The latest Resolve Strategic poll from the Age/Herald records no changes of consequence since the last such poll five weeks ago. Maintaining the pollster’s recent form as the strongest for Labor, it finds Labor down one on the primary vote to 39%, the Coalition steady on 30%, the Greens down one to 11% and One Nation steady on 6%. Based on preferences flows at the 2022 federal election, this would produce a two-party preferred of around 59-41 to Labor, compared with around 60-40 last time. Breakdowns for the three biggest states suggest Labor leads of around 58-42 in New South Wales, 63.5-36.5 in Victoria and 53.5-46.5 in Queensland.
Personal ratings find Anthony Albanese down slightly on both approval and disapproval, by two to 51% and one to 34%, while Peter Dutton is up three on approval to 31% and down one on disapproval to 47%. Preferred prime minister is little changed, with Albanese’s lead nudging from 53-22 to 51-21. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1610. If the pollster and its publisher maintain their recent pattern, it should followed over the next day or two by a Victorian state poll.
UPDATE: Further questions on the poll encompass attitudes to immigration, with the headline finding that 59% think the current rate too high, 25% about right and 3% too low.
Q: ParkySP
That is interesting….I have been to about 60 countries- including over land from Beijing to Europe 3 different ways….and the only places I have felt unsafe are Rio and the US.
In every city I have visited in the US I have been stalked, harassed, witnessed a crime or been warned about a local n0-go-zone….Metros and trains were unsafe to catch during a murder spree happening when I was last in Chicago, and the LA riots were going when I visited in 1992.
I hate US travel- and avoid at all costs.
My daughter booked a flight for me and her to New York and LA with just a few days notice.
I can remember us both being separated after a nightclub visit but I walked alone several blocks
to get back to the hotel at about 1 to 2 AM and never felt worried for one moment except for the zero
temperature I saw displayed on a screen.
I think this was the one night that blew the myth that New York is the city that never sleeps because
everything was closed and only one or two people on the streets.
While I live in QLD with what seems to be a crime problem at the moment, perhaps not any worse than anywhere else in Australia, but highlighted in some of our right wing media so as to try to embarrass
PAP and our Labor Government, I look at the size of various populations in other countries to judge on travel safety as compared to travel at home.
With 330 million people in the US, I think that if I go there the chance of my involvement in any crime is
minute, especially if I’m a tourist.
Tea: Australia 214-5, trail by 61
Will England have to bat again?
Will rain stop play again?
New thread.
rhwombat @ #1739 Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 – 10:51 pm
Leave it with me, and now my genuine envy, to spend more time with Gray, communicating in ways I confess I am least familiar with. Are we discussing the dissolution of subject and object and absoluteness of the experience, and the wonder.