Abbott government day one: open thread

Breaking news: Abbott wins.

Nothing actually further to add at this stage, but the new day requires a new thread. Please observe the plethora of new posts below for those wishing to follow late counting, and especially the fairly detailed one attempting to review the Senate situation. These extend on to the second page; I’ll do something to make them more accessible in the morning.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

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  1. Dio

    but, and I am going out on a limb here. Understand that I am NOT a member of ANY political party but did advise on the feasibility of PSC, which is now part of a suite of policies of “Direct ACtion” which is routinely mocked in this room.

    I am a scientist first and distant second a political addict.

    I agree that it is difficult to audit. Not quite as notoriously difficult as it is to do forecasting on Emissions Trading Schemes, wouldn’t you agree?

  2. bluepill, Tony Abbott has said the science around climate change is crap. He has said they will not spend a cent more than what has already been offered. This is not my polar thinking. This is not my projection of some Tony Abbott I imagine for the sake of my own fevered mind.

    I will take you at your word that you are sincere in your beliefs and have put your own thought into the best way to effect change. However, you must understand that Tony Abbott neither cares about nor shares your concerns. If the policy you support requires more effort. It won’t be forthcoming from Tony Abbott.

    You want first world lifestyle and assuage your guilt with socialist ‘environmental’ policy. What a fraud.

    Oh, you know how I live, do you?

  3. bluepill

    [I agree that it is difficult to audit. Not quite as notoriously difficult as it is to do forecasting on Emissions Trading Schemes, wouldn’t you agree?]

    Agree. I’m a carbon tax advocate myself.

  4. Richo suggesting Clive wouldn’t be up for the late night parliamentary sittings.

    Parly House might need to improve the menu in the dining room.

  5. … and photovoltaics are improving all the time. They are orders of magnitude better than they were a couple of decades ago, and the technology will get better and cheaper.

  6. [3454
    Posted Monday, September 9, 2013 at 10:11 pm | PERMALINK
    Tanya for Labor Opposition Leader / Penny Wong for Lower House ?]

    I wouldn’t put a woman in as leader after the way our last woman leader was treated. But I’d love to see Plibersek as Deputy.

  7. Bamboo ‘challenging’ the synthetic carpet industry shouldn’t even enter the argument here if you really believe in AGW.

    The embodied energy of producing carpet from fibres obtained from petrochemicals, made in Chinese factories and shipped to Australia by burning diesel to produce it is hardly a ringing endorsement for protection. It is also a product which melts and sticks to children in a housefire causing 3rd degree burns to good little kids taught to ‘get down low and go, go,go.

    A bamboo/wool blend simply does not burn in low OXygen environments.

    It is also more expensive currently, so the competition is a furphy. Poly carpets for the foreseeable future will always rape the environment and be cheaper to buy.

    Bamboo/Wool blends are a premium product, which is sustainable and safe for your kid’s noses, bodies and bedrooms in a fire.

    YES!! He jumped on stage at Libs after-party and was last heard wandering around his cell murmuring: Gillard wins by default.

    Just popped in to see what’s a-happening and blow me down if it ain’t Rudd vs everyone now, not just Gillard. You rusted-on Laborites would give your right arm for Abbott to appoint him GG or anything, maybe Ambassador to Syria? What a loyal bunch you are to the person you wanted to sell to the rest of us up until 2 days ago. As I’ve written before, there is no hate that can match internal Labor hate.

  9. [Move her to Calwell Adam!]

    Yes I’d support that. Vamvakinou is a waste of a safe seat, she’s only there to give Kim Carr another vote in Caucus.

    Some other candidates for moving along:
    * Jill Hall (Shortland)
    * Laurie Ferguson (Werriwa)
    * Chris Hayes (Fowler)

  10. [I agree that it is difficult to audit. Not quite as notoriously difficult as it is to do forecasting on Emissions Trading Schemes, wouldn’t you agree?]
    WTF are you crapping on about?

    Direct Action is a total wank because the government doesn’t have the faintest idea how much abatement will cost until all the money is spent.

  11. [Some other candidates for moving along:
    * Jill Hall (Shortland)
    * Laurie Ferguson (Werriwa)
    * Chris Hayes (Fowler)]

    * Joel Fitzgibbon (Hunter)

  12. Let me put it another way.

    If it can be demonstrated that one or another party’s policies won’t work, out of the Greens, ALP, and LNP, who do you think will change their minds? The Greens, certainly. The ALP, not sure. Definitely not the current incarnation of the Liberals under Tony Abbott.

  13. Mick77 do you know of any other parties who have gone on radio defending a policy which they then realise wasn’t really a policy but was actually hilarious incompetence? Or are the Libs the only ones ever to do it?

  14. Mick

    As I’ve written before, there is no hate that can match internal Labor hate.

    You’re just jealous that you can’t muster that quality of hate.

  15. DN

    I don’t care what else Tony Abbott says or thinks, I am not a Coalition voter but I have great respect for excellent ideas. This particular one is ridiculed by the ALP and Greens and I think that response is wrong for the environment no matter how ‘right’ you might see it for politics.

    Such polarisations are infantile.

    I challenge you then which of the following do you have residentially:

    a) Net positive solar PV energy provision (in our home 11kW of panels)
    c) ONLY LED, CFL bulbs
    d) Net positive water production
    e) A fuel efficient diesel vehicle with embodied energy paid in the late ’90s
    f) An 8 star energy rating for your house
    g) R values of 8.5 in ceilings
    h) 100% double glazed windows
    i) All FSC certified plywood walls (not mined gyprock that falls apart when wet)
    j) A house which unbolts and has 80% re-purposeable materials in its construction.
    k) Not a single ceramic tile in the house (high embodied energy) all stone, straight from the quarry, 50% EE and 200% durability.

    I walk and ride and compost and have bamboo floors, rugs and clothing and grow worms.

    I vote Centre Right.

    Now DN and other bludgers.. the challenge is out there.. How Green is YOUR lifestyle… Don’t tell me a Centrist has better credentials than others here. I could not possibly believe it.. Someone here must live out what they believe..

    PB meet environmental gauntlet.

  16. I was only half joking with the Hindmarsh idea. It’s not entirely stupid. Although, I’d see Adelaide or Port Adelaide better for her – if Ellis or Butler were retiring or whatever (and yes, if she wanted to get into the House, she’d do so in an SA seat.)

  17. HI Slow Son..

    You might struggle with the level of this topic.. My fault, I should have put a PG label on the thread.

    Sorry, my bad.

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