The Guardian reports Essential Research has Labor’s lead bouncing back to 54-46, after diminishing over recent weeks to 52-48 a week ago. The changes on the primary vote are rather striking by the standards of Essential’s fortnight rolling average, with Labor up three to 39% and the Coalition down two to a meagre 34% (UPDATE: Make that down one to 37% – that didn’t include the Nationals). The Greens are down a point to 9% and One Nation are steady on 8%. Essential’s monthly leadership ratings record Malcolm Turnbull up a point on approval to 38% and down three on disapproval to 46%, with Bill Shorten down one to 35% and down two to 42%, and Turnbull leading 41-27 to prime minister, unchanged on a month ago.
Other results related by The Guardian include 43% approval for a postal plebiscite on same-sex marriage, with 38% disapproving; 43% support for a parliamentary conscience vote, with 31% disapproving; 46% favouring a plebiscite in conjunction with the next election, with 34% disapproving; and 22% in favour of delaying a decision until after the next election, with 55% opposed. Forty-one per cent approved of Labor’s propose to impose a 30% tax rate on distributions from discretionary trusts, with 30% opposed. On Labor’s plans to overhaul the Fair Work Act, 39% rated that the existing system favoured employers compared with 12% for employees, and 29% who believed the interests of the two were balanced.
What a pity this poll did not come out 24 hours earlier …………before the Coalition meeting yesterday.
The Essential results sound a bit more what I’d expect after the Coalition shenanigans over the last month.
From the last thread on Greens housing policy-
Blanket Criticism Tuesday, August 8th, 2017 – 2:18 am Comment #769
I saw this mentioned and expected some reaction but it sunk without a trace.
There’s always today’s non extraordinary party room meeting to mull over the latest polls & mount a challenge.
Big shift…must register as quite a spike on BludgerTrack…
Maybe this story will help improve the Liberals’ image?
Funny how they have so much trouble dealing with both gay and straight people. They have no problem dealing with crooked and straight people.
I guess we will not see change on ME until a wealthy gay man donates a large amount of cash to the Liberal party.
A good result for Labor, although the Guardian does it’s best to hide it in the depth of the article. In other survey findings, though, the electorate remain ignorant about issues like education funding and the real purpose of the plebiscite (mainly because of Australia’s appalling media).
The figures on the trust rate changes and the fair work act are,interesting.
There are businessmen and Liberal members who will only be happy with the full work choices regime.
I’d have though a primary gap of 39-34 to Labor would produce a bigger lead than 54-46.
This will be today’s big news, Fairfax journo reporting this:
“Greens announce Larissa Waters wants to return to the Senate now she has renounced her Canadian citizenship. Scott Ludlum not interested yet”
And the Senatebhas to refer the 2 Greens, 1 Italian and 1 Pommy Bastard to the High Court. The PB is also going to table his ‘proof’ of making reasonable attempts to renounce his UK citizenship, which will make him a bigger laughing stock than he already is.
Yes, you can’t gaol a corporation.
I’m going to try to change that in a certain sense. A corporate entity cannot be imprisoned but its assets can certainly be detained, its income requisitioned and the freedom to trade its securities can be suspended. That is a financial equivalent to imprisonment. I think it might catch on.
Quaintly, it’s possible to arrest a ship. It should be possible to sequester a corporation.
Corporations ceased being under state decades ago and were brought under Commonwealth law. The Corporations Act 2001. Here
This Act is very extensive and mainly relates to the administration of companies and the operation of markets. It does not exempt corporations from State laws. Corporations have the status of legal persons and are subject to State laws like anyone else. So, for example, when Grocon was fined in relation to the deaths caused by the collapse of a wall in Melbourne, the law that applied was a Victorian law, and the court was a Victorian court:
Have a look at CHAPTER 2D–Officers and employees for a start and inform yourself as to the duties of Directors and others and penalties that apply.
And of course if individuals within a corporation commit a criminal offence they should be prosecuted under state or federal laws as appropriate.
The trouble is that very few such charges are ever laid because of the evidentiary standards in criminal trials. This means, in fact, the laws are frequently without any practical effect in the case of corporations.
I think this should be changed. To do so will require reform of a range of laws. The Law Reform Commission should be tasked with proposing reforms that will deliver effective equality before the law with respect to corporations and other legal persons.
The sample 2 weeks ago that just fell off was a dud. It’s been 54-46 the whole time.
Also, Essential questions on SSM to date have been hopeless. It will be interesting to see how these were worded.
Imagine what Grocon’s approach to public and worker safety would have been had the penalty for injuries or deaths on their sites included a term of “custodial administration”. Grocon’s shareholders and lenders would be vitally interested in their compliance with the safety laws.
Important to note the ALP polling has held up while they have announced revenue raising measures and started talking about the republic, which is supposed to be a vote loser these days, which is why Turnbull runs a mile from it.
I’d have though a primary gap of 39-34 to Labor would produce a bigger lead than 54-46.
There would be 27% of the PV going to other parties, which split 15/12, Lab/Lib. Sounds about right…
Socrates @ #6 Tuesday, August 8th, 2017 – 6:38 am
Very wise. 🙂
We know that Labor is doing very well in Federal polls for lower house seats, and has done for some time.
Is there any way of translating that to a breakdown of possible senate results?
Dennis Shanana with some beautiful words 🙂
Important to note the ALP polling has held up while they have announced revenue raising measures and started talking about the republic, which is supposed to be a vote loser these days, which is why Turnbull runs a mile from it.
I think tax reform is a vote-shifter. No doubt about that…Labor are on a winner with that. I doubt the republic proposal would arouse many voters….at least, not yet. Very few will even be aware of (or have already forgotten) Labor’s announcement. Turnbull is cautious because of the strength of Monarchist numbers in the Liberal Party.
Good morning Dawn Patrollers.
Matthew Guy has been sprung in a big way for dining with an alleged mobster boss.
Mark Kenny says that instead of progress however, it has achieved little, merely kicking the can down the road, while underlining Malcolm Turnbull’s authority deficit, and highlighting his well-recognised authenticity problem. The quintessential damp squib.
Michelle Grattan writes that having lit the match that fired same-sex marriage back onto the government’s immediate agenda, the five Liberal rebels have left Malcolm Turnbull with a dangerously smouldering issue that will burn on for months. And now they’re heading for a messy battle on energy policy she concludes.
Peter FitzSimons asks how the Liberal Party got itself into such a mess . A really good read!
Michael Koziol asks “What next” after yesterday’s SSM “emergency meeting”.
The Australian Christian Lobby is threatening to take the unprecedented step of campaigning against a Coalition government, warning Liberal MPs that it could direct members to support minor ¬right-wing parties if a free vote on gay marriage is allowed in parliament. A good example of how dirty this dirty mob would behave leading up to a plebiscite. Google.
Dealing with homelessness by punitive means costs taxpayers far more than efforts to increase the supply of affordable housing and supported accommodation writes Senator Doug Cameron.
Peter Hartcher draws parallels between Trump and Hanson from the responses in a recent focus group.
Tony Wright goes to the focus group too and says that Derryn Hinch is the politician most admired.
But Greg Jericho tells us that a Grattan Institute paper suggests those who attribute nationalist parties’ rise to regional inequality are over-egging the case.
The pressure is building within the CBA for some retributive action writes Clancy Yeates.
Staff at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have been told to avoid using the term climate change in their work, with the officials instructed to reference “weather extremes” instead. How pathetic!
Tax lawyers, accountants and fin¬ancial planners have attacked the government’s changes to superannuation regulations, declaring it a “shemozzle” with widespread confusion about details affecting thousands of people. Google.
Sarah Gill writes that Turnbull’s Trump call would be entertaining if it wasn’t such a tragedy.
Some rather disturbing information on the trajectory of the NRL.
New research to be released today shows sleep deprivation cost the economy an estimated $66.3 billion in health bills, lost productivity and wellbeing.
The federal government’s plans to tighten requirements to become an Australian citizen have been slammed by business groups who say their members are worried migrant workers awaiting permanent residency may leave Australia, rather than wait for citizenship.
Trump broke away from his summer vacation for a barrage of Twitter posts lashing out at the “Fake News” media and insisting that his political base was “getting stronger” despite investigations into possible collusion between Russia and his associates. Google.
Trump could be out of office within a year but the US’s problems could just be beginning!
Here we go! The Minerals Council of Australia will on Tuesday unveil its industrial reform blueprint including proposals to suppress industrial action, limit areas covered by enterprise bargaining and expand the freedom to use contract labour.
Mark Kenny says that Bill Shorten’s “inequality” pitch appeals to the neglected. vulnerable worker. He concludes that Shorten might not have all the answers but he’s doing a better job of hearing the question.
Labor is opening a new battlefront on workplace relations with an ambitious plan to rewrite Fair Work laws to empower unions and strengthen the industrial umpire as a key plank of its fight against inequality. Google.
This solicitor working in the field explains how workers are so vulnerable.
Ben Eltham – “It’s the inequality, stupid”.
Susie O’Brien writes that the date for Australia Day should be changed so we can ALL celebrate. Google.
The RSL NSW is voluntarily suspending all fundraising activities such as raffles, barbecues and cake sales after the new leadership discovered that that some of its processes are illegal under the state’s charity laws. What next?
The beautiful Adelaide Hills food bowl is officially Australia’s most outstanding region. The coveted title was bestowed on the state’s treasured zone at the national delicious. Produce Awards on Monday night. Google.
Interpol tracked Clive Palmer’s fugitive nephew Clive Mensink to Hong Kong in June, but Australian authorities have admitted their hands are tied until he chooses to return to Australia. Google.
The public sector union and Labor have called a new social media guidance released by the Australian Public Service Commission on Monday “overreach”, warning government employees should be allowed to participate in normal democratic debate.
Energy retailers were scrambling to find common ground on moves to help protect vulnerable customers from high electricity prices ahead of tomorrow’s meeting with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in Canberra. Google.
Turnbull may finally be realising that energy policy rather than renewables are to blame for soaring power costs but action is required,.,10585
IN SPITE of clear evidence to the contrary, Malcolm Turnbull (again in his conversation to Donald Trump), Tony Abbott, Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton have continued their spin about how they stopped the boats. They didn’t.
Cartoon Corner
Matt Davidson on our disillusionment with mainstream politics.

A beautiful tribute to Betty Cuthbert from Mark Knight.
Some cynicism from Cathy Wilcox.
Broelman on the SSM emergency meeting.
A telling contribution from Paul Zanetti on Turnbull’s leadership.
Something similar from Pat Clement.
David Pope goes all the way in denouncing Dutton’s handling of the refugees on Manus Island.
Matt Golding and a weather report from Canberra.
Sean Leahy reckons it’s all over for this government!
And Leahy is unimpressed with Turnbull and the refugee swap.
David Rowe takes us to some celebratory problems inside the government.
The Dawn Patrol is all in one post again.
Breifly, just about all issues play well for the ALP and highlight LNP division these days. Much of the CPG confuse this with ‘luck’, but really the LNP didn’t spend their time in opposition wisely. They are incoherent.
Morning all
I can’t believe Matthew Guy would be stupid enough to socialise with a mafia boss. And a mafia boss he is. He was even the subject of a fourcorners report last year, and it is well known here in Melbourne.
cheers BK
Question, Labor are relentless with their policy work…testing the sentiments of members at all levels, consulting outside the party, thinking things through and inviting contributions all the time. It is a permanent ideas harvesting process.
They just outsourced their policy development to the IPA and went off on a jolly jape of Hi Vis vest stuntathons .
US politics really getting nasty with Trump’s attack on Blumenthal. No doubt his Jewish heritage is the subtext.
Poroti, and the CPG said they were the ‘best opposition eva’.
…from BK’s list…very interesting
Katharine Murphy strikes again. How does she keep her job?
“Bill Shorten fared slightly worse with 35% approving of his performance as prime minister (down 1% from last month), and 42% disapproved (down 2%).”
Essential back on the rails again. 52-48 was an aberration.
To quote Robert Gottliebsen
Abbott was the best wrecker Australia has ever seen, full stop.
A coalition PV @ 34% suggests the Lib vote would be about 30%. This must be crash level for them and even lower results may lie ahead…Voters are abandoning the Liberals. Great. They thoroughly deserve it.
Thanks BK. Changing Australia Day is a no-brainer.
Mark Kenny has been good recently (can’t last).
Correction. He’s still wrecking.
The leaders have negative net-sat numbers…but no-one cares.
Not surprised that Larissa wants back soon but Scott doesn’t. That’s what they’ve both telegraphed the whole time.
I do wonder if Larissa will take ten opportunity to change states though. Her reelection prospects in Qld were dicey even as co-Deputy and are worse than that given 12 months to lose recognition and Bartlett (or whoever replaces him if the University thing makes him ineligible).
Thanks BK,
‘Staff at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have been told to avoid using the term climate change in their work, with the officials instructed to reference “weather extremes” instead. How pathetic!’
Climate Change was the term pushed by the GW Bush administration in preference to ‘Global Warming ‘
I was referring to the fact that Katharine Murphy thinks Bill Shorten is also prime minister. Most articles she writes have major mistakes.
Yes! Once a wrecker always a wrecker, only this time it’s his own team.
Hola Bludgers
In the Cairns Botanic Gardens waiting for a guide to take me to the cryptic Papuan Frogmouths. Only 5 sandfly bites to date…
Normally when I go away there is a leadership change but I see that the Libs are sticking to Turnbull like the proverbial to the bear.
The ultimate betrayal.
I was referring to the fact that Katharine Murphy thinks Bill Shorten is also prime minister. Most articles she writes have major mistakes.
….left out the word “alternative”…fair enough….I don’t read her often…
Piss off Ferguson. Money grubber.
There’s a lot to be said for Martin Ferguson – none of it printable.
Marn regularly came out with very “unhelpful’ comments when the ETS was first being proposed and Rudd + Truffles were negotiating a bipartisan agreement.The minerals mob must have ‘captured’ the then Minister Marn at least as far back as that.