Labor picks up a point in this week’s reading of Essential Research’s fortnight rolling average, which did not allow the Easter long weekend to interrupt its schedule. The major parties exchange a point on the primary vote, with Labor up to 37% and the Coalition down to 36%, while the Greens and One Nation hold steady at 10% and 8% respectively.
Also included are approving ratings for cross-benchers Senators, which I like to think they asked because I suggested it to them a few weeks ago, and it’s turned up the finding I was fishing for when I did: namely, that Jacqui Lambie, at 32% approval and 30% disapproval, is more popular than the overrated Pauline Hanson, at 32% and 48%. Still less popular are David Leyonhjelm, with 9% approval, 28% disapproval and a forbiddingly high “don’t know about them”, and Cory Bernardi, whose respective numbers are 10%, 34% and 41% (“not sure” accounts for the balance). At the top of the charts is Nick Xenophon, at 35% approval and 25% disapproval, followed by Derryn Hinch at 35% and 27%.
The poll also records 38% support for allowing superannuation to be accessible when buying a home, with 50% opposed, and has a suite of questions on the American intervention in Syria: 41% approve of last week’s bombing with 36% opposed; 37% say they would support US ground troops being sent, with 39% opposed; and 31% saying they would approve of an Australian contribution, with 50% opposed.
A job snob is a job snob is a job snob.
We have around 760,000 job snobs snobbing around 10 job vacancies.
They are slackarses living high and mighty off the hard-working negative gearing property mogul Australian Coalition MP working families who are snow jobbing…
Oh, wait.
bemused @ #1012 Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 1:48 pm
Metronet in WA, in the long term, is heading down the orbital route ( Perth already does a very good job with bus interchanges at many train stations, particularly on the Clarkson (north) and Mandurah (south) lines.
If Malcolm Turnbull had an original idea his head would explode:
‘The PM Has Ripped The “Australian Values” Play Straight From John Howard’
Surely not? My comment at 4.51pm can’t have been the last one!?!
Just got home to see Mal the super Magnificent playing statesmen with another fraud.
This will be lapped up by all media outlets and surely be worth a couple of points in Newspoll in conjunction with the Aussie first crap.
OK, what gives? The last comment I can see is from 7.11 pm last night. I’ll post this to see if that reboots the thing.
There is a new thread.