Pearce off

Important Liberal preselections loom in Christian Porter’s seat and, by all accounts, Greg Hunt’s. Also: voter identification laws off the table for now.

A lot of news at the moment concerning matters pertinent to this blog, with Christian Porter announcing yesterday he will not contest the election, Greg Hunt universally expected to follow suit with today’s last parliamentary sitting day of the year, and voter identification legislation scuttled after a deal between government and opposition.

Annabel Hennessy of The West Australian reports a nominee has already come forward for Liberal preselection in Christian Porter’s loseable northern Perth seat of Pearce: Miquela Riley, a former naval officer and current PwC Australia manager who performed a thankless task as the party’s candidate for Fremantle at the March state election. Other potential nominees identified are Libby Lyons, former director of the Australian Government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency, and Alyssa Hayden, who held the state seat of Darling Range from 2018 until her defeat in March and was earlier in the Legislative Council from 2009 to 2017.

• The most widely named successor to Greg Hunt as Liberal candidate for the Victorian seat of Flinders is Zoe McKenzie, an NBN Co director and former chief-of-staff to Abbott-Turnbull government Trade Minister Andrew Robb. The Age reports other potential starters are Mark Brudenell, chief-of-staff at Latitude Financial and former adviser to Malcolm Turnbull as both Communications Minister and Prime Minister, and Simon Breheny, former Institute of Public Affairs policy director.

• A deal between government and opposition has resulted in the abandonment of plans to introduce voter identification at the coming election. In exchange, Labor has agreed to support a bill that will halve the expenditure threshold at which third parties will have to file disclosure returns, over the objections of critics who argue the associated red tape will discourage charities from political campaigning. It appeared unlikely the voter identification bill would have gained the required votes in the Senate, with Jacqui Lambie having announced yesterday she would vote against it.

• Meanwhile, the Liberal Democrats are pursuing a High Court action against recently enacted legislation that will prevent parties other than the main ones having words like Liberal and Labor in their name. Absent a favourable outcome, this will presumably result in formal challenges against the Liberal Democrats and the New Liberals, the latter of whom have withdrawn their application to change their name simply to TNL.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,183 comments on “Pearce off”

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  1. nath says:
    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 10:25 am

    Boerwar says:
    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 10:18 am

    They are selfish vectors who kill other people by infecting them. Nothing better than plague rats.
    Yes I can see that the sancitity of life is very important to you.

    Isn’t important to those that do not get vaccinated.

    Went to a reunion function the other day. I suspect the anti vaxers have no idea how contemptuous the rest of the family are of their actions. Grandparents do not like not the able to see their grand children because of child or a child’s spouse is a wanker.

    We are lucky all vaccinated.

  2. Ven @ #99 Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 – 10:03 am

    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 8:29 am
    There has been plenty of reference on the part of Josh Frydenberg this morning about his friendship with Greg Hunt. This friendship is apparently so deep that he and Greg are reciprocal godfathers to their respective children. Although I know very little about religious ritual, this seems to me to pose a theological question.

    This question is how is it that the church of Hunt’s faith allows someone whose religious beliefs preclude the acceptance of Jesus Christ to take on the role of a godfather? Also, how does the opposite work in the synagogue? Or, have these two religions now become so liberal that anybody can make the required commitments to be deemed a godfather?

    Can we safely say that the Jewish community in Australia represent the Likud party idealogy and not its majority community views in USA?


  3. Ven says:
    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 10:33 am

    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 8:29 am
    There has been plenty of reference on the part of Josh Frydenberg this morning about his friendship with Greg Hunt. This friendship is apparently so deep that he and Greg are reciprocal godfathers to their respective children. Although I know very little about religious ritual, this seems to me to pose a theological question.

    This question is how is it that the church of Hunt’s faith allows someone whose religious beliefs preclude the acceptance of Jesus Christ to take on the role of a godfather? Also, how does the opposite work in the synagogue? Or, have these two religions now become so liberal that anybody can make the required commitments to be deemed a godfather?

    Can we safely say that the Jewish community in Australia represent the Likud party idealogy and not its majority community views in USA?
    I believe that Hunt’s wife is Jewish. I don’t know whether Frydenberg is a secular Jew. Whatever. They trust each other to act as godparents. Nuff said.

  4. Scott @ #98 Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 – 10:33 am

    The current house of reps seats

    Labor 68 seats

    Liberal/QLD LP 60 seats

    National / QLD NP 16 seats

    Greens 1 seat

    Ind/minor Parties 6 seats


    The Coalition currently holds 75 seats because the member for Hughes quit and switched to be the pin up boy for the United Australia Party. The Coalition will most likely win the seat back , but it can’t be taken for granted now the Indy’s are going at it.

  5. Will Morrison call Tudge into his office for a dressing down?

    ‘A former media adviser to cabinet minister Alan Tudge has described their affair as emotionally abusive and on one occasion physically abusive, but the minister rejects the claims.

    Rachelle Miller released a statement before addressing media in Parliament House on Thursday, saying she wanted to tell more of her story, which first became public in an ABC Four Corners program a year ago. She said she’s speaking out again in part because she wants the nation’s leaders to implement in full the recommendations from a review of parliamentary workplace culture.

    “I am fully aware that a year ago I said my relationship with Minister Alan Tudge was a consensual relationship, but it’s more complicated than that,” she said in a statement on Wednesday.

    “I was so ashamed, so humiliated, so scared, so exhausted. I told the small part of my story I was able to manage.

    “There were times when he was kind, we had great conversations, we did a lot of amazing work together, through such tough times.

    “But that happens in abusive relationships, as so many women know. You keep going back, hoping you’ll get the nice version.”

    In a statement on Thursday morning, Mr Tudge rejected Ms Miller’s claims.

    “I completely and utterly reject Ms Miller’s version of events. Ms Miller and I had a consensual affair in 2017 as both of us have publicly acknowledged. This is something I deeply regret,” he said.

  6. BK @ #NaN Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 – 9:38 am

    Is there a credible source for that Trump/Epstein story?

    A victim, under oath, in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial sounds like a pretty credible source to me.

    B.S. Fairman @ #NaN Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 – 9:52 am

    The Greens have to deal with this loose cannon before she does more harm than good to her party.

    Just as bad as woofing and growling at Jacqui Lambie in its own way. Any Greens fanboy or fan girl who defends it is simply a hypocrite if they denounced Van. However, I’m sure some weasel words will be employed in Lidia’s defense.

  7. B.S. Fairmansays:
    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 9:46 am
    Omicorn was one of the most neglected Greek letters until now because it looks too much like a zero. It was hard every used in Maths or Sciences.
    The next greek letter is Pi….. mmmmm Pi.
    I expect the next COVID variant is approximately 3.14159…… more dangerous

    Omicron was used in TV cartoon show”Futurama” for species of alien planet.

  8. Celebrating the death of people because they have a different ideology. What a wonderful contribution to political speech you have provided.

    It may or may not be a different ideology. But in addition, many of these celebrity deniers dispute the actual science… in which case let us celebrate them reaping what they sow. They are merely doing what they claim to desire so much: reserving the right to die for the truth.

  9. “I completely and utterly reject Ms Miller’s version of events. Ms Miller and I had a consensual affair in 2017 as both of us have publicly acknowledged. This is something I deeply regret,” he said.

    This proves what an absolute bastard he no doubt still is.

    Just because he rejects it (and which Minister in the Morrison government doesn’t lie as easily as breathing?), does not mean it didn’t happen.

    Also, puts the knife in one more time (kind of proving what an arsehole he still is), when he says he deeply regrets ever having had the relationship with Rachelle Miller.

    Anyway, this incident, yet again, says everything you need to know about the dysfunctional mindset of the Morrison government.

  10. For the record, I do not think Thorpe’s comment was appropriate. She should not have said that and was right to withdraw it and apologise. She has been doing a wonderful job but this was obviously a misstep which she regrets.

  11. Bushfire Bill says:
    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 10:49 am

    Celebrating the death of people because they have a different ideology. What a wonderful contribution to political speech you have provided.

    It may or may not be a different ideology. But in addition, many of these celebrity deniers dispute the actual science… in which case let us celebrate them reaping what they sow. They are merely doing what they claim to desire so much: reserving the right to die for the truth.
    Of course. You are celebrating their deaths for the glory of science.

  12. “The Greens have to deal with this loose cannon before she does more harm than good to her party.”


    Yeah, nah. She has said the wrong thing here but any suggestion that she is doing a bad job otherwise is just fanciful.

  13. You’ve got to wonder what nath’s position would be if he or his wife contracted COVID-19 from an Anti Vaxxer? That’s okay, it’s their different pov? She or he might be permanently incapacitated by it, or worse, but it’s not the Anti Vaxxer’s fault they did that to her or him, they just have a different point of view and they’re entitled to hold it. 😐

  14. The only sensible way to start the analysis of the numbers in Parliament is the out come of the last Election which was LNP 77, Labor 68 and Indies 6.

    Given the new seat in Victoria is allocated to Labor on the previous Election patterns and the seat abolished is a Liberal seat, the numbers are nominally 76LNP, 69 Labor and 6 Indies.

    On the figures Labor needs 8 seats to win out right and the Libs need 1.

    Anything in between will create a Minority Government requiring Independents to provide support to the Government.

  15. “However, I’m sure some weasel words will be employed in Lidia’s defense.”


    Unlike some, we don’t try and make absurd arguments to defend things that shouldn’t be defended.

  16. C@tmomma says:
    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 10:53 am

    You’ve got to wonder what nath’s position would be if he or his wife contracted COVID-19 from an Anti Vaxxer? That’s okay, it’s their different pov?
    You have to wonder why ALbo and the Labor front bench don’t do some death celebrating on twitter or some such. I mean if it’s that important to protect others? Why don’t they suggest a policy for dealing with them?

  17. And to further add, back from a run and perspiring like a stuck pig

    And I went slow!!!

    How long before “can do capitalism” and “freedom” attacks mandatory contributions to superannuation?

    We have seen various attacks

    Including forcing a demographic to their accruals during 2020, they not qualifying for any other assistance from government when losing their employment

    Plus, of course, this would force those pesky Fund Managers querying sustainability from their AGM’s

    Not conspiracy as in there being no virus


    Can do capitalism

    For capitalism to function you need community standards to be adhered to

    Hence the right wing ideology of the most effective form of regulation being self regulation is not fit for purpose

    I trust you get the drift

    Even rusted on Liberals and Greens

    Because THIS is the challenge

    How Corporate Australia responds is the outcome

  18. EB @ #94 Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 – 10:28 am

    Ven @ #88 Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 – 10:12 am

    Politicians must be open about their progress – or the lack of it – on dealing with sexual harassment and bullying in Parliament otherwise nothing will change, former sex discrimination commissioner and senior Liberal figure Pru Goward has warned.

    What a sad situation that a person who believes in harnessed Proles was our Sex Discrimination Commissioner. She probably is “speaking out” on this topic because Liberal women were affected.

    Lets hope the voters, men and women, in Tudge’s seat of Aston take a chunk of his 10% 2PP margin at the election. What a horrible man he turned out to be if what his staffer said is legitimate.

    ‘What a horrible man he turned out to be’
    What do you mean ‘turned out’?
    He’s a Liberal.
    Case closed.

  19. So Senator Thorpe reacted to the sight of something she’d prefer not see. Whilst her comment wasn’t helpful, it was hardly OTT.

    Never the less, I’m certain that many partisan supporters of other parties will take full advantage and roast her mercilessly.

  20. Celebrating the deaths of others is merely the emergence of Natural Fascism at a convenient and available target. It could anti vaxxers, it could be Jews, Indigenous peoples, the disabled. It just depends on the time and place.

  21. Wat Tylersays:
    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 10:35 am
    Ven @ #99 Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 – 10:03 am

    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 8:29 am
    There has been plenty of reference on the part of Josh Frydenberg this morning about his friendship with Greg Hunt. This friendship is apparently so deep that he and Greg are reciprocal godfathers to their respective children. Although I know very little about religious ritual, this seems to me to pose a theological question.

    This question is how is it that the church of Hunt’s faith allows someone whose religious beliefs preclude the acceptance of Jesus Christ to take on the role of a godfather? Also, how does the opposite work in the synagogue? Or, have these two religions now become so liberal that anybody can make the required commitments to be deemed a godfather?

    Can we safely say that the Jewish community in Australia represent the Likud party idealogy and not its majority community views in USA?


    Then it must have been a coincidence that the people of Jewish faith I met, befriended and worked with and who came from Eastern suburbs of Sydney, were conservation.
    And Mr. Newhouse(of Jewish faith), who ran against M Turnbull in seat of Wentworth in 2007 was reviled by them. I think Turnbull was one of the few Lib MPs who increased their margin of victory.

  22. Bushfire Bill
    Excellent post by you at 9.54 regarding Porter. Like you, I can’t stand the man (or his party). But also like you, I was totally against the pack mentality that erupted here demanding that he be dragged before some tribunal/kangaroo court just to satisfy those who had already decided he was guilty. You were a voice of reason, when for many here reason had ceased to exist.

  23. NSW new Covid cases seem to have levelled off, cycling between a weekend dip and mid-week surge about an average in the low 200s. This seems to relate to the number of tests. Estimated Ref is 1.00 +/-.08.

    Victoria seems to be creeping back up, the trend now in the 1100’s per day. Their Ref is estimated to be 1.01 +/-.04.

  24. Rex Douglas @ #127 Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 – 8:02 am

    So Senator Thorpe reacted to the sight of something she’d prefer not see. Whilst her comment wasn’t helpful, it was hardly OTT.

    Never the less, I’m certain that many partisan supporters of other parties will take full advantage and roast her mercilessly.

    I have a bridge to sell!

  25. Bystander @ #132 Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 – 11:07 am

    Bushfire Bill
    Excellent post by you at 9.54 regarding Porter. Like you, I can’t stand the man (or his party). But also like you, I was totally against the pack mentality that erupted here demanding that he be dragged before some tribunal/kangaroo court just to satisfy those who had already decided he was guilty. You were a voice of reason, when for many here reason had ceased to exist.

    Porter was a senior Minister of the Crown, which requires higher standards than most other working positions.

    To not have an independent inquiry on what evidence was available in order to ascertain whether he was fit and proper to hold that position was a show of total arrogance and zero standards by Morrison.

  26. “Even rusted on Liberals and Greens”


    It really is hilarious how some of you seem to think that these two parties are one and the same when in reality they are nothing like one another. You may wish we were right wingers like the Libs and may try to convince yourself that we’re to the right of Labor but it just doesn’t have any basis in reality whatsoever. Labor is far closer to the Libs than the Greens will ever be.

    These “teal” or small l liberal independents are certainly a threat to the “moderate” faction of the Libs though. They aren’t much of a problem for the Greens at all though really. Most of the viable ones are in electorates like Warringah and Indi which aren’t really seats the Greens are likely to win anyway. It’s the more progressive independents like Andrew Wilkie who take votes off the Greens, we’d probably have a pretty decent chance of winning Clark if he wasn’t there, but I’m glad he is because he is a real progressive and a small g green anyway.

  27. Ven

    Then it must have been a coincidence that the people of Jewish faith I met, befriended and worked with and who came from Eastern suburbs of Sydney, were conservation.
    And Mr. Newhouse(of Jewish faith), who ran against M Turnbull in seat of Wentworth in 2007 was reviled by them. I think Turnbull was one of the few Lib MPs who increased their margin of victory.


    Given this is a polling site, you should understand the problems of a very poor sample.

    There could well be a a lot of factors in regard to your understanding a sameness of view among people who live in the same relatively small location. It can also be that what you call “Likud ideology” is, in fact, a whole range of other views supporting the existence of Israel as a Jewish state but which is well outside the parameters of actual Likud ideology, which is far more specific.

    If I were to say the Indian community in Australia have the same ideology as the BJP, I would hope that you’d be outraged at such a broad-brushed stereotyping based on personal anecdote and experience only. I wouldn’t say it, of course, because even limited knowledge of human nature tells me that is simply not possible.

  28. ‘Firefox says:
    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 10:50 am

    For the record, I do not think Thorpe’s comment was appropriate. She should not have said that and was right to withdraw it and apologise. She has been doing a wonderful job but this was obviously a misstep which she regrets.’
    Good oh.

  29. Thorpe is getting whacked because Thorpe deserves to be whacked.

    There is probably an extra dollop of whacking because the Greens have set themselves up as the keepers of moral superiority on every single issue.

    What goes round comes round.

  30. nath
    “Celebrating the deaths of others is merely the emergence of Natural Fascism at a convenient and available target. It could anti vaxxers, it could be Jews, Indigenous peoples, the disabled. It just depends on the time and place.”

    What a load of old tosh. Anti-vaxxers make a deliberate decision to endanger their own lives and the lives of others, by ignoring or condemning public health measures. And then there’s the malicious threats that many anti-vaxxers make against individuals who advocate the benefits of vaccination. There is no moral equivalence between their behavior and the other groups you cite.

    I’ll leave it there, because I have a suspicion you’re just stirring up trouble for the sake of shits and giggles.

  31. ‘bakunin says:
    Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 10:55 am


    I’m not a fan of Lidia Thorpe, and have no intention of defending her behaviour.’
    Thorpe’s behaviour calls for outright condemnation – not an absence of defence.

  32. I’ll leave it there, because I have a suspicion you’re just stirring up trouble for the sake of shits and giggles.

    It has ever been thus.

  33. Boerwar @ #140 Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 – 11:19 am

    Thorpe is getting whacked because Thorpe deserves to be whacked.

    There is probably an extra dollop of whacking because the Greens have set themselves up as the keepers of moral superiority on every single issue.

    What goes round comes round.

    I think there’s a poor choice of wording contained in that comment.

  34. Thanks TPOF, for saving me the trouble of rebutting that post.

    I had started to write out my own anecdote about the Jewish people who’ve been important to me in my life who definitely were not Likud supporters (or similar ideology) but why should I? It’s a stupid assertion and doesn’t deserve this much attention. My single word answer was enough.

  35. Apologies if already posted – Thursday is our one day a week in town shopping marathon ….

    Victoria has recorded 1,419 new COVID-19 cases and 10 deaths, as Health Minister Martin Foley has flagged he “wouldn’t be surprised” if the Omicron variant was already circulating in the state.

    There are now 12,728 active cases of the virus in Victoria, and 527 people have died during the current Delta outbreak.

    There are now 288 people in hospital with COVID-19, of whom 41 are in intensive care and 20 are on a ventilator.

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