Essential Research: 52-48 to Labor

A slight shift to the Coalition in this week’s Essential Research, which also finds the recent Senate turmoil has changed very few minds about the utility of minor parties holding the balance of power.

This week’s Essential Research result ticks back a point to the Coalition on two-party preferred, who now trail by 52-48, from primary votes of 39% for both the Coalition and Labor (respectively up one and down one), with the Greens and Palmer United steady on 9% and 6%. Other findings:

• Perceptions of the Senate balance of power have not changed since last year, with 32% thinking it best when the government has a majority (up one), 25% favouring independents and minor parties holding the balance of power (up one), 8% preferring the opposition holding the balance of power (down two), 7% saying it doesn’t matter, and 28% saying they don’t know.

• Perceptions of the present situation are likewise unchanged on immediately after the election, with 36% thinking the micro-parties good for democracy (steady), 28% bad (up two) and 15% opting for makes no difference (down two).

• Twenty-seven per cent would sooner the Greens hold the balance of power versus 22% for Palmer United, with 34% saying no difference.

Other inquiries relate to respondents’ retirement and superannuation arrangements. Another polling nugget to emerge yesterday was a ReachTEL result commissioned by the Electrical Trades Union showing Queensland Treasurer Tim Nicholls facing a 13% swing in his affluent Brisbane seat of Clayfield, but nonetheless leading 57-43 on two-party preferred.

UPDATE (ReachTEL): The Seven Network this evening brings us a ReachTEL automated phone poll of national voting intention, as it does one a month or so, conducted to gauge reaction to Tony Abbott’s handling of the MH17 disaster. The poll shows a slight tick to the Coalition, which now trails 52-48 from primary votes of 36% for the Liberals, apparently not including the Coalition (up one); 37% for Labor (down one); 10% for the Greens (steady); and 8% for Palmer United (up one). Abbott scores strong ratings for his handling of MH17, being rated very good or good by 51%, satisfactory by 26% and poor or very poor by 23%.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

835 comments on “Essential Research: 52-48 to Labor”

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  1. MTBW

    I think that is what the HC is trying to do – it is offering a hearing within 14 days.

    The problem is getting the parties to understand and address the key issue about Cth power.

  2. [The Channel 7 Reachtel was on Abbott’s handling of MH17 – a tad different from a leader approval rating.]

    Rabbott’s over blown response reflects the outrage, re:MH17

    What really sickens me is the fawning and bulldust that Rabbott is leading the world on this incident.

  3. [It seems Merkel QC wants to run with some high wide and handsome factual allegations which the Commonwealth is taking up time addressing. Hayne J is not going to let that happen and just needs the parties to twig to that before he shoves his way of doing it down their throats.]

    It seems some lawyers’ actions in asylum seeker cases are just based on “don’t like it” rather than any legal or constitutional reasoning, such that they are making up their legal arguments as they go, rather than having a good faith belief the action they are seeking to stop was unlawful/unconditional from the outset.

  4. Slothy

    The news was totally full of shite.

    Here are some I heard in the car and on TV when I got home:

    1) Abbott: (still at war) “First comes the crime, then comes the cover up”

    2) Australia has ensured that there will be a full investigation. Abbott and Bishop have secret skills they hide back home? Or was it the fact that that other countries talk quietly to Putin?

    3) Angus Houston is managing the repatriation of bodies
    Really? I don’t doubt his ability, but is Abbott actually saying that Houston is the choice of Netherlands and Malaysia to manage the train/ plane journey to Netherlands for the 298?

    Or is Abbott just hyping up the fact that he is Australia’s man on the spot, doing whatever liaison is needed re eventual repatriations back to here …… Abbott was implying more than that.

    4) News that Abbott will send Australian soldiers to protect the site.
    Really? So he’s proposing to send soldiers into an actual war zone?

    Granted, it is dangerous for investigators, just as it is for the media, just as it is for rescue workers and medics in all war zones. But correct me if I’m wrong, the ragtag rebels have not injured or killed or shot at press or “neutrals” at the site.

    They have been guarding the site, granted, and refusing access etc. But will it make things safer for investigators to be working with Aussie soldiers standing nearby pointing guns at the rebels.

    These news items are examples of gross jingoism spiced up with Abbott aggro language. Neither entity seems to have much by way of common sense.

  5. @Psyclaw/158

    Will there be any Royal Commission into deaths into Soldiers? or will be another cover up? “Operation Sh!t Happens”?

  6. Oh dear, this may be a real diplomatic issue for Abbott and Bishop. God help us all.

    [Indonesian presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto said he has rejected the election process and accused it of being unfair as nearly complete results showed his opponent Jakarta governor Joko Widodo leading with 52 percent of the vote.

    The former general made the announcement on Tuesday after a meeting with a leader of his coalition parties while the Election Commission was finalising the tally of the July 9 election.

    After meeting with leaders of his coalition parties, Prabowo, declared the election undemocratic said he was withdrawing from the current process that was underway.]

  7. [Julie Bishop is coming across as sane; and getting a lot of coverage; perhaps she is the post Abbott PM.]

    Psephos and others suggested this some time ago. She is one of the better ministers, but I cannot see a partyroom with many deeply sexist males ever supporting her in a leadership ballot.

  8. frednk:

    JBishop has been the standout minister so far. Although being a standout amongst a mob of fools and incompetents probably isn’t saying much about her skills and abilities. But still. Praise where it’s due.

  9. [psyclaw

    4) News that Abbott will send Australian soldiers to protect the site.
    Really? So he’s proposing to send soldiers into an actual war zone?]

    This is a ludicrous proposition. Who does he consult about sending in Australian troops – the Ukranian government, the rebels? How would Putin react to this – after Abbott has virtually called him a war criminal?

    The place is a tinder keg at the moment. Does Abbott want to inflame tensions even more?

  10. Ms Lambie is now apologising for her “well hung” and “whipper snipper” comments. See ABC online:

    [“That’s why I am not so worried about my waxing,” she offered.

    When asked about removing hair from her legs, bikini line and underarms, Senator Lambie revealed all.

    “Right now the state I’m in, I can tell you what, you’d want to bring out that whipper snipper first.”

    Senator Lambie said when the discussion turned to her lack of a love life she tried to hide her embarrassment by making jokes.

    “I apologise to any radio listeners who may be offended by my comments on Kim and Dave’s Show,” she said in an issued statement.

    “Of course my political enemies will make a big deal out of my comments, but the reality is I was talking with Kim and Dave on Heart FM – not Sarah Ferguson on the ABC.”

    Both the Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman and Opposition Leader Bryan Green took a dim view of her performance, saying that Tasmanians had reason to be expect better from their elected representatives.]

  11. Two items on ABC PM intro this evening… 10 seconds apart

    first … Bodies from MH17 being flow to the Netherlands on hercules for identification.

    second Abbott sending Body identification team to the Ukraine do identifications

    Are there 2 sets of bodies?

    ABC don’t bother to read their own rubbish

  12. frednk@161

    Julie Bishop is coming across as sane; and getting a lot of coverage; perhaps she is the post Abbott PM.

    She only appears sane in comparison with Abbott and his ilk.

    She’s a political lightweight. The female equivalent of Talcum MournBull.

  13. [ but the reality is I was talking with Kim and Dave on Heart FM – not Sarah Ferguson on the ABC.]

    Interesting that Sarah Ferguson is now synonymous with “serious interviewer”.

    Doubt Ms Lambie would have said Leigh Sales or Fran Kelly or Chris Uhlmann, given how lightweight they are.

  14. Dunno, is ‘Predrag’ a common Serbian christian name??
    [A Melbourne man has been placed on Interpol’s most wanted list after allegedly committing war crimes during the breakdown of the former Yugoslavia.

    A Croatian court claims Predrag Japranin was responsible for the murders of three people in the Croatian town of Petrinja in November 1991.

    A Croatian woman, Kristina Siftar, told 7.30 Mr Japranin, a Serb, came to her home and took away her son, Marijan, and another man, Milan Krnjaic.]

  15. [“Right now the state I’m in, I can tell you what, you’d want to bring out that whipper snipper first.” ]

    In some ways I do feel sorry for Lambie. She’s obviously been thrust into the limelight courtesy of her Senate win, and is completely unprepared for it.

    Having said that, I’ve heard zilch from her WA Senate colleague since he was elected, so you have to ask yourself, if she’s so unprepared for handling the media, why isn’t someone taking her in hand and giving her some tips on doing radio/TV interviews?

  16. Lambie is a riot. And I thought her appearance on Q+A was a one off comedy spectacular. I can just hear Abetz tut tutting.

  17. [ruawake
    Posted Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 7:09 pm | PERMALINK
    Oh dear, this may be a real diplomatic issue for Abbott and Bishop. God help us all.

    Indonesian presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto said he has rejected the election process and accused it of being unfair as nearly complete results showed his opponent Jakarta governor Joko Widodo leading with 52 percent of the vote.]

    Prabowo has screamed “unfair” since the day of the election when reputable pollsters showed him losing. Since then he has maintained defiance, claiming that he will challenge the result in the constitutional court (as he is entitled to do).

    One bright spot in this is that his political support has apparently been falling away as some of the political parties who previously supported him have jumped ship to declare their support for Jokowi.

    The main concern is that his military background may entice him to stage some sort of anti-democratic uprising. However Indonesia is a different place to when he was Sukarno’s son in law.

    Nonetheless, Abbott is going to find even Jokowi much more difficult to deal with than SBY. He is said to have a more nationalistic outlook and, as a newly elected president with considerable authority, will suffer no nonsense from Abbott.

  18. DL@169

    I’d like to see a Lambie/Uhlmann interview. She could ask the Toolman where he gets his nickname from, with a huge on camera wink.

  19. GG #138

    Inconsistency by posters amuses me.

    It has been many years since anything emanating from the Catholic church or its practitioners upset me. I am secure in my understanding of the big fantasy.

    By all means try.

    I am however quite annoyed by clergy abuse from by your mob, and the subsequent lies and cover up. I hope this does not upset you too much.

  20. 148 Rossmore

    [The Channel 7 Reachtel was on Abbott’s handling of MH17 – a tad different from a leader approval rating. I suspect most people think he’s handled it ok and hence the positive rating. One sunny day doesn’t make a summer]

    Anna Bligh did really well with handling the Brisbane floods back in 2011. It didn’t save her from elections the next year.

  21. [lambie was military plod for a while, I am sure she can handle herself.]

    The woman’s talking about whipper snipping her girlie bits and how long it’s been for her between relationships on state radio, conversation we gals usually confine to lunch with the sisters and plenty of bubbles. You overshare like that, it don’t say to me that she’s handling herself.

  22. Has somebody updated Abbott?

    [World stocks rise as Ukraine plane tensions ease

    Elaine Kurtenbach, The Associated Press, Tokyo | Business | Tue, July 22 2014, 4:11 PM

    World stock markets rose Tuesday as tensions over the downing of a passenger jet in Ukraine eased after pro-Moscow separatists released a train packed with bodies and handed over the aircraft’s black boxes.]

  23. [I am however quite annoyed by clergy abuse from by your mob, and the subsequent lies and cover up]

    I am sure GG is too. We are all appalled by it.

    But it doesn’t mean one cannot describe bemused as a “pr*ck” all the same!

  24. [lambie was military plod for a while, I am sure she can handle herself.
    The woman’s talking about whipper snipping her girlie bits and how long it’s been for her between relationships on state radio, conversation we gals usually confine to lunch with the sisters and plenty of bubbles. You overshare like that, it don’t say to me that she’s handling herself.]

    True, but oversharing can be humanising.

    People are forever wanting “real people” in the parliament.

    Poor old Prissy wouldn’t even know what she was referring to, for example, as he is so far removed from reality.

  25. Darren Laver #156

    ” It seems some lawyers’ actions in asylum seeker cases are just based on “don’t like it” rather than any legal or constitutional reasoning, such that they are making up their legal arguments as they go, rather than having a good faith belief the action they are seeking to stop was unlawful/unconditional from the outset.”


    Did you actually read the transcript kindly linked by Shellbell. If so, you didn’t understand it.

    It was fairly routine behaviour by His Honour as he led/pushed the two sides to a clear identification of the main issue at hand in a complex case.

    He gave “stick” to both Counsel and underscored the need to prune down to the main issue to be decided, so that it can be decided quickly because there are people right now being detained, perhaps legally, perhaps not so.

    It has nothing to do with “making it up as they go”.

  26. Reachtel taken last night.
    [Strong Abbott backing
    Yahoo!7 July 22, 2014, 7:00 pm

    Tony Abbott’s forceful response to the downing of MH17 has won strong endorsement from the Australian voters. Mark Riley reports]

    They seriously over egg it on the PM (watch the vid & you’ll see what I mean). The figures are…

    TPP L/NP 48(+1) ALP 52(-1)
    Primaries L/NP 36(+1) ALP 37(-1) Greens 10(0) PUP 8(+1)

    Abbott’s handling of MH17
    Very Good 31%
    Good 20%
    Satisfactory 26%
    Poor 13%
    Very Poor 10&

    No full figures on the ReachTEL site yet, but keep an eye on the site below over the next day or two. No doubt there is far more to the poll (leader ratings etc).

  27. [People are forever wanting “real people” in the parliament. ]

    And the irony is that with the current Senate they’ve got that in spades!

    That still doesn’t detract from my empathy for Lambie and desire to see PUP equip her with the appropriate skills needed to take on the media.

  28. Reachtel have PUP on 8%?

    Is that their highest national score in any poll to date?

    If so, why is that not the headline?

  29. [mikehilliard
    Posted Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 7:31 pm | PERMALINK

    I’d like to see a Lambie/Uhlmann interview. She could ask the Toolman where he gets his nickname from, with a huge on camera wink.]

    Maybe she is after the Donkey vote

  30. [I’d like to see a Lambie/Uhlmann interview. She could ask the Toolman where he gets his nickname from, with a huge on camera wink.]


    The Brits do this saucy stuff so much better. You can’t go one week there without an MP (usually Tory) caught with his pants down or otherwise in some sort of romp.

  31. [AirLiveNet
    BREAKING EMERGENCY We have confirmation Boeing 737 Anadolujet flight #XQ190 landed safely at Antalya.]

    I do hope we don’t have heaps of these scares every time there is a radar blip in that part of the world.

  32. ruawake

    Instead of accepting defeat in grace, or challenge the result in Constitutional Court, Prabowo has done something unexpected and illegal.

    Under article 246 in constitutional law number 42 on the presidential election (2008), a presidential candidate or vice presidential candidate who deliberately withdraw after the first round of elections until the end of the second round of election, is liable to be sentenced to jail for at least 36 months and at most 72 months and fined at least 50 billion rupiah and at most 100 billion rupiah.

    At least that’s what my friend in Jakarta told me.

  33. I find Lambie’s behaviour quite refreshing to be honest. Might not agree with some of her views, but at least I know what they are.

  34. Darren Laver

    My original comment to MTBW had zero to do with GG’s reflections on Bemused, and zero to do with anyone being called a prick.

    It was a nuanced comment which I’m sure MTBW understood perfectly.

    Such language per se does not at all faze me, and I am quite competent at same.

  35. [My original comment to MTBW had zero to do with GG’s reflections on Bemused, and zero to do with anyone being called a prick.

    Apologies! We must have been at crossed purposes then.

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