Morgan: 56-44 to Labor

More of the same from Morgan, plus further poll findings from Utting Research’s WA poll and a monster YouGov survey on carbon emissions.

The fortnightly Roy Morgan federal poll had Labor leading 56-44, in from 56.5-43.5 last time. The primary votes were Coalition 33.5% (down half), Labor 37% (down half), Greens 11.5% (steady), One Nation 3% (down half) and United Australia Party 1% (steady).

The state breakdowns have Labor leading 56.6-43.5 in New South Wales (out from 56-44, a swing of around 9%), 60-40 in Victoria (in from 63.5-36.5, a swing of around 7%), 53-47 in Western Australia (out from 52-48, a swing of around 8.5%), 54.5-45.5 in South Australia (out from 52.5-47.5, a swing of around 4%) and 66.5-33.5 from the small sample in Tasmania (a swing of 10.5%), with the Coalition leading 52-48 in Queensland (a swing to Labor of around 6.5%).

The poll was conducted Thursday, March 3 to Sunday, March 13 from a sample of 1947.

Other poll snippets:

• The West Australian has continued to eke out results of its Utting Research poll, encompassing 750 respondents in the seats of Tangney, Hasluck, Pearce and Swan, from which the voting intention findings were covered here. Leadership ratings from the poll show Scott Morrison on 42% approval and 43% disapproval, which is broadly similar to other polling; Anthony Albanese on 28% approval and 45% disapproval, which is quite a bit worse (the most recent Newspoll breakdown from the state had it at 28% and 45%); and Mark McGowan on 67% approval and 24% disapproval. Further findings from the poll reported yesterday showed 31% saying they were worried about the COVID situation in WA, with 31% not worried; 34% confident hospitals can handle the pressure, with 38% not confident; 49% rating petrol prices will be an issue for them at the federal election, with 41% saying they will not be; and 49% holding that Australia should do more to help Ukraine, with 23% thinking otherwise.

• My own poll trend calculations provide the basis of this review of the situation by CGM Communications, which feature more up-to-date state trend measures than those presently to be found on my BludgerTrack display.

• A YouGov survey of 15,000 respondents, commissioned by the Australian Conservation Foundation, found 29% support for the government’s position on net zero carbon emissions by 2050, 41% believed it did not go far enough and 12% felt it went too far. The sample size allowed for breakdowns by electorate, which can be explored in detail on the Age/Herald site

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

871 comments on “Morgan: 56-44 to Labor”

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  1. The federal anti -corruption Implications for Lib/nats at Federal- State- Territory levels

    The media will be politically split from the lib/nats as the Lib/nats political propaganda media units

    The lib/nats will find it difficult to oust Labor governments in short term periods

    The Lib/nats will probably have to be in opposition for at least 4 terms for the call of time to change

  2. going into year 2023

    There could be likely only 2 state non Labor governments

    and after 2023 only 1 non state Labor government

  3. Taylormadesays:
    Friday, March 18, 2022 at 8:01 am
    Virginia and Speers will be discussing the bullying of Kimberley Kitching on 774 after the 9am news.
    Will this follow:
    Brittany Speers, Julia Banks, Rachel Millar, etc, etc?

    The bullied Liberal Women list is far longer, more violent, depraved and the issues far more systematic.
    We don’t actually have concrete proof of systematic issues within the ALP, yet here you are like a dog with a bone hammering in on the one case, where if all the other posters where concerned to the same extent that you are with the one, there should be wall to wall coverage of everything done by the LNP and it isn’t pretty. I also doubt that womens issues are a vote winner.

  4. Claiming that women’s issues aren’t a vote winner is truly wild. Again, it’s distasteful for everything to be boiled down to whether or not it’s a vote winner anyway.

  5. Victoriasays:
    Friday, March 18, 2022 at 7:18 am
    The conduct of the media has been disgraceful.

    Julia Banks

    If a 52 year old male MP died suddenly of a heart attack, there would be no
    -derogatory sexist language,
    -partisan weaponry,
    -political point scoring
    – or such extensive media coverage & non-medical opinion that stress was the cause of death

    This is disgraceful #auspol

    FYI because you thought MSM will not do it in a previous thread.

  6. From the previous thread where people seem to be still posting.

    Good morning Dawn Patrollers

    More financial help will be promised to the NSW northern rivers in a federal deal with the state government to add to a sudden extension in $3000 disaster payments after one of Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s political allies accused him of “disgusting” neglect of flood victims, write David Crowe and Alexandra Smith.
    “Anthony Albanese is sitting pretty for the election – so what could possibly go wrong?”, asks Michelle Grattan.
    Serious times require serious leaders. You may not like Anthony Albanese but he’s telling you who he is, writes Van Badham who says desperation is driving Scott Morrison deeper into the dress-up box.
    Without a major scandal to their name, Marshall’s team looks destined to become the latest in a long line of one-term Liberal governments, writes David Penberthy.
    It is utter hubris that Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton continue to fan the flames of war with China discourse, writes Paul Begley.,16161
    Patrich Hatch reports from the first day of public hearings in an inquiry examining The Star’s Sydney casino licence. It heard the ASX-listed casino group’s chief financial officer, Harry Theodore, and general counsel, Oliver White, were both involved in misleading NAB and China UnionPay about the some $900m of transactions in 2019 which disguised $900 million worth of Chinese debit card gambling transactions. Charming!
    Listed casino giant The Star Entertainment Group appears to be rapidly heading for the same devastating fall as Crown casino. The future of one of Sydney’s premier tourist and hospitality sites is now in the balance, writes Nick McKenzie.
    Ellizabeth Knight, who says the Star inquiry has started with a bang, reckons the Star management should brace for discomfort.
    Scott Morrison has to be very selective with the data to make a favourable global comparison with respect to emissions reduction, says Graham Readfearn.
    To really address climate change, Australia could make 27 times as much electricity and make it renewable, explain these contributors to The Conversation.
    The US Federal Reserve has taken its first interest rate step, and the RBA is sure to follow, opines Shane Wright.
    David Crowe expresses concern that the government has been shockingly slow to act on Russian billionaires with significant interests in Australia. Another case of biga announcement, little action?
    Labor senator Kimberley Kitching sent a text saying Penny Wong never wanted to see her again the night before she lodged a bullying complaint with workplace safety consultants, writes Sharri Markson.
    Labor’s deputy leader, Richard Marles, says the party will assess its internal culture in “an ongoing way” after facing a barrage of questions about whether the late senator Kimberley Kitching was bullied and ostracised by senior colleagues.
    Lisa Visentin reports that acting federal Education Minister Stuart Robert has blamed “dud teachers” for the decline in the academic results of Australian students while praising independent schools for employing only quality teachers and delivering a model example of education. Well, Robert himself is a model example of something else! He is a shocker in so many ways!
    Speaking of model examples, Barnaby Joyce is in a class of his own after saying, “Those carrying coffins in Ukraine are not focused on climate change”, in comments aimed at children after the recent Federal Court decision that federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley did not have a duty of care to protect young people from climate change harm when considering fossil fuel projects such as mines.
    The federal budget on May 29 will contain further measures to help families deal with rising living costs, but the Treasurer says the age of open spending sparked by the pandemic is coming to an end. Harley Dennett writes that Josh Frydenberg will gradually start moving to paying down the massive debts incurred over the pandemic and will reveal that total debt will peak lower than forecast last December.
    Frustrated workers will no longer accept pay rises of 3 or 3.5 per cent a year, unions say, as new forecasts predict consumer price inflation is heading towards 5 per cent, writes the AFR’s David Marin-Guzman.
    The NSW government is facing cost overruns across several road and rail projects that form part of its $110 billion infrastructure pipeline, write Matt O’Sullivan and Tom Rabe.
    Michaela Whitbourn reports that an elite soldier has told the Federal Court it was a “bit rich” for war veteran Ben Roberts-Smith to be patron of a mental health charity because he believed the decorated former soldier was a bully who had caused a comrade to develop depression.
    The precarious conditions for residents of boarding houses across Sydney have come under the spotlight this week after a fire that was allegedly deliberately lit destroyed a Newtown building, killing three people.
    Now Blackmores is aiming to fleece pet owners with their products carrying questionable health claims.
    Motor homes intended for Lismore residents whose houses were inundated in this month’s floods are lying empty because linen and water sources have not been organised, while housing “pods” promised by the New South Wales government are yet to materialise.
    An architect of the National Disability Insurance Scheme says a compulsory doubling in hours for disability workers will increase costs for users, adding to fears of advocates and providers that services will be hit. Angus Thompson tells us that the agency overseeing the scheme says it is reviewing its pricing following a Fair Work decision to increase the minimum hours for workers, with economists saying the overall cost of the NDIS is likely to increase and registered providers warn of more gig workers in the space.
    Why would the ABC put barriers in the way of Australians’ enjoyment of its cultural treasure house (and the bad stuff)? Mark Sawyer wonders whether management understood the implications, or simply fell under the spell of its seemingly unlimited army of tinkerers and spruikers.
    Electric cars are surging across NSW, with more now registered in Canterbury-Bankstown and around Parramatta than anywhere else in the state as their prices fall and access to charging stations increases. NSW registered electric vehicles, hybrid petrol-electric cars and those using “other fuel” including hydrogen more than doubled from 37,238 to 78,644 in the two years to September 2021.
    The impending death of the US dollar has been greatly exaggerated, says Stephen Bartholomeusz.
    With the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine not going exactly to plan, people are thinking more sharply about Russia after Vladimir Putin and how that may be brought about, writes the London Telegraph’s Mark Galiotti.
    The corporate regulator is investigating real estate investor Sasha Hopkins and activities involving A Team Property Group, gathering information from mum-and-dad investors who backed failed property developments.
    Fireworks at the MCG could be a thing of the past owing to the risk posed by thousands of square metres of flammable cladding covering part of the Northern Stand.
    P&O Ferries, one of the largest ferry operators serving the United Kingdom, has fired 800 crew members with “immediate” effect, touching off protests and prompting some of the employees to lock themselves aboard vessels.
    Harriett Alexander reports about a Double Bay florist who is alleged to have misused his customers’ credit cards and not paid staff, couriers and suppliers has told his Instagram followers that he is heading to the United States, as new details emerge about his credit history in his home state of Tasmania. Surely a candidate for “Arsehole of the Week”.

    Cartoon Corner

    David Rowe

    Cathy Wilcox

    Simon Letch

    Matt Golding

    Peter Broelman

    Jim Pavlidis

    Andrew Dyson

    Mark Knight


    From the US

  7. The media and the lib/nats are showing how insanely they have Narcissistic personality disorder

    The attacks by the media and Lib/nats are backfiring ,

    1-voters were expecting the media and Lib/nats to start the dirty personal propaganda attacks on Labor and other non Lib/nats align members. This will turn the voter away from listening to any so-called good news for the lib/nats

    2-The media and Lib/nats have no policies which will improve living standards, economy

  8. Paul Bongiorno

    You really have to wonder.
    talks tough on Russia and sanctions but refuses to sanction two oligarchs who part own an aluminium plant in Qld.
    No surprise dollars always ahead of what is right with this government.

  9. Scott says:
    Friday, March 18, 2022 at 8:17 am
    going into year 2023

    There could be likely only 2 state non Labor governments

    and after 2023 only 1 non state Labor government
    Depends a bit on whether Albo wins and how he’s travelling when the Vic and NSW elections happen. In general if the governing party in a State also governs in Canberra there’s a bit of an electoral handicap. Assuming Albo wins, I’d be very surprised to see Andrews lose – though it might be closer than expected – but the NSW Libs might be able to use Canberra bashing to hold on in 2023.

  10. Andrew_Earlwoodsays:
    Friday, March 18, 2022 at 8:19 am
    “ It seems to me that PW and KK are being excoriated for not letting Kitching run right over them as leaders of the ALP in the Senate.

    Trying to frustrate someone from running their own agenda instead of what the leadership has determined is not bullying.”

    Bingo nath. Not just what the leadership has determined either. Caucus as a collective whole.

    Maybe she thought she was special because she was Captain’s pick.
    Hence wanted to spread her specialness.

  11. Alpha Zero @ #6 Friday, March 18th, 2022 – 8:19 am

    Friday, March 18, 2022 at 8:01 am
    Virginia and Speers will be discussing the bullying of Kimberley Kitching on 774 after the 9am news.
    Will this follow:
    Brittany Speers, Julia Banks, Rachel Millar, etc, etc?

    The bullied Liberal Women list is far longer, more violent, depraved and the issues far more systematic.
    We don’t actually have concrete proof of systematic issues within the ALP, yet here you are like a dog with a bone hammering in on the one case, where if all the other posters where concerned to the same extent that you are with the one, there should be wall to wall coverage of everything done by the LNP and it isn’t pretty. I also doubt that womens issues are a vote winner.

    Exactly. It’s how the dirty rotten Liberals think they can win the election.

    However, when looked at dispassionately, two points stand out as clear as a bell ringing in the darkness:

    1. Kimberley Kitching died of a heart attack related to her Thyroid condition. The ‘bullying’ wasn’t the cause.

    2. The Senate Labor Leader and Deputy Leader are being denigrated for not allowing an ambitious Senator with an agenda, good, bad or otherwise, to roll over them and thus exerted discipline over her. I thought that’s what their job was?

  12. max @ #13 Friday, March 18th, 2022 – 8:45 am

    Depends a bit on whether Albo wins and how he’s travelling when the Vic and NSW elections happen. In general if the governing party in a State also governs in Canberra there’s a bit of an electoral handicap. Assuming Albo wins, I’d be very surprised to see Andrews lose – though it might be closer than expected – but the NSW Libs might be able to use Canberra bashing to hold on in 2023.

    Agreed. There is also the small handicap for NSW Labor that the alternative to the NSW Libs is … NSW Labor 🙁

  13. Maybe she thought she was special because she was Captain’s pick.

    The ‘captain’ is Albanese now. So that specialness should have been put in a box and filed away.

  14. Not to mention that I predicted that the Liberals would bring back the ‘Handbag Hit Squad’ in some form or another, and they have. And put it on steroids this time. Simply due to the fact that the ALP has women, plural, in positions of power in the FPLP. When all the Liberals have is Michaelia Cash.

  15. Morning all and thanks for the roundup BK. Some of the spin in today’s news could power a small city.

    “ Without a major scandal to their name, Marshall’s team looks destined to become the latest in a long line of one-term Liberal governments, writes David Penberthy.”

    No major scandal?? Marshall himself may be a relative cleanskin but his government…. Multiple MPs forced to resign over expenses scandal. Two MPs facing charges. Deputy Chapman stood aside over KI conflict of interest finding.

  16. No major scandal?? Marshall himself may be a relative cleanskin but his government…. Multiple MPs forced to resign over expenses scandal. Two MPs facing charges. Deputy Chapman stood aside over KI conflict of interest finding.

    Yep, after 16 years in the wildness they couldn’t wait to their hands in the till and pocket what they could asap. Maybe they knew Marshmallow would be a one trick pony.

  17. Albo in Adelaide this morning, being interviewed on 5AA – confident for tomorrow?

    Meanwhile ScoMo is wandering the Western Wilderness…

  18. Victoria records nine deaths from COVID-19 and 9,036 new cases

    It takes the total number of active infections to 47,242.

    There are 199 coronavirus patients in Victorian hospitals, up from 197 a day earlier.

    Of those people, 23 are in intensive care units and five are receiving ventilation.

    Just over 63 per cent of Victorian adults have now received three vaccine doses and around 94 per cent of those aged 12 and older have received at least two.

    Of the new cases, 5,872 were detected through rapid antigen tests, and 3,164 through PCR tests.

  19. Speers said those politicians closest to Kitching are backgrounding journalists about bullying claims. I wonder who he is talking about?

  20. NSW new daily Covid cases are about 20,000 for the third day running (~ 1/400 of the population), having escalated from a low of around 7,000 three weeks ago. After holding steady at around 1,000 for a couple of weeks, numbers hospitalised are now edging upwards.

  21. NSW :

    Another six COVID deaths were recorded in the state.

    NSW has 1,060 cases in hospital, with 32 of those in intensive care.

    There were 20,050 new cases today.

  22. Kimberley Kitching was actually close to senators on the fiberals side of politics.

    Did Speers mention which side of politics was backgrounding journos?

  23. Case in point

    Kitching was close to the Liberal senator James Paterson, a fellow Victorian, and a fellow Wolverine, who chairs the joint parliamentary committee on intelligence and security. After news of her death became public, Paterson described Kitching as “a warrior for her cause, a friend of freedom and a true patriot who had an enormous impact in her short time in the Senate”.

  24. Victoria says:
    Friday, March 18, 2022 at 9:21 am

    Kimberley Kitching was actually close to senators on the fiberals side of politics.

    Did Speers mentiom which side of politics was backgrounding journos?
    Labor politicians of course. Liberals have no need to go on background. They just say it.

  25. I daresay even liberals think it is distasteful to just come out and say it.
    Kitching hasnt even been laid to rest yet.

  26. Herald Sun article today. They will keep finding angles.

    Former Labor MP Emma Husar has accused Anthony Albanese of behaving like a “gaslighting narcissist” in the wake of the death of Senator Kimberley Kitching — and revealed the stress of being bullied by ALP powerbrokers during her time in parliament caused her to develop a heart condition that required the care of a cardiologist.

  27. Give it two weeks before COVID dominates the headlines here.

    Only a matter of days before we get over 50k cases in NSW.

  28. The reason it’s inappropriate to discuss the Kitching matters at this time is that it would involve examining her behaviour, too.

    One understands that her family may be looking for reasons for her death – a common reaction – but, on the other hand, the media should understand that that’s also a good idea to wait.

  29. Coalition going out again on Sportsbet @$3.00. Get on it while you can lol.

    Also noting James Morrow from “The Smelly” getting a lot of pushback over his tweets about Kitchings.

  30. “No major scandal?? Marshall himself may be a relative cleanskin but his government…. Multiple MPs forced to resign over expenses scandal. Two MPs facing charges. Deputy Chapman stood aside over KI conflict of interest finding.”

    Even from WA I got the strong sense it was a scandal riddled Govt. But there is a lot worse partisan disinformation from the aussie msm than this partisan attempt to rewrite history.

  31. I am glad Albanese is visiting Adelaide today. I said the other day it would be a great look for both him and Malinauskas to appear together at the close of the state election.

  32. They have no ethics being the point.


    Journalists reporting on alleged bullying of a recently deceased MP, in the absence of any actual basis for suggesting a link between the allegations and her death, should really have a think about their ethics.

  33. Karvelas was on RN speaking to Speers & Maiden about the alleged bullying of Kitching – two former Murdoch employees and one currently employed by him. Where’s the balance? Same for the “Insiders” which is almost unwatchable. And it should also be asked, who’s doing the backgrounding? I do hope it’s not Shorten.

    If Wong did give Kitching the cold shoulder, she would’ve had a reason to. Women can have differences just like men. And as others have suggested (eg, rmwombat & cat), Kitchings’s premature death was possibly caused by a dicky thyroid.

    If Morrison wants to make an issue out of this, he should look no further than his own backyard, the best example of which in recent times is the way he publicly dealt with Holgate, not to mention Banks and quite a few others.

  34. The Age 18/03/2022
    Nationals MP says he would ‘struggle to vote for PM’ after flood response
    By Sarah Keoghan

    A NSW state Nationals MP has slammed Prime Minister Scott Morrison for failing to provide immediate additional support to flood victims in Tweed, Byron, Ballina and the Kyogle shire.

    Last week, Mr Morrison declared that residents in the nearby Lismore, Clarence Valley and Richmond Valley shires would be granted an additional $2000 in funding, leaving out thousands of residents in equally flood-affected regions.
    NSW state Nationals MP Geoff Provest.

    NSW state Nationals MP Geoff Provest. Credit:Dominic Lorrimer

    The situation was rectified yesterday following a mountain of backlash, including the recent resignation of NSW upper house Liberal Catherine Cusack.

    NSW Nationals MP Geoff Provest says locals in the originally left-out regions felt that the PM thought they were not “good enough” to receive the additional funding package.

    “This lack of that extra funding has really hurt our community,” he said on ABC Radio.

    “I would struggle to vote for the Prime Minister.”

    Tweed, Byron and Ballina residents are represented federally by Labor MP Justine Elliot. Neighbouring federal seats are held by the Coalition.

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