Newspoll: 51-49 to Coalition

The latest Newspoll records little change on three weeks ago, with Scott Morrison dominating on personal ratings but the Coalition enjoying only a slender lead on voting intention.

The Australian reports the latest Newspoll has the Coalition’s two-party lead unchanged at 51-49, with both major parties down a point on the primary vote, the Coalition to 42% and Labor to 34%. The Greens are up two to 12% and One Nation are down one to 4%. Scott Morrison’s approval is unchanged at 66%, and his disapproval is down one to 29%; Anthony Albanese is respectively down three to 41% and up one to 38%. Morrison’s lead as preferred prime minister is now 56-26, out from 56-29. The BludgerTrack leadership trends (see also on the sidebar) have been updated with these numbers. The poll was conducted online from Wednesday to Saturday, from a sample of 1512.

UPDATE: The Australian has helpfully published a PDF display of all the poll results, including for a suite of questions on coronavirus and its foreign policy implications. Opinion was divided as to whether the World Health Organisation (34% positive, 32% negative) and United Nations (23% positive, 21% negative) had had a beneficial impact on the crisis, but quite a lot clearer in relation to “Xi Jinping and the Chinese government” (6% positive, 72% negative) and “Donald Trump and the United States government” (9% positive, 79% negative). Further results are available through the link.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,741 comments on “Newspoll: 51-49 to Coalition”

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  1. GG:

    [‘You forgot, the permanent PMT’]

    I’m unsure of your reference to “PMT”? Perhaps you’d elucidate? Or perhaps you wouldn’t?

  2. Rex Douglas @ #1087 Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 – 7:31 pm

    WeWantPaul @ #1077 Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 – 6:54 pm

    lizzie @ #1067 Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 – 4:34 pm

    I posted this before, but maybe some of you missed it. Shows how much they (don’t) care.

    Nobody in the Coalition party room meeting in Parliament House today mentioned the protests on the weekend.

    Not even surprising they are the very worst people. Morrison is a slighly smarter Trump who hasn’t had Trump’s successes, but has had all his failures. Like with Trump it is our society elevating the very worst people to the pinnacle.

    They’re a cabal of sociopaths. It’s that simple.

    Scotty from Marketing just today warning of ‘difficult decions’ – which we all know is austerity.

    SfM will find a way of selling austerity to the punters. You know it. I know it.
    At least we can make fun of him and call him funny names!!!!
    It’s better than mounting a decent opposition and beating the fucker!!!!!
    Yay!!! Scrooter is a poohy pants!@!!!
    Got him a good one there!@@#!12!!!

  3. Mavis says:
    Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 7:55 pm


    [‘You forgot, the permanent PMT’]

    I’m unsure of your reference to “PMT”? Perhaps you’d elucidate? Or perhaps you wouldn’t?
    I thought he was referring to Pre Menstrual Tension. Which is exactly the sort of thing an old single bitter and pathetic man might write.

  4. NZ soon found out Morrison was a dead loss and sent him packing.These dozy bastards make him PM. When the likes of Clownshoes Abbott can be elected then theres no fucking hope.

  5. EGT,

    I can see the sense in linking higher alternative energy take up to higher grid power prices.

    The grid has to be maintained whatever happens. There are fixed overheads to be covered, provided and paid for no matter whether everyone’s on the grid or most are off it.

    If there are ten houses in a street with 7 of them off-grid, the remaining three still need those lines, poles, wires, transformers, crews and infrastructure, including trunk lines and large power generation facilities.

    Until governments step in to force localization of generation and storage (including neighbourhood storage, not just individual home-based storage), and as long as grid infrastructure is supporting a dwindling customer base, costs (more to the point: price) per grid-connected household will skyrocket.

  6. nath @ #1099 Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 – 7:54 pm

    Mundo what have you got against Albo? I think he’d make a good PM and was heading in the right direction until COVID showed up. The bushfires had all but ruined Morrison’s ratings.

    Mundo has nothing against Albo. He can’t beat the Scrooter that’s all.
    So, I’m over Albo.
    Waiting for the next cab off the rank.
    Hoping it’s Jim Chalmers.

  7. nath @ #1103 Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 – 7:58 pm

    Mavis says:
    Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 7:55 pm


    [‘You forgot, the permanent PMT’]

    I’m unsure of your reference to “PMT”? Perhaps you’d elucidate? Or perhaps you wouldn’t?
    I thought he was referring to Pre Menstrual Tension. Which is exactly the sort of thing an old single bitter and pathetic man might write.

    There’s always your crowd of none cheering your outrage on!

    You are such a loser.

  8. Bushfire Bill says:
    Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 8:00 pm
    Have you had conflict with electricity providers?

  9. I thought it was a fair question Bill, you’ve admitted to personal conflict with Centrelink and NSW Health, given the vehemence of your post about electricity provision it seemed reasonable to enquire if this was personal too.

  10. Hey just some thoughts on the ABC. Your reap what you sow. If they’d played harder against the libs they’d be safer because more libs would have had to resign in disgrace. Yet they cowered and their masters have learnt that they can treat them badly from a position of weakness.

    The should take bluey out the back and shoot him in the head.

    But really, I hope this shakes the press gallery out of it’s stupor. Pretty soon a lot of well paid fat journalists are going to be getting a lot of cold stares as long serving members of staff have to take a long walk into the cold OF A F–ING RECESSION!!!! No one in their right mind will take a VR. Maybe some fossils who are near preservation age. Maybe…. There will be sackings.
    It’s going to be a fucking blood bath and they could have saved themselves. But! they were weak.

    Australia will be poorer for it because the ABC failed at it’s job. It’s been failing for a long time.

    Anyway, lets hope we get a bloomberg news in Australia. That shit is tight!

  11. nath:

    [‘I thought he was referring to Pre Menstrual Tension. Which is exactly the sort of thing an old single bitter and pathetic man might write.’]

    Old age is not that bad actually, nath. I mean, it’s not that good – aches and pains, etc – but one deals with it.

  12. south @ #1113 Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 – 8:13 pm

    Hey just some thoughts on the ABC. Your reap what you sow. If they’d played harder against the libs they’d be safer because more libs would have had to resign in disgrace. Yet they cowered and their masters have learnt that they can treat them badly from a position of weakness.

    The should take bluey out the back and shoot him in the head.

    But really, I hope this shakes the press gallery out of it’s stupor. Pretty soon a lot of well paid fat journalists are going to be getting a lot of cold stares as long serving members of staff have to take a long walk into the cold OF A F–ING RECESSION!!!! No one in their right mind will take a VR. Maybe some fossils who are near preservation age. Maybe…. There will be sackings.
    It’s going to be a fucking blood bath and they could have saved themselves. But! they were weak.

    Australia will be poorer for it because the ABC failed at it’s job. It’s been failing for a long time.

    Anyway, lets hope we get a bloomberg news in Australia. That shit is tight!

    Now that;s what Mundo wants to hear. Passion.

  13. If Albo can’t get his ppm numbers up or Labor’s primary I wouldn’t rule out him standing down.
    Albo loves the Labor party no question. He knows Labor is better at government than the other mob. He is not an ego maniac.

  14. There’s actually a whole swage of tired labor front benchers who like everything about being an MP but winning.
    I put pliberseck, Fitz and a few others in the group of people who should really drop out shortly and trigger by-elections before the next election. It’ll give labor a chance to try out campaigns.
    But there are people there who need to take the hit and then start running.

    I rate shorten, he’s lost twice. Once really badly. But he’s back taking a batt to the Libs, i expect in 10-12 years he’ll maybe be back in the saddle going for things.

    Anway there’s a lot of ALP out there not being very big on ideas and that’s killing the good guys.

  15. Bushfire Bill:

    [‘Naff off Lars. There’s a good chap.’]

    So, BB & GG are in unison again; don’t be put off.

  16. south @ #1119 Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 – 8:28 pm

    There’s actually a whole swage of tired labor front benchers who like everything about being an MP but winning.
    I put pliberseck, Fitz and a few others in the group of people who should really drop out shortly and trigger by-elections before the next election. It’ll give labor a chance to try out campaigns.
    But there are people there who need to take the hit and then start running.

    I rate shorten, he’s lost twice. Once really badly. But he’s back taking a batt to the Libs, i expect in 10-12 years he’ll maybe be back in the saddle going for things.

    Anway there’s a lot of ALP out there not being very big on ideas and that’s killing the good guys.

    The preselection of more untalented union hacks works against the idea of current front benchers retiring.
    Federal Labor has the systemic problem of limiting its caucus to a small pool of the politically untalented.

  17. Rex Douglas:

    [‘Federal Labor has the systemic problem of limiting its caucus to a small pool of the politically untalented.’]

    So, in essence, you failed to make the mark, and that’s why you’re pissed off.

  18. If the English secede from the EU
    If Scotland gains independence, it becomes a separate state.

    As such it would be entitled to apply for EU membership.
    Since Scotland already meets the requirements for EU membership there is little doubt that it would be admitted.

    There are big wins for the EU.
    (a) access to Scottish fisheries
    (b) the opportunities to stick it to Perfidious Albion by way of warning other wannabe breakaways
    (c) shifting various camps in Calais, etc, to English land border
    (d) excellent access to Edinburgh which is a marvelous international city.
    (e) There is a further win. The hard break preferred by Cummings will be accompanied by the EU ensuring that the City’s functions are transferred from London to the EU. Depriving England of Scotland reduces still further the economic size and power of Little England.

    It would then only be a matter of time before Northern Ireland joins Ireland proper, leaving rump England to contemplate the biggest single act of national self-vandalism since the Luddites hooned around.

  19. What I will say though, is that there are some very talented and capable junior woodchucks in the Labor ranks now and when the time is right, and the veteran Labor politicians will know when that is, probably depending a lot on the result of the next federal election, then they will bow out gracefully and make way for the new faces to step up and take their place.

  20. I’d like to inform the oldies that meals on wheels’ foods are tops. I’m sure old Rex, for example, would qualify, same with old BB were it not for HI.

  21. From what I have read, the EU will never allow Scotland to join. States like Spain fear it will fuel separation and division (Catallonia/ Basque), who will think they can just gain independence and waltz straight in to the EU.

  22. There is something very tired about Australian politics.

    Both the LNP and the ALP seem full of tired, unenthusiastic, dull, pedestrian people who seem to get lame satisfaction out of just going through the cycle.

    Maybe they reflect a wider malaise.

    The media is hollowed out and has very few actors who care. They just mirror a foreign perceptive being unable to see value in their own Country.

    Institutions seem to have lost their vitality and have become placeless reflecting America more than this place.

    Our language is also debased and placeless.

  23. Why do we always import US ignorance and pretend it is new?

    Because some of us a stupid?

    This was “taking the knee”

    This was a “genuflection“ (From 1910).

  24. Torchbeaer

    From what I have read, the EU will never allow Scotland to join. States like Spain fear it will fuel separation and division (Catallonia/ Basque), who will think they can just gain independence and waltz straight in to the EU.

    Catallonia/ Basque are already inside the EU (and also inside Spain) – the EU will not allow them to join something they are ALREADY part of

    Scotland is outside the EU – if it were to become independent and chose to apply, the EU would allow them to join something they are NOT ALREADY part of

    Spot the difference!

  25. guytaur says:
    Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 1:38 pm


    Good try at walking back the actual success of the Labor campaign.

    Your Venezuela jibe won’t work in the Depression election we will be having.
    The ALP lost the election so hardly a success.

    There is no widespread support for attacking the so called top end of town because it doesn’t mean anything to most people. Every town or suburb and line of work has a top end and the ALP’s policies were not going to make much different to the real old money set because their investment strategies are not designed around negative gearing and franking credits because they invest more directly into businesses to create income and capital growth overtime.

  26. Rakali- totally agreed. I imagine it is very complex- an apathetic population when it comes to politics, a broad level of smug comfort, our politicians now coming from an entire life of being political staffers (with no life experience, and limited range of backgrounds), certain dare I say ambitious (usually male) psychopathic/ ideological types like Abbott and Morrison pushing their way to the top beyond their ability, the corruption of the big donors, the gutting of journalism, the frenzy of social media (where yesterday is forgotten)…

    Next thing you know we live in a world of Trumps, Morrisons and Johnsons..

  27. Theodare- true, but it is a pedantic point. Spain fears Catalonia and Basque gaining Independence, and then using the Scotland precedent to enter the EU. When they become Independent they will not automatically be members of the EU- they will be out of the EU as new Sovereign States and will have to apply to join. The terms would need to be agreed to etc….. Spain will veto them entering.

  28. Rakali

    It does appear that way. That’s on the surface though.
    I have hopes for Labor. I can see Sally McManus Prime Minister. Following the Hawke model. The only problems are timing and how misogynistic voters are.

    I think given the right candidate misogyny won’t be a problem. I think voters will be ready for Sally McManus soon. Her test is how she handles Morrison’s attempts on IR “reform”. From her past performance i think she will be Labor leader in the future. The only question is timing and who else is in the running.

    In the meantime I can see Sally McManus setting the political narrative for Anthony Albanese Prime Minister.

    As I am not in the Labor party I don’t know who else could step up.
    I do agree with twitter on where is Labor?
    Here is GG’s favourite phrase. Labor should get more visibility. The arguments Labor has been putting are good. Yes that includes from Albanese on the $60 Billion bungle and Social Housing.

  29. Torchbeaer

    From what I have read, the EU will never allow Scotland to join. States like Spain fear it will fuel separation and division (Catallonia/ Basque), who will think they can just gain independence and waltz straight in to the EU.
    Spain under the People’s Party (the right wing heirs of fascist parties) was opposed as it is an ultra-nationalist Statist party.

    It is absurd to say the EU will never allow Scotland to join.

  30. Mexican

    I expected someone to say that. It’s exactly why I highlighted the success. If you don’t acknowledge what worked you cannot make progress to win.

    Labor being seen as talking out of both sides of its mouth was failure. However the voters that did get Labor’s wholistic message did vote for them. The problem for Labor is not throwing the baby out with the bath water

  31. Torchbearer

    Spain will veto them entering.
    Spain now has a Socialist Government not a PP Government.

    There are a lot of countries that will strongly support Scotland. The EU will not be so stupid as to refuse Scotland, particularly after the insults they have received from Engleland.

  32. Torchbearer:

    Theodare- true, but it is a pedantic point. Spain fears Catalonia and Basque gaining Independence, and then using the Scotland precedent to enter the EU. When they become Independent they will not automatically be members of the EU- they will be out of the EU as new Sovereign States and will have to apply to join. The terms would need to be agreed to etc….. Spain will veto them entering.

    The only precedent established by allowing Scotland to enter (given the UK has now left) as applied to Spain would be:
    1- Spain leave EU
    2 – Basque leaves Spain
    3 – Basque joins EU

    Spain easily prevent that by simply not leaving (not doing step 1). It doesn’t have to veto anything.

    All the discussion on this was prior to Brexit (and in the context of Scotland leaving whilst the UK remained within the EU) – it never occurred to anyone that the UK (or anoyone else) woiuld be stupid enough to leave

  33. WeWantPaul
    Even if this is true, and most posts suggest it is not even going to be close, if you get more than value from your tax it is good to pay. How to test this? Happiness and equality stats.
    Workers are not getting themselves out of bed when it is 5c on a June morning to go to work to pay tax. The left needs to get the message that people have always hated paying tax and that will never change.

  34. E G Theodore

    All the discussion on this was prior to Brexit (and in the context of Scotland leaving whilst the UK remained within the EU) – it never occurred to anyone that the UK (or anoyone else) woiuld be stupid enough to leave
    I think this whole point is spurious, fostered by the English Tories and their Falangist mates in Spain.

    The EU has never refused the entry of an European country ever. It wants all of Europe to be part of its benign enclosure.

    This will be particularly important given Englands secession.

    Scotland has always had great support from its traditional allies, France, Nordic Countries as well as many other eastern European countries.

    It is really a non-issue.

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