Essential Research: 54-46 to Labor

Labor bounces back in the Essential poll after a brief lull, as respondents mark the government down on the National Broadband Network.

Courtesy of The Guardian, this week’s Essential Research poll has Labor’s two-party lead bouncing back to 54-46, after two weeks at 52-48. Primary votes will have to wait for later. The poll also has particularly interesting supplementary questions this week in relation to the National Broadband Network. Only 24% of respondents expressed support for the Coalition government’s fibre-to-the-node downgrade, compared with 43% who preferred Labor’s abandoned fibre-to-the-premises plan. The network’s failures are attributed to the government by 39%, compared with only 19% for Labor. Fifty-four per cent rated that the NBN would “fail to adequately meet Australia’s future internet requirements”, with 23% saying otherwise. However, 52% thought the NBN had improved their service (presumably where applicable), compared with only 17% who thought it worse and 28% about the same.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,175 comments on “Essential Research: 54-46 to Labor”

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  1. Thanks William.

    More than 50% of Australians believe the national broadband network will fail to meet the country’s future internet needs, while almost 40% blame the Turnbull government for problems with the network, the latest Guardian Essential poll has found.
    While the Department of Finance is likely to write to the dumped MPs with a bill for salaries, allowances, superannuation and staff payments, they can easily apply to the government for a waiver.
    “It is an unwritten law of frequent flying that only the most boorish bogans, the most selfish suits, only the least sophisticated and uncivilised primates, only those lacking in any sense of empathy or who are, at best, simply inexperienced and pig-ignorant, recline a domestic economy class seat when someone’s behind them.”
    The NBN is available to 6.2 million Australian premises but only 3 million of those have migrated to an NBN plan.
    “If politicians put a proposal to the Australian people that just made it easier for politicians to become members of parliament, I think the Australian people would rightly tell us to get stuffed,” Mr Clare said.
    According to Commsec, using data from the Australian Institute of Petroleum, the average price of unleaded petrol jumped by 9 cents to 136.4 cents per litre last week, the largest increase on record going back at least 13 years.
    The advice from senior silk Matt Collins, QC, and barrister Matt Albert says Mr Joyce’s and Ms Nash’s ministerial decisions are now at risk under section 64 of the constitution, which requires ministers to be members of Parliament..

  2. The Productivity Commission has been scathing about the latest series of agreements, arguing that they grant legal rights to foreign investors not available to Australians, expose the government to potentially large unfunded liabilities and impose extra costs on businesses attempting to comply with them.
    A Shorten Labor government would force Australian mining companies working overseas to disclose the taxes they are paying to foreign governments to extract their minerals.
    Politicians, of course, are wont to commemorate significant moments in military history for many reasons, not least to justify participation in contemporary conflicts.
    The one-two punch delivered on Monday by special prosecutor Robert Mueller is designed to send a powerful message to everyone else caught up in the probe: the prosecutors aren’t bluffing.
    It is true that Manafort’s indictment makes no mention of Trump or Russian involvement in the election campaign.
    Former prime minister Kevin Rudd has launched a scathing attack on Donald Trump, declaring the American president to be “nuts” and warning that China could step into a potential regional power vacuum.
    Trump first announced a ban on military service for transgender people in a series of tweets on 26 July. In August, he formally directed the secretary of defense and the secretary of homeland security to bar transgender recruits and to cease covering sex reassignment surgical procedures through military healthcare programs.

  3. Of all the conspiracies, the one against JFK is the most appealing because the subject was so attractive.–and-why-theyll-never-go-away-20171028-gza3s8.html
    A “top secret” document from 1975 reveals the CIA considered assassinating Sukarno during the Cold War.
    The western Victorian upper house MP wants a role for the patient’s GP, arguing that a decision on whether someone is mentally fit to request an assisted death, and is under no pressure from family members, should not be left to doctors who do not know them.
    Australia’s Chief Medical Officer has stridently rejected claims a “budget” flu vaccine was partly responsible for this year’s horror flu season, as the academic quoted called the reports “inaccurate”.
    It’s not that the behaviour of various men in power is actually bad or inappropriate. It’s just that you don’t get it, ladies.–men-need-to-stop-acting-like-one-20171030-gzawlo.html
    Refugees are repairing and securing damaged barbed wire on the compound’s perimeter fences to protect them from possible attacks as confrontation between the men, locals and Papua New Guinea authorities looms.
    Asylum seekers say removal of water and electricity breaches their constitutionally protected human rights

  4. Manafort indicted on conspiracy, money laundering charges: special counsel

    “The indictment contains 12 counts: conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading FARA statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts,” the statement said.

  5. Of all the conspiracies, the one against JFK is the most appealing because the subject was so attractive.–and-why-theyll-never-go-away-20171028-gza3s8.html
    A “top secret” document from 1975 reveals the CIA considered assassinating Sukarno during the Cold War.
    The western Victorian upper house MP wants a role for the patient’s GP, arguing that a decision on whether someone is mentally fit to request an assisted death, and is under no pressure from family members, should not be left to doctors who do not know them.
    Australia’s Chief Medical Officer has stridently rejected claims a “budget” flu vaccine was partly responsible for this year’s horror flu season, as the academic quoted called the reports “inaccurate”.
    It’s not that the behaviour of various men in power is actually bad or inappropriate. It’s just that you don’t get it, ladies.–men-need-to-stop-acting-like-one-20171030-gzawlo.html

  6. If you think this is the worst day — think again’: GOP strategist taunts Trump fans with future indictments

    Trump fans upset about the indictment of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort are hanging their hats on the fact that special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment did not mention his work on Trump’s campaign in the charges.

    However, Republican strategist Rick Wilson taunted Trump’s supporters on Monday by explaining that the case against Trump and his 2016 presidential campaign is far from over — and that there are many more shoes yet to drop.

    In particular, Wilson zeroed in on the revelation that former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos reached out to Russian officials to arrange meetings with the Trump campaign — and even to help coordinate the release of what he believed were emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server.

    “We now have confessed collusion and a complex electronic trail from Pap to his fellow Trump campaign members,” Wilson wrote. “These are serious people running a serious investigation and you’re either a cooperating witness or a target.”

  7. Refugees are repairing and securing damaged barbed wire on the compound’s perimeter fences to protect them from possible attacks as confrontation between the men, locals and Papua New Guinea authorities looms.
    Asylum seekers say removal of water and electricity breaches their constitutionally protected human rights
    Lies have become alternative facts and truth irrelevant in the face of power, while we all give up our privacy
    The latest low inflation growth figures, even with soaring electricity prices, suggest interest rates will be stable for some time

  8. Pappiness: Netflix announced House of Cards will end after season 6, so at least a fictional President can be destroyed by sexual assault allegations.

  9. This is the way industrial energy is going to develop in Australia. Not big centralised projects like Snowy 2.0 or new “baseload” coal or gas.
    Gupta-owned Zen Energy plans 1GW solar and storage in South Australia

    UK billionaire Sanjeev Gupta has moved quickly to leverage his new investment in Australian renewable energy and storage company Zen Energy, announcing plans for 1GW of “dispatchable” renewable generation in South Australia.

    The investment – hinted at earlier this month by Zen’s Ross Garnaut – will be based around up to 680MW of solar capacity, and significant investments in battery storage, pumped hydro and demand management.

    Included in the plan are expanding the proposed 80MW solar plant in Whyalla to 200MW, and then adding a further 480MW of solar to support the expansion of industrial capacity in the steel city of Whyalla and industrial loads elsewhere in the state.

    The other projects include:

    · 100MW/100MWh battery at Port Augusta;
    · a 100MW of demand response at the Whyalla Steelworks and other SA sites;
    · 120MW/600MWh pumped hydro storage facility at a disused iron ore mine pit in the Middleback Ranges.

  10. Three Coalition MPs are considering breaking ranks and voting against the Federal Government in a renewed push to establish a royal commission into the banks.

    Key points:

    Warren Entsch and George Christensen are considering crossing the floor
    Ann Sudmalis, frustrated by slow pace of change, is also considering her options
    Acting PM Julie Bishop says Government working to address MPs’ concerns
    The High Court disqualification of former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce appears to have emboldened several Coalition MPs, who are considering crossing the floor.

    Queenslander Warren Entsch told 7.30 “all hell will break loose” if his demands aren’t met by the end of the month.

    Mr Entsch said Treasurer Scott Morrison promised him a number of specific allegations of bad bank behaviour would be investigated but, as yet, there’s been no sign of it.

  11. What I have found interesting about the Mueller indictment of George ‘Papa’ Papadopoulos, is that he appears to be another Trans Atlantic member of the Trump/Farage gang:

    One can only come to the conclusion that the Trump/Russia/Farage UK Brexit/Climate Change Denial moves were part of a grand conspiracy to pull the world back in the direction of the Fossil Fuel industries which they had control of, either directly or indirectly.

    For their own financial benefit.

    So they decided, probably long ago, after Sir Nicholas Stern released his first Report, to co-ordinate a global fight back. It continues to this day, and has staunch firebrand advocates now in parliaments around the world. As we have Matt Canavan and Barnaby Joyce in ours.

    So I hope the voters in New England, like the sheep on their farms, are happy to vote for a guy who just wants to exploit them, so he and his mates and matesses in the Fossil Fuel Extractive Industry can exploit them. Until the Climate Change has destroyed their ability to grow crops.

    ‘Oh but Barnaby is such a decent man! So down to earth!’

    No, only interested in what’s under it.

  12. lizzie



    SUPER JOB, Lizzie !!!!!! ……… I am sure KayJay will give you a gold koala stamp for your fantastic effort this morning

  13. Any success Mr Joyce has in winning his by-election won’t end the messiness. Another Nationals’ minister, David Gillespie, faces the Court in December over a pecuniary interest conflict that could see him struck out in similar fashion to Family First’s Bob Day.

    The judges confirmed last week they are not into fancy footwork around the words of the constitution.

    Mr Joyce will still be out of the Parliament when the marriage equality bill is likely to be debated. The indications are that the ‘Yes’ vote is winning comfortably, but the same conservatives who foisted the $122 million survey on to the nation are now threatening a revolt unless freedom of religion exemptions are extended. One hundred amendments have been foreshadowed.

    The Nationals, too, are seething and in a fighting mood over the loss of Ms Nash’s cabinet slot. If Mr Turnbull fails to appease them the chaos could become a real crisis.

    Julie Bishop is right. It is business as usual.

  14. C@tmomma

    What I have found interesting about the Mueller indictment of George ‘Papa’ Papadopoulos, is that he appears to be another Trans Atlantic member of the Trump/Farage gang:


    Ex-Watergate prosecutor guarantees Papadopoulos has been ‘wearing a wire for months’ and playing ‘dial-a-crook’

    Speaking on MSNBC, a former Watergate prosecutor explained that a very thorough Special Counsel Robert Mueller has an “ironclad case” against ex-Trump campaign manager, and that the White House should be concerned that former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos has been wearing a wire for months.

    Speaking with host Ali Velshi, attorney Nick Akerman said he had looked at the indictment against Manafort and said that he had no doubt that Trump associate would be found guilty.

    “Now this it’s not like a witch hunt where there is nothing,” Akerman began.”Now you have got something that is real.”

    “It’s quite obvious that Mueller is playing this out very skillfully,” Akerman explained. “First of all that [Manafort] indictment is a slam-dunk, as I said before, it’s proven by documents. But then you look at the Papadopoulos one that they put under seal all of this time.”

    “He’s pled guilty, pled guilty to a felony, lying to the FBI,” Akerman continued. “He’s basically, if you looked through his allocution, you have allocute. They don’t name names, it’s against Justice Department policy to do that. But he refers to campaign officials, other officials — it’s very obvious he has information on lots of people and on top of that, he’s been cooperating since July.

    “If I were the prosecutor, and I guarantee you Robert Mueller has done this, he’s had him out there wearing a body wire, playing dial-a-crook on the phone, trying to get recorded conversations to use as evidence against other people,” he asserted. “If I were the other people, and they know who they are in that information, I’d be extremely nervous right now.”

  15. John Schindler‏Verified account @20committee

    The Papadopoulos case ALONE — with its direct effort at collusion with RIS — is enough to sink Trump.

    This is DAY 1, peeps….buckle up!

  16. Thanks Lizzie!

    Might have known that New Daily story came from Paul Bongiorno, and not a ‘normal’ member of the CPG. Too succinct, to the point and informative.

  17. phoenixRED

    There is extra stress in posting the Dawn Patrol because of the unreliability of the blog. My sympathy is for BK , who goes through it every morning.

  18. lizzie


    There is extra stress in posting the Dawn Patrol because of the unreliability of the blog. My sympathy is for BK , who goes through it every morning.


    I only post a tiny, tiny amount compared to BK and yourself so I have an idea just what an EXCELLENT JOB you BOTH do – 5 STARS !!!!

  19. Palmer Report‏Verified account @PalmerReport · 14m14 minutes ago

    Donald Trump’s day so far:

    – Manafort and Gates in jail
    – Papadopoulos admits collusion
    – Judge blocks transgender ban
    – Possible sealed Trump indictment
    – Jeff Sessions in deep trouble
    – Ivanka’s birthday ruined
    – Sarah Sanders talking about beer
    – It’s still only 4pm

  20. Guytaur
    That sort of attack is to be expected in US politics and you can be sure that everyone (all factions of all parties) will now start playing tit for tat.

    I would make a prediction that a special prosecutor will be appointed to look into Mueller, Comey, Clintons because they are high profile. Then probably various Democrat donors and possibly some Republican donors. Of course when the Democrats get back into office they will return the favour and set up special prosecutors into whoever is left standing of the GOP.

    Of course if anyone really drained the swamp and looked at deals being done between the congress, military manufactures and many foreign countries you would probably not have a congressperson left standing. That will not happen mind you.

  21. dtt

    You’ve shown on numerous occasions now that you have no understanding of the reasons behind Mueller’s investigation. Until you do, posting on it is pretty pointless.

  22. Thanks for stepping in once again Lizzie while BK has a well earned day off. You do a great job, as do the others who chip in with cartoons etc. PB is very fortunate to have such willing helpers.

  23. kurteichenwald: I swear, @FoxNews and @WalkerBragman won’t stop spewing conspiracy theories until they get President Hillary Clinton impeached. Oh, wait….

  24. phoenixRED @ #18 Tuesday, October 31st, 2017 – 7:27 am




    SUPER JOB, Lizzie !!!!!! ……… I am sure KayJay will give you a gold koala stamp for your fantastic effort this morning

    Thank you Lizzie. You’ve done us proud quoth he typing furiously on his new keyboard (which he doesn’t like much).

    I believe that phoenixRED has already described your effort as fantastic with which I heartily agree.

    Bonne chance et bon jour Mademoiselle.

    Herewith Gold Chevalier de Bludger Poll avec cinq Glowing Gold Stars.

    🐎 Gold Horse (use a little imagination – or if LNP voter phone a friend (what am I saying ❓ )


  25. Seems as though some high up Dems, in the Admin wing, have been collateral damage:

    Tony Podesta, a Democratic power lobbyist, announced to colleagues Monday that he is stepping down amid a series of indictments that cast a shadow on work his firm had done with Paul Manafort that may have benefited a Ukrainian regime friendly to the Kremlin.

    The Podesta Group is not named in the newly released indictments, but the company is one of two indirectly referenced in the charges. Podesta and another lobbying firm, Mercury LLC, were working with Manafort and his partner, Rick Gates, from 2012-2014 in lobbying to improve the image of the Ukrainian government. In the indictment they are referred to as “Company A and Company B,” according to people familiar with the companies’ involvement.

  26. chrislhayes: To me, this is the single most important and incriminating thing we learned today…
    shaneharris: Papadopoulos says he became aware of Russian “dirt,” “thousands of emails” on Clinton one month after Podesta hacked…

  27. Paul Barratt‏ @phbarratt · 3h3 hours ago

    Dear @TurnbullMalcolm When you talk about Australia and Israel having shared values, what do you have in mind? Massacres of indigenous people? Building a society on stolen land? Internment of refugees? Corrupt political class? Do tell.

  28. Picking political fights on coal and raiding unions won’t solve problems – Richard Denniss

    Another great article from Richard Denniss in the AFR. It must drive Stutchbury nuts that the only good writer in the whole paper is a leftie.

  29. I think ‘Papa’ figured out real quick that doing time in a federal prison with a nice tennis court and gym and internet access, is far the preferred option to doing his time with the murderers,rapists and crazies in general prison. 🙂

  30. RVAwonk: “The U.S. is investigating foreign interference…& potential American citizens.” -newly unsealed US District Court opinion.

  31. No doubt now. At least one third party is seeking legal advice.

    unionsaustralia: We are currently seeking legal advice on @Barnaby_Joyce’s illegitimate vote to cut the #penaltyrates of 700,000 Australians. If there’s a good chance of protecting penalty rates we will take it #QandA

  32. The difference, dtt, is that I know I’m ignorant. It’s worrying, however, that I still seem to understand the situation better than you do, when you have apparently put in at least some effort.

  33. So last week didn’t move the dial for the essential panel either. Maybe a bit more time to work it’s way through the collective consciousness.

    But it does say an awful lot about our collective expectations (and acceptance) of complete imbeciles running a shitstorm of incompetence and corruption that last week evoked more yawns.

    Labor obviously has to take a fair share of the blame for degenerating into the mess they did under Gillard.

    But damn our media have a lot to answer for. The Coalition are the idiot child of doting parents. Told how clever they are for shitting their pants and told how adorable they are as they beat up on smaller kids. They never have to get better because Rupert will always give them sweets and all the toys they could ever want for Christmas just for sitting in a puddle of their own piss eating their own snot.

    And that same media has convince far too many dopes that the Coalition’s shit really is chocolate.

    If they were held to even half the standard the ALP is the Coalition would be functionally competent and have at least some policies that weren’t actual poison. That they actually had serious debates about whether they should conspire with the government to fit up the opposition leader, and still largely came to the wrong conclusions, tells you just how busted our ‘media’ is.

  34. Malcolm Roberts has found his niche, in a way-out party. Lots of media attention to stroke his ego and a large income to go with it. Who could ask for more?
    NB: Word of the week is “momentum”. 😉

    Meanwhile, former One Nation federal senator Malcolm Roberts’ campaign is in full swing in the seat of Ipswich.

    Labor holds 16 per cent lead in the electorate, but Roberts told Sky News he is confident that the gap can be closed by the December 4 poll.

    ‘We’ve already got the momentum; the momentum is already with us,’ he said.

    ‘I don’t take the conventional approach of saying we’re going to put a show in to really win a seat, it’s not about that – it’s about serving the people of Queensland and the people of Ipswich.’

    When asked if he would consider returning to the federal senate, Roberts refused to rule anything out.

    ‘I never lock out the future, I’ve learned in my life that the future has many, many twists and turns – as we saw on Friday… I can’t tell what future things will come,’ he said.

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