D-day plus 17 …

… and finally, the small matter of the result. The winner is Labor. Not a famous victory by any stretch of the imagination, but under the circumstances they’ll be happy with the four points. For my part, I have my doubts about members of parliament going against the obvious preference of their constituents in so fundamental a matter as government formation, barring the proverbial extraordinary and reprehensible standards. I’m not entirely sure that a bit of creative accounting from the Coalition clears the bar on this count. That said, I have no doubt – none – that conservatives tempted to echo these sentiments will find themselves constrained by their philosophy’s most eloquent champion, Edmund Burke, who famously told his constituents: “Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion”. (Burke’s speech has been given a fair run around the place in recent times, including by apparently learned people who would do well to read it through to the end.)

Besides, my difference of opinion with Windsor and Oakeshott is purely a matter of degree – there were respectable arguments that could have been mounted whichever way they jumped. Ultimately they deserve our gratitude for the patient and considered fashion with which they have navigated through their delicate position. Most particularly, they should be heartily congratulated for ignoring a fortnight’s worth of quacking and bleating from a section of the media that does not at heart believe in consensus, checks and balances or even particularly in democracy. Whatever uncertainties might lie ahead, one thing is sure: these voices will spend the coming months and/or years peddling distortions and hyperbole to create a sense of crisis about a situation which in reality has every chance of serving Australia well. Long may the independents continue to turn a deaf ear.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,892 comments on “D-day plus 17 …”

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  1. Yes I should have added thanks to ltep. Very good analysis, even if you are predictably pessimistic for your own side of politics (but that’s ok, we’ve all learnt to adjust for that!)

  2. BK
    Bluey reckons he has done his job for now and will save his ink for the next crisis faced by the righteous ones. He is hoping for a three year sabbatical.

  3. [
    The more the Murdochliberal Party attacks O and W, the closer they will be bonded to their decision. Long may it continue. By 2013 they will be taking out AWU tickets.

    Yep keep it up Murdoch hacks keep it up

  4. [Who will be the first Opposition member to use the word “illegitimate”?]

    Abbott. And he won’t give in until it is tested on the floor.

  5. Thanks for the company guys during the longest 17 days of my life. That election result really does mean that Australia now moves forward instead of backward in so many ways. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go send a message of condolence to Rupert. Or something…

  6. [BK
    Bluey reckons he has done his job for now and will save his ink for the next crisis faced by the righteous ones. He is hoping for a three year sabbatical.]
    Yes he was magnificent. I do hope he can get in the full three years.

  7. @ABCTV_australia: The #7.30Report will feature interviews with Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the key Independent MPs #ausvotes

  8. I vote that William lets Truthy back on the blog, because his meltdown would be really fun to witness, as opposed to Nostrodamus(who is really little more than a parody). 😉

  9. This will be a better Govt because its a minority Govt – it will be tight and disciplined. Julia should govern without the Canberra press Gallery. It should last 3 years- and get re-elected. Within 18 months, the story will be Turnbull.

  10. [Who will be the first Opposition member to use the word “illegitimate”?


    I stand corrected. The correct answer is the media.

    Barnaby Joyce using destabilising rhetoric now *shakes head*

  11. Kelly now bending the answers to bag the indies. In an astounding piece of insight she thinks self-interest may have played a part. NS Sherlock.

  12. thanks to william all our friends and every one who has got us throught th worst crisis this country has had since gough.

    it has been a god send to me. thank you

  13. Joyce is talking hopefully about somebody getting sick or dying. Good to see that he has finally caught up to some real policy dynamics.

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