Essential Research coronavirus latest, Roy Morgan federal voting intention

Essential Research finds public support for governments’ handling of coronavirus not quite what it was, while Roy Morgan records the Coalition moving into a commanding lead.

As reported by The Guardian, the latest fortnightly Essential Research poll finds approval of Scott Morrison’s handling of COVID-19 at 61%, which is off from a high of 72% in June. Approval ratings for state governments in New South Wales as well as Victoria are also trending gently downwards, with both having lost two points in the past fortnight, leaving them at 59% and 47% respectively. The Western Australian government continues to lead the field on 84%, though this too is down two on last time, with due regard to the very small sample size.

The poll also suggests Australians are unsentimental about civil liberties in the face of COVID-19, with 65% favouring closing the border to all foreign travellers and 52% supporting dedicated quarantine facilities for convalescents. Concerning outbreaks at aged care clinics, 42% blamed the providers, 30% the federal goverment and 28% state governments, and 70% believed the situation had been aggravated by long-term under-funding. The poll also gauged support for taxpayers to underwrite new gas infrastructure at 27% for, 27% against and 32% for neither. The poll was conducted from 1068 respondents from Thursday to Sunday; the pollster will publish its full report will be published later today.

UPDATE: Full report here. It should be noted that the 61% approval rating for handling of COVID-19 related to “the government” rather than Scott Morrison.

We also had on Friday one of the occasional Roy Morgan polls on federal voting intention, which finds the Coalition lead out to 54-46 from 51.5-48.5 when the last such poll was published in mid-July. The Coalition is up 2.5% on the primary vote to 46%, with Labor down one to 32.5%, the Greens steady on 11% and One Nation up half a point to 3%. The poll was conducted over the previous two weekends by phone and online interviewing from a sample of 2841.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,705 comments on “Essential Research coronavirus latest, Roy Morgan federal voting intention”

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  1. lizziesays:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 12:21 pm

    From the Gizmodo article:

    “There is no suggestion that Bourke or Victoria Forward have done anything illegal.”

    Great journalism – they discovered that people on the conservative side of politics know other people on the conservative side of politics and that there are links between their social media accounts. You could have knocked me down with a feather.

    This is barely Uni Politics level muck sheet work.

  2. BH

    also Stephanie Bastiaan.

    Bastiaan is a Liberal Party member who is part of the state’s conservative faction that’s reeling from allegations of branch stacking and corruption reported by Nine. She worked as a staff member for Federal minister Michael Sukkar and has organised party events. She’s also married to Marcus Bastiaan, the Victorian Liberal Party powerbroker who resigned from the party earlier this week.

  3. “Good suit Albo. But bad Tie. You look like an Xmas decoration. Just go with a solid red next time.”


    They are the colours of the South Sydney Rabbitohs, Albo’s NRL team.

  4. Bucephalus

    You can sneer, but it is always useful to be reminded of the networks. Networks are how the conservatives work their magic.

  5. Bucephalus says:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 12:31 pm

    Because you didn’t read it, it’s not illegal because it’s not law.


    “On January 5, 2020, Bourke created the Victoria Forward Facebook group. Using slickly-designed images, the page has campaigned relentlessly against Dan Andrews. Over the page’s 425 posts, Victoria Forward has criticised the brumby cull, COVID-19 restrictions, the Belt-and-Road agreement and more. ”

    What is surprising that this group has influences all the way to the TOP of Liberal Party, Morrison wanted to override the Belt and Road agreements.

    This has a hall mark of another illegal front for Liberal Party to raise funding like all the other groups.

  6. Bucephalus @ #1240 Thursday, August 27th, 2020 – 11:15 am

    BK says:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 11:08 am

    “It’s about time Labor asked a question of Morrison along the lines of “When are you going to deal with the ignorant and dangerous Craig Kelly and the potential harm he is doing with his continued boosting of the drug hydrochloroquine?””

    I have no knowledge or opinion on whether the drug is useful or not in treating the virus.

    Given that in Australia you have to get a prescription from a GP to get it and that it is historically a safe drug to use I don’t see why the PM would care what Kelly’s opinion is on the drug.

    “No knowledge” is wilful ignorance for someone so apparently versed in what the media is saying about anything and everything, locally, internationally, and especially the USA, as evidenced by your relentless postings.

    But to help you focus on something you seem reluctant to, here is the TGA from March 2020. All published data (you could avail yourself of a thing called Google) since further reinforces the lack of effectiveness in Covid against the known serious complications.

    Given the limited evidence for effect against COVID-19, as well as the risk of significant adverse effects, the TGA strongly discourages the use of hydroxychloroquine outside of its current indications at this time other than in a clinical trial setting or in a controlled environment in the treatment of severely ill patients in hospital.

    To limit use of hydroxychloroquine to currently approved indications, there have been new restrictions placed on who can initiate therapy using it. Only certain types of specialists will be able to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to new patients (see information for health professionals below). General practitioners and other medical practitioners (e.g. hospital Resident Medical Officers (RMOS) and doctors in training) can continue to prescribe repeats for hydroxychloroquine to patients in line with the registered indications for patients in whom the medication was prescribed prior to 24 March 2020. From 24 March 2020, general practitioners and doctors in training can only prescribe these medicines for continued treatment of patients where initial treatment has been authorised by one of the specialists.

    Mind you, asserting that all you need to do is to a GP to get a script (now with restrictions) for a historically safe drug (it isn’t; medicine works on a balance of risk/benefit) does underline that you are ignorant….

    You’re welcome.

    As for Kelly, proselytising contrary to the recommendations of the TGA is dangerous. That Morrison may, like you, not be in any way interested, given he is totally preoccupied with managing a pandemic, …. oh hang on

  7. Please read my reply to RL. You can @ me if it all turns out to be a mirage. However, I’ve met Jodi, and she is not for turning into a complicit corrupt hack.

    I don’t know much about Jodi McKay. Perhaps she is genuine about cleaning up the mess in NSW. But she’s one person, and this stuff is depressingly entrenched within NSW Labor. The continued, seemingly endless series of revelations around Dastyari, Murnan, Xiangmo, et al – years after we all were told NSW had cleaned up their act – leaves me pretty skeptical.

    And before you say it, yes, I know the Libs are worse. We shouldn’t be like the Libs. We’re meant to be the good guys.

  8. Bruce Haigh
    #auspol I spoke to the Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and they attempted to defend Morrison for not wearing a jacket. Pathetic.

  9. Barney in Tanjung Bungasays:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 12:23 pm

    “Why would you walk down a street towards protesters with a loaded firearm in the first place?”

    Hold on….

    I need to think about that….


    They don’t want people burning cars and buildings and looting and vandalising their towns and cities and the Police and other authorities aren’t going to stop the protesters so someone has to. – but that’s just a guess.

  10. C@t

    Cheryl Kernot
    Libs always save themselves by invoking “commercial in confidence.” Not acceptable. A Port has great foreign policy significance. #auspol

    Stephen Dziedzic
    · 4h
    Foreign Minister @MarisePayne confirms to @SabraLane that the Coalition’s push to review all State Govt agreements with foreign countries would NOT cover the Port of Darwin lease, as it’s a commercial agreement

  11. Bucephalus @ #1312 Thursday, August 27th, 2020 – 10:42 am

    Barney in Tanjung Bungasays:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 12:23 pm

    “Why would you walk down a street towards protesters with a loaded firearm in the first place?”

    Hold on….

    I need to think about that….


    They don’t want people burning cars and buildings and looting and vandalising their towns and cities and the Police and other authorities aren’t going to stop the protesters so someone has to. – but that’s just a guess.

    That you can even think that this is an appropriate, let alone sensible action, demonstrates how off the planet your thoughts really are!

  12. ItzaDreamsays:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    “a historically safe drug (it isn’t; medicine works on a balance of risk/benefit) ”

    It is a historically safe drug used by millions throughout the world for a number of different medical reasons. If it wasn’t safe it wouldn’t have such widespread use over such a long time.

  13. Bucephalus @ #1319 Thursday, August 27th, 2020 – 10:48 am

    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    “a historically safe drug (it isn’t; medicine works on a balance of risk/benefit) ”

    It is a historically safe drug used by millions throughout the world for a number of different medical reasons. If it wasn’t safe it wouldn’t have such widespread use over such a long time.

    If it’s so safe, why are you advised to stop using it if you experience certain symptoms?

  14. I wonder if Albo knows that after 6 months on Unemployment Benefits everyone was already able to take $10,000 per year from their superannuation and lots do. They also use it to pay for weight reduction surgery.

  15. “Albo’s text is good, but I can’t take my eyes off his huge distracting tie.”


    Yeah, I get that he is trying to be relatable, and as an NRL fan myself I can relate to his genuine passion for his team, but I don’t think the NPC is the place to be whipping out the Bunnies merch. The colour clash is distracting.

  16. Barney in Tanjung Bungasays:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 12:50 pm

    “If it’s so safe, why are you advised to stop using it if you experience certain symptoms?”

    Bugger me! A medication that has side effects for some people! When did this happen? Does this happen with other medications? Does the public know? I’m glad you’re here Barney. Saved again.

  17. Barney

    I was one of the people whose supply of Plaquenil was limited because of the erroneous story that it would prevent Covid. Buce is just trying to prove he’s a stirrer.

  18. Bucephalus @ #1319 Thursday, August 27th, 2020 – 12:48 pm

    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    “a historically safe drug (it isn’t; medicine works on a balance of risk/benefit) ”

    It is a historically safe drug used by millions throughout the world for a number of different medical reasons. If it wasn’t safe it wouldn’t have such widespread use over such a long time.

    You’re a tosser. The TGA piece I linked to says “significant adverse effects”. Those words too big for you? All drugs have risks. All drugs are prescribed with consideration to benefit / risk. A drug being used for a long time doesn’t make it safe. It means the benefit is considered worth the risk of the side effects.

    Nitrous oxide is a classic example of something that enjoyed “widespread use” over “such a long time” but that didn’t make it safe. It’s now a big No No.

    Are you being paid to post this dangerous shit?

  19. Albo wouldn’t know what the deepest instincts of the Liberal Party are even if he had them shoved up his clacker in duplicate and braile.

  20. You know what’s teling.
    The CPG look so sullen. Like if they report this they’ll get in trouble from their masters.
    God it’s disappointing If you foolishly think the 4th estate matters in democracy.

  21. Bucephalus @ #1332 Thursday, August 27th, 2020 – 10:54 am

    Barney in Tanjung Bungasays:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 12:50 pm

    “If it’s so safe, why are you advised to stop using it if you experience certain symptoms?”

    Bugger me! A medication that has side effects for some people! When did this happen? Does this happen with other medications? Does the public know? I’m glad you’re here Barney. Saved again.

    Yes, but it is relevant when you combine it with the lack of any evidence as to its effectiveness as a treatment for C19.

  22. ItzaDreamsays:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 12:59 pm

    “Are you being paid to post this dangerous hit?”

    Where have I said anything dangerous? Where have I said it should be taken without medical supervision? Where have I said anyone who shouldn’t take it should take it? It is a safe drug when taken appropriately in accordance with medical directions. If Doctors don’t think that it should be taken then don’t take it. FFS

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