Essential Research: 54-46 to Labor

Labor bounces back in the Essential poll after a brief lull, as respondents mark the government down on the National Broadband Network.

Courtesy of The Guardian, this week’s Essential Research poll has Labor’s two-party lead bouncing back to 54-46, after two weeks at 52-48. Primary votes will have to wait for later. The poll also has particularly interesting supplementary questions this week in relation to the National Broadband Network. Only 24% of respondents expressed support for the Coalition government’s fibre-to-the-node downgrade, compared with 43% who preferred Labor’s abandoned fibre-to-the-premises plan. The network’s failures are attributed to the government by 39%, compared with only 19% for Labor. Fifty-four per cent rated that the NBN would “fail to adequately meet Australia’s future internet requirements”, with 23% saying otherwise. However, 52% thought the NBN had improved their service (presumably where applicable), compared with only 17% who thought it worse and 28% about the same.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,175 comments on “Essential Research: 54-46 to Labor”

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  1. Why the hell is Rockhampton and Townsville Councils giving Adani 30 million to construct an airstrip in central QLD over 500kms from their respective shire areas? Geezus christ this is dodgy.

  2. and others have said we cant just have a audit on dual citizens without one on office of profit.
    all these family trust and Cayman island trusts could show links to such office of profit conflicts.

    would have to be an open audit, tax records and such, like US prez does.

  3. I work for a small not for profit. $18,000 of solar. We though we would save $7000 per year off $22,000. last year was about $10,000. Paying for itself in less that 2 years and that is with no feed in because its a commercial rate.

  4. Ides
    Yes the Qld Council money for Adani’s airstrip is interesting. Lucky there is no corruption in Adani or Qld local govt history or people might get suspicious.

    (Sarcasm off) There must be some legislative obligations on Councils to spend council money for the benefit of ratepayers. Do we know if the airstrip deal is legal?

  5. **Used to read Kinky until I got to the bit where he loves Piers Ackerman.**

    That friendship is from way back. I reckon the old Piers would have been an entertaining drinking partner.

  6. Jaeger @ #1090 Wednesday, November 1st, 2017 – 4:35 pm

    “People are justifiably pissed off over the destruction of the NBN.”

    Yes, but I’m even more pissed off when MTM is being rolled out inequitably.

    At this late stage, I expected that I’d be lumped with FTTN. (Maybe FTTB if they think about it.)

    I was very pissed off to see that a few blocks over, one street is apparently getting FTTC/dp. Who lives there, and what $%#@! strings did they pull to get upgraded?!

    That’s nothing. I live on one of those streets where one side gets FTTN, the other gets FTTC. Naturally, my side of the street is getting FTTN.

  7. Jay should just accept whoever X puts forward.

    All the sh!t at the moment is on the Government, no need to get in their way.

  8. Jaeger @ #1090 Wednesday, November 1st, 2017 – 4:35 pm

    “People are justifiably pissed off over the destruction of the NBN.”

    Yes, but I’m even more pissed off when MTM is being rolled out inequitably.

    At this late stage, I expected that I’d be lumped with FTTN. (Maybe FTTB if they think about it.)

    I was very pissed off to see that a few blocks over, one street is apparently getting FTTC/dp. Who lives there, and what $%#@! strings did they pull to get upgraded?!

    I managed to secure an update to FttP from HFC due to the combination of being in very close proximity to a FttP area, badgering my local MP for 3 years and said local MP having a bolt of fear shot up his spine by the WA election.

  9. Just saw Nick McKim letting loose on Peter Dutton, from the beginning of ABC New Breakfast after an old episode of The Bill that I had recorded. He doesn’t hold back. Good stuff.

  10. This is hilarious! Back when I had Foxtel I’d periodically check in with Fox and Friends to see all the ways they made our commercial breakfast programs look like hard hitting journalism. But this takes the cake!

    As every other cable news show jumped on the story of Paul Manafort surrendering to the FBI Monday, “Fox and Friends” decided to tackle the real issue of the day: cheeseburger emojis.

    While viewers of other networks learned more about how the former Trump campaign chairman had been indicted on charges including conspiracy to launder money and failing to register as a foreign agent, Vox reports that those who tuned into Fox News initially got an in-depth look at the world-shaking “crisis at Google,” where the tech monolith’s CEO has pledged to rearrange the cheese on the cheeseburger emoji because people are upset that the yellow-ish slice is below the meat, not above.

  11. Comment numbers being visible would be nice.
    And the ‘quick quote’ facility would also be good, but at least the blog is usable in its native form, without any add-ons.

  12. [It would keep offshore asylum seeker processing, but it would aim to process claims within 90 days instead of indefinitely and would set up an independent body to oversee Australian-funded detention centres.

    The policies are not all to everyone’s liking, but at least they are set down on paper. Unless things change, this time next year we will be faced with a choice between a government that makes things up as it goes along and a government in waiting that knows what it wants to do.]

  13. Love this.

    Urban Wronski‏ @UrbanWronski · 3h3 hours ago
    As we rewrite the constitution on dual citizenship, Mr Turnbull, could we add a clause prohibiting IPA members from being in parliament?

  14. ag0044 says:
    Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 12:57 pm
    Hmm, PB has departed Crikey and gone solo?

    So it seems….this appears to be much sleeker, so far at least…

  15. “If the government doesn’t want to reduce the credibility of politics even further, it will make clear to Macdonald he won’t have the gig. Macdonald is partisan and self-centred: he spat the dummy when Tony Abbott didn’t give him a frontbench spot in 2013, he lashed out at the government when it moved to cut back post-political travel entitlements. But he’s most famous for being by far the worst committee chair in the Senate. While every other Coalition committee chair acts with decorum and a degree of non-partisanship, Macdonald’s chairing of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs committee regularly produces major brawls.

    Earlier this year, he tried to throw a senator off a committee and was then humiliated when he was forced to admit he didn’t have the power. Worse, even his Coalition colleagues plainly don’t like the way he carries on. His chairing of Legal and Constitutional Affairs is so antagonistic he even ended up upbraiding George Brandis during hearings last week. And he barged into Linda Reynolds’ Education and Employment Committee to try to instruct her on how it should be run while Michaelia Cash was being grilled by Labor last week, forcing her to tell him to back off.

    Macdonald shouldn’t even be in the Senate. The idea of him running it would reduce it to a laughing stock.”

  16. Keane:

    The government’s plan to achieve major savings through merging immigration and customs is in tatters with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection reporting a major budget blowout in its 2016-17 annual report.

    The department reported a 7% blowout in costs, or $181 million, blaming higher than forecast border protection and asylum seeker costs as well as a higher wages bill. Against that, the department claimed a lower than expected administered spending outcome of around $90 million. Taking higher than expected revenue into account, the department — which is slated to become the basis of a massive new Home Affairs portfolio — reported a blowout in its 2016 forecast net cost of services of $148 million, leading to the government having to hand the department an extra $100 million over the course of the year. On the bright side, that total net cost was around $58 million lower than 2015-16, which also came in over budget forecast.

    Last year’s Immigration annual report required an urgent corrigendum after Crikey exposed a serious problem in its reported loss that the Department blamed on its treatment of depreciation.
    When the merger of Immigration and Customs was mooted in 2014, then-Immigration minister Scott Morrison promised it would yield “hundreds of millions in savings” on top of “the fiscal dividend of our stronger border protection policies that are stopping the boats and saving the budget.” “

  17. Geeze I am glad I live in a different world to these bastards.
    F#*king NAB Bank announces a profit of 5.3 billion dollars and at the same time announces it is going to shed 6,000 jobs over the next three bloody years. SOMETHING IS DRASTICALLY WRONG HERE.

    Those 6,000 jobs relate to people, parents of kids, workers with home loan repayments, members of communities, supporters of local businesses.

    When I was a young bloke many decades ago it was a case of if you got a job with a bank it was a job for life. Times have changed a lot.

    This mob obviously doesn’t give a shit about their own workforce.

    These Big Corporation Money worshipping grubs don’t deserve support. UTTER BASTARDS.

  18. Jeffemu

    That report omits to mention that 2,000 jobs will be created in the same period, so it is a net 4,000 down.
    Banks are under fierce competition from new entrants without the same overheads and if they don’t cut their costs will fail and then employ no-one.
    Capitalism is a tough game.
    BTW, do you use Internet banking or phone banking or ATMs?
    If you do, then it is you who are contributing to the banks cutting jobs.

  19. Bemused, I live in a small coastal town which overtime lost its 3 bank agencies and a credit union agency.

    Bendigo Bank opened a community bank after a few years without any local service available. Nearest bank was 22k away.

    I use the local Bendigo bank regularly now and still have a passport book account. I do use their ATM and do also use internet banking. But I love nothing better than to go into the local branch and “annoy” the four local ladies working in there.

    Pluse they give thousands of dollars into the local community.

  20. Good afternoon Bludgers 🙂
    I knew if I went away and came back all would be revealed.
    I like the new digs. Though, if I may proffer a word of advice to Mr Bowe…could you please not do this sort of thing too often as I went down the shops while the site was in transit and spent too much money supporting the Economy! 😀

  21. Okay, so things are a bit quiet in here atm.

    Hmm, one could use the platform to create mischief!

    Alright, here goes…

    dtt wears army boots! 😀

  22. I wanted to post this earlier because it is a very sober and wise look at all the currents swirling around Donald Trump right now:

    Disgusting and despicable behaviour, but that’s Trump and the Trumpkins for you. If you think they have gone low, they can go lower. They don’t care about ethical behaviour.

  23. jeffemu

    Wow! A passbook account? Didn’t know they still existed.
    Does your bank have parking space and a hitching rail for your horse and buggy?

  24. Bemused, I keep getting in the shit with the girls (at the bank) because I don’t bring my book in to keep getting it updated. A two minute job usually means a 10 minute job.

    But they still love me. And no we don’t have a hitchin’ rail just a noice bench chair next to the garden. Crikey there is even a bubler to have a drink of water.

    You can sit on the bench and look out over to Great Keppel Island. Its not a bad part of the world in the land that time forgot.

  25. lizzie
    Automatic refresh never worked for me! I got a couple of recent posts, but it left behind all the intermediate ones! I had to reload anyway.
    And now when I refresh – it loads just where you were reading earlier – YAYY

  26. Ah well Russiaphobes. it you think that some people in the US are woried about Putin, you may be amazed to know what Putin is worried about – it seems the US Air Force is collecting genetic samples from CAUCASIAN Russian. The implication is that the Russians fear the US is developing a Russian specific genocidal weapon of some kind.

    Yes is does sound bizarro. Bur hey it is about as rational as secret plots to influence elections.

    Anyway I await the screams of horror from most. I will be amused.

  27. This is an interesting and intelligent article that i strongly recommenced. Do not be alarmed- it is from the New Yorker not RT

  28. The ABC article revealing Parry’s deception is all the proof you need that there is a massive cover up re citizenship.

    Someone has to force the issue.

    AUDIT NOW !!!

  29. A snail’s pace inquiry.

    [“One of the main focuses of our inquiry will be whether there are appropriate incentives for NBN Co to remedy service failures, along with the adequacy of compensation available to wholesale customers, to ensure consumers in turn are provided appropriate redress when things go wrong.”

    Unless improvements were made now, a significant proportion of consumers would be affected by issues as the NBN rollout continued, the ACCC said.

    A discussion paper will be released in December seeking feedback, with submissions due in the first quarter of 2018 and the inquiry expected to be completed by December the same year.]

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