BludgerTrack: 52.9-47.1 to Labor

A recalibrated BludgerTrack records a big swing to Labor in Western Australia, and a smaller but even more consequential one in Queensland.

There are finally some interesting developments to report from the BludgerTrack poll aggregate, although they have nothing to do with the headline reading on voting intention, of which the only point of interest is that One Nation has lost its lead over the Greens. Rather, there has been an important change to the way state breakdowns are calculated, which only now is being determined on the basis of trend measures of each state’s results since the previous election, since a fairly substantial number of data points is needed before such measures can be meaningful. In particular, the crude averaging that was being done before was obscuring the big move to Labor in Western Australia amid the backwash of the state election there. It was also dampening the swing to Labor in Queensland, while amplifying it slightly in Victoria and South Australia. The new figures result in a haul of extra seats for Labor on the seat projection, reflecting in particular the richness of marginal seats in Queensland, and the relative paucity of them in Victoria and South Australia.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,083 comments on “BludgerTrack: 52.9-47.1 to Labor”

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  1. Kayjay.
    I am with you in empathy over the loss of your furbaby. My Traffy went to Rainbow Bridge 18 months ago.

  2. kezza
    you’ve won the national Poorlean Lyrical competition.

    Now find a band and enter it into the European Song Contest. Sure winner.

  3. Looking swish!

    …state breakdowns are calculated, which only now is being determined on the basis of trend measures of each state’s results since the previous election…

  4. Good morning Dawn Patrollers. The further we get into Easter the pickings become slimmer.

    A millennial writes about home ownership.–and-older-generations-dont-give-a-damn-20170414-gvl0rj.html
    Is the future of housing in smaller living spaces with shared amenities?
    This article on housing affordability begins with “Based on the evidence, government housing policy appears to be as follows: keep prices high at all costs, enslaving new buyers with obscene levels of debt for the benefit of banks and existing landowners. In a nutshell, this is called intergenerational taxation.”
    And Gareth Hutchens tells about what Craig Emerson and John Hewson have been saying about the problem.
    Here’s Urban Wronski’s weekly contribution.
    A nice guy in a nice party!
    The head of WestConnex has been playing hard to get and is likely to be compelled to front a parliamentary committee looking at tolls.
    Victoria’s Essential Services Commission begs to differ. Dr Ron Ben-David, who chairs the body, argues the energy market is rigged and the case for government intervention is mounting.
    Will the spivs, just like they have with the VET and other areas, move in to rort and compromise the NDIS?
    This writer’s never going back to the Sydney Royal Easter Show again.

  5. Section 2 . . .

    Nearly 70% of Australians believe the minimum wage is too low, including a strong majority of Coalition voters, a new poll has found writes Adam Gartell.
    Trump has claimed that the tens of thousands of protesters around the country that want his tax returns made public were paid, and he is demanding an investigation into who paid them.
    Why Steve Bannon is doomed. Google.
    This action by United Airlines on the practice of overbooking shows how they have been treating paying customers with disdain.
    What a monumental waste of money has been the Wind Farm Commission!
    In this op-ed piece Katy Gallagher says that banks have abused credit card holders for too long and it’s time it ended.
    Another victory for conservatives as the Safe School program gets dumped by NSW.
    Erdogan has declared (a very narrow) victory in Turkey. What will happen to that country now?
    Here’s a good article in defence of the public broadcasting responsibility and value of the ABC.
    An Easter sermon from Ross Gittins who was brought up as a Salvo.

  6. Section 3 . . . with Cartoon Corner

    Not before time an anti-vaccine group that has twice had its charity status either revoked or given up will be investigated by the NSW government over the nature of its fundraising activities. Google.
    How long before Virgin Airlines will be charging us to use the toilets?
    It’s about time the government stamped down on the practices of companies like Ladbrokes. Cocky bastards!
    Canavan is saying the Adani coal project could create 15000 new jobs. He could go blind doing this! Google.
    Meanwhile John Hewson says that the $1b Adani coal project loan is the last thing the Coalition should do.
    President Donald Trump is reportedly demanding that a trip in a royal carriage be a part of his itinerary during a state visit to Britain later this year, according to U.K.’s The Times. What a puffed up dickhead!
    This psychologist says we should stop bringing up girls as princesses.

    Cathy Wilcox effectively bemoans the cutting of the Safe Schools program in NSW.

    And she has a really good swipe at Turnbull on his climate change priorities.

    Oh dear! David Rowe brings the Golden Shower into effect.

    Jon Kudelka and NK’s recent missile “launch”.

  7. Oh dear. I thought Mundine was off his tree when I saw him on The Drum last week. Now I’m sure of it. He’s trying to turn the question of global warming into a white/black story.

    The release of figures from Resources Minister Matt Canavan came as leading Aboriginal figure and former ALP national president Warren Mundine ­attacked anti-coal activists as “colonial oppressors” for crusading against the $16.5 billion Adani project.

    Writing in The Australian today, Mr Mundine says green groups opposed to the rail line are denying indigenous people the ability to use their own land as an economic asset. He slams activists for expecting millions of ­Indians to live without power, “cooking on dung stoves and dying of respiratory illnesses”.

    “This isn’t about being pro or anti-coal. It’s about traditional owners making decisions about their own country without ­meddling by special interests,” he says. “These activists are no ­better than the protectors who told us what to do during the days of segregation.”

  8. BK
    Thanks for your Dawn Patrol.
    It will take some time to go through this list.

    I have previously mentioned the depressing nature of many of the items. For instance the idea that somebody/anybody would want to rort the NDIS. My opinion, its a foregone conclusion.

    I often wonder whether the various MPs who, in combination, could make a difference and be spoken of in glowing terms down the generations, can read.
    I have read the last bit again and see my error. The “dickheads” can read but either cannot understand or are blinded by venality/greed/psychopathy.

    A recent ABC program concerning the Buddha was of great interest to me. One concept in particular to the affect that one should live ones life for the greater good regardless of whether there is a God or not.
    Time for fresh coffee ☕ and prepare for resuming my mowing duties.

    I also need to work out whether “Brown Bear” (teddy bear) can take up duties as the “Regimental Bear”. Brown bear spent eight years in the Nursing Home with my wife and is well qualified as one of the good guys (not the retailers).
    ☮ ✌

  9. William,

    Are you using the results of the WA State Election in your tracker? Labor winning 5 federal seats in WA and leading the Liberal party by 10-6 seems a little off.

  10. What is truly shocking, moreover, is that the Turnbull government is simply repeating the mistakes made in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. It is 2017. Its aggressive tone with China. Should we still be the USA’s humble and obedient and uncritical servants?

    Alarming indeed is our incapacity to exercise our critical faculties or perform due diligence on the case for attacking Bashar Al Assad. Similarly with our gung-ho anti North Korean propaganda. Australia, the world, deserves better.

    As we have a government that no policies, just knee-jerk reactions to events, what else could we expect?

  11. Good Morning Bludgers 🙂
    Well, the ‘Kill Bill’ strategy of the Coalition and the ‘Kill Labor’ strategy of The Greens doesn’t seem to be going too well according to these numbers, does it? 🙂

    Actually, I think we are moving from a state in politics of unreality and BS fertilising the ground so as to harvest votes, to the voters wising up to that and demanding reality and sensible, costed policies targeted to the most of us, rather than the least.

    You can’t keep taking the punters for mugs forever.

  12. Kay Jay
    Sympathy on the loss of your furry friend. We love ours like family and my avatar is a photo of a former adopted stray named Toby.

  13. BK
    Did you mix up the links about the head of WestConnex and Australia’s worst online troll? I’m trying to work out which one is worse? 🙂

  14. Lizzie
    “What is truly shocking, moreover, is that the Turnbull government is simply repeating the mistakes made in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. It is 2017. Its aggressive tone with China. Should we still be the USA’s humble and obedient and uncritical servants?”

    I don’t think it is a mistake. I think right wing parties quite deliberately use militaristic rhetoric to appeal to a demographic of insecure middle aged types who are too old to be conscripted. They are both too comforted by decades of lack of real local threats to Australian security to realise the dangers of war. Border security is not a real defence issue, just as refugees are not a real threat to anything other than our supply of low-skilled jobs. So yes we are a lapdog, but a cynical one, not a blind one.

  15. Oh how lolworthy is the name of the boss of West Connex!?!

    Dennis Cliche 😀

    And that’s all you’ll get out of him, plus some platitudes, pablum and obfuscation, when he finally does appear before the NSW committee investigating tolling methodology.

  16. BK
    Thanks, though I wasn’t unhappy to have the two characters linked together. Both like hiding under rocks.

    And doesn’t the identity of our worst right wing online troll fit the cliche? A bankrupted 48 year old, unemployed former porn editor, living in a boarding house. What a catch! Certainly not a middle aged loser wanting to blame others for his failure in life.

  17. Lizzie
    Mundine has been infected by Tony Abbott, and lives in an “alt-fact” world like the rest of the coal spruikers.
    The following is BS

    expecting millions of ­Indians to live without power, “cooking on dung stoves and dying of respiratory illnesses”.

    is a blatant lie.
    Here are the reasons:
    – the electricity grid in India is extremely patchy, dangerous, and doesn’t extend to many villages (Google it and look at the images)
    – solar with or without storage meets people’s needs faster, more cleanly and at lower cost
    – there is a big push by the Indian government and various NGO’s to roll out small scale solar, wind and microgrids
    – once these systems are paid off, the people have virtually free power, why would they want to pay Adani
    – 100,000+ premature deaths every year from coal pollution, costing $4.6 bn

  18. Given the description of real trolling above, could we perhaps take a more educated view and refrain from calling PB posters ‘trolls’ just because they are boring or repetitive?

  19. Socrates,
    Border security is not a real defence issue, just as refugees are not a real threat to anything other than our supply of low-skilled jobs.

    Bit blinkered in your perspective there, sunshine.

    Firstly, I think that stopping refugees from coming to Australia by boat has been an unalloyed good. There are no more People Traffickers cramming asylum seekers onto unseaworthy boats (though in the Mediterranean these days they just put them on giant inflatables and forcefully push them out to sea with a gun goodbye). Goodness knows how many are not drowning at sea, nor being dashed against the rocks of Christmas Island. Plus they haven’t gone away and Labor will take more genuine refugees, not just economic asylum seekers looking for a quick way into Australia to take our, increasingly hard-to-get low-skilled jobs.

    And, speaking of low-skilled jobs in Australia, we need to do something about 457 and 407 Visas. They are being rorted by exploiters, who are unwilling to pay their workers the correct pay, and, as a result, they are also unwilling to employ born and bred Aussies like my son who are looking to try and get a job, especially a low-skilled job, before automation and robotics eat them up too.

    I wouldn’t try and say, ‘Australian jobs for Australians first’, as Bill Shorten and Labor have been, is xenophobic either. It’s realistic. Unless you want to sell out Australian jobs to the lowest bidder and throw open the gates to more asylum seekers and visa holders than Australia can realistically cope with.

  20. CTar1
    Erdogan has declared (a very narrow) victory in Turkey. What will happen to that country now?

    Nothing good

    Here’s an interesting overview of the impossibly complex Kurdish situation suggesting Erdogan’s win might lead to peace talks with the Kurds.

    New York Review of Books:

  21. I never refer to boring or repetitive PB commenters as trolls, but rather reserve the term for those who try to bait others by attacking or abusing them – ie genuine trolls.

  22. Warren Mundine has been infected by the ‘Greed is good’ virus.

    Nope, he’s just been infected by an attention deprivation virus.

  23. @Trog Sorenson Monday, April 17, 2017 at 8:06 am

    Absolutely spot on. It’s the immorality of their bull shit that should be called out by the fatuous MSM, not buried in Scientific American. I wonder if deep down they really believe their own crap. It’s denial at best and corrupt capitalism let alone morals at worst.

  24. Mike Pence will be here next week to give us our new President’s instructions.
    Obviously we will be required to buy lots of US military hardware.

  25. I cannot believe that in 2017 the AGW denialists are still trying to pretend that reducing our GHGEs is going to send whole societies and entire countries back to a stone age existence.

    That was old 15 years ago when they were rolling out that crap, but it just looks ridiculously ignorant today.

  26. Catmomma

    I agree people trafficking is a serious crime, but that is plainly not why half our navy is floating around the Timor Sea. The whole handling of the issue reeks of politics.

    My point remains – we do not really have any genuine security threat near us. Even the terrorism that targetted Australia did not start till we were cynically joined to the ill fated invasion of Iraq by Howard. All these foreign adventures in the past decade have created more terrorist threats than they have destroyed. They were to win trade deals and appease the middle aged right winger demographic. But they were against the national interest. We should have stayed out of them.

    457 visas is a completely separate issue. Most of them get here legally in a commercial airliner, so that has nothing to do with defence or borders. It is an attempt to undercut our wage market, and should be fought for that reason, and no other. If we had a tighter skilled immigration policy, we might be more tolerant of taking more refugees.

  27. The other statement, frequently made by Adani spruikers, that the coal will reduce emissions in India because it is of higher quality, is questionable. Adani is planning to export a low energy/ high ash product to India. The coal in the Galilee Basin is of inferior quality to other Australian sites, which is the reason it has not been opened up earlier.
    So the Indians will be getting the inferior product, out of the two coal products Adani plans to export from a mine that is already an inferior source.

  28. What is it with these right wingers that they try to outdo each other by coming out with the most baseless, inflammatory statements?

    WHEN A front-runner in France’s impending presidential election obliterates history by denying the country’s well- documented complicity in deporting tens of thousands of French and foreign Jews to Nazi death camps, it is clear something sinister is afoot in the birthplace of the Enlightenment.

    Characterizing France as a victim rather than a willing and even enthusiastic participant in World War II’s mass liquidation of French and foreign Jews, Marine Le Pen, head of France’s far-right National Front, tried to remove the indelible stain left by that shameful chapter in her country’s history. Instead, she only ensured the stain attached to her own candidacy.

    Founded by her father, the racist Holocaust minimizer Jean-Marie Le Pen, the National Front spent several decades mainly at the extremist margins of French politics. Since taking the party’s reins in 2011, Ms. Le Pen has presented herself as a gentler sort of immigrant-bashing nationalist. But, evidently loath to alienate the party’s old guard, she has negated her efforts to detoxify the National Front with dog whistles to the party’s nativist base. With her willfully denialist remarks last weekend, she went even further — squarely into the realm of historical revisionism.

  29. KayJay

    The Regimental Bear sounds like the strong silent type, who is nevertheless revealed at the end of the novel as having a soft, sympathetic heart. I would welcome his (?) contributions. 😉

  30. Tony Abbott has come up with a 5 point plan to stop Bill Shorten becoming PM, make better government etc. That seems unnecessarily complex for the champion of 3 word answers. Keep it simple Tony – “Make me PM” is the answer to all the issues.

  31. Socrates,
    Trying to hang your pro boat-borne asylum seeker hat on the Iraq War issue is disingenuous in the current circumstances. Just as disingenuous as those boat-borne asylum seekers from Sri Lanka still claiming to be refugees from their civil war when it ended years ago and the country has elected, twice, a healer not a fighter as President. The same goes for Afghan, Iraqi and Iranian asylum seekers, unless they are from persecuted minorities. Their wars are over now, except for the attempt to rout ISIS, and so there is no need for them to come to Australia any more. Their countries have governments, maybe not perfect but functioning, and there are plenty more refugees in need of our help who are fleeing current conflicts.

    Which we can take through the traditional channels. There is absolutely no good reason to take any who try to come here by boat.

    Of course the reason we are stopping boat-borne asylum seekers has nothing to do with defense of our nation, that was just silly sabre rattling to the home audience and has been quietly dropped by the Coalition lately as far as I can see.

    It IS about saving lives and allowing the government of this country the flexibility to determine who gets our humanitarian offers of refugee assistance.

    Most of them get here legally in a commercial airliner, so that has nothing to do with defence or borders.

    I know that, and never attempted to conflate the two. Just mentioned it as another side effect of uncontrolled passage into this country of people from overseas. LIKE the boat-borne asylum seekers.

    I just think we have a government for a reason. One of which is to maintain control over, and make the policies which, determine the make up of our country and it’s population, working or otherwise, going forward.

  32. Tony Abbott has come up with a 5 point plan to stop Bill Shorten becoming PM, make better government etc.

    Then he gets elected and we see what a crock of crap he is. 🙂

  33. lizzie @ #40 Monday, April 17, 2017 at 8:43 am

    The Regimental Bear sounds like the strong silent type, who is nevertheless revealed at the end of the novel as having a soft, sympathetic heart. I would welcome his (?) contributions.

    Thanks you. I will make a new Gravatar of the Regimental Bear later in the day after doing some yard clearing and bedroom fixing upping.
    Brown Bear is indeed fits your description. He is dressed as a pirate complete with eye patch.
    I have photos of Abbee around the house. She was a hit with the ladies and gentlemen at the nursing home. The photos bring tears for the wonderful people and for Abbee.
    Good morning to all. ✌

  34. The article on the ABC is a crock of shit.
    Who buries the true intent of the article in the last two pragraphs after a series of bland platitudes, and with no analysis or rxplanation:

    ‘Finally, the government might bolster public broadcasting in this country by resurrecting plans to merge the ABC and SBS thus making better use of resources, and opening the way for a merged entity to accept advertising via SBS’s remit.

    Arguments to preserve the separation of the public service broadcasters become less compelling by the year.’

  35. @Confessions

    Oppressors claiming victim status is the new thing. It’s a nasty shallow Fascist tactic. Dutton’s been at it with the SSM debate and the poor put upon bullied Christian white male rubbish. I’m pretty sure this was posted on PB, but worth a revisit: Peter Catt (dean of St John’s Anglican Cathedral Brisbane) with the Easter message that the true meaning of Easter is the reversal of Jesus the victim into Jesus a resurrected triumphant innocent.

  36. ‘fess

    But, evidently loath to alienate the party’s old guard

    That’s where the money to float the National Front comes from.

    There was a BBC Panorama program detailing how they were financed just last Sunday.

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