Polls: Resolve Strategic and Essential Research (open thread)

Two new polls find Labor still with a commanding lead, but with Anthony Albanese’s personal ratings coming off their earlier peak.

The Age/Herald brings the monthly Resolve Strategic poll of federal voting intention, which has Labor down two on the primary vote to 40%, the Coalition up two to 31%, the Greens down one to 10% and One Nation down one to 5%. No two-party preferred is reported, but this would pan out to around 58-42 based on preference flows from last year, in from around 60-40 last time. Anthony Albanese’s approval rating (very good plus good) is down four on last month to 56%, with disapproval (very poor plus poor) up five to 30%; Peter Dutton is up one to 29% and down one to 45%; and Anthony Albanese’s lead over Peter Dutton as preferred prime minister is 55-23, in from 55-20. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1604. Further results published today including a finding that 50% expect economic conditions to worsen over the coming year, compared with 18% for improvement and 24% for staying the same.

The fortnightly Essential Research poll, which does not exclude undecided from its voting intention numbers, has Labor at 33% and the Coalition at 30% on the primary vote, both unchanged on a fortnight ago. The Greens are down three from an anomalous peak last time to 14% and One Nation are steady on 6%, with undecided at 8%. The 2PP+ measure had Labor down four to 51%, the Coalition up two to 42% and undecided up three to 8%. As noted in the previous post, Anthony Albanese’s approval is down two on a month ago to 53%, and his disapproval is up three to 34%. The full report, featuring questions on economic issues and interest rate rises, is here.

The Victorian Liberal Party’s administrative committee has as expected endorsed barrister Roshena Campbell as its candidate for the April 1 Aston by-election. Paul Sakkal of The Age reports Campbell received 13 votes, with former state upper house MP Cathrine Burnett-Wake and oncologist Ranjana Srivastava on three each.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,968 comments on “Polls: Resolve Strategic and Essential Research (open thread)”

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  1. mikehilliard at 6:54 pm
    Between Super,Trusts and Negative gearing thoughts of parliament reform them brings to mind Keating’s quote.
    ‘In the race of life, always back self-interest – at least you know it’s trying’.
    The reporting on these issues by senior journos will of course be totally unbiased due to their not taking advantage of these tax lurks and perks….. LOL.

    Home advantage: federal politicians’ hefty property portfolios revealed in register of interests

    In addition to residences and investments, dozens of MPs own homes in Canberra for which they can claim a $299 a night travel allowance.


    Maybe this is why politicians won’t act on family trusts

    Federal politicians and their spouses are using family trusts more than any parliament before them, and at 10 times the rate of ordinary Australians.

    Trusts are growing fast in popularity, particularly among wealthier Australians as a way of minimising tax,


  2. Those around at the time tell the story that Costello once indicated that he’d like to have a look at the tax treatment of family trusts.
    After most of the cabinet dropped by his office for a chat he was surprised to find out that he might have been the only minister who didn’t have one at the time.
    And he never mentioned it again.
    I’ll bet he has one now.

  3. nath says:
    Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 7:24 pm
    Dr John, I’m just glad that you’ve gotten over the loss of millions of dollars and we can have a good laugh about it now!

    I’m not laughing and your now doing your regular ‘holier than thou’ get out Hail Mary.
    Make sure you share a bottle of wine with Joffa before he slimes back to Qld.

  4. Griff @ #2898 Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 – 7:02 pm

    Player One @ Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 6:53 pm
    “Griff @ #2892 Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 – 6:51 pm

    Rex Douglas @ Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 5:06 pm

    “The fossil fuel cartel pisses on you and tells you it’s raining…”

    As opposed to your posts.”
    And you are defending the cartel … why? …”

    As you are Player One and always right, any refutation of your analysis and the assumptions on which you performed such a feat would be wasted.

    Pathetic. Just pathetic.

  5. Re the Andrew Podger requested submission to the RoboDebt RC on APS rules and processes.

    I had the pleasure many years ago to attend a dinner with Mr Podger, and after more than several glasses of red, he confided what he really thought about John Howard – who was PM at the time.

    What sticks in my mind were comments about ‘weird views in social policy, and the role of women’ and ‘ a world view which hadn’t moved from the the white picket fence he grew up with in Earlwood’.

  6. Angus Taylor revealing how his super investment rorts are structured…

    Taylor says there are details on super changes the government needs to provide:

    Now there’s a great deal of detail that hasn’t been laid out about what’s been proposed today. We don’t know how to find how benefits will be treated under this and how undivisible assets will be treated, unlisted assets, how they’re going to be liquid assets and be treated under what’s proposed by Labor.

  7. 1.7 is now the retirement max, a great goal to achieve then you put your money elsewhere. Pretty simple. Naive if you thought Labor would not come for it.

  8. Sadly, missed the Renee Leon evidence at the RC today – due to unavoidable ‘coining’ duties. Appears she was driving the bus…

  9. Coupled with the banning of a left wing Jewish affiliate, Starmer has invited Luciana Berger back into the party, after the right wing rat abandoned Labour and even ran as a Liberal Democrat candidate in 2019.

  10. Re Sprocket @ 8:13 PM. That’s positively bizarre. Does Chris Kenny thinks that the ABC should have someone like Fred Nile on the commentary team, calling upon Heaven to bring down lightning and hailstones upon the parade?

  11. Steve777 says:
    Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 8:26 pm

    Re Sprocket @ 8:13 PM. That’s positively bizarre. Does Chris Kenny thinks that the ABC should have someone like Fred Nile on the commentary team, calling upon Heaven to bring down lightning and hailstones upon the parade?

    How about a “balanced” panel featuring Fred and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence?

  12. The Ferret has worked very hard setting up companies, trapping water runoff, keeping an eye on noxious weeds, finding jobs for family members and maintaining a high standard of care and consideration for the good citizens of his electorate.
    A dedicated servant of the public is The Ferret.

  13. Adam Bandt: “Lidia Thorpe is able to speak for herself. I’m not going to pass comment on that. Ultimately this is an event that is by and for the LGBTIQ+ community. I’ll leave it up to them and the organisers and those who are involved to to comment on that.”

    Well, that sorts her out.

  14. It’s pleasing to learn that Labor has announced its super policy. I don’t think many will be concerned with a tax hike for the wealthy. It should, though, be reiterated & reiterated that no further surprises are in the pipeline.

    Further, how the electorate reacts might be gleaned from the
    result of the Aston by-election. Furthermore, shonky tax accountants & lawyers are little doubt already working on how best to negative the new impost.


    I think it was Cat (upthread) who asked the question of whether the Robodebt witnesses could face perjury charges. I think that’s quite remote though malfeasance – ie, engaging in a “willful” with the intention to do harm – is a possibility, however again very marginally so, though with Robert, on Thursday (thanks for the reminder BL)?


    As for penalties under the instant Act:


    Lastly, the only person who served a custodial sentence for perjury, eminating from a RC, was I think:


    I’ve had a day in the paddocks, so I must prorogue but will add that I wish the best with your health issue, Cronus.

  15. zoomster @ Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 8:36 pm
    “Adam Bandt: “Lidia Thorpe is able to speak for herself. I’m not going to pass comment on that. Ultimately this is an event that is by and for the LGBTIQ+ community. I’ll leave it up to them and the organisers and those who are involved to to comment on that.”

    Well, that sorts her out.”

    Has the open invitation to return now been revoked?

  16. Player One @ Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 7:41 pm

    “Pathetic. Just pathetic.”

    Coming from you, I shall take that as a compliment 🙂

    Carry on!

  17. zoomster @ Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 8:40 pm

    Sounds like he’s still hedging his bets.”

    Bandt would want to know for certain which way the wind blows on this one. The Greens have lost political capital with respect to First Nations advocacy. To lose further capital from another key constituency would be woeful. Funny to think this is due to one person’s actions.

  18. Aussie (legal) Independance Day is coming up. March 3, the day after the day after tomorrow, is the anniversary of the commencement in 1986 of the Australia Acts, which severed the last legal ties between Australia and the UK. Though the King does still have a say we do get to make our own laws. And perhaps one day we can build on that.

    The Australia Act 1986 is the short title of each of a pair of separate but related pieces of legislation: one an Act of the Commonwealth Parliament of Australia, the other an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. … The Acts came into effect simultaneously, on 3 March 1986. … The Australia Act (Cth and UK) eliminated the remaining possibilities for the United Kingdom to legislate with effect in Australia, for the UK to be involved in Australian government, and for an appeal from any Australian court to a British court.

  19. So, robodebt is finally making the TV news in a few capital cities. Professor Leon has provided the link between public service and government.

  20. Snappy Tom says:
    Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 6:35 pm
    I love the Murdochracy’s “broken promise/Super raid” themes. Did they even mention the $3m bit?

    And in any event surely the obvious response is that it’s not a broken promise. No changes are being made during this period of government, as promised. It’s a proposal being taken to the next election in which if Labor are elected, will be subsequently legislated in 2025/26. The issue of a broken promise is either a myth or a lie, depending on one’s generosity of spirit.

  21. zoomster @ #2925 Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 – 8:36 pm

    Adam Bandt: “Lidia Thorpe is able to speak for herself. I’m not going to pass comment on that. Ultimately this is an event that is by and for the LGBTIQ+ community. I’ll leave it up to them and the organisers and those who are involved to to comment on that.”

    Well, that sorts her out.

    What a spineless, so-called leader, Adam Bandt is! Can’t just come straight out and condemn Lidia Thorpe for her disruptive, pointless actions at the Mardi Gras.

  22. sprocket_ @ #2917 Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 – 8:13 pm

    Perhaps the Murdoch goons are pushing for ‘poofter bashing’ as balance?

    Who the freaking hell is Sophie Ellsworth to pass summary judgement on the coverage of the Mardi Gras like that? The ABC had 3 LGBTQI+ people to commentate. They were being their natural selves and I found it very entertaining.

  23. Thanks Mavis

    Out of hospital today, weak and weary but somewhat better than when I was admitted thankfully. Less exercise and more rest for me over the coming weeks. More time for bludging. 😆

  24. Cronus

    A few commentators have made the point that there’s another election before the supertax starts.
    Labor will hope to legislate it and then good luck Dutton (or whoever) campaigning to repeal the tax for 80,000 rich voters.
    Good politics from Labor. And why am I not surprised?

  25. UK: Rising milk, egg and margarine prices have contributed to a record increase in the cost of food and drink in shops, research suggests.

    Grocery prices in the four weeks to 19 February rose 17.1% from a year ago, research firm Kantar said, the highest rate since its records began in 2008. Kantar said one in four shoppers were now struggling financially. It added that households faced an £811 increase to their annual grocery bill if they did not change shopping habits.

  26. Holdenhillbilly @ #2941 Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 – 9:32 pm

    UK: Rising milk, egg and margarine prices have contributed to a record increase in the cost of food and drink in shops, research suggests.

    Grocery prices in the four weeks to 19 February rose 17.1% from a year ago, research firm Kantar said, the highest rate since its records began in 2008. Kantar said one in four shoppers were now struggling financially. It added that households faced an £811 increase to their annual grocery bill if they did not change shopping habits.

    Hmm, Tory government. Screaming headlines from the UK tabloids? I’d be very surprised.

  27. Thanks to Poll Bludgers for your condolences and kind words regarding my mother’s death.
    The loss of parents is a traumatic event in a person’s life, which one will experience when it happens.

  28. Scepticsays:
    Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 8:00 pm
    Mafia Don congratulates his colleague

    Rupert Murdoch admits Fox commentators ‘endorsed’ Donald Trump’s 2020 election lie

    Series of tweets by Rick Wilson on Murdoch depositions.

    Rick Wilson
    1/ So the Dominion lawsuit depositions from Rupert Murdoch and Fox News are lighting up the Internet tonight, and there’s a true frenzy over the revelations that the entire network, even the performative nightside trio of terror.

    They knew Trump lost. They knew there…
    Rick Wilson
    2/ …was not then (nor is there now) a scintilla of fraud. They knew, and lied. Over, and over, and over. They chose guests they knew were lying. They allowed story meetings promoting a massive, dangerous lie that reduced faith and belief in the American system.
    Rick Wilson
    3/ The entire top level of Fox management knew their lies were leading to danger for this nation.

    Just as the GOP once ruled the base and now the base rules the GOP, a slavering, inchoate rage beast demanding more and more…
    Rick Wilson
    4/ …so to is Fox owned by its base. Rupert and Roger’s machine ran off the rails, and they fear their audience will follow the conspiracy crack at OAN or Newsmax or some damn Telegram channel.

    They knew the lies were lies. They fed and fed the beast.
    Rick Wilson
    5/ The Fox audience is, let’s be honest, unsophisticated. They’re addicted to “hot women with great hair, big tits and degrees from cheap J-schools” (as Roger used to say) and ragey bros telling them that their hatred of immigrants, blacks, gays, readin’ and ideas is logical.
    Rick Wilson
    6/ The question the Fox audience should but won’t ask is, “What else is behind the curtain? What else is a lie? What else do they say about us off-camera.

    Here’s your answer: it’s all a lie. The entire thing is a big, dumb, loud performance piece.
    Rick Wilson
    7/ They’re lying about Ukraine. About Biden (at scale). About all the catalog of imaginary culture war demons. (“TONIGHT ON TUCKER: Will Transtifa Terrorist Drag Queens FORCE your kids into Gay Sharia Marriage Veganism?”)
    Rick Wilson
    8/ This is Rupert and Roger’s model at its end state, a seething, metastasizing cancer consuming the minds of millions of Americans convinced by the cynical playhouse of a network of liars, arsonists, and enablers.

    Dominion called their b.s.

  29. Murdoch press is doing the similar thing in Australia to what they did in USA but on smaller scale.

    Rick Wilson said Fox is a cancer on American society
    As Kevin Rudd said Murdoch press is cancer on Australian society.

  30. C@tmommasays:
    Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 10:20 pm
    Holdenhillbilly @ #2941 Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 – 9:32 pm

    UK: Rising milk, egg and margarine prices have contributed to a record increase in the cost of food and drink in shops, research suggests.

    Grocery prices in the four weeks to 19 February rose 17.1% from a year ago, research firm Kantar said, the highest rate since its records began in 2008. Kantar said one in four shoppers were now struggling financially. It added that households faced an £811 increase to their annual grocery bill if they did not change shopping habits.

    Hmm, Tory government. Screaming headlines from the UK tabloids? I’d be very surprised.

    Even after these increases, which is steep, Europe is more expensive than UK. No wonder European leaders are deeply unpopular.
    I wonder why the cost of living in Europe is so high.
    Luckily Macron and Scholz won their elections before all these things started to bite. Some might say Macron won the election last may. Well he had an opponent called Le Pen (aka his Alan Bond) and has 5 more years to govern. Italy elected a fascist.

  31. “ Kremlin complains of Scholz and Macron not contacting Putin at all lately”

    “ Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Russian President, has stated that Vladimir Putin remains open to negotiations about Ukraine, but neither German Chancellor Olaf Scholz nor French President Emmanuel Macron, with whom the Kremlin wants to be in touch, are contacting Russia at the moment at all.”


    It seems unjustified aggression, war crimes and genocide makes you a pariah. Who knew?

  32. Sounds like some Russians get a little nervous at the sight of big jungle cats prowling around nearby:

    “German-made Leopard tanks have been spotted near the besieged town of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine, according to an adviser to the head of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).

    Speaking to state broadcaster Russia 1, Yan Gagin said:

    “There have been claims that Leopards have appeared near Artemovsk (the Russian name for Bakhmut).”
    He added that there was “no need to sensationalise” the presence of the Leopard tanks near the frontline.”


    Don’t panic! DON’T PANIC!!

    😆 😆 😆

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