BludgerTrack: 52.1-47.9 to Labor

The BludgerTrack poll aggregate continues to record a voteless recovery in Malcolm Turnbull’s personal ratings.

Two new polls this week, a particularly strong one for Labor from Essential Research and a stable one from ReachTEL, produce a 0.4% shift to Labor on this week’s reading of the BludgerTrack poll aggregate. Labor gains two on the seat projection, those being in Victoria and Western Australia. Essential provided a new seat of leadership ratings, and these conformed with the existing impression of an upswing in personal support for Malcolm Turnbull that has so far done little to improve his party’s voting intention. Full results through the link below.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,845 comments on “BludgerTrack: 52.1-47.9 to Labor”

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  1. We should absolutely spend more on training our domestic labour force. Absolutely. But this is not an either/or choice.

    We can gain from labour mobility – this is a basic goal of education in any case – as well as more intense education

  2. epiphany day re malcolm

    heard him three time (three too many) and confirmed what has been said here often – he is much more vacuous of content than I realized – sounds insincere and vague – keep this up and poll will inevitably turn

    and on trump – “you have to understand, the man is a deal maker, he knows how to make a deal”
    throw the canadians under another bus and get out the dairy butter we are all prostrate down south

  3. My nephew is about to become a doctor. He was rejected by every Australian medical school for the most spurious reasons – he stutters at times and “failed” interviews – but was educated in London. He will be a great doctor and he can work anywhere….the world is a better place because he’s been trained and is mobile.

  4. I’m so effing sick of the anti-outsider sentiments.

    I have a close friend here in Perth. He is of Polish heritage. At the end if WW2 his mother, then a 12 yo girl, knowing her family had been killed, picked up her little sister- they had nothing but each other – and fucking walked from Warsaw to Vladivostok, from where they were eventually able to migrate to Perth.

    It took them years.

    Who in their right minds could say they “took” from Australia.

  5. Puffytmd @ #1746 Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 – 10:49 pm

    I totally agree with you. Letting in visa workers for IT jobs when our TAFEs and Unis are spitting out perfectly good IT workers is madness.

    The same goes for overseas IT students who graduate and stay here, instead of taking their skills back to their own countries.

    It is a bloody disgrace and pandering to employers who want cheap labour.

    Indeed. You have good knowledge of the scam that briefly is all in favour of.
    When I started in IT, companies employed Australian graduates and then trained them in any company specific skills they needed.
    Nowadays, they seem to have the completely unrealistic expectation that Universities and Tafes will be able to tailor courses to meet the exact needs of their company so they don’t have to spend a cent on training.
    Foreign companies in Australia used to employ an almost 100% Australian workforce.
    Now some foreign companies try to bring in a workforce almost entirely from overseas. And they are allowed to get away with it.
    This is a major scandal and should be ended.

  6. Puffy, 457s no longer exist as a visa class.

    The numbers of guest workers is falling steeply.

    The problem lies in the indenturing – the bonding – of labour. This is akin to slavery and always creates exploitation.

    I believe labour should be free…dignified in itself….labour should be celebrated not rejected

  7. briefly @ #1747 Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 – 10:50 pm

    We have been exporting our most talented to other places – to Sydney, London, Chicago, HK, Tianjin…

    Where would we be with a static system!!

    They will go where the jobs are.
    There are some excellent IT companies in WA including at least one which does a lot of business in Victoria. Such companies create jobs here in Australi and compete with the foreign companies you seem to favour.

  8. “As Bill Shorten said, a 457 visa worker should not stay one day longer than it takes to train an Australian to do that job.”

    So let’s make the cost of a 457 visa equal to the cost of training an Australian worker to do the job, with jail sentences for any employer who tries to extract the cost of the payment from the worker by paying that worker less than the full award wage for the job.

  9. briefly @ #1749 Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 – 10:52 pm

    We should absolutely spend more on training our domestic labour force. Absolutely. But this is not an either/or choice.

    We can gain from labour mobility – this is a basic goal of education in any case – as well as more intense education

    We do not gain when it is largely one way traffic and it prevents our graduates getting a start.
    You are the perfect little compradore.

  10. briefly @ #1757 Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 – 11:02 pm

    I’m so effing sick of the anti-outsider sentiments.

    I have a close friend here in Perth. He is of Polish heritage. At the end if WW2 his mother, then a 12 yo girl, knowing her family had been killed, picked up her little sister- they had nothing but each other – and fucking walked from Warsaw to Vladivostok, from where they were eventually able to migrate to Perth.

    It took them years.

    Who in their right minds could say they “took” from Australia.

    So they have migrated to Australia and will become Australians if they are not already.
    I extend my welcome to them.
    Now what’s your point?

  11. Steve….the changes to foreign work visas included a “training Surcharge”….intended to be used to finance trade training….hopeless policy is very out of date….and numbers are crashing, so the funding for training has crashed….not that the LNP have been able to spend it

  12. I was at a breakfast this week to meet Malaysian and Singaporean business owners …a very mixed group….of the 12 locals, just 2 were originally from Perth.

    We are a city of newcomers…and we are not uptight about our status. This is an open-minded and outward-looking place….and, truth be told, so is Melbourne. Melbourne is hot….great place for the new and the future

  13. My accountant is from Delhi. He employs a huge range of people these days. The most interesting is a former truckie who retrained at the age of 40 and became an accountant….a Queenslander…very cool

  14. What is the point of paying TAFE or uni fees for an IT qualification that will not get you a job? I do not know about other industries but IT should be one where our tech savvy youth can train and get work, except they have buckleys against the whatever-visa scheme workers. It used to be a good path, until it was killed off, through bogus ‘shortages’.

    I am very angry about this.

  15. briefly @ #1770 Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 – 11:16 pm

    I was at a breakfast this week to meet Malaysian and Singaporean business owners …a very mixed group….of the 12 locals, just 2 were originally from Perth.

    We are a city of newcomers…and we are not uptight about our status. This is an open-minded and outward-looking place….and, truth be told, so is Melbourne. Melbourne is hot….great place for the new and the future

    Ho hum… so what’s new?
    Sounds like a typical Australian workplace these days.

  16. I have a friend – From the Punjab, 28 yo woman. She is a geologist…smart, fun, energetic…like her husband who has been working as a driver. She is very qualified but cannot get work due to sexism/racism…will possibly become a nurse….will cost AUD 100k….she’s great….I hope she can stay….

  17. I really like the energies of these people. Tonight I’ve had dinner in a restaurant where I recently met a woman from Sydney. She’s a dentist turned tech-trainer for dental technologies. She’s Brazilian…lives in Manly. She’s one of the brightest and most engaging people I’ve met in years. She’s 35. She’s ours. I love this.

  18. briefly @ #1774 Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 – 11:23 pm

    I have a friend – From the Punjab, 28 yo woman. She is a geologist…smart, fun, energetic…like her husband who has been working as a driver. She is very qualified but cannot get work due to sexism/racism…will possibly become a nurse….will cost AUD 100k….she’s great….I hope she can stay….

    Or she is being pushed aside by cheap 457s or whatever they are now.
    I have friends who are bona-fide migrants who are strongly opposed to that form of exploitation – you seem to favour it and be oblivious to the consequences.

  19. Briefly is obviously a compradore. Selling our his own countrymen and women, including migrants, in favour of cheap imported labour.

  20. I am and always have been a voice for the freedom and equality of labour and a subscriber to our dignity, bemused.

    I have had to work all my life…have been very ill paid and oppressed in my time. I have never betrayed my beliefs or my affections for others.

    Unlike you, I am without bitterness. I regard this as my greatest gift.

  21. Briefly
    I am speaking specifically about IT. What happened there was a disgrace. Despite our high youth unemployment, a pathway was blocked. Just because our industries want the frozen chips of the workforce, instead of tending to our garden.

  22. briefly @ #1790 Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 – 11:37 pm

    I am and always have been a voice for the freedom and equality of labour and a subscriber to our dignity, bemused.

    I have had to work all my life…have been very ill paid and oppressed in my time. I have never betrayed my beliefs or my affections for others.

    Unlike you, I am without bitterness. I regard this as my greatest gift.

    You seem to have swallowed a dictionary of adjectives which you spray around with gay abandon.
    Your ‘lack of bitterness’ is in reality an indifference to the fate of Australian workers displaced by cheap imported and indentured labour.

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