First, Crikey has a seasonal offering this week of 25% off for gift subscriptions. If you’re a subscriber already, you can get $33 off a renewal (and also enjoy my piece today on Rod Culleton’s resignation from One Nation).
Second, I forgot to post the latest BludgerTrack update at the close of business last night, mostly because the result wasn’t very interesting, with only the usual Essential Research to add to the dataset. Labor gains 0.2% on two-party preferred, together with projected seats in Victoria and Queensland. Essential also included its monthly leadership ratings, causing a very slight improvement in both leaders’ net approval ratings. Essential will have one result for the year tomorrow, which will presumably be a wrap for all federal polling in 2016. However, The Australian should have Newspoll’s quarterly state and demographic breakdowns, along with scattered state results.
OC, what’s a Terrigal ? Sounds like a dinosaur.
bemused @ #146 Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 4:07 pm
I’m sure a lot of people would see his abandonment of Gillard for the treasonous Rudd as a clear sign of self-centred ambition at any cost.
Are these really the sort of people we want in Parliament, on a large salary with the ability to change our lives?
Whatever he’s electoral strengths, Shorten is gunna be a great Australian Prime Minister. He’ll have the govt functioning like a swiss watch. Drives me nuts when people say they want charisma. I just want competence.
lizzie @ #153 Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 4:30 pm
As with the Trump and Brexit phenomenon, people are aghast at the current state of federal parliament and simply looking at change, even if it is fools like PHON.
The ALP need to install a fresh new leader the people can respect.
rex douglas @ #152 Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 4:30 pm
Yeah, he was forced to eat humble pie after realising just what an utter disaster Gillard was.
Seeing the ravings of people like you, I sometimes wish we could have let Gillard go to the election as Leader just to see how low she could drive the ALP vote.
But then we would not have been in a position to make a strong recovery as we have managed to do.
bemused @ #156 Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 4:35 pm
antonbruckner11 @ #154 Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 4:32 pm
Charismatic leadership is only one form of leadership.
rex douglas @ #155 Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 4:35 pm
Still trailing your coat Rex? 😆
bemused @ #156 Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 4:35 pm
Of course it was Rudd who drove the ALP vote so low with his treacherous leaking and undermining.
Rudd deliberately sabotaged his party and essentially installed Abbott as PM.
But I’m sure the voters haven’t forgotten Shortens self-centred ambitious side-play from that time.
It seems the Pol was taken in the LNP party room
Why not?
Voters seem to forget dodgy things that the Coalition does on pretty much a monthly basis. Why would anyone still care about internal Labor politicking from years ago?
Not that we actually vote for PM, but only 5 months ago, 50% of the nation voted for Labor with Bill Shorten as leader, and as a result he missed out on becoming PM by a whisker.
And all this from a small base, given the 2013 rout of Labor.
Like all PMs in waiting, Bill Shorten is not top of the pops poll wise as LOTO, but as 2013-2016 showed he is a very solid leader who has instilled discipline and teamwork in Labor.
There has not been any real and substantial internal squabble or leadership criticism since he was elected leader, save for MSM beat ups. And the only “crises” have been one or two individual events of “shoot self in foot” like Dastyari.
I think your view that many outside of PB agree with you and silly Rex is way off target.
You are both well known and well practised axe grinders of anti Shorten persuasion, and because of this bee in your respective bonnets, your opinions are far from objective, and are as a result quite inaccurate.
I think you’ll both be still singing the same tune even when Shorten is elected PM for the second time in 2022.
Outside Left
I suspect you are thinking of Troglodytes my understanding is that they are now thankfully extinct. As for Terrigals the last known specimen, noelenius hayus , is still roaming free in Woolongong
Sorry that is of course noreenius hayus
Rodney Syme – am interesting man – a scion of Old Melbourne money who ended up as a Urologist.
The decision is not as revolutionary as the Age, once owned by Symes family would have you think.
But Dr Syme challenged this in VCAT last month, arguing that his provision of Nembutal to people with intolerable suffering was not done with the primary intention of ending their life, but rather to relieve suffering and to give people control over their death. This is well within current palliative care standards but does raise the question of the aim of the current Victorian legislative change.
oakeshott country @ #166 Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 5:11 pm
And a good ALP member.
Höppl said that tourists, and the money they bring to the area, were welcome, but locals were sick of replacing the Fucking signs.
will this get moderated?
Bemused – you amaze me! At urology functions he used to go around like he had a broomstick up his arse.
But then again there are a lot of urologists like that
oakeshott country @ #170 Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 5:33 pm
I knew him on the Health Policy Committee.
oakeshott country @ #171 Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 5:34 pm
The ones I have met were all OK. The two registrars involved in removing my kidney stone a few years back were fun guys.
Noreen’s gone the way of the dinosaurs. Jo Gash is in a similar situation having been voted out as Shoalhaven Mayor , still considers herself a king maker but her influence is on the wane, same as Noreens. Good riddance to both of them.
This year’s Summer Solstice is tomorrow Wednesday December 21st at 10:44 GMT (Universal time), i.e 9:44PM AEDT. After tomorrow, days will start getting shorter, impercebilbly at first but noticeable by Febuary.
If you’re planning to sacrifice a goat to the Sun God, time to get your goat ready.
How depressing. I hate it when the days grow short again.
Would sacrificing a cockroach do?
Or several thousand ants?
Fascinating interview from 1994 – looking back and looking at TPP etc how does this discussion travel? Well i think! So, when politicians talk about free trade who are they really seeking to benefit?
The perceptive Helen Razer on how the mainstream media has a warped concept of what is newsworthy:
Would sacrificing a cockroach do? might be more practical, but maybe the relevant diety wants something bigger.
I suppose the Government has more trash to put out. It will be interesting to see what gets put out this week before everything goes into recess.
God how depressing. We didn’t get to have a spring and summer is taking forever to kick in. Before we know it we’ll be back to winter!
Has this been mentioned previously? Some good news.
Thank Howard for this mess:
Outside Left
Good to hear$2.2b-in-loans-to-dodgy-training-providers/8135724
A little cherry to go on top of that bit of Rodent droppings.
Poroti, The airport just took the duty free concept a little further.
Thanks for all your hard work and insight William, and have a good break!
Apparently passing Turnbull’s budget measures is now a moral imperative:
Yeah and it’s the passengers who pay all those federal taxes!!
Oakeshott Country
Do you never rest?
I recommend a large glass of Cherry Cheer with 3 scoops of ice cream, otherwise known as a Spider. Naturally, you will want 2 pink straws to complete this libation (select your own deity).
Now settle yourself with good back support. Open your new copy of “Lorna Doon”.
As the sun sinks slowly in the east (according to latest scientific knowledge) close your eyes and think pleasant thoughts.
This works for me, I hope it will for you,
Soon you will hear the sound of ukuleles
and banjos in the background as the neighbours
gather singing their old familiar “We’re gonna hang old
… … ….. from a sour apple tree”.
Releax now, your eyelids are getting heavy.
zzxx zz xx Damn, I’m going to sleep.
My defence for this load of tripe is that it distracts me from a lot other tripe on this blog – and my usual fall back – my amusement.
I read with much interest your posts (not only yours).
Do not disenchant me by telling me you don’t like country music.
I go now for my daily “Saturday Night” shower. 😎 🙂
“{Sydney Airport} has the highest profit margins on aeronautical services, very high profit margins on car parking.
Even though it’s competing with all the other international Airports in Sydney. Essential infrastructure should be in public hands and certainly not sold off to private monopolies. And what happened to the money raised by the sale? A large part would have went on election-time giveaways.
Sky News Australia
Sky News Australia – Verified account @SkyNewsAust
.@billshortenmp says @TurnbullMalcolm has his priorities wrong when it comes to the budget. #auspol MORE
Thevagovernment wants to attack welfare and services and hand the savings to the big end of town, who hide large chunks of their earningd to avoid paying tax. Where’s the ‘moral imperative’?
Spot on. Something Labor needs to repeat ad nauseum
But the big end of town trickle their gains down to the masses so ultimately we all end up benefiting. 😀
I remember a metaphor for ‘trickle down’ that I think another Bludger posted – something like: “feed a prize racehorse the best and distribute what comes out the other end to the punters”.
I suppose this is all the fault of renewable energy. It couldn’t possibly be the fault of budget cuts by the NSW government.
“John Kenneth Galbraith — ‘If you feed enough oats to the horse, some will pass through to feed the sparrows ” .
Also known as” Piss on the Poor” theory.