), 13% for fairly badly (up two) and 7% for very badly (up one).

• The national sample was asked about the restrictions in Victoria and Queensland, which naturally required lengthy explanation (the framing of which seems reasonable enough). For Victoria, the results were 25% too strict, 61% about right and 10% too lenient; for Queensland, 37% too strict, 53% about right and 7% too lenient.

• The balance of concern is nonetheless moving away from “moving too quickly to relax restrictions”, down 20 points since mid-July to 56%, to “moving too slowly to relax restrictions and harming economy, jobs and mental wellbeing”, up 19 points to 39%.

Today also brings the fortnightly Essential Research poll, as related by The Guardian with the full report to follow later today:

• Respondents were in favour of both Scott Morrison’s handling of COVID-19 (a 61% approval rating, up two on a fortnight ago) and Queensland state border closures he wants lifted (66% support, including 70% among Queensland respondents). Forty-seven per cent of Victorian respondents approved of the state government’s COVID-19 management, unchanged from a fortnight ago, while the rating for the New South Wales government was up seven to 67%.

• Thirty-three per cent of respondents felt tax cuts for high income earners should be brought forward from 2022, as the government has signalled it will do, while 38% believe they should be scrapped and 29% believe the government should stick to the original timetable. Twenty-one per cent believe they would be an effective economic stimulus, compared with 41% for moderately effective and 38% for not effective.

• Asked which technology they preferred for future energy generation, 70% favoured renewables and 15% gas and coal.

The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1081.

UPDATE: Full Essential Research poll here.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,641 comments on “Newspoll and Essential Research coronavirus polling”

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  1. Re Mundo @6:17.

    ”Morrison Recession. The economy was headed for recession with or without the plague.
    The recession we were always going to have*”

    Yes. This was being said by many commentators before the Fires and before the Plague. The Plague has actually been a boon for the Morrison Government politically, hiding his incompetent management of the economy and his pathetic response to the Fires. It’s also buried Global Heating as an issue. Morrison will blame everything on the Plague. He use it as an excuse to double down on what he wants to do anyway.

  2. ACT Liberals display distinct lack of empathy in election campaign:

    ACT election 2020: Liberals ridicule plan to provide free meals to underprivileged school children

    A Liberal candidate’s social media post ridiculing a Labor promise to provide free meals to underprivileged school children has been labelled “disgusting” by the ACT’s education minister.

  3. Please correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t private contractors normally used for all refugee/quarantine situations?

    Therefore there might just be automatic acceptance without discussion.

  4. I might add that the Victorian Public Health and Well-being Act specifically names the Victorian Police as the agency able to enforce health orders with appropriate force. A while since I looked but I think it’s around S.123
    I just don’t get why the Act wasn’t used

  5. Perhaps someone from NSW can enlighten me as to which minister appeared before the Ruby Princess Inquiry.

    Cos as far as I can tell I dont know of one NSW State or Federal MP, Minister or NSW Premier appeared at the Ruby Princess Inquiry.
    I stand to be corrected.

  6. The findings of The Ruby Princess were that there were no issues with governance or process but that there was an inexplicable mistake by a group of senior NSW Health doctors (and 1 in particular)
    An entirely different situation from the Victorian debacle

  7. Weak VCs
    “So many vice-chancellors have been meek and quiet. I understand that they’re under pressure, but you really would think for a million bucks a year you could stand up for the students that are missing out and the staff that are losing their jobs.”


    Shadow education minister Tanya Plibersek, speaking ahead of today’s release of a Senate review into the government’s proposed changes to higher education funding.

  8. Well they were apparently not involved in hotel quarantine governance

    I think you should let the commissioner know that you disagree with his management of the inquiry and findings. It’s the only thing we are talking about in NSW

    When are you moving onto argument 3 Vic?

  9. Pass this on to any Christian you know:

    Tell them they backed the wrong horse – Jesus was a loser and a sucker cos he got tortured and killed by the Romans.

  10. C@tmomma:

    Friday, September 25, 2020 at 7:36 pm

    [‘Also the fact that Bex powders were deadly for the kidneys…’]

    That it was, phenacetin providing a high of sorts but deadly, withdrawn in the 70s.

  11. “ The findings of The Ruby Princess were that there were no issues with governance or process but that there was an inexplicable mistake by a group of senior NSW Health doctors (and 1 in particular)
    An entirely different situation from the Victorian debacle”

    Oh, FFS!

    The inquiry was set up to ignore:

    1. Whether the policy parameters in place, were actually appropriate given the pandemic; and

    2. Whether the statements made by Scotty from Marketing on the morning of 16 March to the effect that National Cabinet (which Koala Killer was a member of and in fact the key Premier on this issue) had decided that cruise ships would not be allowed to disembark in Australia and that special arrangements – overseen by Bordet Force – would be put in place for ships who were at sea and due to return and disembark passengers, was (1) appropriate and (2) followed through on.

    Instead we had a report that carefully skirted the political implications, did not address the real issues, and served up hard working medical practitioners and public servants as convenient scape goats to take one for the team. Huzzah and Rule Britannia!

    The inescapable truth is that the Ruby Princess disaster needed a systemic political and policy failure at two levels of government and Scotty from Marketing’s outfit and Koala Killer’s Rum Corp duly failed.

    Only Dutton, Homeland Security and Border Force should escape sanction. Surprisingly.

    That’s because contrary to a commonsense assumption that federal responsibility for these matters would fall within his empire – and the Prime Minister’s explicit statement to that effect, federal responsibility lay at the feed of the Department of Agriculture, and neither the prime minister, responsible minister or any senior federal public servant within that department were called to explain their neglect.

    Nor was Koala Killer called to explain her role as a member of the newly minted National Cabinet called. Let alone explain why she was still pumping the tires of the cruise line industry as safe the week before catastrophe struck: why the fuck were cruise liners – any cruise liners – allowed to operate after the Diamond Princess, especially the sister ship …

  12. Steve777 @ #1550 Friday, September 25th, 2020 – 7:17 pm

    Re Mundo @6:17.

    ”Morrison Recession. The economy was headed for recession with or without the plague.
    The recession we were always going to have*”

    Yes. This was being said by many commentators before the Fires and before the Plague. The Plague has actually been a boon for the Morrison Government politically, hiding his incompetent management of the economy and his pathetic response to the Fires. It’s also buried Global Heating as an issue. Morrison will blame everything on the Plague. He use it as an excuse to double down on what he wants to do anyway.

    Bill Evans – Chief economist for Westpac – forecast the recession 12 months out in early 2019 right down to the exact 2 quarters.

  13. OC;

    The use of police to enforce the detention of quarantined travellers WAS part of the system. Detainees largely did not challenge the requirement that they be detained so police were largely not required.

    Why dont YOU move on to an argument grounded in fact not fantasy.

  14. Or more prosaically under the pandemic policy the expert committee used outdated data and declared the Ruby Princess to be low risk and a public health team did not attend and assess the situation before discharge of Passengers

  15. So Windhover, the quarantine was under the control of Vic Police – this is a revelation. Does the commissioner know? Does Dan know?

  16. OC, that is not what I said. They were involved in hotel quarantine governance in the rare situation detainees were breaching quarantine.

  17. So the ever diligent bouncers would ring the police and say we can’t find the guy in room 507?
    No wonder it failed and also that 30% of detainees “refused” testing

  18. No OC, you are again allowing your imagination to overtake the facts.

    The spread from quarantine did not come from unsupervised detainees. It did come from infected guards spreading into the wider community.

  19. OC

    So we have to have someone to supervise the guards, and I assume someone to supervise the supervisors of the guards, and then someone to supervise those supervisors….

    Surely if you’re paying someone to do a job it’s not unreasonable to expect them to do it?

  20. I was born in NSW, grew up in NSW and learnt to play cricket in NSW. As a teenager I clearly remember watching Deano come of age as an international cricketer and clearly remember myself, my friends and all my coaches being in awe of him. His state of origin did not register.

    Oh the glorious innocence of nonpartisan youth.

    Vale Deano.

  21. Cmon OC. The use of private security guards was inspired. So too was the secondment of Parks Victoria managers to oversee the hotels. Their experience in penguin wrangling was a natural fit. Clearly they didn’t need any training in infection control:

    “Meanwhile, Luke Ashford, a man put in charge of the day-to-day running of quarantine operations at several hotels, said he had not received any infection control training by DHHS before taking charge.

    Mr Ashford, who was seconded from Parks Victoria, said he quit his job over concerns for his safety.”

  22. I can come at a classy Victorian batsman and cheeky fielding supremo… but Richard Hadlee is stretching it. Next you will want me to be sweet on Richard Lowe!

  23. I havent forgotten

    Simon Banks
    Just wondering when someone will remember that
    ‘s original solution to those coming to Australia from overseas was:

    No-one in hotel quarantine

    No role for the ADF

    No system of Commonwealth checks on compliance

  24. Simon Katich
    I cannot remember his name but back in the 80’s the main cartoonist for The Australian , a fave of mine, had a LOL cartoon. A UFO had landed and people were standing around asking what great message of import they could be bearing for mankind. Out from the flying saucer popped a sign ‘Hadlee is a wanker” 🙂

  25. Shell bell: Hedley Thomas’ role in the exposure of Jayant Patel surely contributed to the High Court’s finding that he didn’t get a fair trial

  26. Mavis “Bette” D’Avis:

    By the way, I ditched “Davis” a few days ago, now preferring just “Mavis”, just like Cher, Beyonce, et al.

    Bad move dropping “Davis” when you could instead have added Bette.

    Will you now tease us? Will you unease us?

  27. Ah. Is that where Morrison is. Priorities….

    7NEWS Brisbane
    · 2h
    Prime Minister @ScottMorrisonMP has touched down in South Australia a short time ago for tomorrow’s Liberal Party AGM in Adelaide. He will be at the new Adelaide Oval Hotel tonight for a party fundraiser. #auspol #7NEWS

  28. Dean Jones was great to watch. But my favorite was Greg Ritchie. He was fat and hated running so he’d mainly score from boundaries. That was my childhood recollection anyway.

  29. Victoria @ #1597 Friday, September 25th, 2020 – 7:24 pm

    Ah. Is that where Morrison is. Priorities….

    7NEWS Brisbane
    · 2h
    Prime Minister @ScottMorrisonMP has touched down in South Australia a short time ago for tomorrow’s Liberal Party AGM in Adelaide. He will be at the new Adelaide Oval Hotel tonight for a party fundraiser. #auspol #7NEWS

    Doesn’t SA require incoming people to quarantine for 2 weeks?

  30. OC:

    Shell bell: Hedley Thomas’ role in the exposure of Jayant Patel surely contributed to the High Court’s finding that he didn’t get a fair trial

    The various Lords Southcliffe and their minions work tirelessly against the interests of the Australian people, substantially with impunity, always with mendacity and without reference to logical consistency, nor to facts.

    For example, in the 1943 election the first Lord Southcliffe campaigned against the Commonwealth: asserting that they were principally responsible for the whole course of the War in the Pacific to that point, based on the argument that by defending Australia against invasion they had caused the failure to hold Burma, which was (in his Lordship’s little world) the lynchpin that held it all together.

    These blokes aren’t new at what they do!

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