Courtesy of The Australian, the first Newspoll in what has been a dramatic three weeks finds the Coalition restoring its two-party lead, now at 51-49 after being the other way around last time. On the primary vote, the Coalition is up two to 42%, Labor down two to 34%, the Greens up one to 13% and One Nation up one to 5%.
These changes are modest compared to the leaders’ ratings, which, as Kevin Bonham notes in comments, produce the strongest improvements in Newspoll history for a prime minister on both personal ratings and preferred prime minister. Morrison’s approval rating is up 20 to 61%, with disapproval down 18 to 35%, and his preferred prime minister lead has blown out from 42-38 to 53-29. However, Anthony Albanese’s ratings have also improved, up five on approval to 45% and down four on disapproval to 36%. Eight-six per cent of respondents expressed approval for the JobKeeper scheme with 10% disapproving, with 64% rated the $130 billion expenditure the right amount, compared with 14% for not enough and 16% for too much.
The poll also repeated a suite of questions on coronavirus and the government’s response that featured in the last Newspoll three weeks ago. The headline findings are that 84% profess themselves worried (up eight) and 14% confident (down six) about the impact of the virus on the Australian economy; 41% are confident (down six) and 57% worried (up six) about the preparedness of the public health system; 67% are confident (up four) and 32% worried (down three) about information available on how to protect one’s self; 47% are confident (down fourteen) and 33% worried (down fourteen) about the performance of federal and state governments in managing the economic impact; 59% are confident (up eight) and 28% worried (down five) about governments’ preparation of the public health system to cope; and 75% are confident (up ten) and 20% worried (down eight) about governments’ performance in informing Australians how to protect themselves.
Sixty-seven per cent professed themselves worried about catching the virus, 38% about higher government debt, 36% about job loss, 35% about falling superannuation balance, 15% about house prices falling and 7% about none of the above. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Friday, a subtle shift from its usual field work period of Wednesday to Saturday, from a sample of 1508.
Confessions @ #742 Monday, April 6th, 2020 – 9:09 pm
That’s Jonathan Swan, son of Dr Norman Swan. 🙂
Given this has aspects of a predictive site, does anybody want to predict the Pell verdict tomorrow. I am no lawyer but the vibe seems to be that he will be released.
On which topic I always remember Christopher Hitchen’s comment that you can be framed and be guilty.
Censorship is a strange thing Lady Chatterley’s Lover is tame when compared with sections of the bible.
Probable not as bad as the genocide committed in gods name.
Historyintime says:
Monday, April 6, 2020 at 9:23 pm
Given this has aspects of a predictive site, does anybody want to predict the Pell verdict tomorrow. I am no lawyer but the vibe seems to be that he will be released.
Two possible outcomes. He stays were he is or he is released and the civil cases start.
I didn’t know that until toward the end of last year.
At least whatever happens, Pell has spent a year in jail.
If Trump is right about hydroxychloroquine – even just a little bit – he’ll be made President for life, by acclamation. Nothing surer. Right down to how he could have been a professor of medicine, if he hadn’t gone into the real estate business.
And if he’s wrong he’ll deny he’s ever heard of the stuff.
Steve777 @ #756 Monday, April 6th, 2020 – 7:30 pm
He’s still got an eternity in hell to look forward to. I don’t believe in the existence of that place but he does – allegedly.
Confessions @ #755 Monday, April 6th, 2020 – 9:30 pm
Yes, like some fathers and sons they don’t really look like each other. He must take after his mum, or grandparents.
Steve777 @ #745 Monday, April 6th, 2020 – 9:14 pm
It’s not though, unless you’re looking at night. Otherwise it’s air scattering sunlight. The sun is (usually) the only daytime thing you can see that’s actually in space.
Cud is going to love this:
Everything you wanted to know about Chloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine, by an expert in Medicinal Chemistry:
I hope the views of current NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane is not representative of his fellow Labor MPs view of the Chinese Communist Party. This is an absolute disgrace. See what he wrote.
Bushfire Bill @ #756 Monday, April 6th, 2020 – 7:32 pm
The whole point here is that you shouldn’t self medicate and by advising people to do so, he is be reckless in the extreme.
michael says:
Monday, April 6, 2020 at 9:42 pm
I hope the views of current NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane is not representative of his fellow Labor MPs view of the Chinese Communist Party. This is an absolute disgrace. See what he wrote.
A link tot he article would be nice.
Barney in Tanjung Bunga @ #764 Monday, April 6th, 2020 – 9:42 pm
Especially since there are people with a legitimate need for hydroxychloroquine who may miss out if/when millions of people decide to self-medicate and there’s not enough supply to keep up.
Q&A good tonight, so far, IMO.
Yes a good discussion.
Yep, far too early for talk of easing off, not to mention misguided. Short of a cure/vaccine/eradication, the only safe way to resume activity, currently, is by involving everyone in taking extra measures, active monitoring/testing, developing new ways to get things done, workarounds, etc. that account for social distancing, maintaining hygiene, etc.
cud is right that we can’t sit here passively waiting for things to pass, hoping to go back to the way things were. This is something that requires active, collective, ongoing resistance.
The Guardian
WA’s hard border closure came into place, meaning no one can enter the state without a police exemption. The state’s premier, Mark McGowan, said he expected to see an increase in social unrest as people became “stir crazy” as a result of lockdowns.
First question to a pollie and it goes to instant bullshit.
FMD shut her the fuck up, Hamish!
C@t @9:38
In a way that’s good news. The Brits are coming to the unavoidable realisation that only mass testing will get them out of lockdown. It would be nice if the conversation here in Australia would mature to this level.
Btw did you have a listen to that section of Saturday AM which I posted earlier with the guy from the Grattan Institute talking about eradication and testing? (And that other idiot who unfortunately got onto ABC 7:30 tonight and raved on about “we must relax restrictions now”.
Are there any Bludgers in Broome who can help? I need an order of groceries collected and delivered to a hotel room for someone in isolation (no symptons) who cannot afford to room service. The earliest Coles delivery is a week away. Costs will be covered. Groceries can be left at reception.
with appropriate social distancing of course. Please.
poroti re Sunday school…
Yes! The little one thinks completely differently to me when I was her age. She doesn’t get rules of society instinctively, but she loves to learn about them. If they make sense then she gets it and will follow it. If it is trash she won’t have a bar of it unless I tell her it will put her, or me, in gaol.
So she refuses to eat with her mouth closed or not talk with her mouth full. She is considering the rights and wrongs of eating meat. And has no time for god. She does however see the utility in believing in tooth fairies, Santa and the Easter bunny.
She is working her way through her first philosophy book (for kids) as well as Brysons short history of everything with me.
If the sponge is thirsty, give it drink.
Regarding the article on the anti malarial. It mentions Remdesivir which is actually a reformulation of the drug tenofivir (used to prevent HIV infection). The studies from China were inconclusive and were not properly controlled. I believe there will be more data coming out soon.
Curiously Gillead hasn’t shown much interesting in tenofivir because that went out of patent.
There’s also a Japanese developed antiviral called favipiravir that was developed for the flu that was trialled in China and is approved for use in China for covid19. The problem is that whilst the drug showed some promise in clearing the virus it didn’t seem to help with those that need it most – those that go on to need critical care.
My theory is that some of these drugs that might have some anti-viral effect are going to be far more useful if you can catch people earlier in the disease – which, you guessed it, means far more testing.
I have not worked out how to phone order the groceries yet. I am problem solving. Thanks for listening.
See also..
My mum ended up talking in person with the manager at Woolies and she still can’t get an online order to work 🙁
I think I have found a local IGA who cater to people in self-isolation.
Smart move by a small independent grocery store.
You are blessed with a good’un.
“Cud Chewersays:
Monday, April 6, 2020 at 10:13 pm
See also..”
From January, so a bit out of date given how fast things are moving.
See below for how many trials are ongoing
Simon K
The next time the youngun eats with her mouth open, vomit on her plate (splurge some juice). Tell her it makes you sick to see chewed up food rolling around in a mouth, like in a dryer.
Dickhead from the IPA:
Call me old fashioned, but I’d love a Labor Premier or two, smart enough not to be 110% comfortable with a totally authoritarian form of Govt. You know one where police didn’t arbitrarily limit alcohol purchases for no reason except they are fascist sh1ts.
“You know one where police didn’t arbitrarily limit alcohol purchases for no reason except they are fascist sh1ts.”
No, the reason was to try to stop domestic violence increasing.
You might disagree with the reason, but don’t pretend that there wasn’t one.
I’m also not sure only 100 standard drinks a day is that much of an imposition really.
Blobbit @ #789 Monday, April 6th, 2020 – 8:52 pm
I’d imagine that sitting around the house all day and drinking wouldn’t have positive health outcomes either.
“I’d imagine that sitting around the house all day and drinking wouldn’t have positive health outcomes either.”
The bottles of wine a day and a carton – that’ll do it and still be under the buying limit.
The right wing newspapers have started already:
Coronavirus: Casuals’ money for jam from wage plan (from the Oz)
This is a twitter feed that has copies of documents , etc., that I can’t copy here:
Linda Silmalis
Here is the actual health form the Ruby Princess filled out just before it was allowed to dock in Sydney. It reveals 110 sick passengers on board. Temps of over 38C. Headache. Vomiting. Did medics really not suspect COVID-19 #coronavirusaustralia
WeWantPaul says:
Monday, April 6, 2020 at 10:47 pm
Call me old fashioned, but I’d love a Labor Premier or two, smart enough not to be 110% comfortable with a totally authoritarian form of Govt. You know one where police didn’t arbitrarily limit alcohol purchases for no reason except they are fascist sh1ts.
As much as all this is necessary there is no doubt that a lot of these laws are against the ancient liberties and rights of Englishmen.
Cud Chewer @ #774 Monday, April 6th, 2020 – 9:59 pm
No, sorry, Cud, I’ve been playing Animal Crossing. 😀
Can you put it up again please?
“ At least whatever happens, Pell has spent a year in jail.
He’s still got an eternity in hell to look forward to. I don’t believe in the existence of that place but he does – allegedly.”
Professing a belief in heaven and hell is a job requirement for people in Pell’s position. Having met a couple of RC bishops, I would say not all actually do.
Quasar @ #793 Monday, April 6th, 2020 – 11:01 pm
The Homicide Squad don’t launch a Murder investigation lightly. They need to get the investigation approved by higher ups first. Especially one as politically sensitive as this.
But, Cud, I’ll be watching it tomorrow. I’ll have plenty of time. My #2 son is starting a course this week to become an Individual Support Person for the Aged who live at home or in a Retirement Village which has individual accommodation. He’s been told already that it will be confronting, but he’s up to it. I’m so proud of him, he’s come a long way.
Final comment:
After what he has just experienced, I don’t think Boris Johnson is going to be the Tory that gets rid of the NHS in Britain. Quite the opposite. He will have a whole new appreciation for it.
YOur son will never be out of work.