This week’s two-point move in Newspoll excited a certain amount of talk about a Coalition recovery, but it hasn’t impressed the BludgerTrack poll aggregate – the result landed pretty much bang on where it was already, being well in line with the only othe result published so far this year, namely the Essential Research poll of a fortnight ago. As such, the aggregate records a 0.2% shift in the Coalition’s favour on two-party preferred, no movements on the primary vote greater than 0.4%, and a one seat gain for the Coalition on the seat projection in Queensland. The leadership trends have Bill Shorten up a bit on net approval, but little change for Scott Morrison either on either his net approval or preferred prime minister lead. Full results through the link below:
I can also provide further detail on the uComms/ReachTEL poll from the seat of Flinders that was conducted last week for the CFMMEU and reported over the weekend. Labor’s two-party lead of 51-49 compares with Hunt’s redistribution-adjusted winning margin of 57.1-42.9 from 2016, and derives from a respondent-allocated preference split that gives Labor 62.7% of minor party and independent preferences. Labor’s share of the preferences in 2016 was 71.1%, which if applied to the primary vote numbers from this poll boosts Labor’s lead to 53-47. Compared with my own post-redistribution estimates from 2016, the primary votes from the poll have Greg Hunt down from 50.7% to 39.4%, Labor up from 27.4% to 35.2%, the Greens down from 11.2% to 9.1%, and One Nation debuting on 5.7%. All of which has been superseded to some extent by this week’s announcement that Julia Banks, the Liberal-turned-independent member for Chisholm, will be running in the seat.
Chúc mừng năm mới everyone! 😆
What is it about being smug, obnoxious munts that makes people support the Coalition!?!
For those wondering about Tony Jones on Q&A
Thank goodness Chris Bowen is not letting the Morrison government’s misleading attacks on Labor’s policies affect them and make them back down. Instead, they are doubling down!
“Frankly, I find it perverse that we send cheques to people with big share portfolios that amount to more than we provide a pensioner with no assets and no other income source,” he said.
Labor has seized on the Morrison government’s reluctance to create a user-pays system for mortgage brokers, opening a new front in the political brawl over banking misconduct, as the latest Guardian Essential poll suggests the contest between the major parties is tightening.
The new poll of 1,652 respondents has Labor ahead of the Morrison government on the two-party preferred measure 52% to 48%, a shift within the margin of error from the last voter survey of last year, and one in mid-January that had Labor ahead 53% to 47%.
I’ve watched politics for over 40 years; there has always been a protest vote and a protect party; it has always had about 10% support.
There was the Australia party; a Liberal break away. Gone
Then the Democrates; a Liberal break away. Gone
Then the greens; Bob Brown. Bob Brown has gone, the Greens are failing, it is that simple.
We are now seeing the rise of the Liberal independents; Liberal breakaway with no party structure.
It is going to be a very interesting election.
The greatest of these would be ministerial override as long as people like Dutton are Ministers.
lizzie @ #2808 Tuesday, February 5th, 2019 – 6:28 am
The same amount (or probably more, given the extra moisture in warmer air) of rain and snow falls on the mountains.
The problem is that when the glaciers melt, and the forests have been cut down, all the water comes down the rivers at the time of the rains.
The rivers then dry up to a trickle or to nothing for the rest of the year.
Dee Madigan:
When everyone says you sound like a used car salesman and you decide to double down. …
That is also why deforesting a water catchment area is so detrimental and I am angry about the Regional Forest Agreements which allow felling to continue.
Timber companies whinge : we’re running out of trees to fell.
State governments : Oh, we’d better release some old growth areas, then.
In that video, ScoMo reminds me of Franco Cozzo the furniture salesman.
Is that really our PM??? 😆
New thread.
lizzie says:
Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 6:56 am
In that video, ScoMo reminds me of Franco Cozzo the furniture salesman.
Is that really our PM???
come buya from a franco cotsa. footasscray and nort mebun… omg what a memory.
I note that The Australian and Herald Sun have not only failed to report that freedom boy and rhe LNP’s potential illegal activities with the astro-turf self-funding retirees scam, but are still running articles about and pressers from the SFR group/LNP front.
Imagine the reporting if labor or the greens were behind such a scam?
they have also decided Buchholz is just a loveable scallywag not worth pursuing.
We need a royal commission into media bias – labor could pretend it was in response to RWNJ carping about the ABC. Next time Erica Betz speaks up, they could say “Yep, you’re right – let’s have a royal commission into media bias, collusion with political parties and deliberate distortion of reporting on climate science”.