The Australian reports the Coalition has opened a 51-49 lead in the latest Newspoll, after the previous poll three weeks ago recorded a dead heat. The Coalition is up two on the primary vote to 43%, with Labor down one to 35%, the Greens down two to 10% and One Nation down one to 3%. Scott Morrison’s approval rating is down two to 66%, with the disapproval not yet provided; Albanese is down one on approval to 44% and up three on disapproval to 37%. Morrison’s lead as preferred prime minister is all but unchanged at 56-29, compared with 56-28 last time. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1504. More detail to follow later.
UPDATE: Morrison’s disapproval rating turns out to be up two to 30%. These numbers have been incorporated into the BludgerTrack leadership trends which you can see on the sidebar and in greater detail here. Newspoll has put to respondents the same suite of questions concerning coronavirus in its last three polls, which record soaring confidence in “federal and state governments’ performance” in managing the economic impact (60% satisfied, up 13 points on last time, and 24% dissatisfied, down nine), preparing the health system (up 19 to 78% and down 13 to 15%) and informing Australians about how to protect themselves (up seven to 82% and down seven to 13%).
Cud Chewer @ #741 Monday, May 18th, 2020 – 9:53 pm
Just as well the public see through him…as the polls clearly show.
I doubt anyone will vote for the Liberal party if Morrison remains leader.
No one. The Liberal party is toast!
Toast I tells ya!
mundo says:
Monday, May 18, 2020 at 10:00 pm
Absolutely. The great thing is nobody is going to vote for them.
Unfortunately mundo few people spend much time following politics and the small bandwidth is filled with people like you mouthing shit and the green carrying on with bullshit Green stunts.
The Liberals may be corrupt bastards but at leas they don’t pretend they have goals other than keeping Labor out of power.
More evidence has been uncovered by Paul Karp of The Guardian that the government behaved, shall we say, inappropriately wrt Sports Grants before the last federal election:
Scott Hamilton

and 3 others
Well actually, Sport Australia did tell Minister McKenzie on 9 Dec 2018 there were problems with what she was doing. See SA’s Robin O’Neill’s EMAIL: ‘you may choose to select those projects and fund them separately via a Ministerial Budget’
Bucephalus @ #722 Monday, May 18th, 2020 – 9:36 pm
How about the quote the day before the election?
Buce @9:55
That reflects badly on you.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has told the World Health Assembly his country supports the idea of a “comprehensive review” into the COVID-19 pandemic after it is “brought under control”.
The Chinese leader spoke at the virtual session of 194 countries convened by the World Health Organisation (WHO) at the invitation of director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Monday.
“What we are facing is the most serious global public health emergency since the end of the Second World War,” he said.
President Xi said the virus “caught the world by surprise” and “I mourn for every life lost and express condolence for the bereaved families.”
“The disease does not respect borders … nor is race or nationality relevant in the face of the disease.”
“In China, after making painstaking efforts and enormous sacrifice we have turned the tide on the virus and protected the life and health of our people.”
He pledged $2 billion in funds over two years to help the global COVID-19 fight and made six proposals of his own, saying “we also need to continue supporting research into source and transmission routes of the virus.”
“This work should be based on science and professionalism, led by WHO and conducted in objective and impartial manner.”
The Chinese leader also defended his country’s record on sharing information with the WHO, including the genome sequence of the new virus “in a most timely fashion” and said the country had “done everything in our power to support and assist countries in need.”
Any vaccine China developed would be available to the world as a public good, he added.
“This may not be the last time a major health emergency comes knocking at our door. China supports the idea of a comprehensive review … after it is brought under control.”
“ I bet McLure and the witnesses to alleged war crimes won’t be invited to regimental mess dinners at Campbell Barracks.”
From reports I’ve read most of the witnesses against B R-S are troopers and NCO’s within the regiment who had a gut full of what had happened to the professionalism and traditions of the SASR. …
I like mundo. He’s quite entertaining 🙂
Cud Chewer
One thing you have to give the Liberals when it came to One Nation they were ruthless, it took a while for Labor to realize how useless the Greens were and how damaging they would be to Australian politics.
frednk @ #752 Monday, May 18th, 2020 – 10:06 pm
‘The Liberals may be corrupt bastards but at leas they don’t pretend they have goals other than keeping Labor out of power.’
Probably the only thing which needs to be said.
Shut PB down.
Labor is not up to the task of saving it’s own hide.
The Liberal are hereby declared the winner.
Turn the lights out.
Quasar @9:52
Thanks for that. I used to take a mask with me travelling.
Cud Chewer
I don’t like mundo because he might be right.
Oh dear. Socialism on QandA. !!!!!!
frednk @ #762 Monday, May 18th, 2020 – 10:14 pm
mundo says:
Monday, May 18, 2020 at 10:10 pm
The Liberal are hereby declared the winner.
Turn the lights out.
A devastating thought. An empty treasury and broken people.
I prefer Wayne over Mundo. Wayne was more original, talented and generally just better to be around.
Just remember that where I fit on the vote compass is closer to the Greens than Labor. I still respect a lot of what the Greens stand for but I also think they made a mistake. At the same time, Rudd made a mistake fully trusting the Liberals and not having a backup plan (he could have done quiet negotiation with the Greens in the background). At the end of the day one can engage in a big political war over this issue but from my point of view, mistakes were made and you should save your nager for the most destructive person in Australian public life – Abbott.
Innes Willox looking very uncomfortable as the young people destroy neo liberal talking points.
The complaints from Menzies house to the ABC will be in full force tonight.
It’s a joy to watch a factual debate.
Monday, May 18, 2020 at 10:09 pm
“ I bet McLure and the witnesses to alleged war crimes won’t be invited to regimental mess dinners at Campbell Barracks.”
Andrew says:
[‘From reports I’ve read most of the witnesses against B R-S are troopers and NCO’s within the regiment who had a gut full of what had happened to the professionalism and traditions of the SASR. …’]
I’ve heard on the Vets’ grapevine that Roberts-Smith is intensely disliked. And I see that Porter has to sign off on the prosecution, which goes against the separation of powers doctrine, and which, if he exercises his power to proceed with the prosecution, won’t bode well for him politically. The way I see it is that the brief will collect dust in the bowels of Porter’s office.
Mundo isn’t the only one here whose pointed out that the Labor organisation is pathetically out of date, ill equipped and insular. That its far too insular policy wise and doesn’t have a portal through which to engage experts (such as in high speed rail). That it fails to get the fact that in order to create good change it has to reach out to and not just understand but also educate the voters. It has to lead in the sense of argument for basic ideas and facts – even if the media is lazy and partisan.
In other words, Labor needs to be far more professional and effective in the war on ideas.
Having said this, I’m hoping that some people will engage their brains in thinking about how this works in pracitce. Mundo keeps sounding like the dog scratching at the door.. which is.. amusing..
Cud Chewer
The voter compass tells me I should vote Green, but I want outcomes.
nath @ #766 Monday, May 18th, 2020 – 10:19 pm
‘generally just better to be around’
So, what, you shared a room?
I’m really quite happy socially distanced Nath, sorry.
Are you and Wayne, you know, close?
“The voter compass tells me a should vote Green, but I want outcomes.”
I have the same problem too. I want the Greens to grow. They no longer get a 1st preference from me, but I’m always going to put them above the lunatics in the LNP.
frednk says:
Monday, May 18, 2020 at 9:58 pm
“The base Fraser looked after is not the rabble that is the current base. the base that Menzies look after is not the current rabble that is the current base.”
Fraser? One of the three worst Liberal PMs ever? The proverbial Drover’s Dog could have beaten Whitlam both times.
If the base is so terrible it’s strange that they keep winning.
I think they use protection…
Cud Chewer @ #771 Monday, May 18th, 2020 – 10:25 pm
Amusing, but eventually you let me in, right?
Cud Chewer @ #776 Monday, May 18th, 2020 – 10:28 pm
I think we all need protection from Wayne.
An ointment will suffice for Nath.
The base is terrible. You won the last election because you had a leader that tipped beer on his head and Clive spent more money that both major parties put together.
Not something to be proud of.
Cud Chewer says:
Monday, May 18, 2020 at 9:58 pm
“ the mindless stupidity on display amongst a good section of the Liberal/National Party.
Otherwise functional human beings who simply can’t understand basic science, physics or engineering.“
The only problem with your unsubstantiated statement is that many members of the LNP are Engineers and Geologists and other professions and completely understand physics and engineering and a vast array of other areas of knowledge and disagree with you.
And we keep winning elections.
mundo you are a cruel bully with your homophobic remarks and general nastiness. You made me cry.
And we keep winning elections.
And destroying a nation.
Did you listen to the podcast that Confessions put up earlier today where Katharine Murphy interviewed Dr Jim Chalmers? Maybe, instead of putting Labor down all day here you, and mundo, could both take the time to listen to it. You may just find that there is someone in federal Labor that is capable of being articulate and expressing the way forward for the Labor Party very well indeed. Despite what the guttersnipes here say about Jim Chalmers. He’s not the only one in the FPLP either.
Honestly, Cud, you have to get over your snit about not being consulted by Labor about HSR. It’s distorting your perspective way too much.
Strange that President Xi didn’t mention trying to suppress initial reporting and the arrests of doctors and suppression of social media reports etc etc
I’m sure they’ll be fully transparent. Apparently.
Very telling.
frednk @ #782 Monday, May 18th, 2020 – 10:35 pm
And coarsening the people in it. Examples of which have been on display here and on facebook from Liberals today.
frednk @ #782 Monday, May 18th, 2020 – 10:35 pm
Only one of these outcomes is important to right-wingers. Whether they be Conservatives or the right wing of the Labor party.
Up with how much more of this shit must we put?
Its not only in the area of transport that I have issues with the Labor organisation and policy development
As for the podcast, I’ve lost the link. Feel free to repost.
nath @ #781 Monday, May 18th, 2020 – 10:32 pm
Big girl’s blouse. Pull yourself together.
(Toryphobic actually. I quite like poofs. My brother’s one.)
E. G. Theodore @ #788 Monday, May 18th, 2020 – 10:40 pm
Not much I’m ready for bed.
Cud Chewer says:
Monday, May 18, 2020 at 10:25 pm
“ the media is lazy and partisan.”
And yet every morning there is a comprehensive roundup of the media eviscerating the LNP in print and cartoon.
You can’t have it both ways.
Saw more of this being canvassed on the ABC news tonight.
This time the reporter also pointed out the fact that its impossible for eveyrone that normally uses the CBD to drive and park there. She came painfully close to actually reporting that the plan cannot work.
Facts aren’t friendly to your world view. I feel your pain.
frednk says:
Monday, May 18, 2020 at 10:31 pm
There is no evidence that Palmer’s spending had any impact. He did win one seat. The highest vote he got was a joke.
What actual evidence from the AEC do you?
Well done, Australia …
Way to box clever.
That’s it for Mundo for the day.
Or as he is known by his American Indian name…Sleeps with Three-Cats…(and Mrs Mundo)
channel 10 Have you been paying Attention taking the P out of Greta. It was funny.
President Xi has just announced that he will be supporting the WHO inquiry into the origins of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Of course, if the LNP said nothing publicly about China and the Kung Fu Flu Player One would be apoplectic about us being cowardly to protect our miners and farmers.