Newspoll: 51-49 to Coalition

The latest Newspoll records little change on three weeks ago, with Scott Morrison dominating on personal ratings but the Coalition enjoying only a slender lead on voting intention.

The Australian reports the latest Newspoll has the Coalition’s two-party lead unchanged at 51-49, with both major parties down a point on the primary vote, the Coalition to 42% and Labor to 34%. The Greens are up two to 12% and One Nation are down one to 4%. Scott Morrison’s approval is unchanged at 66%, and his disapproval is down one to 29%; Anthony Albanese is respectively down three to 41% and up one to 38%. Morrison’s lead as preferred prime minister is now 56-26, out from 56-29. The BludgerTrack leadership trends (see also on the sidebar) have been updated with these numbers. The poll was conducted online from Wednesday to Saturday, from a sample of 1512.

UPDATE: The Australian has helpfully published a PDF display of all the poll results, including for a suite of questions on coronavirus and its foreign policy implications. Opinion was divided as to whether the World Health Organisation (34% positive, 32% negative) and United Nations (23% positive, 21% negative) had had a beneficial impact on the crisis, but quite a lot clearer in relation to “Xi Jinping and the Chinese government” (6% positive, 72% negative) and “Donald Trump and the United States government” (9% positive, 79% negative). Further results are available through the link.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,741 comments on “Newspoll: 51-49 to Coalition”

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  1. C@tmomma says:
    Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 9:45 pm

    Well, all I’ll say is, that looks like an election losing lead for the Coalition right there.
    And that is one of the reasons why we will never team up and clean up in a Vegas raid.

  2. William I’d like a thorough piece on why the Greens are so ascendant in Melbourne but have been so disappointing in Sydney. Especially considering that in 2004 the Sydney electorate recorded the highest vote for the party in the country. You could call it ‘A Tale of Two Cities’. Is it demographics, incumbency, wtf is going up there?

  3. Why wasn’t Adam Bandt a choice for preferred PM in this poll?

    Because he can only be a candidate for PM if the Greens get over 25% of the vote and therefore the possibility of over a handful of seats.

  4. “Greens up a solid 2. Bandt is on fire.”… Useless sacrifice, unless that 12% goes straight to the ALP on second preferences…

  5. Tony Abbott has been made a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) “for eminent service to the people and Parliament of Australia, particularly as prime minister, and through significant contributions to trade, border control, and to the Indigenous community” #auspol

  6. A congaline of forelock tuggers …..
    The list includes former prime minister Tony Abbot, former NSW premier Mike Baird, former Victorian premier Denis Napthine and former federal Liberal ministers Philip Ruddock and Bronwyn Bishop. The Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) list includes former Nationals senator Ron Boswell and one-time Liberal Party honorary treasurer Andrew Burnes, the chief executive of Helloworld Travel, it includes only one senior Labor figure, Graham Richardson.

  7. So, ScuMo and his gang, with the help of the usual mainstream media, are working extra hard to make this government sound “brilliant” in their response to the bushfires, “brilliant” in their response to coronavirus, “brilliant” in their response to China…. I mean, according to the MSM it’s “brilliance” everywhere in the Coalition….. Result: just 51% in the 2PP….

    Not very brilliant, actually….

  8. Sort of reflective of the Liberal boys club…

    Two out of the three Australians named Companions of the Order of Australia are female, but there are only 13 women compared with 37 men in the next category on the honours list, the Officer of the Order of Australia. As a result, women make up only 28 per cent of those in the top two categories of the civilian list.

  9. sprocket_ @ #13 Sunday, June 7th, 2020 – 8:07 pm

    Tony Abbott has been made a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) “for eminent service to the people and Parliament of Australia, particularly as prime minister, and through significant contributions to trade, border control, and to the Indigenous community” #auspol


    No PoliPedal!!!!

  10. “Tony Abbott has been made a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC)”…

    Yep, it’s ScuMo’s message to Tony: Now that you have got your accolade, would you please just go away, never to be seen again?…. ScuMo knows that Tony can white-ant both from inside and outside Parliament….

  11. nath @ #9 Sunday, June 7th, 2020 – 10:02 pm

    William I’d like a thorough piece on why the Greens are so ascendant in Melbourne but have been so disappointing in Sydney. Especially considering that in 2004 the Sydney electorate recorded the highest vote for the party in the country. You could call it ‘A Tale of Two Cities’. Is it demographics, incumbency, wtf is going up there?

    We’re the Smart State. 🙂

  12. sprocket_ @ #14 Sunday, June 7th, 2020 – 8:08 pm

    A congaline of forelock tuggers …..
    The list includes former prime minister Tony Abbot, former NSW premier Mike Baird, former Victorian premier Denis Napthine and former federal Liberal ministers Philip Ruddock and Bronwyn Bishop. The Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) list includes former Nationals senator Ron Boswell and one-time Liberal Party honorary treasurer Andrew Burnes, the chief executive of Helloworld Travel, it includes only one senior Labor figure, Graham Richardson.

    They need a new category, an OR

    Order of Rorters

  13. Barney in Tanjung Bunga @ #22 Sunday, June 7th, 2020 – 10:14 pm

    sprocket_ @ #14 Sunday, June 7th, 2020 – 8:08 pm

    A congaline of forelock tuggers …..
    The list includes former prime minister Tony Abbot, former NSW premier Mike Baird, former Victorian premier Denis Napthine and former federal Liberal ministers Philip Ruddock and Bronwyn Bishop. The Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) list includes former Nationals senator Ron Boswell and one-time Liberal Party honorary treasurer Andrew Burnes, the chief executive of Helloworld Travel, it includes only one senior Labor figure, Graham Richardson.

    They need a new category, an OR

    Order of Rorters

    Well, it’s their country now.

  14. Alpo @ #19 Sunday, June 7th, 2020 – 10:13 pm

    “Tony Abbott has been made a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC)”…

    Yep, it’s ScuMo’s message to Tony: Now that you have got your accolade, would you please just go away, never to be seen again?…. ScuMo knows that Tony can white-ant both from inside and outside Parliament….

    In that case Mundo hopes he sticks around.

  15. nath @ #5 Sunday, June 7th, 2020 – 9:56 pm

    C@tmomma says:
    Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 9:45 pm

    Well, all I’ll say is, that looks like an election losing lead for the Coalition right there.
    And that is one of the reasons why we will never team up and clean up in a Vegas raid.

    I know, I’m too cryptic. You’d never be able to read my hand signals. 🙂

    Fyi, at 51-49, that was considered an election winning lead for Labor before the 2019 election. It turned out not to be. So, 51-49 for the Coalition, means they’re going to lose! 😉

  16. “Graham Frederick RICHARDSON

    For distinguished service to the people and Parliament of Australia, to the media as a political commentator, and through philanthropic support for a range of community organisations.”

  17. “Those who believe the Greens are imploding or will implode are kidding themselves.”….

    Who believes that exactly?…. The Greens are the party that most closely represents environmentalism, who in his/her mind is expecting that the environment will disappear from the conscience of the voters?

    The Greens are not disappearing, but they won’t form government anywhere either…. They are important in the HofR through their second preferences, and they can grab a bit of power in the Senate.

  18. On the bright side, we can’t beat the fuckers but we can make fun of them!!! Nah nah nah!! Scrooter is a pooh face who eats snails!!!
    Take that!!!! Bwahahahahahahhaha

  19. Chutzpah:

    “ Former prime minister Tony Abbott has praised his government’s tough budget savings for helping to prepare Australia for the coronavirus crisis, as he accepts the nation’s top civilian honour for his services to the country.”

  20. ‘Former prime minister Tony Abbott has praised his government’s tough budget savings for helping to prepare Australia for the coronavirus crisis, as he accepts the nation’s top civilian honour for his services to the country.’

    Hello, Labor, see, that’s how it’s done.

  21. Kerry Stokes and Gretel Packer get gongs – this is high society- with Morrison rubbing the nations nose in Imperial Honours

  22. Night falls over Morristan.
    Goodnight Morristanians.
    Know that Scrooter watches over each and every one of us as we slumber. Even Albo…and Tanya, and Jim, and Penny, and Tony..they’re all precious to Scrooter.

    Tomorrow is a new day!
    A new glorious day,
    in Morristan!

  23. Why Hawke government minister and Labor stalwart Graham Richardson voted Liberal

    ““For the first time in my life I voted one Liberal,” he revealed on Sky News last night.
    “We have to show people that there’s nothing like looking after people at home. There’s plenty of people who need looking after,” he told broadcaster Alan Jones.
    Richardson said politicians needed to prioritise the needs of people in Australia before shifting their attention to global or niche issues.

    It was a reference to Dr Phelps, who fought for action on climate change and the treatment of offshore refugees during her brief stint in parliament.

    Too much attention was being paid to “tales of woe from people who’ve never done a thing for this country”, Richardson said.

    “That’s why I voted for Sharma in Wentworth and not for Phelps.”

  24. Can anyone seriously see Labor governing in their own right ever again …?

    34% primary suggests the knives will be out for Albanese…

  25. Pegasus says:
    Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 10:38 pm
    Why Hawke government minister and Labor stalwart Graham Richardson voted Liberal

    ““For the first time in my life I voted one Liberal,” he revealed on Sky News last night.
    “We have to show people that there’s nothing like looking after people at home. There’s plenty of people who need looking after,” he told broadcaster Alan Jones.
    Richardson said politicians needed to prioritise the needs of people in Australia before shifting their attention to global or niche issues.

    It was a reference to Dr Phelps, who fought for action on climate change and the treatment of offshore refugees during her brief stint in parliament.

    He certainly voted LibHeavy rather than LibLite or LibKin. I’m sure I heard him whisper ‘Fuck the LibKin’.

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