Essential Research: leadership ratings and more coronavirus

Monthly leadership ratings from Essential confirm the overall picture painted by Newspoll, with both leaders up but Scott Morrison especially so.

As reported by The Guardian, the fortnightly Essential Research poll (a sequence complicated by a bonus coronavirus poll last week) includes the pollster’s monthly leadership ratings, which reflect the findings of Newspoll in very slightly lesser degree. Scott Morrison is up on approval from 41% to 59% (compared with 41% to 61% in Newspoll) and down on disapproval from 49% to 31% (compared with 53% to 35%), while Anthony Albanese is respectively up from 41% to 44% (compared with 40% to 45%) and down from 33% to 29% (compared with 40% to 36%).

For the fifth successive poll, Essential asked respondents about their level of concern about the threat of coronavirus to Australia, to which the combined very concerned and quite concerned responses climbed from 68% to 63% to 82% to 88%, and has now remained steady at 88%. No information is provided on preferred prime minister — we will have to wait for the full report later today to see, among other things, if the question was asked.

UPDATE: Full report here. Scott Morrison now holds a 46-27 lead as preferred prime minister, out from 40-35 last time (note that the BludgerTrack trends are now updated with the latest Essential and Newspoll numbers). The government’s response is now rated good by 58%, up from 45% a week ago, and poor by 21%, down from 31%. The poll also finds 29% expecting a lengthy recession due to coronavirus; 51% expecting that “the economy will be impacted for 6-12 months or longer and will stagnate or show slow growth thereafter” (which for my tastes is not sufficiently distinct in its wording from the first option); and 11% expecting the economy will “rebound within 2-3 months”. The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1069.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,902 comments on “Essential Research: leadership ratings and more coronavirus”

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  1. C@t @6:21pm

    “Now that business is 11 employees down and who knows how sick they’ll get? Not good for the bottom line at the end of the day. So the best thing for the economy is to get as many healthy productive workers back to work as soon as humanly possible.”

    This sort of thing is entirely possible with mass testing – to prove that they are indeed healthy.

  2. Boerwar @ #2745 Friday, April 10th, 2020 – 6:23 pm

    The four critical fails that are haunting us as we post: failures to close travel from Italy, Korea and the US soon enough.

    Not quite. The only way it could have worked was to close down travel from everywhere all at once. Picking and choosing individual countries is doomed to failure, no matter how soon you start choosing (because observation lags reality by two full weeks). For an effective response you shut it all down. Anything less is just grandstanding and/or virtue-signaling.

  3. Bernard Zuel reading the tea leaves..

    “With the leaks about Constance, the briefing against Hazzard & Berejiklian, & Harwin’s exposure in their favourite newspaper, the NSW Christian Right, with long term plans, is throwing its weight around. You’d not be sleeping well as premier would you?”

  4. Bruce the phalus wrote..

    “There appears to be no intention of lifting the restrictions. The 6 month forecast remains extant. The human tragedy from the economic devastation will be unimaginable.”

    And the best method for ensuring that we lift restrictions sooner is to eliminate the virus. And eliminating the virus is faster when we do mass testing..

  5. C@t

    The situation at Gosford hospital looks rather like someone visiting the hospital with covid19 and quite probably asymptomatic at that. More reasons for far more widespread testing – including testing EVERYONE who goes near a hospital, staff AND patients, right?

  6. The Wikipedia entry for Elliott’s Army service doesn’t make sense for a Regular Officer. My only cross check is his Inaugural Speech to Parliament. Given his work history I suspect he was a Reserve Officer. They are also trained at Duntroon.

  7. I thought Inspector Rex had retired but after his work in Vienna and Rome has been redeployed to Australia to pounce on people driving to their holiday homes.

  8. Vogon Poet:

    [‘The character of Jim Lahey ( Trailer Park Boys ) was loosely based on Mavis I heard.’]

    “Trailer Park Boys” and I share similarities; what’s your excuse?

  9. A bit more on Harwin – strategic ‘leaks’?

    Don Harwin had to resign after it also emerged he had argued against tougher restrictions on holiday rentals and regional travel, according to several senior government sources.

    1 hour ago by Alexandra Smith and Lisa Visentin (SMH headline)

  10. Cud Chewer:

    [‘Bruce the phalus wrote.’]

    He posts as “Bucephalus.” He should therefore be accorded the same respect of others.

    Ovation of the Seas passengers left cruise ship without check despite 13 sick on board
    Taylor Auerbach 7NEWS
    Friday, 10 April 2020 7:30 pm

    Coronavirus cruise ship Ovation of the Seas advised federal authorities it had 13 sick passengers on board – including three with high temperatures – prior to docking at Circular Quay on March 18.

    But in near-identical circumstances to that of ill-fated Carnival Australia vessel Ruby Princess, the Royal Caribbean-owned Ovation ship was waived through Sydney Heads by Border Force and NSW Health officials, its passengers allowed to disembark without check.

    Ruby Princess: battle begins to hold someone accountable for cruise ship coronavirus debacle

    Saudi Arabia Bailed Out A Cruise Ship Company With Close Ties To Trump

  12. ‘a r says:
    Friday, April 10, 2020 at 7:36 pm

    Boerwar @ #2745 Friday, April 10th, 2020 – 6:23 pm

    The four critical fails that are haunting us as we post: failures to close travel from Italy, Korea and the US soon enough.

    Not quite. The only way it could have worked was to close down travel from everywhere all at once. Picking and choosing individual countries is doomed to failure, no matter how soon you start choosing (because observation lags reality by two full weeks). For an effective response you shut it all down. Anything less is just grandstanding and/or virtue-signaling.’

    We will have to differ. The one good quick decision in that space was closing travel from China early. Even then they allowed third party workarounds that resulted in some imported cases.

  13. Bucephalus @ #2807 Friday, April 10th, 2020 – 7:44 pm

    The Wikipedia entry for Elliott’s Army service doesn’t make sense for a Regular Officer. My only cross check is his Inaugural Speech to Parliament. Given his work history I suspect he was a Reserve Officer. They are also trained at Duntroon.

    The wiki entry is no doubt written “for effect” and is hard to pin down.

    But Reserve Officer training at RMC seems to have started in 1997, yet he was a Captain by April 1997 ?

    Even if Reserve Officer traning at Duntroon started in 1996 – getting to Captain by April 1997 ?

  14. Mavis,

    I was in Hawaii in 1990 on an exercise with the 25th Infantry Division when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Our Exercise got canned half way through as the 25ID mobilised and started flying out to Saudi Arabia. We headed back to Perth and that’s when I decided I’d rather have been going to SA so I applied for ARA Officer Training on return to Australia and got accepted.

    Missed all the wars. Somali happened straight after Graduation in Dec 92 and some mates deployed there. East Timor happened when Zi had already told the Army I was resigning and I was running an ARES unit.

  15. “The only way it could have worked was to close down travel from everywhere all at once. Picking and choosing individual countries is doomed to failure, no matter how soon you start choosing”

    Agreed. We should have announced this back in late February and given a few days notice. Along with compulsory quarantine for all. A few days notice would also help to get the logistics right.

  16. Vogon Poet:

    [‘Exactly. Get two birds stoned at once.’]

    Well, mate, I note the observation but rest assured, I’ve never indulged with that which you’re impliedly accusing me of. Perhaps you have more experience than I? How far do you want to proceed down that path – perhaps invoking Godwin?

  17. Confessions

    Do they say if the “unknown sources” is total from the start, or total out of the group of active cases?

  18. Does anyone understand the sources of infection in Tasmania?

    The local infections of known origin has been climbing in recent days..
    3, 4, 6, 14, 22, 26

  19. C@t:

    I listened to the Charlie Sykes podcast for today re Biden’s potential VP nominee, but actually found the discussion about Pence more interesting. The commentators both agreed he was looking to a 2024 presidential run and was using this coronavirus thing and his role in it to boost his leadership stocks and downplaying the Trump toadyness he’s renowned for.

  20. “ Cud Chewer:

    [‘Bruce the phalus wrote.’]

    He posts as “Bucephalus.” He should therefore be accorded the same respect of others.”

    Damn straight. It’s either Colonel Clusterfuck or Lt Neidermeyer to you!

  21. I shouldn’t say but I will: RN has come boring of late. I’m tuning next week to old mother Jones, Ray Hadley – the latter of whom at least reckons Pell is a protector of child fiddlers – to his credit.

  22. “Cud Chewersays:
    Friday, April 10, 2020 at 8:12 pm
    Confessions ok thanks, just cross checking this site..

    From Twitter, I believe that site and the one below now co-ordinate.

    The one below lists the source of its data.

    For example, the actual web page has links to the data

    10/4 21,144 tests in WA [Source]
    10/4 203 recoveries in WA [Source]
    10/4 11 new cases in WA [Source]
    9/4 Verified WA [Source] Verified

  23. I know a rigger working in 5G installations. Work has been slowed by Covid with interstate travel restrictions and comms to base (required before entering sites and for shutdowns etc) less efficient (already painful) due to call centre changes (social distancing etc).

    But yes, lots are already up.

  24. Andrew_Earlwood:

    [‘Damn straight. It’s either Colonel Clusterfuck or Lt Neidermeyer to you!’]

    I tend to think you’re wet behind the ears. What’s your service to this country?

  25. Blobbit

    Thanks for the site
    The most disappointing bit is that the number of daily tests has been hovering around the 10,000 mark.

  26. Shellbell

    I’ve been keeping track of the active cases from the live feed and the ratio of recovered to total cases has been slowly creeping up. Its now past 50 percent.

  27. ——tend to think you’re wet behind the ears.——
    And looks a like a cabbage who’s mother smelt of elderberries

  28. AE doesn’t want to join the army. He doesn’t want to go to war. He’d rather hang around Piccadilly underground, living off the earning of a high born lady. He doesn’t want take one up the a hole, he doesn’t want his knackers shot away……


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