Two days out from the Batman by-election, a dedicated thread for discussion. The campaign has been dominated by the disunity of the local Greens, with Alex Bhathal’s opponents characterised by Noel Towell of The Age as “long-term party stalwarts … aghast at some of the people surrounding the candidate, who they say are newcomers to the party with a ‘whatever-it-takes’ approach to their politics”. The Financial Review reports that the Greens’ infighting has given Labor some hope in what is generally acknowledged to be an uphill struggle, with Ladbrokes presently offering $1.45 on the Greens and $2.50 on Labor. However, former Labor Senator Stephen Conroy offered a pessimistic view on Sky News yesterday.
Batman by-election minus two days
In lieu of an opinion poll, reports suggest the mood in the Labor camp is somewhere between pessimistic and vaguely hopeful.
“I think they both would make a fantastic addition to parliament. Far better than Feeney.”
Hell yeah. Or Ferguson, if we can stretch our memory back to him.
As people know, I’m a Greens supporter, but tomorrow is pretty much win-win for me.
On irrelevant campaigning issues, on the Greens side we are stopping Adani whereas on the Labor side we are saving Medicare. And the biggest brouhaha of the whole campaign is about an as yet undetailed policy…
I don’t think either party is a clear winner on making achievable promises.
Martin B
How are Greens going to stop Adani?
What can they do?
The greens are the biggest bunch of useless hipsters going.
If shorten gets some heat from any losses today it will be forgotten by the time Turnbull hits his newspoll milestone in two weeks, that will haunt him till he calls the next election.