Essential Research 2PP+: Labor 49, Coalition 47 (open thread)

Another poll with weakening personal ratings for Anthony Albanese, plus a flurry of results on the situation in the Middle East.

The fortnightly Essential Research results find no change for the major parties on the primary vote, with results inclusive of a 5% undecided component putting the Coalition at 34% and Labor at 32%. The Greens are up two to 12%, recovering half of a four-point drop in the previous poll, while One Nation are steady on 7%. Labor’s lead on the 2PP+ measure is 49% to 47%, the remainder being undecided, compared with 48% to 46% last time. I noted a fortnight ago that gender breakdowns from the previous poll presented the opposite from the usual pattern, which has distinctly not been repeated this time.

The survey includes bi-monthly favourability ratings, as distinct from approval ratings, in which respondents rate the leaders’ performance on a scale of zero to ten. Anthony Albanese’s reading is negative for the first time, with a four point drop in ratings designated positive (seven to ten) to 33% and a six-point increase in negative (one to three) to 35%. Peter Dutton gets his best results since November, his positive rating is up five to 32% and negative steady on 35%.

The supplementary questions largely related to international affairs, including a question as to whether Australia should provide “active assistance” to Israel or Palestine, the nature of such assistance presumably being hinted at by the either/or (or neither) response options. Seventeen per cent favoured such assistance going to Israel compared with 21% who favoured it going “to Palestine”, an ambiguous proposition under the circumstances. Thirty-five per cent rated the Israeli response proportionate, down seven from four weeks ago, compared with 25% for disproportionate, up seven. Thirty-one per cent rated themselves satisfied with the Australian government’s response, down six, with dissatisfied up one to 20%.

The Albanese government scores a 25% positive rating on its handling of international relations, with 45% for average and 30% for negative. Forty-four per cent rate Australia’s relationship with China as better since Labor came to power, compared with 11% for worse (allowance should perhaps be made here for those who consider a good relationship a bad thing). Twenty-seven per cent said active support should go to the United States in its tensions with China, compared with 6% for the opposite proposition and 67% for “stay as neutral as possible”. Thirty-nine per cent felt the AUKUS partnership would make Australia more secure, down one from March, compared with 18% for less secure (down three) and 42% for no difference (up three). The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1150.

Further poll news:

• The Age/Herald provided further results from the Resolve Strategic poll on aid to the principals in the Middle East conflict, identified as Hamas and Israel in the question, with response options specifying Israel, Gaza or both equally. The results were 21%, 13% and 47% for medical and food aid, 14%, 9% and 29% for accepting refugees, and 21%, 4% and an enigmatic 8% for providing military equipment, with a respective 30%, 48% and 66% favouring providing no such aid at all.

• The weekly Roy Morgan result is the second poll published this term that fails to have Labor ahead on two-party preferred, the first being its result of three weeks ago. The primary votes are 30% for Labor, down one-and-a-half, 36.5% for the Coalition, up one-and-a-half, and 13% for the Greens, down half. The 50-50 two-party result is based on respondent-allocated preferences, which are again flowing to Labor more weakly than they did at the election. Applying the election preference flows, I make it 51-49 in favour of Labor. The poll was conducted last Monday to Sunday from a sample of 1397.

• Roy Morgan also has an SMS poll with a forced response question on whether Israel should withdraw immediately from Gaza, finding 51% for yes and 49% for no. It was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1650.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

809 comments on “Essential Research 2PP+: Labor 49, Coalition 47 (open thread)”

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  1. With Labor still ahead of an election that resulted in a Labor win. Dutton’s and Murdoch’s strategy of heaping bullshit on bullshit really isn’t working that well.

  2. Suella Braverman ATTACKS Rishi Sunak:
    “You have manifestly and repeatedly failed”
    “You never had any intention of keeping your promises”
    “Someone needs to be honest: your plan is not working. You need to change course urgently.

  3. Oklahoma Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R), a former mixed martial arts fighter, nearly came to blows with the president of the Teamsters at a Senate hearing Tuesday, forcing Chair Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to step in to stop a brawl from breaking out in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee room. Mullin challenged International Brotherhood of Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien to a fight on the spot after the senator read aloud O’Brien’s tweets calling him out as a “clown” and a “fraud.”
    “Sir, this is a time, this is a place. You want to run your mouth, we can be two consenting adults, we can finish it here,” Mullin said from the hearing room dais. “OK, that’s fine. Perfect,” O’Brien shot back. “You want to do it now?” Mullin asked. “Stand your butt up then.”
    At that point, Sanders tried to take control of the hearing to stop an impromptu cage match from breaking out. “Hold it. No, no, no, sit down. Sit down! You’re a United State senator, sit down,” Sanders yelled while banging the gavel to restore order in the room.

  4. This needs to be repeated from the previous thread so that all the parrots in the PB petshop STFU about the Prime Minister:

    Mr Ed (AnonBlock)
    Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 – 12:05 am
    Comment #636

    I recall Cormann taking ownership of an RAAF jet to tour Europe for a month or so. Authorised by Scummo when the rat wanted to desert the sinking ship. Nothing to do with his Aussie job, no report about the trip. I suppose the crew enjoyed a once in a lifetime tour of duty.

  5. From the previous thread:

    “… invested into Bitcoin …”

    I’m surprised they haven’t been fleeced by scammers yet. #getrichquick #sucka

  6. UK Patrol ship HMS Tamar has strengthened ties with the Australian and US Navies in the Pacific – and tested a keystone capability of the Royal Navy’s future fleet. The Portsmouth-based warship has spent the past four weeks operating in and around Sydney, focusing on furthering links with the Royal Australian Navy and an Anglo-American-Australian exercise, testing new equipment which will increase the protection of critical underwater infrastructure.
    The exercise, staged just off the coast of Sydney under the banner of the AUKUS partnership between the three countries, allowed the first run out of the Royal Navy’s new ‘PODS’ programme, designed to expand the capabilities of today’s – and tomorrow’s – warships. The workout saw some 39 Royal Navy and US Navy Dive Team, hydrographers and Royal Marine communications specialists embark on Tamar. Supporting them were two mission PODS – Persistent Operational Deployment Systems.
    Roughly the same size as a shipping container each POD contains equipment and support for a dedicated operation which a ship wouldn’t normally perform, such as minehunting, launching surveillance drones, perhaps kit for a Royal Marines boarding team or raiding party.
    In addition, an Australian dive team embarked on the Australian Defence Vessel ADV Guidance with current and experimental underwater equipment.

  7. US Inflation is now a full 2% points under Australian, ie 3.2% vs 5.4% here. UK inflation is also expected to come under Australian inflation at around 3.8%.

    The consequences of the govt economic policy pretty clear to see, they should have let the RBA get on with the job instead of playing games – now everybody , especially the poor, will be paying in higher prices which have become entrenched.

  8. Soc,
    Despite your depressed outlook on AUKUS, you’re going to have to admit that it’s a policy that is cemented in and moving forward with alacrity.

  9. frednk says:
    “With Labor still ahead of an election that resulted in a Labor win.”


    Election 52.1 – 47.9

    Essential ~ 51 – 49 (splitting 4% undecided across 49 – 47)

    Morgan 51 – 49 (William’s estimate, above)

  10. Lars Von Trier,
    The RBA is independent. It moved at its own pace when raising interest rates. Though I take your point. Phillip Lowe shouldn’t have let the Morrison government intimidate him into not beginning the interest rate raising cycle as soon as he should have in order to not let the inflation genie out of the bottle. So it’s just another mess Labor have to deal with.

  11. C@t, on his long-haul VIP flight Cormann also sang along to his favourite Belgian punk-pop at full volume:

    “Ca plane pour moi!
    Ca plane pour moi!
    Ca plane pour moi, moi, moi, moi, moi!
    Ca plane pour moi!”

  12. Sorry C@t, the Govt owns the inflation figures.

    12 months of will we keep Lowe, won’t we etc etc. This is the net outcome. Our rates are 75 basis points under the US

    IR Changes which have now also entrenched inflation.

    It’s telling we are a full 2 points above the US. It likely means rates will have to keep going up and not be able to fall because of the inflation difference. Terrible news.

  13. Morning all. The polls have gradually turned against Labor, no question. That does not mean Labor is behind, but it has clearly lost its gain and is back to status quo at the election. I put the rest down to MOE type variations.

    Labor has handled the many international policy failures dumped at its feet by the Morrison fraud gang vey well. Domestic is the problem, including cost of living and especially house prices. Labor has also taken a lot of money out of the economy via frozen government spending. For some people, including my own industry, that has started to bite.

    I still don’t see how the Liberals can win, since the Teals are polling well, but minority government is a risk.

  14. Michael Pascoe @MichaelPascoe01

    Westpac Melb Institute survey – Coalition voters on 71.7 feeling extra gloomy, Labor voters a little more optimistic 92.7 (though still negative). Gap an indication they don’t expect to win govt.

  15. Good to know that you think the government should have engineered a Recession, Lars Von Trier. Can’t wait to tell all the potential Liberal voters that one. Especially the one about the Liberals, such as yourself, wealthy old codgers, saying that they shouldn’t have gotten their wage increases because they contributed to inflation. Also, you know what would be a sure solution to the continuing inflation problem caused by wealthy old codgers like you? Taking spending money away from them. Hmm, maybe look at Capital Gains, Negative Gearing, Family Trusts, Franking Credits… that will kill the inflation genie stone dead. Good to know that is your advice to the government, Lars Von Trier. 😐

  16. Good morning Dawn Patrollers.

    Nick McKenzie and Michael Bachelard detail how a classified inquiry by ex-spy chief Dennis Richardson has provided a scathing assessment of how Australia’s Department of Home Affairs managed hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for the offshore asylum seeker processing system. They say whistleblowers have also confirmed that Richardson said he would pass their details to the National Anti-Corruption Commission after they raised allegations of graft and crime during his Albanese-government commissioned inquiry into contracting under the so-called Pacific Solution.
    Shane Wright and Alexandra Smith report that the federal government says without cuts and spending control, it cannot promise any new infrastructure for another decade. A collision course has been set between the feds and the states.
    Anthony Albanese’s diplomatic tour of duty is leaving voters cold as Australian politics turns inward, writes Peter Lewis who says the PM’s challenge after his trip to China is not to withdraw into his own political cocoon but to champion the values that made Australia a cohesive multicultural society.
    We could make most Australians richer and still save billions – it’s not too late to fix the Stage 3 tax cuts, posits Peter Martin.
    Labor has hit back at the opposition leader, Peter Dutton, for politicising the high court’s ruling on indefinite detention, arguing that “none” of the 81 people released so far arrived on the Albanese government’s watch. Paul Karp reports that yesterday Dutton claimed the government should not have released people from immigration detention on the basis there was “another” – unspecified – “option available” to prevent their release and still comply with the court ruling.
    According to David Swan and Ben Grubb, the unnamed “international peering network” Optus said contributed to its network meltdown was its Singaporean parent company Singtel.
    Neil Chenoweth reports that a massive leak of documents has exposed how accounting giant PwC’s Cyprus arm scrambled to help Russian oligarchs facing the threat of sanctions in March last year, moving assets out of their names in the first days of the Ukraine invasion.
    Housing and migration have collided. One will have to give, says Chris Richardson.
    Australia’s biggest telco is supersizing its plan to connect Australian cities with a high-speed fibre network at a cost of up to $1.6 billion, laying the groundwork for cabling that underpins new data centres and cutting-edge customer applications in artificial intelligence. The AFR’s Tess Bennett who says yhe investment represents a bigger bet by Telstra on infrastructure-style assets targeting its data-hungry business customers as growth in the mobile market is constrained by customers sensitive to the higher cost of living.
    Relentless cost-of-living pressure, rising interest rates, uncertainty about the direction of the economy and growing concern about inequality has undermined Australia’s sense of social cohesion, according to authoritative new research. Katharine Murphy writes that, after a polarising voice referendum campaign, and amid rising community tensions over the war in the Middle East, the latest Mapping Social Cohesion Report puts the Scanlon-Monash index of social cohesion at its lowest ebb since the survey began 16 years ago.
    Rising living costs that are ravaging household budgets are helping to fuel polarisation and could produce a Donald Trump-style backlash against the political establishment, an academic warns. Andrew Tillett tells us that the Scanlon Foundation’s latest Mapping Social Cohesion report, to be released today, will show Australians are feeling increasingly anxious about their finances, with a growing number struggling to pay bills.
    A long, hot summer with high bushfire risk is set to drive electricity demand to a one-in-ten-year high, forcing the energy market operator to pay large industrial power users to cut their power use to reduce the likelihood of blackouts. Mike Foley tells us that the Australian Energy Market Operator’s summer readiness report, to be released today Wednesday, will confirm it was making offers to big power users such as smelters and processing facilities to reduce their electricity use over summer to reduce pressure on the east coast grid.
    Elizabeth Knight writes that, far from acting as an oligopoly, there is a clear gulf in strategy between the big four banks on how they handle an intensely competitive mortgage market. She says Commonwealth Bank and NAB are on one side, ANZ and Westpac on the other. Their behaviour is now so divergent that it’s difficult to tell which have gone rogue or which are being conservative.
    Milli Muroi says that school is the one place we can make sure every child gets a “fair go” and we’re falling short by letting inequality run rampant. This is a very interesting contribution.
    Chief Scientist Cathy Foley pours scorn on the ranking system applied to university research. She says, “The H-index has been expressed to me as a version of what is commonly known as Goodhart’s law, to the effect that when a measurement becomes a metric it stops being useful because smart people, often in a privileged situation, are incentivised to game the system to their advantage. To what value?”
    Eleven young Victorians have died, and nine others have permanently lost function as serious failures in emergency departments become more frequent. Aisha Dow reports that workforce shortages and a pandemic-related increase in demand have been linked to critical delays in recognising and treating deteriorating children, including sepsis patients nearing collapse.
    Australia’s two most resource rich states of WA and Queensland are setting new priorities in budgetary management, capital works intervention and even engagement with China. These commitments to state based economic and quasi-foreign policy initiatives must inevitably interact with federal protocols affecting our national sovereignty through the combined effects of strategic policies and the long-standing Australia-US Free State Agreement since 2005, says Denis Bright.
    Only 43 per cent of the complaints lodged through Australia’s airline dispute resolution service in 2022 were resolved, and most of the affected consumers felt the system was not independent or fair, according to new data released by the service.
    There is no need for the Minns government to conduct a review of a controversial grants program that has allowed NSW licensed clubs to legally claim tax breaks on millions of dollars of poker machine revenue by donating money to themselves, declares the SMH editorial. It says clubs have been feathering their own nests for years, funnelling vast sums of money into their own operations. This practice, which started off with altruistic attentions, is little short of a rort. It should be stopped.
    Self-serve checkouts here to stay in Australia, despite overseas retailers ditching them, writes Parker McKenzie.
    A senior member of the NSW Police executive has been charged with high-range drink-driving, six months after allegedly crashing his work car on the NorthConnex and abandoning it in a suburban street in Sydney’s north. But the Crown Solicitor’s Office has prohibited the release of the officer’s name, reports Tiffiny Genders.
    Russia’s ambitions of gaining a 20 per cent share of the world’s market for LNG are being threatened by sanctions on a key LNG export project the US imposed earlier this month, writes Stephen Bartholomeusz who points out that, longer term, the sanctions could benefit existing non-Russian producers, including Australia’s.
    As AusSuper plays chicken with Brookfield’s $20b bid for Origin Energy, lifting its blocking stake to 16.5%, investors are asking, where is the value? David Llewellyn-Smith sees it in the expanding power of the gas cartel, and particularly, in the stranglehold Origin is about to take over gas imports.
    Commercial lobbying is a multibillion dollar industry in Australia. A code of conduct which allows our Defence Minister to discuss defence business with a global contracting firm in cabinet, then take a job with that firm nine days after leaving politics, is a code which is corrosive of public trust in democracy. This is what Monique Ryan had to saying parliament on the tabling of the Lobbying (Improving Government Honesty and Trust) Bill 2023.
    Civil discourse and healthy debate are dead on Twitter/X and the platform will soon die with it, predicts Victoria Fielding.,18072
    In Australia, whistleblowers are feebly protected. They tend to muddy the narrative of perfect institutions, spoil the fun of having illusions, and give the game away. Despite recent amendments to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Cth) regarding, for instance, the creation of a National Anti-Corruption Commission, public sector employees remain vulnerable to prosecution. The NACC, for one, already risks being hobbled by secrecy restrictions imposed by the Albanese government, complains Binoy Kampmark.
    David Cameron’s return to politics a surprise but not bad news for Australia, opines Rob Harris.
    A classis piss-take from John Crace on David Cameron’s return to government.
    Former British Home Secretary Suella Braverman lashed out at Prime Minister Rishi Sunak a day after he fired her, calling his approach “uncertain, weak” and a betrayal of his promises. In a resignation letter she published yesterday, Braverman said Sunak had “manifestly and repeatedly failed to deliver” on key pledges and alleged that he “never had any intention” of keeping them.
    As calls grow louder for a Gaza ceasefire, Netanyahu is providing few clues about his strategy or post-war plans, writes Ian Parmenter.
    Tabloid interviewer Piers Morgan has reduced the complexities of the Hamas/Israel conflict to a made-for-TV moral drama, seeking ratings and celebrity status. Dr Richard Hil reports.,18074
    An attorney for Donald Trump has told prosecutors in Georgia that one of the former president’s top aides told her in December 2020 that Trump was “not going to leave” the White House “under any circumstances”, despite having lost the election to Joe Biden. Chris Michael tells us that the potentially damaging revelation from Jenna Ellis came during an interview with the Georgia district attorney’s office in Fulton County. Ellis is cooperating as part of a plea agreement in the Georgia election interference case against Trump and various allies.

    Cartoon Corner

    David Rowe

    David Pope

    Cathy Wilcox

    John Shakespeare

    Matt Golding

    Andrew Dyson

    Fiona Katauskas

    Glen Le Lievre

    Mark Knight


    From the US

  17. Nick McKenzie and Michael Bachelard detail how a classified inquiry by ex-spy chief Dennis Richardson has provided a scathing assessment of how Australia’s Department of Home Affairs managed hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for the offshore asylum seeker processing system. They say whistleblowers have also confirmed that Richardson said he would pass their details to the National Anti-Corruption Commission after they raised allegations of graft and crime during his Albanese-government commissioned inquiry into contracting under the so-called Pacific Solution.

    *cough* Peter Dutton

    Another reason why that man should never be Prime Minister. The potential graft and corruption would be enormous. Again. Inflationary even. 😐

  18. Cat
    “Despite your depressed outlook on AUKUS, you’re going to have to admit that it’s a policy that is cemented in and moving forward with alacrity.”

    We will have to agree to disagree on that one. All the major items of work and spending have actually been stalled for years under AUKUS, as Morrison planned. The government is skillfully promoting the preparatory steps, but the lack of work is not fooling anyone in industry.

    As I live in Adelaide, I am not sure if you understand how many people lost their jobs when the Attack Class was cancelled. Combined with the OPV build moving to Perth, Hunter build not started, no funding announced for the North – South corridor road project, and federal spending is way down in Adelaide.

    There is a fair bit of private work in building housing, and the large inflow of people from foreign students restarting has seen local business activity but overall the SA economy is down. In my field (consulting engineering) multiple large firms have been issuing redundancies. It may not show up much in national figures, but it is a problem. It is the opposite to the usual situation – more than average opportunities for new graduates, but less for seniors.

  19. Coulda woulda shoulda c@t.

    Australia has an entrenched inflation rate problem – what Keating ended has come back under Albo.

    The Economist Magazine rated Australia No1 on entrenched inflation expectations.

    People paying 7% on their mortgage rates will be very understanding of having to pay. Poor policy choices, loose fiscal policy, pressurising the RBA , IR changes are the cause of this.

  20. 10 year bond rates:

    Aus 4.671
    USA 4.445
    UK 4.159

    Our rates will stay high as long as inflation and government spending remains too high.

  21. One of the world’s biggest accountancy firms helped Russia’s “richest” oligarch attempt to transfer £1bn in a public company on the day he was placed under EU sanctions, leaked documents suggest. The disclosure raises serious questions about the role played by PwC Cyprus in a potential sanctions breach.
    Details of the blue-chip accountant’s work for the Kremlin-connected tycoon have emerged as part of the Cyprus Confidential project – a cache of 3.6m offshore records leaked to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and Germany’s Paper Trail Media, which shared access with the Guardian and other media partners.
    The files contain emails in which PwC Cyprus staff discuss attempting to transfer about a third of the shares in Tui, Europe’s largest travel company, to the life partner of the steel, mining and banking tycoon Alexei Mordashov. The move shines a light on the services that blue-chip advisers performed for wealthy Russian clients, amid a debate about the timings of when EU sanctions become fully active.
    Since the invasion of Ukraine, western governments have imposed the largest ever package of sanctions against Russia and its business elite, and attention is now turning to ensuring those restrictions are enforced.
    A spokesperson for the Cyprus ministry of finance said: “We are aware of Tui share transfers and a criminal investigation is being carried out.” A government spokesperson confirmed the investigation was “ongoing” and being conducted by the “responsible authorities” in Cyprus. He declined to give any further details.

  22. Sacking Suella Braverman means “suicide” for the Tory party and Rishi Sunak has just “thrown the election away”, according to leaked WhatsApp messages between members of a grassroots Conservative organisation leaked to Sky News.
    Members of the Conservative Democratic Organisation, a Momentum-style group created out of frustration at the ousting of Boris Johnson and Liz Truss and backed by Priti Patel, called on Tory MPs to submit letters of no confidence in Rishi Sunak after Monday’s reshuffle.
    Conversations between CDO members on Monday reveal they believe “Sunak has committed political suicide” and “the cabinet is pretty much the exact opposite of what we voted for in 2019”, while another asks “Is it April Fool’s day???”

  23. IR Changes which have now also entrenched inflation
    You’ve been swallowing too much of The Australian BS.

    IR is not entrenching inflation. Wages growth is well below inflation and for most industries, pathetically lower than inflation. Maybe you are talking about wage growth for the rich? hardly due to IR changes.

    But it is good to know you support low wages and entrenching a cost of living crisis on the less well off.

  24. Well that moved quickly, didnt I say just yesterday Suella Braverman was angling to get sacked. Now that’s happened she has moved to the next step of the Boris playbook, full destroy the PM stage.

    I suspect she’s got just enough support to get the spill (50), has Sunak been in the PM office for 12 months I think thats one of the Cons spill rules. But past that minor threshold to get the spill the parliamentary party will back Sunak.

    Braverman will be counting on the wider party members to give her the top job. That one I’d put in the maybe pile. If there’s a whiff of a chance of Braverman getting the top job expect Sunak to call an election.

  25. The growth in the Minimum Wage isn’t the only factor contributing to inflation. Nice try, Lars Von Trier, but no cigar with Matthias outside the Treasury Building in Canberra. How about you look at the growth in Rents as wealthy Investment Property Owners make their tenants pay for Interest Rate increases, so they can keep making themselves wealthier? It’s back to Pre Covid levels of unaffordability as a result.
    Yep, facts are inconvenient things.

    I also note that you are trying to say that the government should have booted Phillip Lowe before his term as Governor of the Reserve Bank expired. Which they didn’t do. Well, a Liberal WOULD say that. And the Liberal Party would have taken full advantage of that to create a furore about it and been on a faux outrage tour of the media with it. You really think people, and the government, can be sucked into these traps, don’t you? Sorry, no cigar.

  26. SCOTUS has released Code of Conduct a couple of days ago.
    Gursuch, Barrett and Kavanagh lied under oath regarding RoeVWade.
    Other lies may not be that glaring.
    Thomas and Alito gifts from billionaire donors

    That is the reason Trump is getting away with his abuse of Judges in his cases. Do you notice that he doesn’t attack the ‘Republican’judge presiding over his Florida Documents case?

    Republicans think all ‘Democrat’ judges are corrupt and biased and Democrats think ‘Republican’ judges are corrupt and biased.
    It is as if they lost faith in US Justice system.

  27. “According to David Swan and Ben Grubb, the unnamed “international peering network” Optus said contributed to its network meltdown was its Singaporean parent company Singtel.”


  28. Dutton lying, Howard assimilating, Dutton lying, Abbott climate killing, Dutton lying, Abetz knifing, Dutton lying, Joyce snouting, Dutton lying, Paterson snouting, Dutton lying, Morrison freelancing, Dutton lying, Price trans-deforming, Dutton lying, Reynolds suing, Dutton lying, Joyce carping, Dutton saving whales, Littleproud pushing the nuclear button, Dutton lying, Broadbent CROSSbenching, Dutton lying, lying, lying…

    …but was Dutton grafting or just completely incompetent? No wonder the Liberals wanted the NACC to do its stuff in camera. Justice delayed is justice denied. Time will tell.

  29. Hard to track your goal posts.

    Wages are growing at 3.6% and evidence the growth is slowing. Wage growth, especially low paid wages, were coming off a big slump and had a lot of catching up to do, which they aren’t despite the increased minimum wage.

    IR changes are not entrenching inflation.

    The AFR reported mid year that senior exec pay went up 15%. And you want to blame the lowest paid in society because of a minimum pay rise? I see your true colours, in neon blue, shining thru.

  30. You know what contributes to inflation? This sort of thing:

    A classified inquiry by ex-spy chief Dennis Richardson has provided a scathing assessment of how Australia’s Department of Home Affairs managed hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for the offshore asylum seeker processing system.

    The classified report by Richardson, a former director general of ASIO, examines how Home Affairs engaged with contractors such as Paladin and Brisbane firm Canstruct, along with the dozens of subcontractors, that were paid billions of dollars to run Australia’s offshore processing system.

    LNP Mates.

    Billions of dollars sloshing around in the system, contributing to inflation. Which the former government cannot wash their hands of responsibility for. No matter how hard their jackanapes on PB try to wash their hands clean of that responsibility. They are the Lady Macbeth of Australian politics. The lot of them.

  31. BW
    One of the reasons the inflation went down in US in October 2023 is because Airline prices in USA have gone down
    MSNBC host Katy Turr is glad that Airline prices have gone down before Thanksgiving holidays.

  32. Mostly Interestedsays:
    Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 8:03 am
    Just realised the UK parliament has 4 ex-PMs still sitting. And we thought we had a smelly ex-PM issue.

    4 ex-PMs?

  33. This is a brilliant little morsel of writing by Zoe Williams in The Guardian:

    ‘ “Food’s awful and eating sucks.” Thus spake Andrew Tate, on X (formerly Twitter). “I hate eating. I hate feeling full,” he elaborated, before broadening, in his trademark fashion, the personal to the universal: “Imagine how stupid you have to be to find food entertaining. Literally embarrassing.”

    It is not at all unusual, in the toxic Manosphere, to see hunger as a human frailty to which you, as the ultimate man, are immune. Jordan Peterson has a not dissimilar relationship with food, having once gone on a months-long diet of nothing but beef, salt and water. He ended up in a coma in 2019, yet insists that wasn’t due to the steak but rather, his dependence on clonazepam, a type of tranquilliser. You have to wonder whether, whatever the immediate causes of his nine solid days unconscious, the odd vegetable might have helped. He once also claimed to have gone 25 days without sleeping, thanks to a deviation from the meat-only diet. I can’t remember what his slip-up was – I want to say a Jelly Baby?

    In the world of tech bros – which intersects with that of proselytising toxic masculinity, but not always in obvious ways – they often present fasting as a frontier technology. “Bio-hacking” is the neologism, but the behaviour is as old as time. Once it would have been a young monk, exhibiting his singular proximity to God via purifying self-denial. Now it is a young fundamentalist libertarian, proving his masculine self-reliance by severing himself from the most basic need.

    If Peterson wants to put himself in a coma, or Tate wants to get scurvy, I don’t have any particular beef with it. Their bodies, their choice. I didn’t even mind the Huel years, when a thin but nutritionally complete grey sludge was heralded as the one-stop answer to the questions only little people ask, such as “what’s for lunch?” – though it was a little chilling when people started wondering aloud whether the cement-like supplement could replace food stamps.

    All I observe is that, were this performative disgust for food and appetite to come from the wellness space – or, to put that another way, were it to come from a woman – everyone would say she had an eating disorder.’

  34. Scanning through BK’s dawn patrol and it’s clear our globe trotting PM must return Govt focus on suburban and regional cost of living.
    The S3 tax cuts for the rich must go to pay for improved living standards for lower income households and renters.

  35. By the look of the Australian cartoons (excluding the usual Murdoch trash), many cartoonist that had an extremely low opinion of Morrison now have an almost equal contempt for Albanese.

  36. This is going to get worse before it gets better.

    The office of Kat Theophanous, ALP MP, was vandalised with ‘Pro Palestine’ graffiti. Because she supports Israel.

    BTW Penny, The IDF has found the direct evidence of Hamas using hospitals as military bases. So what was your proposed ‘ceasefire’ all about? The ALP seem to be having bets each way on Gaza when what we want is a direct and uncomplicated message. Hamas must be destroyed.

  37. Sad to see The Lars Team ™ descending to selective half truths to support the death riding of Albo.

    This from the RBA

    Supply shocks have accounted for at least half of the increase in inflation …

    High inflation outcomes in Australia reflect a range of developments, including: supply issues related to the war in Ukraine; other global supply disruptions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic; and domestic supply disruptions from poor weather. Strong domestic and global demand has also played a role, reflecting the rapid economic recovery following the significant fiscal and monetary policy responses to the pandemic and the faster-than-expected development of effective vaccines. As a result, the increase in inflation has been broadly based across many goods and services in the CPI .

    While supply-side factors have been a significant driver of high inflation outcomes over the past year, the results above show that demand-side factors have also been important. Following the strong recovery from the pandemic – aided by substantial policy support and the development of effective vaccines for COVID-19 – demand for many goods and services exceeded supply capacity, resulting in large increases in prices

  38. Mostly Interestedsays:
    Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 8:26 am
    Ven @ #38 Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 – 8:24 am

    Mostly Interestedsays:
    Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 8:03 am
    Just realised the UK parliament has 4 ex-PMs still sitting. And we thought we had a smelly ex-PM issue.

    4 ex-PMs?

    Oh wait Boris left. Ok, had 4 ex-PMs. Truss, Boris, Cameron, May.

    Never had 3 ex-PMs let alone 4.
    When Cameron was PM, there was 1 ex-PM ( for few weeks)
    When Theresa May was, there were no ex-PMs
    When BOJO was PM there was one ex-PM
    When Liz Truss was PM and UK was butt of Joke around the world, there was one ex-PM (May 2 for a few days)
    When Sunak is PM there were 2 ex-PMs till Bravermann is sacked. Now it has 3 ex-PMs.

  39. Ven @ #45 Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 – 8:43 am

    Mostly Interestedsays:
    Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 8:26 am
    Ven @ #38 Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 – 8:24 am

    Mostly Interestedsays:
    Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 8:03 am
    Just realised the UK parliament has 4 ex-PMs still sitting. And we thought we had a smelly ex-PM issue.

    4 ex-PMs?

    Oh wait Boris left. Ok, had 4 ex-PMs. Truss, Boris, Cameron, May.

    Never had 3 ex-PMs let alone 4.
    When Cameron was PM, there was 1 ex-PM ( for few weeks)
    When Theresa May was, there were no ex-PMs
    When BOJO was PM there was one ex-PM
    When Liz Truss was PM and UK was butt of Joke around the world, there was one ex-PM (May 2 for a few days)
    When Sunak is PM there are 2 ex-PMs.

    Yeah my head hurts today. I saw Cameron was instated as a Cabinet minister, as foreign secretary, I assumed incorrectly you needed to be a member of parliament to be, you know, in parliament. But not for some it seems.

  40. For the benefit of LNP propagandists, I will repost something from the previous thread when most except Cave Dwellers would have been asleep. Obviously the last bit is supposed to be a bit of a joke but the fact remains that while inflation rages, so has profits, and the people who benefit own both the mass media and the LNP.


    I just saw a graphic on X that showed the profits earned by the big 4, CBA $10.2 Billion, Westpac $7.2 Billion, ANZ $7.4 Billion, and NAB $7.7 Billion. That’s about $1,250 for every man, woman, and child in Australia. There are many smaller banks not included in that total. I use Bendigo where their profit was a mere $249 Million, a measly increase of only 49.3% on last year.

    We also know that Woolworths and Coles have increased their profits among nearly all other big businesses. On top of that we have numerous small business owners swanning around in giant SUV’s and using every trick in the book to avoid paying tax. A hundred years ago the country rode on the sheeps back but now it rides on the backs of the PAYE wage earners.

    And on top of that we have an inflation problem where we are told there is no price gouging and that the solution is to smash mortgage holders and restrain wages.

    It’s time we mimicked the French and had a revolution. Let the tumbrels roll and get madame guillotine to sort out the board room bastards once and for all.

    This will set the scene;

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