The Guardian reports the latest Essential Research poll has Labor’s lead steady at 53-47, but provides only incomplete detail of the primary vote. The poll also records 59% in favour of same-sex marriage with 31% opposed, compared with 57% and 32% a fortnight ago, with 62% (down one) saying they will definitely “vote” in the survey if it survives the High Court challenge, and another 16% (down two) saying they will probably do so. Again, this skews towards the yes camp, with 74% of supporters rating themselves as definite compared with 58% of opponents.
On power prices, the poll finds 49% holding energy companies principally responsible, compared with 22% for the Turnbull government and 9% for “environmentalists pushing action on climate change”. It also finds 54% opposed to changing the date of Australia, with 26% in support, and 70% believing “believe everyone can celebrate on that day”, versus 18% against. Forty-two per cent disagree with changing inscriptions on public statues. The full report should be with us later today.
Yes probably.
Still need help though – my tin foil is torn
I have accounts with AGL for both Gas and Electricity.
I rang to complain about the charges associated with
a) Paper Bill fee
b) Over the Counter payment fee
c) CC payment fee
While on hold (not for long): The mellifluous tones tell me AGL sees renewables as the FUTURE; and they’re shutting down dirty coal by 2022.
And Then, Quick as a Wink: I have been credited with all those payments, dating back 3+ years.
It does do to register disapproval of some accounting practices.
PS. My original complaint was about being charged to pay the bill.
I assume i need to insert a new column
What a bloody pain
microsoft is losing the plot I think.
I used to be excel’s lead enthusiast but this idiocy is testing my patience,
daretotread @ #401 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 7:45 pm
Well accurately describing the problem would help.
No all thath gave e was text
kezza2 @ #402 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 7:46 pm
They are trying to push people to the form of bill paying that is cheapest. And there are big dollars involved.
My retailer doesn’t charge a CC payment fee. Not sure about the others.
I though I had
sent excel file to new computer
New MS system
Bloody dates 750 of them) have all converted to serial no format.
Have tried to change format tab but makes no difference.
have tried to copy and past value. no change.
It hasn’t occurred to them that ‘gay conversion therapy’ would work as well on gays as would a “therapy” designed to turn straight people gay. The ACL would rightly consider such an action a monstrous cruelty. They think gay people are gay because they are wicked.
Pharisees the lot of them.
daretotread @ #407 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 7:54 pm
How did you send it?
What do you mean by ‘all converted to serial’?
Re “Hilary Clinton changed your default formats.”
Get with the programme. it woz Putin wot dunnit. After all there does not seen to be a computer system left in the world with out Bad Vlad in it meddling away
Has Shelton tried religious conversion therapy?
Oh wait! He’s already been through that.
Has Abbott?
DTT: you should be able to reformat your date fields in the spreadsheet on the new computer to whatever format you need. Use the ‘Format’ tag on the home oage (Windows). Other systems will also allow you to do it (e.g. ABC123 in Safari).
Try changing your computer settings rather than just in excel.
Settings – Time/Language – change to the format you want. Restart and open excel again.
It seems obvoius.
I think some people should never be allowed near a computer.
I don’t get it.
Why do the Christians want to convert heteros into gays?
They must be a bunch of weirdos.
No the format tab does not work
Taylor made
I will try that one thanks
The only think I could change was synchronizing with internet
Will now restart
After Rommel,
I just finished reading “The Sense of an Ending” by Julian Barnes.
What a fantastic book. What a fantastic read. What a fantastic dressing down of memory.
A good journalist can’t be expected to be an expert on storms or terrorism or economics or whatever the topic of the day is, but it is absolutely essential that they have well-functioning bullshit detectors.
They know (or should know) that the answer they are getting from an experienced media subject is calibrated to support the interviewee’s agenda. If the interviewee is a politician then the answer is likely to be taken from party talking points on whatever subject the interview wants to talk about, regardless of relevance to the question or even what was asked. But too many interviewers listen in awed silence as the great man (or woman) talks crap.
DTT: is the spreadsheet ‘read only’? If so, you should be able to make it editable (security) then the tab should work.
Yes, Abbott, to me, seems to protest too much.
kezza2 @ #421 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 8:10 pm
Totally agree. By sheer coincidence, I’ve just started The Noise of Time, his next one after. Cold war, power, art. (Shostakovich)
Lobbyists are just well paid bullshitters. Shelton is a lobbyist working for a lobby.
No self respecting individual or organisation would yield its fate to a lobbyist. It would be like letting Bruce Hawker run the ALP.
No I have enabled editing ie not read only
I have made sure no cells are locked
I tried Paapest lovely link and was feeling optimistic, but sadly it did not work either
I think that paapestse is right
It is a legacy issue as this file has been around the traps and through external systems etc and was started by a person who is not me and I am not sure what sort of system she operates. There are some other glitches to ie could not change cell formatting of some but not all cells.
I might have to copy the whole data into a brand new file and send to my old laptop and try to copy all the older dates in manually as values. Pain in the neck
You have not yet provided a meaningful description of what you did and what the outcome was.
I saw the movie of ‘The Sense of an Ending.’ I recommend it with the observation that it was not fully satisfying because it seemed to me that the only character who actually developed during the course of the movie was the main protagonist.
But I may be being hypercritical.
What versions of office are you using on the old machine and the new machine?
How did you try to copy?
Boerwar @ #428 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 8:31 pm
I don’t want to see the movie, despite the raves about it, because I don’t think it would lend to (very much) an explanation of the dilemma at the heart of it.
What did you think, BW?
Who was the father of Adrian Jnr?
Not sure the Western Force thing will make much difference. WA is a solidly AFL state and very few follow either brand of rugby.
DTT: I might try copying it to a new spreadsheet on your new system. That might work but you’ll never know why. Failing that, try copying the offending column to a new spreadsheet. Another possibility might be to set up a new column, where each entry is the formatted equivalent of the serial Day number (use appropriate built in date function). Or maybe the converted column is in text format and needs to be converted to numerical. There is nearly always a way as long as date hasn’t been lost.
The Socerroos game is giving me conniptions.
Bloody score someone for Australia
I ask that, because to me, that would sort it out.
But I have to admit, I was on the side of the narrator, until he proved so unreliable.
But, aren’t we all, when telling our own story?
Boerwar @ #429 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 8:31 pm
I probably should butt out, as it’s years since I read it, but I don’t recall anyone else except the protagonist working things out. As an aside, I can’t think of any film that has done justice to a book (that I liked a lot).
ItzaDream @ #424 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 8:25 pm
Now I have something to look forward to.
What a great writer, and I don’t often say that about Booker prizewinners.
I am convinced that you get Soccer riots rather than NRL riots or AFL riots because of the sheer frustration at such a low-scoring game. So two sides slug it away for 88 minutes and then someone milks a penality, putting on a performance like the death scene in a grand opera, and their team wins 1-0. Or they go 90 minutes still at 0-0 and have a ‘penalty shootout’.
In fact, maybe the game would be improved if they went straight to the shootout.
Steve777 @ #432 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 8:40 pm
All this seems way too complicated for what should be a simple matter of copying an Excel file from one machine onto another and opening it there with the new version of Excel. An everyday sort of thing.
So what are the versions of Excel involved? That is the first thing I would look at.
Was the file corrupted when copying?
Is there a virus or malware on one or other machine?
I have never encountered Excel files mysteriously losing formatting with out something odd happening to cause it.
If you are interested in the YouGov poll, I took screenshots today as I completed the federal opinion poll:
There were a lot more questions unrelated to politics than normal after the main political study.
No comment.
I like Dr Zhivago movie better than the book.
YouGov is the bottom feeder of polls.
grimace @ #439 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 8:51 pm
Very interesting. Thanks for posting. Do you know if the parties always appear in the same order?
kezza2 @ #437 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 8:46 pm
kezza2, try Sebastian Barry’s Days Without End, nominated this year. See how heart strings hold up.
Boerwar @ #442 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 8:55 pm
Julie Christie one upped your imagination? I blush to admit I didn’t finish the book.
Didn’t the You Gov pollsters embarrass themselves in the UK election ?
Impressionable young catholic lad. What can I say?
I think YouGov changed their methodology right at the end of the UK election?
I’m not sure what you mean by “See how heart strings hold up.”
Boerwar @ #448 Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 – 9:03 pm
You want impressionable young lad, try this. My parents asked the priest if I could go to West Side Story before I was allowed.