The Fairfax papers have an Ipsos poll that belies last week’s improvement for the Coalition in Newspoll. The report identifies Labor’s two-party lead as 55-45, but it features a chart showing Labor to be leading 56-44 “by overall preference flows”, whatever that means. The primary votes are Labor 34%, Coalition 33% and Greens 16% – a high Greens apparently having become a feature of this series. Malcolm Turnbull is down five on approval since November to 40% and up three on disapproval to 48%, while Bill Shorten is down two to 35% and steady at 53%, while Turnbull’s lead as preferred prime minister is down from 51-30 to 45-33. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1400.
Ipsos: 55-45 to Labor
The Coalition crashes in the latest entry of a poll series that is coming in unusually high for the Greens.
Bandt did not lie, whereas Turnbull did.
The only way you can claim Bandt was lying is if you don’t believe in climate change, or in the connection between fossil fuels and climate change.
Bandt’s statements don’t need to be accepted by everyone. People who ranted against the Vietnam War were reviled at the time, but eventually changed the dialog. They were proven correct.
If they’d shut up we’d still be fighting the bloody war.
This is a complete joke, this morning there were 11 pages including BK’s updates, come back and now this shite show. Has someone had their coffee spiked?
Catmomma, do you feel proud that Mark McGowan and his senior ministers will be taking lucrative lobbying posts for parasitic organisations in a few years thanks in part to your political peonage? Does it warm your heart to contribute to that outcome?
What a cynical man you are Nicholas.
Keep it real and impotent and pure with The Greens, while Labor gets on with improving the lives of the Working Man and Woman and saving them from attacks on their wages and conditions by the Tories, and indulged Greens’ fanbois like you can keep hurling epithets at us, uselessly. I would really love to know why you don’t have to work for a living. However, yes, I know it is none of my business.
Anyway. Like. I. Care. What. Your. Opinion. Of. Me. Is.
Another good article by Kristina Keneally.
Great point and example regarding trickle down economics.
How long has it been around for?
If I were a farmer who believed in climate change – as many, if not most, farmers do – and I was in the middle of a drought, then I would welcome statements by politicians that acknowledged the problem.
If I were in medecin sans frontieres and someone one dropped a cluster bomb on my hospital, I wouldn’t be saying “oh, please don’t discuss who did this, let the politics wait until we have buried the dead and everyone has forgotten about it”.
People don’t like these statements when they disagree. It’s only then that it becomes insensitive, or “playing politics”.
Surely/Shirley the blog could be hosted somewhere in a usable manner. ☠
On the other hand perhaps Crikey is part way to making a wonderful blog with Gravatars, numbers, date stamps and complete Emoji facility. ♡
On the third hand, it will be almost impossible to maintain a running you said, I said, series.
The fourth hand says it’s time I got a proper blog free life. ☮
Maybe William can move to the pub until renovations are over
The way things are going I’ll have to put Poll Bludger on stfu!
Fairfax is oldest to newest. Guardian let you display either way, but I always go oldest to newest. Call me old fashioned, but I like to read top to bottom. It’s the way I was taught to read.
Both let you reply to a comment, but that is corrupted by people who just use it to get their comment closer to the top where it is more likely to be read. The Guardian format is better if you wanted to copy them IMO.
However, with Fairfax and the Guardian the comments are for articles and have a limited time frame. PB is an ongoing conversation that people can join in and influence by bringing up whatever they like. I think the linear format that existed this morning is far and away more suitable to a continuous discussion.
If like the idea of a ‘reply’ button. That way when a war flares up between two posters, they can go at it hammer and tongs without flooding the general thread with posts most people aren’t interested in.
I assume it would show one or two replies, and then a button with something like ‘show more replies’.
However, I just pressed a ‘reply’ button to see what happens and, to my surprise, nothing did
New thread. I have no more of an idea what’s happened to comments than anyone else — I’ll get back to you on this shortly, I hope.
Has PB been hacked or is this new PB format an elaborate joke?
I guess it’s kind of uniform with the rest of Crikey’s articles and the Comments underneath them but it still feels kind of strange as most of the others are wrt daily opinion pieces.
The other thing to note regarding the Guardian comments is you can easily look at your past comments, check for any responses and reply to them to continue the conversation.
Now with so few comments displayed and no easy way to look back at comments any comments quickly get lost in the ether.
This is just woeful!
Shame on the gerbils.
One for the Crikey gerbils 🙂
If you were a politician you’d understand the mechanics of not gratuitously pissing off those whom you want to support you and your ideas. Call it retail politics, call it empathy, call it courtesy and manners. Regardless, it’s just a stupid way to go about it.
Still shit, I will check back later.
How good’s this.
Made a post at 2.43pm, Tues, 28 Mar
Come back at 7.40pm, Tues, 28 Mar – ‘LOAD MORE’ half a dozen times, et voila, there’s my post from 2.43. Fuck off.
Update of Shit Report @ 1858 hours QLD time.
Still shit – will check back later.
I am boycotting the Load More button. I have set up a picket line.
And, I am supposed to pay for this garbage site
Burn the Load More Button …. The Picket line is holding strong
Sums up the current state of Crikeys coding..
(Contains rude words)