Weekend miscellany (open thread)

Northern Territory by-election looms; JSCEM appointments made; report on Victorian ALP branch-stacking released.

In the absence of anything else to report:

• Former Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner formally retired from parliament on Wednesday, having relinquished the leadership in May in the wake of a heart attack. In contrast to its counterparts in Western Australia, who have still not fired the starter’s gun on a by-election for North West Central, the government has already announced August 20 as the date for the by-election in his Darwin seat in Fannie Bay, which he retained by 9.6% at the 2020 election.

• Labor’s five members of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters are Jagajaga MP Kate Thwaites, Hawke MP Sam Rae, Blair MP Shayne Neumann and South Australian Senators Karen Grogan and Marielle Smith, one of whom will be the committee’s chair. There were four opposition members and one from the Greens in the previous parliament, but I’m unclear as to how that will play out this time.

• The report of Operation Watts, the joint inquiry by Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission and Ombudsman into certain Labor state parliamentarians’ branch-stacking activities, offers a wealth of invaluable detail on the hard realities of the operation of modern political parties.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

632 comments on “Weekend miscellany (open thread)”

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  1. nath says:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 7:06 pm
    I don’t believe Victorians have a word for those from NSW, at least not one that could be posted here. But in general we believe that other Australians are feral and barely clinging to civilization, always wearing shorts, no culture and very little in the way of trams.
    As a Victorian your possessive ‘we’ does not represent me!

  2. Jan 6says:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 10:16 am
    Can someone please explain Clenell to me? He isn’t afraid to grill the right (when even the likes of the ABC and Sales shy from it).

    I have noticed much the same thing with him when the Sky overnight crowd call on his services for an opinion. He is not afraid to express a view that is completely contrary to what they are looking for. He is his own man. I have generally found his judgement to be well thought out and mostly spot on, on the few occasions I have seen him.

  3. Rex Douglassays:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 7:16 pm
    Sadly we’re going to see lots of white-supremacists use the ‘no detail’ as cover for voting ‘no’.

    That’s probably true. But just because someone wants to know a bit more about it before they cast their vote doesn’t automatically mean they are one of them. I would like a bit more detail about it myself.

  4. Cronus:

    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 6:51 pm

    [“Former High Court chief justice Robert French has backed the draft changes to the Constitution that establish the Indigenous Voice to parliament, calling it a “sensible and straightforward proposal”.
    In written comments to The Australian Financial Review, Mr French welcomed “the opportunity” the Voice created for better policy development, without usurping the authority of parliament.”]

    [‘Welcome support for a commonsense proposal I’d say.’]

    I know of people who wouldn’t know a former chief justice if they bumped into one. Surprising as it may be – that’s the problem.

  5. Steelydansays:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 6:59 pm

    Imagine Albanese thinking Australians will vote for changing our constitution for something that they do not know what it will do.
    I wonder when they start bringing out the at least we tried argument. Betcha it is already being formulated by the ALP brains trust.

    Well if you listened you would know exactly what it will be and do.

    The constitutional change is about recognizing Indigenous Australians in the Constitution and saying this body will exist and its powers will be to advise the Parliament in regards to legislation effecting Indigenous Australians.

    This will just mean a future Government can not discard it without taking it to a new referendum.

    The legislative framework will just be about its makeup and how representatives are chosen and other operational matters.

    How is that scary?

  6. shellbellsays:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 7:18 pm

    Interesting to see how an illegal strip search can be consented to.

    It’s a bit like trying say rape is not rape if the victim stops struggling because they fear additional injury.

  7. The opponents of the Voice are going to cry “Detail detail detail” to create confusion and doubt. The Constitution isn’t there for detail. That’s worked out by the Parliament.

  8. I see the some of the saddest sights imaginable just heart breaking stuff on nearly a daily basis and have for decades and know with my whole heart that a voice will do absolutely nothing truly nothing, yet all who know this will just be dismissed as racist. It makes it so easy.

    Maybe that is how I should see it. Just vote for it, it will do no good, why care. It is so hard when you know the misery will continue and these are the type of lies they will continue to use as answers.

  9. Steve777 @ #560 Sunday, July 31st, 2022 – 7:44 pm

    The opponents of the Voice are going to cry “Detail detail detail” to create confusion and doubt. The Constitution isn’t there for detail. That’s worked out by the Parliament.

    The constitution builds the framework. The Parliament applies the cladding. The High Court is the building regulator.

    If the framework is faulty, it can be hidden by the cladding. Until the building collapses or goes up in smoke. Then the regulator determines the guilty party and issues the fines. Often to find both the builders and the decorators have been liquidated or stripped of assets. Oh, well.

  10. Steve777:

    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 7:44 pm

    [‘The opponents of the Voice are going to cry “Detail detail detail” to create confusion and doubt. The Constitution isn’t there for detail. That’s worked out by the Parliament.’]

    Not that one means to be pedantic. It’s The High Court that sorts out works on the paramount act. And, here’s me, retiring 14 years ago, attempting to be relevant. Pepsy.

  11. Steelydan says:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 7:58 pm

    I see the some of the saddest sights imaginable just heart breaking stuff on nearly a daily basis and have for decades and know with my whole heart that a voice will do absolutely nothing truly nothing, yet all who know this will just be dismissed as racist. It makes it so easy.
    It’s not going to hurt though is it, and maybe it will help a bit at the margins.

  12. nathsays:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 8:03 pm
    Steelydan says:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 7:58 pm

    I see the some of the saddest sights imaginable just heart breaking stuff on nearly a daily basis and have for decades and know with my whole heart that a voice will do absolutely nothing truly nothing, yet all who know this will just be dismissed as racist. It makes it so easy.
    It’s not going to hurt though is it, and maybe it will help a bit at the margins.
    Don’t forget this is your tonight penultimate PB rant nath without apology –
    nath says:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 7:06 pm
    “I don’t believe Victorians have a word for those from NSW, at least not one that could be posted here. But in general we believe that other Australians are feral and barely clinging to civilization, always wearing shorts, no culture and very little in the way of trams.”

  13. [Begin rant]

    Of course the Voice will not magically fix all the problems affecting indigenous communities and people. Consulting them would have to help, however. Actual representatives, not ones hand-picked by a Minister. Moving to the wider community for a second, Parliaments and elections don’t magically solves all the country’s problems. That’s not an excuse not to have them.

    The Right talk about the Voice as if it somehow impedes addressing real problems, as if it’s an either-or proposition. Let’s dispense with the Voice then what? Let the Great White Father get on with his work then, as if that was a priority for the Right?

    The Right doesn’t like the Voice because they see it as additional regulation, an increase in the size of Government, that might get in the way of their actual constituency making a buck, just like regulations regarding fair work, the environment, climate action…

    [End rant]

  14. nathsays:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 8:14 pm
    What are you going to do Dr John? Threaten me with Mick Gatto again?
    Did you feel threatened even after you claimed Dominic was a hasbeen?
    Just apologize to PB and Victorians for your meth shit –

    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 7:06 pm
    “I don’t believe Victorians have a word for those from NSW, at least not one that could be posted here. But in general we believe that other Australians are feral and barely clinging to civilization, always wearing shorts, no culture and very little in the way of trams.”

  15. Wonder weather dutton will support the voice or not not shore if usmid terms will go the republicans seem moore kean to vote then democrats

  16. Dr John says:

    Just apologize to PB and Victorians for your meth shit –
    I’m not sure what your problem is, but. No.

  17. Dr John:

    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    [‘Did you feel threatened even after you claimed Dominic was a hasbeen?
    Just apologize to PB and Victorians for your meth shit -‘]

    Pal, get over yourself. At heart, and from a distance, I find you to be passive-aggressive, rather like others who’ve been zipped.

  18. Vale, James Lovelock …


    Gaia was a major influence on the green movement, though Lovelock was suspicious of its claims and aspirations. “Too many greens are not just ignorant of science, they hate science,” he argued, and likened them to “some global over-anxious mother figure who is so concerned about small risks that she ignores the real dangers”. Such a judgment is perhaps a little harsh, though it also reveals an independence of mind that was the hallmark of a great scientist whose vision and creativity will be sorely missed.

    Full disclosure: I am not a Green. But I might possibly be a Gaian.

  19. Dr John

    You do know Nath was joking don’t you well mostly joking :). The shorts thing was a bit of a give away.

  20. A man should only wear shorts under the following conditions:
    A. He is on holidays or it is the weekend. And even then sparingly.
    B. He is P.E teacher, and then typically and controversially a very tight arrangement that guarantees amusement for all concerned.

  21. Asha says:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 8:41 pm

    C. It is hot.
    That is too general an exemption Asha. Although it does explain why it is the preferred costume of Queenslanders. Put some pants on Asha, get yourself a Pith helmet and remember you are a Briton.

  22. Steelydansays:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 7:58 pm

    I see the some of the saddest sights imaginable just heart breaking stuff on nearly a daily basis and have for decades and know with my whole heart that a voice will do absolutely nothing truly nothing, yet all who know this will just be dismissed as racist. It makes it so easy.

    Maybe that is how I should see it. Just vote for it, it will do no good, why care. It is so hard when you know the misery will continue and these are the type of lies they will continue to use as answers.

    No one is claiming it’s a magic button, but goes down the right path by showing respect and considering their views before passing legislation that effects them. After all the arrogant colonial master approach is so effective.

  23. NSW Minister for Fair Trading Eleni Petinos has been sacked from cabinet. #nswpol
    They’re going down line ninepins.

  24. nathsays:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 8:38 pm
    A man should only wear shorts under the following conditions:
    A. He is on holidays or it is the weekend. And even then sparingly.
    B. He is P.E teacher, and then typically and controversially a very tight arrangement that guarantees amusement for all concerned.
    You got a comedy ‘out’ from others earlier did you? When not doing comedy yourself.
    But your still detrimentally squeezing your ‘trams’ whether wearing tight shorts on your head or not.

  25. I went to a wedding yesterday and put on long pants for the first time in more than two months.

    For the last dozen years before that I only wore them at work. 🙂

  26. Dr John says:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 8:52 pm

    You got a comedy ‘out’ from others earlier did you? When not doing comedy yourself.
    But your still detrimentally squeezing your ‘trams’ whether wearing tight shorts on your head or not.
    Have we met before? You are not from Greensborough by any chance?

  27. Nath:

    One day we will storm across the border and conquer you southern heathens, and then you will all have to wear shorts.

  28. nath:

    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 8:38 pm

    [‘A man should only wear shorts under the following conditions:
    A. He is on holidays or it is the weekend. And even then sparingly.
    B. He is P.E teacher, and then typically and controversially a very tight arrangement that guarantees amusement for all concerned.’]

    Insomnia hits. In ’75, when competing in inter-service tennis in Vic, I wore shorts that revealed far too much – that’s my story. The WRANS, whom I was instructing at the time, laughed uncontrollably, never what sure what they were imparting.

  29. DoPe said she had his full confidence a day or two ago and said he knew all about the issues. Now this? He owes the public am explanation about what other issues he has become aware of.

    Pretty weak to sack the woman straight away though whilst Ayres and DoPe hang on.

    But DoPe would lose alot of capital taking on Ayres his deputy leader of course. Petinos is a factional ally of DoPE.

  30. Asha says:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 8:55 pm


    One day we will storm across the border and conquer you southern heathens, and then you will all have to wear shorts.
    Shorts and a XXXX shirt in re-education camps with no fluoridated water! Good Gods.

  31. Mavis says:
    Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 8:55 pm

    In ’75, when competing in inter-service tennis in Vic, I wore shorts that revealed far too much – that’s my story.
    Australians have been far too revealing for too long. My own suggestion is that unless you are considerably endowed, there is not much to be gained by over advertising.

  32. I see the some of the saddest sights imaginable just heart breaking stuff on nearly a daily basis and have for decades and know with my whole heart that a voice will do absolutely nothing truly nothing
    Why does your whole heart know better than the combined understanding and knowledge of those who wrote and supported the Statement from the Heart? This is a substantial document formed from widespread consensus of those with the most at stake and most effected by the things you speak of.

    Think about that. Why would you assume you know better than all these people with all their combined experience and knowledge in these matters?

    The history of Whitefella fixes is a sorry and sad tale. Time for us to trust this and be guided by their Statement. Yes, there are no guarantees, no magic fix, but this is the footing they have asked for to build the future on.

  33. I have been of the view for some time that NSW labor will win the next state election here in NSW.
    There is a large “it’s time” factor at play. 13 years of liberal rule has given the state very little for those west of the bridge. Our tolls are the highest in the world. Sydney is very much a place where if you live in the right suburbs, you’re ok. The rest, too bad, too sad.
    NSW labor leader is also very much liberal lite, a darling of the 2gb set no less. Plus he’s also a pretty boy, which helps.
    I’m calling it now. Labor to win the next state election in NSW.

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