Essential Research coronavirus latest, Roy Morgan federal voting intention

Essential Research finds public support for governments’ handling of coronavirus not quite what it was, while Roy Morgan records the Coalition moving into a commanding lead.

As reported by The Guardian, the latest fortnightly Essential Research poll finds approval of Scott Morrison’s handling of COVID-19 at 61%, which is off from a high of 72% in June. Approval ratings for state governments in New South Wales as well as Victoria are also trending gently downwards, with both having lost two points in the past fortnight, leaving them at 59% and 47% respectively. The Western Australian government continues to lead the field on 84%, though this too is down two on last time, with due regard to the very small sample size.

The poll also suggests Australians are unsentimental about civil liberties in the face of COVID-19, with 65% favouring closing the border to all foreign travellers and 52% supporting dedicated quarantine facilities for convalescents. Concerning outbreaks at aged care clinics, 42% blamed the providers, 30% the federal goverment and 28% state governments, and 70% believed the situation had been aggravated by long-term under-funding. The poll also gauged support for taxpayers to underwrite new gas infrastructure at 27% for, 27% against and 32% for neither. The poll was conducted from 1068 respondents from Thursday to Sunday; the pollster will publish its full report will be published later today.

UPDATE: Full report here. It should be noted that the 61% approval rating for handling of COVID-19 related to “the government” rather than Scott Morrison.

We also had on Friday one of the occasional Roy Morgan polls on federal voting intention, which finds the Coalition lead out to 54-46 from 51.5-48.5 when the last such poll was published in mid-July. The Coalition is up 2.5% on the primary vote to 46%, with Labor down one to 32.5%, the Greens steady on 11% and One Nation up half a point to 3%. The poll was conducted over the previous two weekends by phone and online interviewing from a sample of 2841.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,705 comments on “Essential Research coronavirus latest, Roy Morgan federal voting intention”

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  1. lizzie @ #1182 Thursday, August 27th, 2020 – 10:24 am


    Dan has been criticised for not explaining his plan to extend the present right to invoke rules to control the virus. Yesterday he did just that …clearly and concisely .
    It was not reported ANYWHERE.
    MURDOCH is only interested in gotchas and reporting the assaults on him.

    Which Buce laps up and trots out as gospel.

  2. Mavis says:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 10:28 am

    I worked on a project in the Pilbara designed to survive one in one thousand year storm surge events – it has rock armouring of the site to protect against large wave action from the land side about 5 km from the current shoreline.

  3. So Andrews has backed down on his 12 month extension and will settle for 6 months. Now stalling on allowing his ministers to be answerable to the cross bench.
    Meanwhile the CEO of Global Victoria is appearing at the quarantine inquiry today. I wonder if she will be as cocky as she was in the video when boasting about about her role.
    Once this is over, Andrews needs to have a good clean out of the public service, and could start with her.
    Andrew Crisp will need to go as well as he has lost the public’s trust.

  4. zoomster @ #1194 Thursday, August 27th, 2020 – 10:35 am


    In what way wasn’t my post factual?

    I said the NBN was socialist, and that it was pushed through by the Right.

    What ‘fact’ there do you object to?

    That it was a NSW Right creation. They mave have had a role in contributing to pushing it through the national conference, however, the NBN was Victorian Right Senator Stephen Conroy’s baby. Which the NSW Right got on board with.

  5. zoomster

    ‘Wrrrrr, wrrrrr’ Very sexy!

    I think Satin Bowerbirds usually choose blue decorations, so you have a very creative soul there!

  6. Guytaur,
    I know right. the ALP can talk to to and take a phot with about every single business that will loose money due to ripping up that deal. Sovereign Risk should win them an election.

    It’;s great to, because if Scummo does this then they can go to far north QLD and say to the workers. When investment comes, if it’s Asian, the LNP may just smash it and destroy your future earnings.

    Let’s hope the ALP don’t get cowed by the ‘security’ services.

    Also speaking of security. The Australian Terrorist in NZ is getting sentence today. Was there ever an inquiry into ASIO or the AFP about why they didn’t know about a far right extremists who turned out to be the most successful Australian Terrorists in living memory?

  7. lizzie says:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 10:24 am

    Dan has been criticised for not explaining his plan to extend the present right to invoke rules to control the virus. Yesterday he did just that …clearly and concisely .
    It was not reported ANYWHERE.
    MURDOCH is only interested in gotchas and reporting the assaults on him.”

    Sorry Lizzie but you’re wrong. The Australian website on their live Corona Virus feed has consistently reported Andrew’s arguments supporting his desired extension.

  8. Taylormade

    Been listening to your friend Neil Mitchell again.

    I’ll give same advice for free. Do yourself a favour and have a break from listening to the old fart

  9. Andrew Crisp will need to go as well as he has lost the public’s trust.

    He said something Libs don’t like so he’s “lost the public’s trust”?

  10. DWH

    That’s exactly why I think Sanders would have won in the fantasy what if scenario.

    It wasn’t to be.

    The GOP retreating from Trumps populist message that won him the election by going to the Democrats left and instead yelling socialist boo again will see Romney McCain style results.

  11. “It’s you who are delusional if you think Sanders would have lost.”


    Very good chance Sanders would have won both this time and last time. Especially last time actually. He would have destroyed Trump’s facade and exposed him for the establishment elitist that he really is. He was able to flip the argument against socialism around and make it an argument against corporate socialism.

  12. Taylormade

    And perhaps you may wish to answer the questi0n that Buce refused to answer.

    What is the status of the other states in relation to emergency powers?

  13. Like their attitude to the Senate as a house of review, the Right’s enthusiasm for States’ Rights ebbs and flows according to who has power where.

  14. Firefox @ #1198 Thursday, August 27th, 2020 – 10:39 am

    Speaking at a CNN town hall in Charleston, South Carolina, on Monday, Sanders said that he has always condemned authoritarianism and ardently believes in democracy. Still, he stood behind remarks he had made during a “60 Minutes“ interview that the communist revolutionary leader, who ruled Cuba from 1959 almost until his death in 2016, dramatically raised literacy rates in his country.

    If Asha’s claim is that anyone unwilling to lie about what literacy rates did in Cuba from from 1959 to 2016 has “refused to condemn brutal authoritarian regimes”, then you certainly win that exchange. Sometimes facts are just facts and not an endorsement of any particular thing.

    But why are we still talking about Sanders? He’s done for 2020, and I’d be surprised if he comes back for 2024. The main event is Trump vs. Biden.

  15. Lizzie

    Taylormade as per usual talks crapola.

    It would help if he gave himself a break from Neil Mitchell. Only serves to turn anyones brain into mush.

    Considering the shit show that the Victorian fiberals are, I’m surprised taylormade even comments at all.


  16. Firefox
    “Very good chance Sanders would have won both this time and last time.”

    Nup. Sanders would have lost to Trump, for different reasons to Hillary.

  17. Jackol says:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 10:37 am
    “Bucephalus –
    That the media are producing reports critical of the coalition government is not evidence that they are unbiased.

    Bias manifests in many different ways; objectively testing for bias is nigh impossible. You can’t simply count up positive/negative stories because there is no underlying equivalence between the ‘sides’ to match up to – being in government and being in opposition are not symmetrical; governments are inherently more worthy of media attention (for good and ill), etc.

    Bias needs to be assessed in terms of whether the media reasonably treat the various political players in a fair way. If a politician from party X would be roasted for a particular behaviour, would a politician from party Y receive equivalent criticism. Which is fine in theory but almost impossible to measure in practice because there are always differences in context.”

    You’ve just criticised/debunked the methodology used to “prove” that the ABC isn’t biased against the LNP.

  18. C@tmomma @ #1222 Thursday, August 27th, 2020 – 10:49 am

    lizzie @ #1217 Thursday, August 27th, 2020 – 10:47 am

    Andrew Crisp will need to go as well as he has lost the public’s trust.

    He said something Libs don’t like so he’s “lost the public’s trust”?

    Yes. he’s not supporting Team Liberal, so he has to go. 🙄

    Wait until after the coming bushfire season and see what support Crisp has.
    Has ScoMo ordered waterbombers this time round?

  19. “Nup. Sanders would have lost to Trump, for different reasons to Hillary.”


    Nah, it is impossible for any of us to say one way or another what would have happened if he was the nominee. Very good chance he defeats Trump, but we will never know. We do know for a fact though that Clinton did lose.

  20. This is beyond the pale.

    Independent Retweeted
    Robert Reich
    If they don’t take action after this, every one of Fox News’s executives, directors, and advertisers is complicit in Tucker Carlson’s racist, murderous rants.
    Quote Tweet

    Acyn Torabi
    · 50m
    Tucker: How shocked are we that 17 year olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would

  21. Bucephalus –

    You’ve just criticised/debunked the methodology used to “prove” that the ABC isn’t biased against the LNP.

    Have I ever said otherwise about the ‘methodology’? I’ve posted in the past about the uselessness of the ABC’s process of trying to provide ‘balance’ by tallying up pro- and anti- stories, tallying by the minute during election campaigns, etc.

    But because it’s basically impossible to do any simple tally to prove bias/absence of bias, the ABC are in a tough spot, so even though such simple metrics are meaningless they have no choice but to try to defend themselves in this way.

    And, of course, the ABC isn’t – in my subjective opinion – currently biased to a leftwing viewpoint, in fact I would say it is now fairly pervasively modestly biased to a conservative viewpoint simply because the LNP and Murdoch and others have been so successful at attacking the ABC and the ABC having to react to defend itself. Perhaps the ABC was a hotbed of lefty radicalism in the early 90s, and perhaps the reaction against that is a product of their own making as a result, but it certainly isn’t now and hasn’t been for a long time.

    The conservatives have been so successful at forcing the ABC to change by constantly accusing it of left bias – and that message has become so accepted as a simple matter of fact by large sections of the population – that they keep doing it trying to swing the dial further in their favour, knowing there is no downside (for them) in pushing it until it breaks.

  22. It’s about time Labor asked a question of Morrison along the lines of “When are you going to deal with the ignorant and dangerous Craig Kelly and the potential harm he is doing with his continued boosting of the drug hydrochloroquine?”

  23. Victoria says:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 11:00 am

    “This is beyond the pale.”

    Completely agree – describing Tucker as racist and murderous is straight out defamation.

  24. Firefox
    “Nah, it is impossible for any of us to say one way or another what would have happened if he was the nominee. Very good chance he defeats Trump, but we will never know. We do know for a fact though that Clinton did lose.”

    This is the perennial consolation of being a Sanders supporter: the endless what-could-have-beens. Hillary supporters have no such luxury, since they were forced to face reality.

  25. Nine new cases in NSW. All locally acquired, but linked to known clusters (including the “new” CBD cluster).
    Enough good and bad news there for everyone to pick over, but basically the roller coaster continues.

  26. Buce

    I don’t think the US twitter posts are subject to Australian Defamation law.

    China would love the ability to stop Australians quoting US people posting about China.

  27. BK says:
    Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 11:08 am

    “It’s about time Labor asked a question of Morrison along the lines of “When are you going to deal with the ignorant and dangerous Craig Kelly and the potential harm he is doing with his continued boosting of the drug hydrochloroquine?””

    I have no knowledge or opinion on whether the drug is useful or not in treating the virus.

    Given that in Australia you have to get a prescription from a GP to get it and that it is historically a safe drug to use I don’t see why the PM would care what Kelly’s opinion is on the drug.

  28. Joe O’Brien
    Victoria coronavirus
    22 of 23 deaths in past 24 hours linked to aged care
    23 dead were aged from 60’s to 90s
    532 in hospital
    29 in i.c.u.
    11 on ventilators
    198 active cases in regional Vic .. Geelong 71, Bendigo 16, Ballarat 6
    1412 active cases in aged care

    Morrison doesn’t care just blame.

  29. Buce

    Fox News is an American Corporation subject to US defamation law.
    So are US posters.

    It’s a real indictment on our defamation laws if we cannot quote them here.

  30. C@t I recall you loudly proclaiming precious nsw alp gen secs where a new broom, no tolerance for branch stackers etc etc.

    nothing ever changes.

  31. Scrott still banging on about State border closures. I wish he could be made to answer the question “What would have happened if state borders had all been open in the weeks before the Melbourne outbreak ? “

  32. After over 90 nights of violence in Portland, Oregon, Governor Kate Brown thinks that the violence should end and says that those committing acts of violence will be held accountable. I’m sure that’ll work.

  33. Taylormade @ #1200 Thursday, August 27th, 2020 – 8:41 am

    So Andrews has backed down on his 12 month extension and will settle for 6 months. Now stalling on allowing his ministers to be answerable to the cross bench.
    Meanwhile the CEO of Global Victoria is appearing at the quarantine inquiry today. I wonder if she will be as cocky as she was in the video when boasting about about her role.
    Once this is over, Andrews needs to have a good clean out of the public service, and could start with her.
    Andrew Crisp will need to go as well as he has lost the public’s trust.

    Yes, such a “humiliating” back down! 🙂

    Just imagine if Andrews had originally called for a 6 month extension?

    Actually you don’t have to you’ve just seen it play out over the 12 month one.

    😆 😆 😆

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