BludgerTrack: 53.3-46.7 to Labor

The ballyhooed Ipsos results removes only a coat of paint from Labor’s poll trend lead.

The poll that launched a million headlines, the 51-49 result from Ipsos (here’s my paywalled effort in Crikey), has had only a modest effect on the BludgerTrack poll aggregate, on which Labor’s two-party lead is down half a point to 53.3-46.7. The Coalition has recovered all of one seat on the seat projection, that being in Queensland. Despite the voting intention result, the Ipsos poll has actually led to a slight softening in Scott Morrison’s net approval and preferred prime minister trend readings, while Bill Shorten’s net approval result is all but unchanged.

Please note there is a thread below this one for all your Brexit discussion needs.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,560 comments on “BludgerTrack: 53.3-46.7 to Labor”

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  1. PTMD

    My image of the blokes is crumpled crisp packets stuffed into the back of the Insiders’ couch.

    Except for Piers Akermann. That packet of chips was full.

  2. Bushfire Bill @ #2487 Sunday, February 24th, 2019 – 8:15 pm

    From the record. My entire pist this morning re. Annabel Crabb.

    If ever there is anything to be turned into cafe gossip, trivialized beyond the point of irrelevancy, or garlanded with schoolgirlish giggling, Crabb’s the first choice. She is Queen of the ABC’s Ladies-Who-Lunch.

    With Crabb, after the high point of declaring Tony Abbott to be her favourite politician, any idiotic attitude is possible, if not mandatory. Need corruption to be turned into fairy dust? Need what He said to be no worse than what She said? Need any serious situation to be talked into harmless fun? Call Annabel.

    C@tmomma, please point out any mention of Crabb’s appearance or dress sense.

    Then go away and pick on somebody else.

    Okay. This is the entirety of the conversation( needs to be read from bottom to top):

    C@tmomma (Block)
    Sunday, February 24th, 2019 – 3:29 pm
    Comment #2240
    Well, what do you know, snarky comments about a woman journalist’s appearance and attire between two males. What a surprise. Not.

    BK (Block)
    Sunday, February 24th, 2019 – 3:25 pm
    Comment #2237
    Let’s just say her attire was whimsical.

    Bushfire Bill (Block)
    Sunday, February 24th, 2019 – 3:24 pm
    Comment #2235

    I couldn’t possibly comment on a woman’s appearance, BK.

    Boerwar (AnonBlock)
    Sunday, February 24th, 2019 – 3:23 pm
    Comment #2234
    BB and others
    Ms Crabbe did say some shallow things while laughing at her own wit.
    But some of the analysis she did this morning was excellent.
    Crabbe’s Insiders performance was, IMO, a curate’s egg.

    BK (Block)
    Sunday, February 24th, 2019 – 3:20 pm
    Comment #2232
    Crabb’s gravitas was complimented by her attire.

    Bushfire Bill (Block)
    Sunday, February 24th, 2019 – 3:19 pm
    Comment #2231
    I just watched the replay of this morning’s Insiders.

    What an insipid, incurious, shallow waste of good airtime.

    Of course… Annabel Crabb was on the panel.

    If ever there is anything to be turned into cafe gossip, trivialized beyond the point of irrelevancy, or garlanded with schoolgirlish giggling, Crabb’s the first choice. She is Queen of the ABC’s Ladies-Who-Lunch.

    With Crabb, after the high point of declaring Tony Abbott to be her favourite politician, any idiotic attitude is possible, if not mandatory. Need corruption to be turned into fairy dust? Need what He said to be no worse than what She said? Need any serious situation to be talked into harmless fun? Call Annabel.

    Thus, the hullabaloo that has been created about my comment is simply because I questioned whether two men should comment about a woman journalist’s appearance on Insiders today, including her mode of dress. That’s it. But somehow that has got lost in translation and it has been blown up into the letter that started World War 1!

    Sheesh! Over it.

  3. The Liberati are the blame for this latest blow out on PB.
    If Morrison or Turnbull for that matter, gone early to an election and not dragged the politically active through this snake’s eye of a chance the LNP will be re-elected, the focus of PB would not be an under card match between C@t and BB.
    I’d rather throw Nath back into an on-going cage fight versus the world than this.
    I actually appreciate the contributions of C@t and BB on William’s blog and on that basis politely request a pause!

  4. WB, in the past I have often seen Crabb refer to Abbott in an annoyingly eye fluttering way. She is at the banal end when it comes to political analysis and she probably meant it as a joke.

  5. She could have meant ‘favourite’ as in the guy supplies so many headlines and crazy stories. More lols and loads of material for a journo. The cartoonists must have loved him.

  6. Question, in the past, I have often seen PB commenters – the ones at the banal end — make total wankers of themselves by employing terms like “eye-fluttering” in reference to female journalists.

  7. Did Annabel Crabb actually refer to Tony Abbott as “her favourite politician” though?

    That is my recollection, but from years back now. I tried to find a link but couldn’t. The recollection is pretty definite in a strong “wtte” kind of way.

    I’ll try again.

  8. I’ve just read a lot of articles of Crabb’s about Abbott:

    There’s also a Crabb/Abbott half hour interview on You Tube:

    And it may have been said there, but my considered opinion is, kinda sorta, it’s hard to say! She’s an obscurantist!

  9. Not sure about “favourite politician” — but most of the press gallery regarded Abbott fondly, possibly thanks to his “colour and movement” and his own history as a journo — “one of them”, as it were.

    But Annabell Crabb did claim to “like” both Abbott and Gillard. I suppose that makes her “balanced”.

    She is generally regarded as rude to others, so I am not fond of her.

  10. I for one have no appreciation of the journalistic “abilities” of the media personality Crabb

    I was thankful when my wife lost interest in each of the programmes featuring Crabb

  11. [‘…I have often seen PB commenters – the ones at the banal end — make total wankers of themselves by employing terms like “eye-fluttering” in reference to female journalists…’]

    Cruel – do you really need to(?). As I’ve opined previously, admonish privately, despite it being “your” site.

  12. poroti:

    The coalition needs to lose bigly if it is to fix some of its structural and policy deficits. Including the fact that the party is a wasteland when it comes to gender diversity.

  13. Don’t worry MS,
    I will survive. The fact is that Crabb is not only a journo, she often works for the laughs, such as the recent show she did with Pickering. Her eye fluttering was probably meant as a joke.

  14. I don’t know why Dennis would tweet the results an hour or so early, can’t totally rule out some prank. Surely that’s not the done thing within the company? I’m not game to 100% say that’s the result yet. On the other hand, he had a previous freak out on twitter when he thought he’d been dropped from Insiders, so maybe he’s a bit more erratic than he seems.

  15. “53/47 is the new 54/46”

    The new owner-management has had this weird preferences distribution which seems to suppress the Labor 2PP vote by about 1% … so 53 is really 54 … but we shall wait and see the primary votes to see whether that still holds.

  16. can all people please advoid personal attacks…… discuss policy…. disagree about some one’s opinion…. but pls be polite

  17. sprocket – yes, and he’s still backing it up as a no change result. Must be true. He must have reached some sort of breaking point regarding PvO Wow / fake results / fevered speculation. Thinking “to hell with it just get the result out there and shut them up”

  18. Apropos of nothing I seem to have noticed Dennis Atkins progressive beliefs, attitude, credentials and heritage coming to the fore in recent times.

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