The only new federal poll this week, from Essential Research, hasn’t made the least bit of difference to the voting intention numbers on the BludgerTrack poll aggregate. However, Labor is up two seats, one in Victoria and one in Western Australia, exacerbating Labor’s hard-to-credit lead in the latter state. One possibly interesting point to emerge from the state breakdowns, which you can explore through the link below, is a spike to the Greens in Victoria – could be a Batman by-election effect, could be noise. Essential also produced its monthly leadership ratings, and they too have made little difference to the relevant trend measures.
BludgerTrack: 53.2-46.8 to Labor
One new poll result this week leaves the BludgerTrack poll aggregate all but unchanged.
I HATE THEM (This Is KIND Compared To What I Wanted 2 Say)
I have worked for people like Trump. They do not waste their time deliberating over medium term future consequences. They trust in their ability to dodge, weave, put out fires, hit the deck running, live outside the comfort zone… In fact, the rush of dealing with the consequences of bad decisions is part of their makeup and what keeps them interested. Some might call it entrepreneurial.
Jeez even I understand why this is important and I’ve got zero financial investment acumen!
AP: Vanessa Trump is seeking an uncontested divorce from Donald Trump Jr., according to public documents.
BreakfastNews: The #SAVotes election is a “weird situation” says @barriecassidy as even the best pundits won’t stick their neck out and predict the result
As a lowly wage earner (and female to boot) I was in my fifties before I even considered dipping my toe in the share market by investing a few hundred in shares. ‘Ordinary’ people didn’t do it, and there simply wasn’t any spare cash. Howard’s “everyone will have to fund their own retirement” was just a terrifying joke. I feel so lucky that I now own a house and a pension. Things could so easily have gone the other way.
Like clockwork, Tudge on radio this morning about “welfare cheats” who have been caught, with the usual threats about “you will be caught”.
Seems like there’s a lot of people here who support progressive taxation until it impacts them directly. Is there a term for the economic equivalent to a NIMBY?
Frednk, obviously your definition of poor is different from mine.
The full pension is about $33k per year which is not much and below the poverty line. The couple on a pension may have a little nest egg of $50k of shares. They will loose all their imputation credit.
That is not my definition of rich.
The danger of Sabra Lane interviewing Jay Weatherill in a harsh manner is that people hear her harsh voice and tune out to avoid confronting conflict
Definitely unfair bias
Do you think that the Labor dividend imputation policy was leaked early? ie a SNAFU.
Labor seem to be unaware of how older workers live between when they can’t get another full time job after age 45 and able to access their super at 56 or 60 and an aged pension at age 67
Simon Katich @ #52 Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 9:17 am
You worked for Malcolm Turnbull!?! 😀
Many young people I know that cannot afford a house, in say a suburb like Batman, rent there and put their excess cash into shares. I imagine this is because keeping it in a bank is a waste of time, but also it protects their capital from the corrosive effect of inflation.
I imagine, they would not like the new ALP policy.
Ironic if the timing of the announcement was to save Batman actually sinks it.
Wayfarer @ #58 Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 9:25 am
A Bludger. 🙂
PeeBee @ #63 Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 8:31 am
They should have a chat with SteelyDan, he knows where to find all the cheapest real-estate! Even Melbourne is quite affordable, to hear him tell it.
PeeBee @ #63 Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 9:31 am
The young people I know don’t have enough money left after paying for rent, electricity, food, a moderate amount for entertainment and car costs, to afford to put any into shares. Especially with the casualisation of work and stagnating wages.
TheKouk: And just getting to Jean for a moment: Assuming a 5% return from her assets (which is very generous), to get a $160,000 return, she would need to have about $3.2 million in assets (not counting a house she lives in). Thank you very much!…
KKeneally: Put another way – Jean has well over a million in super & her other assets, which provides her $160k a year tax free. Meanwhile a PAYE earner between $37k – $87k is paying 32.5% in tax and juggling the mortgage or rent, utilities, & getting slugged with a tax hike from
The problem I have with the ALP proposal is precisely because it is not progressive, it is regressive.
Currently if someone inherits $2.2 million in CBA shares, and their only income is $126K in dividends, they pay no tax. A PAYG worker on $126K would pay $30.5K in tax (before other levies).
The ALP policy does nothing to fix this, and instead goes after people in the lower tax brackets who get a few $K in credits.
To be fair the policy should get rid of franking altogether, or scale it back.
Greensborough Growler @ #9 Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 7:10 am
Hanoi Hanna?
sallyrugg: I’m so sad today, the apparent day of action against bullying, for the kids who needed the safe schools anti-bullying program, which was defunded for absolutely no true reason.
Sohar @ #28 Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 8:27 am
Borrowed Joe Hockey’s eleventy calculator?
Simon Katich says: Friday, March 16, 2018 at 9:17 am
Trump set himself and his family up to be in legal jeopardy with two decisions that he made before taking office.
I have worked for people like Trump. They do not waste their time deliberating over medium term future consequences. They trust in their ability to dodge, weave, put out fires, hit the deck running, live outside the comfort zone… In fact, the rush of dealing with the consequences of bad decisions is part of their makeup and what keeps them interested. Some might call it entrepreneurial.
US political commentator Bill Palmers say :
If Trump had lost the election and slithered off the public stage, there would be no Trump-Russia investigation on this scale. There would never have been enough attention placed on the likes of Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn to take them down. More importantly for Trump, there might never have been enough attention placed on Trump’s own corrupt family to take them down. Instead, because Trump stole the election and illegitimately took office, Trump Jr is being investigated for the role he played in plotting with the Russians. Ivanka is being scrutinized for the shady real estate deals she cut in past years with Russian money launderers. Jared Kushner’s dark financial web is being busted open like a piñata.
So we’re probably looking at Donald Trump, his son, his daughter, and his son-in-law either going to prison or cutting plea deals against each other, along with the destruction of his own marriage and his son’s marriage, and maybe his daughter’s marriage too by the time they’re all done flipping on each other. Trump will end up bitterly regretting having ever entered politics. So will his entire decimated family, if they don’t already.
We’re all Bludgers here!
TheKouk: What will Jean do?…FinancialReview: #BREAKING: @Wesfarmers to spin off @Coles into separate ASX company.
$WES #ausbiz
What a load of bullshit. Your position is Labor policy should be opposed because double taxation should be allowed (get rid of franking credits all together); just getting rid of rules that result in no taxation is not acceptable.
The sort of nonsense one expect from the Green.
Seems like there’s a lot of people here who support progressive taxation until it impacts them directly. Is there a term for the economic equivalent to a NIMBY?
to really get their juices flowing mention the tax lurk that dares not speak its name:
the special tax treatment for the family home
This is by far the biggest lose of Commonwealth revenue within the tax system.
Vogon Poet @ #45 Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 9:08 am
Well of course they do! They got the money by saving as poor people don’t drive and therefore don’t have the expenses of car ownership. You know Hockey was right…
It’s economics Eleventy one.
Another person has died after eating Listeria-affected Rockmelon. 🙁
It’s hard to imagine the bacteria penetrating that hard exterior. I would be interested to know the aetiology.
I think Bill Palmer is getting a little ahead of himself with that!
The fact is that the ALP proposal is regressive. If calling me a Green makes you feel better about that then go right ahead.
Don’t forget ‘The Bank of Mum and Dad’. That helps the young people to afford a house AND shares!
phoenixRED (Block)
Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 9:41 am
US political commentator Bill Palmers say :
And Melania trump was the only one with the brains to cry when the result cam in.
The APL proposal is less regressive than the current situation.
I chose my words carefully; I didn’t call you a green; I noted it was the sort of nonsense one now expects from the greens as they try and support the Liberals.
zoomster @ #39 Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 8:49 am
I have often made similar points about a tough interview.
Politicians, if they are any good, should be able to handle them.
Furthermore, they give a skilled politician a chance to really strut their stuff and come out of it looking much better than they would have with an insipid interviewer.
PIACnews: We are very grateful to @GrataFund for backing this case and supporting our clients as they push to ensure that new technology is accessible to everyone. @Graemeinnes…
sarahfarnsworth: Blind woman takes bank to court over ‘inaccessible’ EFTPOS machines @PIACnews…
Mueller’s subpoena of Trump Org happened on 15 March…..
The complaint about Lane is not that she does tough questions of ALP politicians. Its that she does not do this with LNP ones.
You do know what progressive taxes are don’t you?
Simon Katich @ #47 Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 9:08 am
The timing was exquisite.
Very good. 🙂
Please Read
AusPressCouncil: The latest Press Council adjudication concerns an article in The Daily Telegraph about the then Australian Human Rights Commissioner Gillian Triggs.
If you know what dividend imputation franking credit rebate is chances are you are doing well for yourself. Another Howard era largesse that needs to be reined in and disproportionally benefit the wealthy.
If ALP loses Batman than media will portray this as a result of the policy. It’s just what media do, set a narrative and follow through until you Kill bill or claim a scalp.
Russian Hackers Attacking U.S. Power Grid and Aviation, FBI Warns
Russian hackers are conducting a broad assault on the U.S. electric grid, water processing plants, air transportation facilities and other targets in rolling attacks on some of the country’s most sensitive infrastructure, U.S. government officials said Thursday.
The announcement was the first official confirmation that Russian hackers have taken aim at facilities on which hundreds of millions of Americans depend for basic services. Bloomberg News reported in July that Russian hackers had breached more than a dozen power plants in seven states, an aggressive campaign that has since expanded to dozens of states, according to a person familiar with the investigation.
Confessions says: Friday, March 16, 2018 at 9:49 am
Mueller’s subpoena of Trump Org happened on 15 March…..
Scott DworkinVerified account @funder · 4h4 hours ago
-Robert Mueller subpoenaed your company for all documents related to Russia. He didn’t ask you in private. Or let you use your stall tactics. He straight up subpoenaed your business. Funny thing is, he probably already has what he’s asking for.
I think the dam’s about to burst
TomMcIlroy: Opposition Leader Bill Shorten says Australia’s non-discriminatory immigration system should see white South African farmers treated the same as Rohingya muslims or Christians from South Sudan. “I don’t know what has motivated Dutton to make those comments” @abcmelbourne #auspol
The listeria bacteria don’t have to penetrate the hard exterior all by themselves; as soon as you take a knife and cut through the rind it carries the bacteria on the blade to the fruit inside.
Yeah, truly a mystery . So unexpected.
At #94 – Mueller almost certainly has the information already; but he wants to see what differs between what he has & what is proffered by the Trump org. From that he can tell more about what they want to hide.
‘C@tmomma says:
Friday, March 16, 2018 at 9:43 am
Another person has died after eating Listeria-affected Rockmelon.
It’s hard to imagine the bacteria penetrating that hard exterior. I would be interested to know the aetiology.’
The bacteria get into the flesh when the skin is cut.
You beat me to it.