The Age has published the third of ACNielsen’s online polls, which are taken from a representative sample of around 1400 volunteer market research subjects. It shows Labor leading 56-44 on two-party preferred, the same result as the previous such survey a fortnight ago. However, Labor’s primary vote is down two points to 45 per cent, with the Coalition also down a point to 40 per cent. John Howard has picked up three points on the preferred leader question directly at the expense of Kevin Rudd, whose lead is now 50 per cent to 42 per cent.
Mark @ 396
If you think you have been banned by those filthly tories at News Ltd, hold your head up high!
Everybody knows the GG is a “sheltered workshop” for Lib hacks!
Come on Rupert, hurry up and die.
matthew cole is your anxiety and depression perhaps more to do with the possibility that you are a closet liberal supporters. If yes then your malaise is totally rational as it would based on fact rather than fantasy.
Mark 396
Try using another email address, I got banned for suggesting warney and Pauline would do well in Germany together 😉 I gave another email address and got through fine.
This is a campaign that SHOULD be one by the greatest margin ever. If they only win it by a little bit, then the if next one isn’t as easy as this. WE LOSE.
Actually, talking of WA polling, it seems that Westpoll is late with its
November WA poll.
The last few monthly ones seemed to come out in the West Australian
on the Saturday after “reporting date”. So that would be today
for the November poll.
It is possible that the West Australian newspaper actually has the
results on time but can’t think how to make them look good for the
JHIAC #405,
What rot. The day that I vote, or even preference Liberal, is the day you need to check for electoral fraud. Never done it, never going to. I am fully aware of what a destructive force they are, and want nothing to do with them.
Unfortunately, the average Joe Six-pack has disagreed with me time and time again. Gotta face it, Howard and his cronies are good at issuing bribes and barrels of pork.
SeanofPerth 395
Refer to #393.. Harden up lad! There was enough voters in WA to vote in a Labor state government for the last 2 occasions (even with the ultraconservative media here at work), therefore there must be enough people in WA that are willing to vote Labor in federal politics too. Stop letting people like Glen, Tabitha & Ave it 07 make you nervous.
How old is Rupert? Will the neo-chronical GG change then?
Dr Good 401
Wait A-while internal polling by Labor is showing a general swing of 8% currently
Glad to hear it matt. Just thought i’d check…
re rodent fear not. Life is change and the wheel is turning
have a bit of faith and balls
When Rupe snuffs it the GG will be closed down!
Election night I’ll be at the ALP party in Moreton – if there’s any reward for hard work, we’ll at least be celebrating the seat win. But hopefully it will be all over anyway by the time the polls close in Qld.
The booth I’ll be working (Moorvale) went 52.6-47.4 to Labor in a losing campaign in 2004; so this time round it should be a good place to spend the day 😉
The Libs are like Sri Lanka 340 behind and batting again, yet some people still think they can win.
Its all over. 😉
JHIAC #413,
Checking…..yep, got the balls. Faith – that’s another matter. When it comes to the intelligence of the average voter, I’m an atheist. If Labor wins this election with a clean campaign, I’ll start believing in God again (metaphorically speaking).
I don’t think Rupert will be dropping in on his Georgian friends to soon.
The fact that you can now find journalists writing off the Liberals, barring a world catastophe of some sort, is proof to me that the Libs are in awful trouble. Those same journalists have not been game to predict anything up til now.
Mathew, I trust the average voter. It’s the half of the population below average intelligence that worry me at all.
50-50 TPP in Wentworth according to Galaxy:
Turnbull ahead by 8 pts on primary, sample size 800
have to favour turnbull on those figures
Federal Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull is facing a strong challenge to his eastern Sydney seat of Wentworth, according to a new galaxy poll to be published tomorrow.
The poll of 800 voters in the Sunday Telegraph shows Mr Turnbull leading Labor’s candidate George Newhouse by eight points on primary votes.
But after preferences, the two parties are locked at 50 per cent each.
In 106 years, Wentworth has never been held by Labor, but Mr Turnbull is trying to hold it with a margin of 2.5 per cent.
Warning, blatant self promotion ahead
382 Brissy Rod, perhaps my election telecast drinking game can help give you some focus on the big night.
Turnbull under a bit of pressure in Wentworth? Sounds good for Labor nationally, as one would think it’d be the seat with the least swing in Eastern seaboard states.
The discussions on these online debates now shouldnt be whether Labor wins the election but more about which safe Exclusive Brethren & National Farmer Association seats will fall to Labor. We have reached that point I believe. Labor WILL win, its just a matter of which Ministers will get the arse. I wish you guys would stop falling for the tory propaganda that they are still in it when all the evidence shows THEY ARE CLEARLY NOT.
I think Turnbull will hold Wentworth, but if he only holds it by >1%, it will kill his chances of being leader – unless they figure him being leader would give him a few votes (though after the Bennelong loss I doubt they’ll risk it)
Just got back from the ALP arts launch at Parramatta. Garrett and McKew both there. Garrett spoke very well, and good support in the artistic community, but then again ther always is.
Labor’s Arts Policy Launch:
I wonder if Keith Winschuttle was there?
David Spears almost gloats every time he mentions Howard’s name. I wonder when he’ll enter politics for the Liberal Party. Oh wait, I think he already has.
Sorry forgot the “d” Windschuttle. d for dunce.
If the polls hold or narrow only a little you’ll see our friend Rupert the walking corpse endorse Rudd before the 24th. Though he’ll each way bet it with commissioning some felching artlcles from Shanahan and Kelly.
Though Kelly might be a 50-50%.
@419 Gary Bruce
links? evidence?
sorry if this has been said, just logged on, but hey, Lucy the Sheep has been arrested.,23599,22735471-2,00.html
cute sheep
ruawake 416
Headingley 1981. Calcutta 2001. If your using cricket analogies, please realise that teams have won after following on (and Australia lost both times, bugger it)…… although very rarely. I’m sorry, I’m a cricket triiva buff, and I couldn’t let that one slide LOL 🙂
BUT, I think that the Libs are headed for an innings defeat in cricket jargon.
I am sick of the Laborites on this site with this attitude that JWH will pull something out. He hasn’t for 9 months (since the beginning of the campaign, yeah OK officiall it started 4 weeks ago, but who are we kidding).
People, he has 2 weeks to pull back 4-5%, that’s a lot of votes.
Positive thinking people……..
Just a little comment on the campaign, can anyone remember what were the dominant features of week Two, Right thought not. Labour has won every state election for yonks, the tories have one one federal every 3 years, the ALP machine have been getting better at this stuff, one of my favourite saying is “Don’t skin the Bear until its Dead”
hello folks , I had a call from the Daily Telegraph yesterday informing me that they were doing a promotion in my area and offering to sign me up for a subscription.
Of course i politely told them what they could do with their liberal party rubbish!
The only thing that might save him is a stock market crash. Wall St is very jittery, down another 2% or so last night. The chances of anything dramatic happening in the next two weeks is slim though. I guess even a ‘correction’ of 10-15% would be hyped up so much by the government and press that it could swing a few votes. It would have to be pretty dramatic to register with the average voter though.
I had a sheep one time and his name was Max – well every morning I’d say “good morning max, had a good night?” He’d say Naaaaaaa “Did you like your food? he’d say naaaaaa – In the end I’d say do you like that fcker JWH and he’d say NAAAAAAAAA – smart sheep that
Sir Eggo
There are no beefies of vvs’s in the Liberal team. 😛
Here, here Vera!
Ofcourse there is the sleeping-dog matter of Iran….another military adventure might do the trick. Won’t be surprised by any dirty tricks.
ruawake 440
Yeah, but are there umpires prepared to give Harbajan some dodgy lb decisions among the voters
I am the analogy king!!!!! LOL
Only if they can get visas. Boom Boom.
‘There was a cunning old polly called Howard
Whose nature painted him as a coward
He wore sincerity as a mask
Which the people saw through like glass
And he ended up being totally shattered’
# 436 FTP, I recall Labor won week 2 because of the Leaders Debate. Week 1 was awarded to Howard because of the tax cuts.
Lindsay voter, thats true, but Labor has no big counter-punch in that week
I’m sure at the ALP launch, there will be a big policy anouncement (im guessing something to do with unis or climate)
That will take away the momentum of the Libs
The Libs went well in week one becuase they just loaded pressure on Rudd to release his tax policy and thats all everyone crapped on about until the following week
Did anyone see Ratty on the 10 news? Him and Mrs Rat were in a near empty basketball stadium out Penrith way. They were both bending down trying to accost the couple of dozen young kiddies that had been set up for a bit of politicing and the silly old buggy was going ‘click, click’ pretenting he was taking photos … well I think that was what he was up too! fark! I think he’s losing it… Oh and God he’s looking so ooooollllllddd!!!
“The only thing that might save him is a stock market crash.”
That will only give Labor the chance to talk up business with China… and planning for beyond the mining boom etc… ie. someone thinking and planning ahead, not just relying on the USA. Rudd’s Chinese ‘connection’ is quite a useful trick to have up his sleave.
It also builds into poeples fears about their income and how WorkChoices AWAs take it away and interest rates pushes up costs.
That should have been .. silly old bugger not buggy ..but then again..