The latest Essential Research survey has the Coalition’s two-party lead unchanged at 51-49, with their primary vote down a point to 45 per cent, Labor steady on 39 per cent and the Greens up one to 10 per cent. Supplementary questions find respondents overwhelmingly of the belief that more competition is needed in the banking sector, trusting Joe Hockey and the Liberals slightly more on the issue than Wayne Swan and Labor; attaching high importance to our relationships with the United States and perfidious New Zealand, but indifferent about Germany and South Africa; rating the influence of the United States as weakening (60 per cent) rather than strengthening (20 per cent); and supporting same-sex marriage.
3,198 comments on “Essential Research: 51-49 to Coalition”
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[Paul_JPosted Monday, November 15, 2010 at 5:31 pm | PermalinkLa Trioli
@ the 0:42 sec mark ROFL
Someone forgot to update the autocue 🙂 Or Michael Rowland has had a sex change 🙂
That is a cracker. 😆
So Virginia is really Mike. 😆
Thank you. If you do find the link I’d be interested in seeing it.
The power of the auto cue, one wonders what a mischievous studio worker could do to a presenter 😉
Funny! 😆
[The Victorian Coalition has been embarrassed by the behaviour of a young candidate just hours before its campaign launch took place.
A report in the Herald Sun has images of 21-year-old Melton candidate Braidy Kean promoting 24-hour alcohol consumption on the social networking site Facebook.
He also reportedly insulted Victoria’s Police Commissioner and his federal leader, saying that he would rather revoke his membership than have Tony Abbott as leader.]
saying that he would rather revoke his membership than have Tony Abbott as leader.
Sound young man
And this just keeps bubbling along.
[The Australian Federal Police have confirmed that complaints made by an expelled member of Queensland’s Liberal National Party (LNP) have been referred to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.
Michael Johnson has alleged LNP president Bruce McIvor tried to blackmail him to quit parliament.
“Back in May when I was the Federal Member for Ryan, Mr McIver came into my Parliamentary office in Canberra and said that he had information that would destroy my career,” he said.
“He wanted me to resign from Parliament.
“He said if I did not that he would destroy my career and clearly my caeer has come to an end in politics – that’s absolutely blackmail.”]
Confessions , I found it in most obvious place I didn’t expect to be see & so detailed , poll at bottom , so if you click onto to williams above link most info is there I do however now recall ringing them on methodology because i was uncomfortable with notions of online pols given TV station ones , and they did confirm great detail done off line in getting that panel so there generic statemnt at bottom on that that you’ll see i think is credible Tho it wont explain why Greens understated , but dare say its for reasons i suggest
@ Dee
Thugs in the Liberal ranks …. who would have thunk it ?
[“Attaching high importance to our relationships with the United States and perfidious New Zealand.]
OK, I’ll play Bill Bowe. Why is lil’ ol NZ “perfidious”?
So, 80% of those polled on banks/trust/Swan or Sloppy were Lib/Nat voters.
Have I read that correctly?
The Coalition are terrified of this going ahead. They’d lose the only policy they have: STOP the BOATS
Ah, so that’s why the Libs are opposed to the NBN! 😆
[You absolutely must have a look at the pic in this article. Big Ted is puckering up to kiss his wife Robin, and in the background, seen between their faces, is Tone, with his lips puckering in sync!]
Who do you think Tone imagines he is kissing? Red Ted or his missus? 😉
[The conclusion could not be more clear. The Puppet Master’s identity can only be one man. It is a man that wields enormous power around the world. It is a man with ties to media and government and big business. It is a man without a country. It is a man whom Beck has every right to fear. It is without doubt the most loathsome creature to stalk God’s green earth in decades. It is…..]
morewest @ 63
I suspect that the whole offshore processing thing will be brought to an end by the recent High Court ruling although there is still some doubt and legal opinions are being sought.
It is about time the ALP went on the attack over this saying:
? Australia does not control the points of departure and has no legal means of “stopping the boats” there. We must rely on the co-operation of other governments.
? Under Labor the Australian Navy has a good record for intercepting and “stopping the boats” and detaining occupants intending to seek asylum in Australia.
? The Government will not countenance illegal means of “stopping the boats” or means of “stopping the boats” that endanger life. Is this what the Opposition proposes?
? Having “stopped the boats” the Government will process Asylum Seekers according to the law and in accordance with the recent High Court Ruling. Does the Opposition propose unlawful actions?
? After asylum claims have been properly processed successful Asylum Seekers will be granted visas and unsuccessful claimants will be deported after due process.
? The boats are being stopped, the Asylum Seekers are being lawfully processed now STFU!!!
Damn, my nice graphic characters looked great in ‘Preview’!
Did you post this link?
Do they still think China is only good for manufacturing the $35 DVD?
Afterall, the Chinese Lenovo Group bought out the old IBM PC Division in 2005 and now is the 3rd largest PC manufacturer and supplier in the World behind Dell and HP.
[China Grabs Supercomputing Leadership Spot in Latest Ranking of World’s Top 500 Supercomputers
Thu, 2010-11-11 22:42 – MANNHEIM, Germany; BERKELEY, Calif.; and KNOXVILLE, Tenn.—The 36th edition of the closely watched TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers confirms the rumored takeover of the top spot by the Chinese Tianhe-1A system at the National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin, achieving a performance level of 2.57 petaflop/s (quadrillions of calculations per second).
News of the Chinese system’s performance emerged in late October. As a result, the former number one system — the Cray XT5 “Jaguar” system at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility in Tennessee — is now ranked in second place. Jaguar achieved 1.75 petaflop/s running Linpack, the TOP500 benchmark application.
Third place is now held by a Chinese system called Nebulae, which was also knocked down one spot from the June 2010 TOP500 list with the appearance of Tianhe-1A. Located at the National Supercomputing Centre in Shenzhen, Nebulae performed at 1.27 petaflop/s. ]
Hmmmmmm! If ya can’t beat em join em?
[(Washington) President Barack Obama has confided his plans to become a registered Republican some time before the end of the lame-duck session of the 111th Congress. Speaking to his inner circle, he lamented failing to bring the two major parties together. One of his confidants reported Obama saying, “It’s really just one party anyway and clearly the Republicans have the confidence of the people. I can finish my original mission much easier within the GOP.” Sources wouldn’t elaborate on what that mission is. (Image: juvetson)]
Did you post this link?]
Yes but someone posted it way back before me as well.
Frank Calabrese @ 9
[Re Comms issues – as aScanning enthusiest who listens to the firies here (police are encrypted digital) I can well appreciate that the radio network being under immense pressure and that radio black-holes can mean that vital messages just cannot get through. Also the CFA, DSE and MFS have different radio networks – which makes inter-agency communications an almost impossibilty.]
As a scanning enthusiest I wonder if you would be able to answer a question for me.
I was told that during such events as occured on Black Saturday the fires are so intense that they can and often create their own weather and electrical situations which have real adverse impacts on the radio networks of the emergency services. Is this accurate?
Also would anyone have knowledge on whether the fires of Victoria were such that they created their own weather pattern. Obviously the burning took oxygen which resulted in winds increasing to that region but can this also create additional difficulties from differing pressure patterns, cloud and humidity.
My friends experience here in Canberra during their fires were pretty enlightening. He spoke of fires racing toward his house at amazing speeds and then almost instantly turning ninety degrees and racing away. The emergency services just could not react as fast as the fires shifted, raced ahead, slowed down and leapt kilometres and to make it worse just erupted spontaneously (sp?) in a different area.
So much for optical fibre being trumped as a technology in the near future –
[Imagine if all the data traversing the world right now—on long distance networks and between and within computers and other hardware—could be sent through a single fiber the width of a human hair.
A new research center has been launched at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) to make that a reality. Researchers with the Terabit Optical Ethernet Center (TOEC) will develop the technology necessary for a new generation of Ethernet a thousand times faster, and much more energy efficient, than today’s most advanced networks. They are aiming for 1 Terabit Ethernet over optical fiber—1 trillion bits per second—by 2015, with the ultimate goal of enabling 100 Terabit Ethernet by 2020.]
Here is the link
And BTW the host website is a very good one
[HaveAchatPosted Monday, November 15, 2010 at 6:39 pm | PermalinkFrank Calabrese @ 9
Re Comms issues – as aScanning enthusiest who listens to the firies here (police are encrypted digital) I can well appreciate that the radio network being under immense pressure and that radio black-holes can mean that vital messages just cannot get through. Also the CFA, DSE and MFS have different radio networks – which makes inter-agency communications an almost impossibilty.
As a scanning enthusiest I wonder if you would be able to answer a question for me.
I was told that during such events as occured on Black Saturday the fires are so intense that they can and often create their own weather and electrical situations which have real adverse impacts on the radio networks of the emergency services. Is this accurate?
Also would anyone have knowledge on whether the fires of Victoria were such that they created their own weather pattern. Obviously the burning took oxygen which resulted in winds increasing to that region but can this also create additional difficulties from differing pressure patterns, cloud and humidity.
My friends experience here in Canberra during their fires were pretty enlightening. He spoke of fires racing toward his house at amazing speeds and then almost instantly turning ninety degrees and racing away. The emergency services just could not react as fast as the fires shifted, raced ahead, slowed down and leapt kilometres and to make it worse just erupted spontaneously (sp?) in a different area.
Inversion layers can create interference by communications on the same frequency, but transmitting several hundreds of kilometres apart cazn cause interference.
Here is the stuff on the South Australian Government Radio Network that Motorola won.
The cost is at least $150M.
[Police and Emergency Services Minister, Michael Wright, today announced the State Government has entered into an important new contract with Motorola Australia P/L to help support the current SA Government Radio Network (SAGRN).]
Their ABC – covering the BIG political stories:
[ abcnews ABC News
Hockey cut short by noisy mowers.
5 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply ]
[Hockey cut short by noisy mowers]
The story I heard was the other way around, the gardeners were complaining they could hear their equipment when Hockey was blustering and asked if he could give press conferences when they are not working.
Apparently there is a similar complaint re Pyne in that whenever he talks they stop to check their mowers and whipper snippers for strange whining noises.
[Hockey cut short by noisy mowers]
Sloppy getting precious? The latest excuse for the Big Black Hole. “I couldn’t concentrate”. 😆
Hockeys comments re new raft of Government Banking Competition changes:
“Swannees cut my grass”
Queensland Indigenous leader Murandoo Yanner has spent the day in Canberra seeking support for the state’s Wild Rivers legislation.
Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has tabled a private members bill to overturn parts of the Queensland legislation, which restricts development along pristine river systems.
Outspoken Cape York Indigenous leader Noel Pearson is a strong supporter of Mr Abbott’s plan.
But Mr Yanner says he wants MPs to hear the other side of the story.
“The rest of the north got sick of the one position being pushed,” he said.
“[We were] particularly sick of it for the fact that it’s not reflected like that on the ground.
“At this stage there is overwhelming support in the Gulf and Cape York for the Wild Rivers legislation.”
That link needs sending to afew myrmidons.
Mr Abbort said he has despatched his Shallow Minister for Communication Lies to Santa Barbara to destroy those nasty fibres.
[“Based on current traffic growth, it’s clear that 1 Terabit per second trunks will be needed in the near future,” Elby says.
Not only will Terabit Ethernet soon be needed to satisfy the demands created by the way we use networks now, but Farber says high-performance, high-speed Ethernet will open up opportunities we couldn’t dream of today: “You build it, they will come.”]
[# @awelder just read your post – not bad, would be better if you got your facts right though 13 minutes ago via Echofon]
Paul Howes in response to Andrew Elder’s brutal post about Howes’ recent posturing.
Howes must be on leave from the AWU – it’s been ages since he tweeted anything vaguely related to the union movement, either of relevance to its members, or advancing his organisation’s cause.
Sloppy and the Belly dancing
one would hope we could see more of question time than ms hewitt on the 7.30 report.
then we would actully be able to hear what is said. O and how about more of the Pm than the opp. please
i am very surprised i thought hockey would back the greens all the way.
my say:
In my observation there is a long standing disconnect in our media between what actually happens in QT, and how QT is portrayed in the nightly news. I’ve given up thinking anything will change.
Suu Kyi should do a Mandela’s “Love Thy Enemy” approach to the Military, rather than confrontation. She should charm them to submission with the backing and support of the international community. One day the Road to Mandalay will be filled again with the sound of the Burmese harps.
[YANGON – MYANMAR’S newly freed democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi returned to work for the first time in years on Monday as she knuckled down to the task of rebuilding her weakened party.
A smiling Miss Suu Kyi arrived at her party’s headquarters in Yangon, where on Sunday she addressed thousands of jubilant supporters in her first political speech in seven years, appealing for unity in the impoverished nation.
The Nobel Peace Prize winner, who has been locked up by Myanmar’s military rulers for 15 of the past 21 years, told reporters on Sunday she was willing to meet junta chief Than Shwe and talk through their differences.
Miss Suu Kyi was freed from house arrest on Saturday, less than a week after a controversial election that cemented the junta’s decades-long grip on power but was widely criticised by democracy activists and Western leaders as a sham.
When asked on Monday whether a letter would be sent to Than Shwe to request a meeting, Nyan Win, a spokesman for Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD), said: ‘I don’t know.’ After having only limited contact with the outside world for most of the past two decades, the Myanmar authorities said the 65-year-old would shortly have access to a phone in her lakeside mansion.
‘The authorities will restore her telephone line soon,’ an unnamed Myanmar official told AFP. Nyan Win said the mother-of-two is also hoping that her youngest son Kim Aris would arrive in Yangon this week and join her on a visit to Shwedagon temple, the scene of Suu Kyi’s first political speech in 1988. — AFP]
[In my observation there is a long standing disconnect in our media between what actually happens in QT, and how QT is portrayed in the nightly news. I’ve given up thinking anything will change.]
yes me to but we should keep asking the question. I am trying to think back many years ago re the abc i think they just showed some question time with out interruption
i dont understand why we need commentary the abc should be told we can acutually think for ourselves and its the biggest turn off, i noticed Oh flick the remote to mute then change channel i suppose they think we listen in silence, thats usually when we put the coffee on.
and did you notice to night we got more of abbott than the PM. no wonder the polls are dithering.
re above i suppose the consolation is that the commercial media usually show nothing of qt which is probably better.
my say
I ventured over to the house of evil. The OO. What a surprisement.
Sheridan praising Gillard & this article pointing out valid points about the Greens.
Not nasty stuff.
Sheridans link.
It is only Monday. I’m sure on past form from here on the OO will get nasty again.
2nd reading Telecoms bill Ayes 75- Nays 72
that Hockey used Q time to ask for lawn mowers to quieten down , when he could’ve written to Harry shows disconnect of prioritys
(Confessions , i referred to that link earlier)
[93 DeePosted Monday, November 15, 2010 at 8:10 pm | Permalinkmy say
I ventured over to the house of evil. The OO. What a surprisement.
Sheridan praising Gillard & this article pointing out valid points about the Greens.
Not nasty stuff.
Sheridans link.
It is only Monday. I’m sure on past form from here on the OO will get nasty again.
Newspoll polling is fropm Wednesday to Sunday.
Expect the bile from Thursday on.
Once again, support for same-sex marriage is high.
In favour 53% (including 57% of Labor voters)
Against 36%
Undecided 11%
[Once again, support for same-sex marriage is high.]
The ALP’s policy on same-sex marriage is not only anti-human rights but anti-democratic.
DiogenesPosted Monday, November 15, 2010 at 8:16 pm | PermalinkOnce again, support for same-sex marriage is high.
In favour 53% (including 57% of Labor voters)
Against 36%
Undecided 11%
98 vikPosted Monday, November 15, 2010 at 8:21 pm | PermalinkOnce again, support for same-sex marriage is high.
The ALP’s policy on same-sex marriage is not only anti-human rights but anti-democratic.
Out of how many surveyed ??
Until the issue is decided at the ALP Conference it is the status quo.
Deal with it.
Adam Bandt now speaking on motion same sex marriage.